public static function addTempHistoryCommand(Commands $commandsModule) { $commandsModule->registerCommand(new Command('temphistory', function ($bot, $destination, $channel, $nickname, $params, $message) { if (strtolower($channel) != '#lvp.crew' && strtolower($channel) != '#xanland.logging') { return; } if (count($params) < 1 || count($params) > 2) { echo '!temphistory [playerName] [items=5]'; return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE; } $tempedPlayer = $params[0]; $lvpTemphistorySingle = new Model('lvp_temphistory', 'temped_player', $tempedPlayer); $lvpTemphistoryArray = $lvpTemphistorySingle->getAll('start_timestamp desc'); $amountOfTempRows = count($lvpTemphistoryArray); if ($amountOfTempRows == 0) { echo stringH::Format('{0}*** No items found for player {1}.', ModuleBase::COLOUR_RED, $tempedPlayer); return; } $items = $params[1] ?? 5; if ($items > $amountOfTempRows) { $items = $amountOfTempRows; } $s = 's'; if ($amountOfTempRows == 1) { $s = ''; } echo stringH::Format('{0}*** Temp. admin log for {1} ({2}/{3} item{4}){5}', ModuleBase::COLOUR_RED, $tempedPlayer, $items, $amountOfTempRows, $s, PHP_EOL); $i = 0; foreach ($lvpTemphistoryArray as $lvpTemphistory) { $startTimestamp = $lvpTemphistory->start_timestamp; $endTimestamp = $lvpTemphistory->end_timestamp; $takenByOrIngame = 'taken by: ' . $lvpTemphistory->temp_taken_by; if (is_null($lvpTemphistory->temp_taken_by) && is_null($endTimestamp)) { $takenByOrIngame = 'currently in-game'; $endTimestamp = 'now'; } echo stringH::Format('{0}[{1}] {2}(Granted by: {3}, {4}){5}: {6} - {7} {8}({9}){10}', ModuleBase::COLOUR_RED, date('d-m-Y', $startTimestamp), ModuleBase::COLOUR_DARKGREEN, $lvpTemphistory->temp_granted_by, $takenByOrIngame, ModuleBase::CLEAR, date('H:i:s', $startTimestamp), $endTimestamp == 'now' ? 'now' : date('H:i:s', $endTimestamp), ModuleBase::COLOUR_GREY, Util::formatTime(($endTimestamp == 'now' ? strtotime($endTimestamp) : $endTimestamp) - $startTimestamp, true), PHP_EOL); // 8, 9, 10 if ($i++ == $items - 1) { break; } } })); }
/** * Registers the .seen-command in the commands-module for use in-game * * @param Commands $moduleManager Object so the command can be registered in the commands-module */ public static function addSeenCommand(Commands $moduleManager) { $moduleManager->registerCommand(new \Command('.seen', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) { if (stringH::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($aParams[0]) || count($aParams) != 1) { echo '!msg * Usage: .seen <username>'; } else { $oLastSeenPerson = self::getPersonSeenData('lvp_person_last_seen_id', $aParams[0]); if (!stringH::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($oLastSeenPerson->lvp_person_last_seen_id)) { if ($oLastSeenPerson->sReason != 'online') { echo stringH::Format('!msg {0} was last seen online {1}{2}.', $oLastSeenPerson->lvp_person_last_seen_id, date('H:i:s @ d-m-Y', $oLastSeenPerson->iTime), $oLastSeenPerson->sReason); } else { echo stringH::Format('!msg {0} is already online for {1}.', $oLastSeenPerson->lvp_person_last_seen_id, \Util::formatTime(time() - $oLastSeenPerson->iTime)); } } else { echo '!msg * Error: Sorry, this username has not (yet) been found.'; } } })); }
/** * To know what the quoteDevice now wants we need to parse the information we are receiving in #LVP.echo from a * Nuwani-sisters-bot. * * @param Bot $pBot * @param string $sMessage The message with the information for the quoteDevice. */ public static function setInformation(Bot $pBot, string $sMessage) { $aParameters = explode(' ', \Util::stripFormat($sMessage . ' ')); $aNewParameters = explode(' ', \Util::stripFormat($sMessage . ' ')); unset($aNewParameters[0], $aNewParameters[1]); $sNewMessage = implode(' ', $aNewParameters); $sPathToLogFile = stringH::Format('Data/Logs/{0}-{1}-{2}-#lvp.echo.log', date('Y'), date('m'), date('d')); if (strstr($aParameters[0], '[') !== false && strstr($aParameters[0], ']') !== false) { if (strstr($aParameters[1], ':') !== false) { file_put_contents($sPathToLogFile, stringH::Format('[{0}] <{1}> {2}' . PHP_EOL, date('H:i:s'), trim($aParameters[1], ':'), $sNewMessage), FILE_APPEND); } elseif (strstr($aParameters[1], ':') === false && strstr($aParameters[1], '***') === false) { file_put_contents($sPathToLogFile, stringH::Format('[{0}] * {1} {2}' . PHP_EOL, date('H:i:s'), trim($aParameters[1], ':'), $sNewMessage), FILE_APPEND); } elseif ($aParameters[1] == '***' && strstr($aParameters[6], 'kicked') !== false) { file_put_contents($sPathToLogFile, stringH::Format('[{0}] *** {1} was kicked by {2}' . PHP_EOL, date('H:i:s'), $aParameters[2], 'LasVenturasPlayground'), FILE_APPEND); } } elseif ($aParameters[2] == 'on' && $aParameters[3] == 'IRC:') { unset($aNewParameters[2], $aNewParameters[3]); $sNewMessage = implode(' ', $aNewParameters); file_put_contents($sPathToLogFile, stringH::Format('[{0}] <{1}> {2}' . PHP_EOL, date('H:i:s'), trim($aParameters[1], ':'), $sNewMessage), FILE_APPEND); } if (strstr(strtolower($sMessage), 'monique') && !strstr(strtolower($sMessage), 'monique:') && file_get_contents(self::$m_sMqdFileName) != '') { self::sendRandomMessage($pBot); } return; }