function findByName($name) { Validation::notEmpty($name, 'name'); $em = $this->getManager(); $outputs = $em->getRepository($this->entityClassName)->findByName($name); if (isset($outputs) && count($outputs) > 0) { return $outputs[0]; } return NULL; }
/** * Set the section that is the owner of this settings. * * @param Newscoop\Entity\Section $section * The section that is the owner of this settings, must not be null or empty. * * @return Newscoop\Entity\OutputSettingsSection * This object for chaining purposes. */ public function setSection(Section $section) { Validation::notEmpty($section, 'section'); $this->section = $section; return $this; }
/** * (DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY) * Add an order by column for this search. * * @param Newscoop\Service\Model\Search\Column $column * The column to order by, must not be null or empty. */ public function addOrderBy(Column $column) { Validation::notEmpty($column, 'column'); $this->orderBy[] = $column; }
function clearAllFor($path) { Validation::notEmpty($path, 'path'); $em = $this->getEntityManager(); $q = $em->createQueryBuilder(); $q->delete(Resource::NAME, 'rsc')->where('rsc.path like :path'); $q->setParameter('path', $path . '%'); $q->getQuery()->execute(); }
/** * Set the path of the resource. * * @param string $path * The path of the resource. * * @return Newscoop\Entity\Resource * This object for chaining purposes. */ function setPath($path) { Validation::notEmpty($path, 'path'); $this->path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path); return $this; }
/** * Set the minimum newscoop version for this theme, this has to be a whell formated version name like '3.6'. * * @param string $minorNewscoopVersion * The minimum newscoop version of the theme, must not be null or empty. * * @return Newscoop\Entity\Theme * This object for chaining purposes. */ public function setMinorNewscoopVersion($minorNewscoopVersion) { Validation::notEmpty($minorNewscoopVersion, 'minorNewscoopVersion'); $this->minorNewscoopVersion = $minorNewscoopVersion; return $this; }
function getPresentationImages(Theme $theme) { Validation::notEmpty($theme, self::TAG_THEME); $xml = $this->loadXML($this->toFullPath($theme, $this->themeConfigFileName)); $presentResources = array(); if ($xml != NULL) { $nodes = $this->getNodes($xml, self::TAG_PRESENT); foreach ($nodes as $node) { /* @var $node \SimpleXMLElement */ $rsc = new Resource(); try { $rsc->setName($this->readAttribute($node, self::ATTR_PRESENT_NAME)); $rsc->setPath($theme->getPath() . $this->readAttribute($node, self::ATTR_PRESENT_SRC)); $presentResources[] = $rsc; } catch (XMLMissingAttribueException $e) { $this->getErrorHandler()->error(ThemeErrors::XML_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE, $e->getAttributeName(), $node->getName()); } } } return $presentResources; }
/** * Set the name of the article type, must be a user frendly name used for displaying it on the UI. * * @param string $name * The name of the article type, must not be null or empty. * * @return Newscoop\Entity\ArticleType * This object for chaining purposes. */ public function setName($name) { Validation::notEmpty($name, 'name'); $this->name = $name; return $this; }
/** * Provides the simple class name based on the provided full class name (namespace + simple class name). * * @param string $className * The class name from where to extract the simple class name. * @return string * The config path. */ protected function extractSimpleClassName($className) { Validation::notEmpty($className, 'className'); $pos = strrpos($className, '\\'); if ($pos !== false) { return substr($className, $pos + 1); } return $className; }
/** * Creates more article types * @param array $articleTypes the array of types, optionally with fields * [ typeName => [ fields : [ name : fieldName, parentType : typeName, ignore : bool ], [...] ], [...] ] * @see self::create() */ public function createMany($articleTypes) { Validation::notEmpty($articleTypes, 'articleTypes'); foreach ($articleTypes as $typeName => $type) { $artType = $this->_create($typeName); if (isset($type['fields']) && is_array($type['fields'])) { foreach ($type['fields'] as $field) { $this->_createField($field['name'], $artType); } } } try { $this->getEntityManager()->flush(); } catch (\PDOException $e) { // duplicate keys, no worries if ($e->getCode() == 23000 && strpos($e->getMessage(), 'Duplicate') !== false) { return true; } throw $e; } catch (\Exception $e) { throw $e; } return true; }
/** * Set the path of the theme associated. * * @param Newscoop\Entity\Resource $themePath * The path of the theme, must not be null or empty. * * @return Newscoop\Entity\PublicationTheme * This object for chaining purposes. */ public function setThemePath(Resource $themePath) { Validation::notEmpty($themePath, 'themePath'); $this->themePath = $themePath; return $this; }
