<?php include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/DATABASE.php"; include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/OPERATOR.php"; use Nise\Database\OPERATOR as E; use Nise\Database\DATABASE; $config = []; $config['type'] = DATABASE::MYSQL; $config['host'] = "localhost"; $config['db'] = "theworldwarriormc"; $config['user'] = "******"; $config['password'] = "******"; DATABASE::register_database("MYSQLDB", $config); $users = E::MYSQLDB("users"); $blog = E::MYSQLDB("blog"); $blog_links = ["userid" => "users:id"]; // create links between the tables $blog->addLinks($blog_links); $blog->joinAdd($users); // using the created links, create a join clause $blog->selectAs($users, "u_%s"); // prefix the users table columns with "u_" to avoid ambiguous column names while ($blog->fetch()) { print "\"" . $blog->subject . "\" by " . $blog->u_username . "<br>"; } $users->type = 1; $users->orderBy("id"); while ($users->fetch()) { print $users->id . ": " . $users->username . "<br>"; } $users->id = 4;
<?php include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/DATABASE.php"; include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/OPERATOR.php"; use Nise\Database\OPERATOR as E; use Nise\Database\DATABASE; $config = []; $config['type'] = DATABASE::SQLITE; $config['host'] = ""; $config['db'] = "/tmp/testsqlite.db"; $config['user'] = ""; $config['password'] = ""; DATABASE::register_database("SQLITEDB", $config); $users = E::MYSQLDB("users"); $blog = E::MYSQLDB("blog"); $blog_links = ["userid" => "users:id"]; // create links between the tables $blog->addLinks($blog_links); $blog->joinAdd($users); // using the created links, create a join clause $blog->selectAs($users, "u_%s"); // prefix the users table columns with "u_" to avoid ambiguous column names while ($blog->fetch()) { print "\"" . $blog->subject . "\" by " . $blog->u_username . "<br>"; } $users->type = 1; $users->orderBy("id"); while ($users->fetch()) { print $users->id . ": " . $users->username . "<br>"; } $users->id = 4;