public function get($identity) { if (\is_numeric($identity)) { return $this->database->fetch("SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . self::COLUMN_ID . "=?;", $identity); } else { return $this->database->fetch("SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE " . self::COLUMN_IDENTITY . "=?;", $identity); } }
public function getItemByLinkChannel($link, $channel_id) { return $this->database->fetch("select *" . " from rss_items" . " where link=?" . " and rss_channel_id=?;", $link, $channel_id); }
public function get($id) { return $this->database->fetch("SELECT * FROM upload WHERE id = ?;", $id); }
public function getHodnoceniByIp($id, $ip) { return $this->database->fetch("SELECT * FROM hodnoceni WHERE clanek_id=? and ip=?;", $id, $ip); }
public function getByUrl($url) { return $this->database->fetch("SELECT * FROM kategorie WHERE url=?;", $url); }