/** * Provides the service for the requested service name. * The id should not be provided as a plain string it should be the actuall * class name ot the service API beeing requested. As a convention * this id should be obtain from the NAME contstant of a interface (ex: IThemeService::NAME), * where NAME is defined in the interface as 'const NAME = __CLASS__', if apllicable. * * @param string $serviceName * The class name of the interface beeing requested, must not be null or empty. * * @return mixed * The resource id obtained for this service request. */ public function getService($serviceName) { Validation::notEmpty($serviceName, "serviceName"); $serviceId = new ResourceId($serviceName, ResourceId::TYPE_SERVICE); $serviceId->parent = $this; return ResourceRepository::getInstance()->getResourceFor($serviceId); }
public function __construct($attributeName) { Validation::notEmpty($attributeName, 'attributeName'); $this->attributeName = $attributeName; }
/** * Set the output that is the owner of this settings. * * @param Newscoop\Entity\Output $output * The output that is the owner of this settings, must not be null or empty. * * @return Newscoop\Entity\OutputSetting * This object for chaining purposes. */ function setOutput(Output $output) { Validation::notEmpty($output, 'output'); $this->output = $output; return $this; }
function findById($id) { Validation::notEmpty($id, 'id'); $em = $this->getEntityManager(); return $em->find($this->entityClassName, $id); }
public function getUnthemedIssues($publication) { Validation::notEmpty($publication, 'publication'); $issues = array(); $em = $this->getManager(); // we need to find if the theme is used by anyoane. $q = $em->createQueryBuilder(); $q->select('iss')->from(Issue::NAME, 'iss')->leftJoin('iss.outputSettingsIssues', 'osi')->where('iss.publication = :publication')->andWhere(' IS NULL')->setParameter('publication', $publication); $issues = $q->getQuery()->getResult(); return $issues; }
/** * Adds new mapping in the theme xml * * @param $articleTypes an array of mapping new values to old ones * [ oldTypeName => [ * name : newTypeName, * ignore : boolean, * fields' : [ OldFieldName : [ name : new/oldType, parentType : existingSysType, ignore : boolean ], [...] ] * ] * , [...] ] * parentType => existingSysType will be used for getting it's other props from db * * @return string the generated xml */ function assignArticleTypes($articleTypes, Theme $theme) { Validation::notEmpty($articleTypes, 'articleTypes'); Validation::notEmpty($theme, 'theme'); $artServ = $this->getArticleTypeService(); $artCache = array(); /** * function purpose: not to make so many calls to db * @param string $parentType article type name * @param string $fieldName field name doh * @return ArticleTypeField|null */ $getFieldByName = function ($parentType, $fieldName) use($artServ, &$artCache) { if (!isset($artCache[$parentType . $fieldName])) { $artType = $artServ->findTypeByName($parentType); if ($artType) { $artCache[$parentType . $fieldName] = $artServ->findFieldByName($artType, $fieldName); } } return $artCache[$parentType . $fieldName]; }; $xml = $this->loadXML($xmlFileName = $this->toFullPath($theme, $this->themeConfigFileName)); if ($xml == NULL) { throw new \Exception("Unknown theme path '.{$theme->gePath}().' to assign to."); } $updatedTypes = array(); // used to check duplicate names for types $safeTypeCounter = null; // parse the mapping array foreach ($articleTypes as $typeName => $type) { $articleXPath = '/' . self::TAG_ROOT . '/' . self::TAG_ARTICLE_TYPE . '[@' . self::ATTR_ARTICLE_TYPE_NAME . '=(\'' . $typeName . '\')]'; $fieldNodes = $xml->xpath("{$articleXPath}/*"); $updatedFields = array(); // used to check duplicate names for fields and such $safeFieldCounter = null; if (count($fieldNodes)) { foreach ($fieldNodes as $fieldNode) { if (!isset($type['fields'][(string) $fieldNode[self::ATTR_ARTICLE_TYPE_FILED_NAME]]) || !($updateField = $type['fields'][(string) $fieldNode[self::ATTR_ARTICLE_TYPE_FILED_NAME]]) || $updateField['ignore'] == true) { continue; } $updateFieldName = $updateField['name']; // checking for duplicates if (isset($updatedFields[$updateFieldName])) { $updateFieldName = $updateField['name'] . ++$safeFieldCounter; } $fieldNode[self::ATTR_ARTICLE_TYPE_FILED_NAME] = $updateFieldName; $updatedFields[$updateFieldName] = true; $theField = $getFieldByName($updateField['parentType'], $updateField['name']); /* @var $theField ArticleTypeField */ if ($theField) { $fieldNode[self::ATTR_ARTICLE_TYPE_FILED_LENGTH] = $theField->getLength(); $fieldNode[self::ATTR_ARTICLE_TYPE_FILED_TYPE] = $theField->getType(); } } // end foreach fieldNodes } if ($type['ignore']) { continue; } // set new article type node $typeNode = $xml->xpath($articleXPath); if (!($typeNode = current($typeNode))) { continue; } /* @var $typeNode SimpleXMLElement */ $updateTypeName = $type['name']; // checking for duplicates if (isset($updatedTypes[$updateTypeName])) { $updateTypeName = $type['name'] . ++$safeTypeCounter; } $typeNode[self::ATTR_ARTICLE_TYPE_NAME] = $updateTypeName; $updatedTypes[$updateTypeName] = true; } // end foreach articleTypes return $xml->asXML($xmlFileName); }
function error($key) { Validation::notEmpty($key, 'key'); syslog(LOG_ERR, $this->compile($key, array_slice(func_get_args(), 1))); }
/** * Creates a new column. * * @param Newscoop\Service\Model\Search\Search $search * The search instance that is the owner of this Column. */ function __construct(Search $search) { Validation::notEmpty($search, 'search'); $this->search = $search; $this->search->register($this); }