public function distributionPlanIsCreated() { $date = new DateTime(); $from = '"' . $date->format('Y.m.d') . ' 00:00:00"'; $to = '"' . $date->format('Y.m.d') . ' 23:59:00"'; $data = $this->db->select('*')->from($this->table)->where('date>' . $from . ' AND date<' . $to)->fetchAll(); if (isset($data[0])) { return true; } return false; }
/** * @param \App\Model\Entities\Article|NULL $article Clanek k editaci * @return Form */ public function create($article = NULL, $tags = []) { $form = $this->baseFormFactory->create(); $form->addText('title', 'system.postName')->setRequired($form->getTranslator()->translate('system.requiredItem', ['label' => '%label'])); $form->addText('description', 'system.postDescription')->setRequired($form->getTranslator()->translate('system.requiredItem', ['label' => '%label'])); $form->addCheckbox('published', 'system.isPublished'); //chybi publish_date - datum zverejneni $today = new DateTime(); $form->addText('publishDate', 'system.published')->setType('datetime-local')->setDefaultValue($today->format('d. m. Y, H:i')); //->setAttribute('placeholder', 'd. m. Y, H:i (den. měsíc. rok'); $form->addMultiSelect('tags', new Phrase('system.tag', 2))->setItems($tags); $form->addUpload('image', 'system.postImage')->addCondition(Form::FILLED)->addRule(Form::IMAGE, $form->getTranslator()->translate('system.formImage', ['item' => '%label'])); $form->addText('imageSource', 'system.postImageSource'); $form->addTextArea('content', 'system.postContent')->setRequired($form->getTranslator()->translate('system.requiredItem', ['label' => '%label']))->setAttribute('rows', 10); $form->addSubmit('send', ''); //id, vychozi hodnoty pri editaci $form->addHidden('id'); if ($article !== NULL) { $defaults = $this->getDefaults($article); $form->setDefaults($defaults); } $form->onValidate[] = [$this, 'validateForm']; $form->onSuccess[] = [$this, 'formSucceeded']; return $form; }
/** * @param array $types * @param \App\Model\Entities\Vote $vote * @return Form */ public function create($types, $vote = NULL) { $form = $this->baseFormFactory->create(); $form->addText('question', 'system.voteQuestion')->setRequired($form->getTranslator()->translate('system.requiredItem', ['label' => '%label'])); $form->addSelect('type', 'system.voteType')->setItems($types)->setPrompt('Zvolte typ dotazu')->setRequired($form->getTranslator()->translate('system.requiredItem', ['label' => '%label'])); $form->addText('expiration', 'system.voteExpiration')->setType('datetime-local')->setAttribute('placeholder', 'd. m. Y, H:i (den. měsíc. rok, hodina:minuta'); $options = $form->addDynamic('options', function (Container $option) { $option->addText('option', 'system.voteOption'); $option->addSubmit('remove', 'system.delete')->addRemoveOnClick(); }, 1); $options->addSubmit('add', '')->setValidationScope(FALSE)->addCreateOnClick(); $form->addSubmit('send', ''); $form->addHidden('id'); if ($vote) { $defaults = $this->getDefaults($vote); $form->setDefaults($defaults); $options->setValues($defaults['options']); } else { $today = new DateTime(); $today->modify('+6 month'); $default = ['expiration' => $today->format(self::$dateMask)]; $form->setDefaults($default); } $form->onValidate[] = [$this, 'validateForm']; $form->onSuccess[] = [$this, 'formSucceeded']; return $form; }
