 private function parseDefinitionArgument($argument)
     if (Text::startsWith($argument, '!')) {
         return ['type' => 'parameter', 'value' => Arr::path($this->config->toArray(), substr($argument, 1))];
     } elseif (Text::startsWith($argument, '@')) {
         return ['type' => 'service', 'name' => substr($argument, 1)];
     } else {
         return ['type' => 'parameter', 'value' => $argument];
 public function testPaths()
     $array = ['foo' => 'bar', 'multi' => ['first' => 'foo', 'second' => 'bar'], 'users' => ['john', 'joe', 'sam']];
     $this->specify('Return null for non existed index in array', function () use($array) {
         expect(Arr::path($array, 'non_existed'))->null();
     $this->specify('Return value for given index in 1 dimension array', function () use($array) {
         expect(Arr::path($array, 'foo'))->equals('bar');
     $this->specify('Return value from given index in multi level dimension array', function ($path, $value) use($array) {
         expect(Arr::path($array, $path))->equals($value);
     }, ['examples' => [['multi.first', 'foo'], ['multi.second', 'bar']]]);
     $this->specify('Ensures path() casts ints to actual integers for keys', function ($path, $value) use($array) {
         expect(Arr::path($array, $path))->equals($value);
     }, ['examples' => [['users.0', 'john'], ['users.1', 'joe'], ['users.2', 'sam']]]);
     $this->specify('Return null when next dimension level not exists and default value is not given', function () use($array) {
         expect(Arr::path($array, 'multi.first.johny'))->null();