/** * Generate table */ protected function generate() { $days = $this->getSpecificDays(); $table = new Table\Sheet(); $line = new Table\Line(); $lastTimeFrom = NULL; $lastTimeTo = NULL; $lastDay = NULL; $lastTags = NULL; $now = new DateTime(); foreach ($days as $day) { $timeFrom = (new FilterTime\Def($day->openTime))->output; $timeTo = (new FilterTime\Def($day->closeTime))->output; if ($lastTimeFrom === $timeFrom && $lastTimeTo === $timeTo && $this->tagsAreSame($lastTags, $day->tags) && $lastDay !== NULL && (int) $lastDay->day->diff($day->day)->format('%r%a') === 1) { $line->dateTo = $day->day; } else { $lastTimeTo !== NULL && $table->addLine($line); $line = new Table\Line(); $line->dateFrom = $day->day; $line->dateTo = $day->day; $line->tags = $day->tags; $this->lineAddTime($line, $timeFrom, $timeTo); } if ($day->day->format('Y-m-d') === $now->format('Y-m-d')) { $line->setActive(); } $lastTags = $day->tags; $lastTimeFrom = $timeFrom; $lastTimeTo = $timeTo; $lastDay = $day; } $lastTimeTo !== NULL && $table->addLine($line); $this->generatedTable = $table; }
public function isOk() { $now = new DateTime(); if ($this->active && intval($this->getExpiration()->format("U")) > intval($now->format("U"))) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
public function update(Items\Base $item, $data) { if (preg_match('~^\\d{1,2}[/.]{1}[ ]{0,1}\\d{1,2}[/.]{1}[ ]{0,1}\\d{4}$~', $data, $arr)) { $dateArr = preg_split('/[.\\/]{1}[ ]{0,1}/s', $arr[0]); $date = new Nette\Utils\DateTime($dateArr[2] . '-' . $dateArr[1] . '-' . $dateArr[0]); $data = $date->format('Y-m-d'); } return $data; }
/** * @return array of string * @throws NoQueryException */ public function toRequestArray() { $ret = array(); $ret[self::$ID_DT] = $this->dt->format(Ares::REQUEST_DATE_FORMAT); $ret[self::$ID_OUTPUT_FORMAT] = $this->outputFormat; $ret[self::$ID_REQUEST_TYPE] = $this->requestType; $ret[self::$ID_REQUESTS_COUNT] = $this->queryCount; $ret[self::$ID_EMAIL] = $this->email; $ret[self::$ID_REQUEST] = array(); if (!count($this->queries)) { throw new NoQueryException(); } foreach ($this->queries as $query) { /* @var $query \Sasule\Ares\Query */ $ret[self::$ID_REQUEST][] = $query->toRequestArray(); } return $ret; }
/** * Get settings for control * * @return array */ protected function getControlSettings() { $settings = ['format' => $this->getDateTimeFormat(), 'daysOfWeekDisabled' => $this->daysOfWeekDisabled, 'autoclose' => $this->autoClose, 'startView' => $this->startView, 'minViewMode' => $this->minViewMode, 'todayHighlight' => $this->todayHighlight, 'inline' => $this->inline, 'multidate' => $this->multidate, 'multidateSeparator' => $this->multidateSeparator]; if (!empty($this->datesDisabled)) { $dates = []; foreach ($this->datesDisabled as $dateTime) { $dates[] = $dateTime->format($this->getDateTimeFormat(TRUE)); } $settings['datesDisabled'] = $dates; } if ($this->startDateTime != NULL) { $settings['startDate'] = $this->startDateTime->format($this->getDateTimeFormat(TRUE)); } if ($this->endDateTime != NULL) { $settings['endDate'] = $this->endDateTime->format($this->getDateTimeFormat(TRUE)); } return $settings; }
/** * @return array of string * @throws QueryMissingKeyPartException */ public function toRequestArray() { $ret = array(); if ($this->keyPart instanceof KeyPart) { $ret[self::$ID_HELPER_ID] = $this->helperId; if ($this->checkUsable($this->searchType)) { $ret[self::$ID_SEARCH_TYPE] = $this->searchType; } $ret[self::$ID_KEY_PART] = $this->keyPart->toRequestArray(); if ($this->checkUsable($this->city)) { $ret[self::$ID_CITY] = $this->city; } if ($this->dtValid instanceof DateTime) { $ret[self::$ID_DT_VALID] = $this->dtValid->format(Ares::REQUEST_DATE_FORMAT); } if ($this->checkUsable($this->registerType)) { $ret[self::$ID_REGISTER_TYPE] = $this->registerType; } $ret[self::$ID_MAX_COUNT] = $this->maxCount; } else { throw new QueryMissingKeyPartException(); } return $ret; }
/** * * @param DateTime|NULL $day * @return WeekDay */ public function getDay(DateTime $day) { if (isset($this->specificDays[$day->format('Y-m-d')])) { return $this->specificDays[$day->format('Y-m-d')]; } elseif (isset($this->openingHours[(string) $day->format('w')])) { return $this->openingHours[(string) $day->format('w')]; } return NULL; }
/** * Sestavi poradi bodu nezavisle na discipline v ramci oddilu. * @param number $course Delka bazenu. * @return object $data Poradi bodu. */ public function ByPoint($course) { $data = $this->database->query(' select -- 4. select @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS rank, sel_2.body, sel_2.prijmeni, sel_2.jmeno, sel_2.rocnik, sel_2.styl, sel_2.cas, sel_2.datum, sel_2.zavod from ( select -- 2. select sel_1.body as body, plavci.surname as prijmeni, plavci.firstname as jmeno, plavci.year as rocnik, as styl, cas.time as cas, as datum, as zavod from sm_event zavody, sm_stroke styly, sm_swimmer plavci, sm_time cas, ( select -- 1. select a.id_swimmer as plavec, max(a.point) as body from sm_time a, sm_event b, sm_swimmer c where a.id_event = and a.id_swimmer = and b.lcm = ? group by a.id_swimmer ) sel_1 where cas.id_swimmer = sel_1.plavec and cas.point = sel_1.body and cas.id_event = and cas.id_stroke = and cas.id_swimmer = and zavody.lcm = ? group by sel_1.body order by sel_1.body desc ) sel_2, (SELECT @rownum := 0) sel_3 -- 3. select', $course, $course)->fetchAll(); foreach ($data as $row) { $formated_date = new DateTime($row->datum); $row->datum = $formated_date->format('d. m. Y'); } return $data; }
public function renderCreate() { $dateNow = new DateTime(); $d = array('platneOd' => $dateNow->format(self::$dateFormat)); $this['nastenkaForm']->setDefaults($d); }
public static function footer() { $now = new DateTime(); return "\n" . "\n" . "-- {$now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')}\n"; }
public function timeAgo(DateTime $d) { return Html::el('time')->setText($d->format('j.n.Y H:i'))->addAttributes(['datetime' => $d->format('c')]); }
public function setValidated($id) { $now = new \Nette\Utils\DateTime(); $this->localLoginModel->update($id, array("validated" => $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); }
/** * @return string Jednoznacny retezec pro identifikaci jednoho hlasovani */ public static function generateVoteIdentificator() { $now = new DateTime(); $rand = Random::generate(); return $now->format('d.m.Y,H:i:s') . 'rand' . $rand; }
/** * @Secured(resource="showEventDay") */ public function actionShowEventDay($year, $month, $day) { try { $data = $this->eventService->getForDate($year, $month, $day); $date = new DateTime(); $date->setDate($year, $month, $day); $this->template->date = $date->format(self::DATE_FORMAT); $this->template->data = $data; } catch (Exceptions\DataErrorException $ex) { $this->handleDataLoad(null, "this", $ex); } }
/** * Vrati aktualne probihajici rezervace pro apartman (2) * @return Nette\Database\Table\Selection */ public function getAktualRezervaceApartman() { $currentDate = new Nette\Utils\DateTime(); $rezervace = $this->db->table('rezervace')->where('doDatum >= ? AND typPokoje = ?', $currentDate->format('Y-m-d'), self::APARTMAN)->order('odDatum'); return $rezervace; }
/** * Get Date from ::addDate() field * * @param Nette\Forms\Controls\TextInput|string $input * * @return string */ public static function getDateValue($input) { if ($input instanceof Nette\Forms\Controls\TextInput) { $value = $input->getValue(); } else { $value = $input; } if (preg_match('~^\\d{1,2}[/.]{1}[ ]{0,1}\\d{1,2}[/.]{1}[ ]{0,1}\\d{4}$~', $value, $arr)) { $dateArr = preg_split('/[.\\/]{1}[ ]{0,1}/s', $arr[0]); $date = new Nette\Utils\DateTime($dateArr[2] . '-' . $dateArr[1] . '-' . $dateArr[0]); return $date->getTimestamp() < 10 ? NULL : $date->format('Y-m-d'); } return empty($value) || $value == '0000-00-00' ? NULL : $value; }