  * Iterate through the segments of the current request path
  * find the corresponding module configuration and set controller & action
  * accordingly
  * @param string $value
  * @return boolean|integer
 protected function matchValue($value)
     $format = pathinfo($value, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     if ($format !== '') {
         $value = substr($value, 0, strlen($value) - strlen($format) - 1);
     $segments = Arrays::trimExplode('/', $value);
     $currentModuleBase = $this->settings['modules'];
     if ($segments === array() || !isset($currentModuleBase[$segments[0]])) {
         return self::MATCHRESULT_NOSUCHMODULE;
     $modulePath = array();
     $level = 0;
     $moduleConfiguration = null;
     $moduleController = null;
     $moduleAction = 'index';
     foreach ($segments as $segment) {
         if (isset($currentModuleBase[$segment])) {
             $modulePath[] = $segment;
             $moduleConfiguration = $currentModuleBase[$segment];
             if (isset($moduleConfiguration['controller'])) {
                 $moduleController = $moduleConfiguration['controller'];
             } else {
                 $moduleController = null;
             if (isset($moduleConfiguration['submodules'])) {
                 $currentModuleBase = $moduleConfiguration['submodules'];
             } else {
                 $currentModuleBase = array();
         } else {
             if ($level === count($segments) - 1) {
                 $moduleMethods = array_change_key_case(array_flip(get_class_methods($moduleController)), CASE_LOWER);
                 if (array_key_exists($segment . 'action', $moduleMethods)) {
                     $moduleAction = $segment;
             return self::MATCHRESULT_NOSUCHMODULE;
     if ($moduleController === null) {
         return self::MATCHRESULT_NOCONTROLLER;
     $this->value = array('module' => implode('/', $modulePath), 'controller' => $moduleController, 'action' => $moduleAction);
     if ($format !== '') {
         $this->value['format'] = $format;
     return self::MATCHRESULT_FOUND;
  * Kickstart a new command controller
  * Creates a new command controller with the given name in the specified
  * package. The generated controller class already contains an example command.
  * @param string $packageKey The package key of the package for the new controller
  * @param string $controllerName The name for the new controller. This may also be a comma separated list of controller names.
  * @param boolean $force Overwrite any existing controller.
  * @return string
  * @see neos.kickstarter:kickstart:actioncontroller
 public function commandControllerCommand($packageKey, $controllerName, $force = false)
     if (!$this->packageManager->isPackageAvailable($packageKey)) {
         $this->outputLine('Package "%s" is not available.', array($packageKey));
     $generatedFiles = array();
     $controllerNames = Arrays::trimExplode(',', $controllerName);
     foreach ($controllerNames as $currentControllerName) {
         $generatedFiles += $this->generatorService->generateCommandController($packageKey, $currentControllerName, $force);
     $this->outputLine(implode(PHP_EOL, $generatedFiles));
  * Create a new user
  * This command creates a new user which has access to the backend user interface.
  * More specifically, this command will create a new user and a new account at the same time. The created account
  * is, by default, a Neos backend account using the the "Typo3BackendProvider" for authentication. The given username
  * will be used as an account identifier for that new account.
  * If an authentication provider name is specified, the new account will be created for that provider instead.
  * Roles for the new user can optionally be specified as a comma separated list. For all roles provided by
  * Neos, the role namespace "Neos.Neos:" can be omitted.
  * @param string $username The username of the user to be created, used as an account identifier for the newly created account
  * @param string $password Password of the user to be created
  * @param string $firstName First name of the user to be created
  * @param string $lastName Last name of the user to be created
  * @param string $roles A comma separated list of roles to assign. Examples: "Editor, Acme.Foo:Reviewer"
  * @param string $authenticationProvider Name of the authentication provider to use for the new account. Example: "Typo3BackendProvider"
  * @return void
 public function createCommand($username, $password, $firstName, $lastName, $roles = null, $authenticationProvider = null)
     $user = $this->userService->getUser($username, $authenticationProvider);
     if ($user instanceof User) {
         $this->outputLine('The username "%s" is already in use', array($username));
     try {
         if ($roles === null) {
             $user = $this->userService->createUser($username, $password, $firstName, $lastName, null, $authenticationProvider);
         } else {
             $roleIdentifiers = Arrays::trimExplode(',', $roles);
             $user = $this->userService->createUser($username, $password, $firstName, $lastName, $roleIdentifiers, $authenticationProvider);
         $roleIdentifiers = array();
         foreach ($user->getAccounts() as $account) {
             /** @var Account $account */
             foreach ($account->getRoles() as $role) {
                 /** @var Role $role */
                 $roleIdentifiers[$role->getIdentifier()] = true;
         $roleIdentifiers = array_keys($roleIdentifiers);
         if (count($roleIdentifiers) === 0) {
             $this->outputLine('Created user "%s".', array($username));
             $this->outputLine('<b>Please note that this user currently does not have any roles assigned.</b>');
         } else {
             $this->outputLine('Created user "%s" and assigned the following role%s: %s.', array($username, count($roleIdentifiers) > 1 ? 's' : '', implode(', ', $roleIdentifiers)));
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
  * A method which runs the task implemented by the plugin for the given command
  * @param string $controllerCommandName Name of the command in question, for example "repair"
  * @param ConsoleOutput $output An instance of ConsoleOutput which can be used for output or dialogues
  * @param NodeType $nodeType Only handle this node type (if specified)
  * @param string $workspaceName Only handle this workspace (if specified)
  * @param boolean $dryRun If TRUE, don't do any changes, just simulate what you would do
  * @param boolean $cleanup If FALSE, cleanup tasks are skipped
  * @param string $skip Skip the given check or checks (comma separated)
  * @param string $only Only execute the given check or checks (comma separated)
  * @return void
 public function invokeSubCommand($controllerCommandName, ConsoleOutput $output, NodeType $nodeType = null, $workspaceName = 'live', $dryRun = false, $cleanup = true, $skip = null, $only = null)
     $this->output = $output;
     $commandMethods = ['generateUriPathSegments' => ['cleanup' => false], 'removeContentDimensionsFromRootAndSitesNode' => ['cleanup' => true]];
     $skipCommandNames = Arrays::trimExplode(',', $skip === null ? '' : $skip);
     $onlyCommandNames = Arrays::trimExplode(',', $only === null ? '' : $only);
     switch ($controllerCommandName) {
         case 'repair':
             foreach ($commandMethods as $commandMethodName => $commandMethodConfiguration) {
                 if (in_array($commandMethodName, $skipCommandNames)) {
                 if ($onlyCommandNames !== [] && !in_array($commandMethodName, $onlyCommandNames)) {
                 if (!$cleanup && $commandMethodConfiguration['cleanup']) {
                 $this->{$commandMethodName}($workspaceName, $dryRun, $nodeType);
  * @Then /^I can (not )?call the method "([^"]*)" of class "([^"]*)"(?: with arguments "([^"]*)")?$/
 public function iCanCallTheMethodOfClassWithArguments($not, $methodName, $className, $arguments = '')
     if ($this->isolated === true) {
         $this->callStepInSubProcess(__METHOD__, sprintf(' %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s', 'string', escapeshellarg(trim($not)), 'string', escapeshellarg($methodName), 'string', escapeshellarg($className), 'string', escapeshellarg($arguments)));
     } else {
         $instance = $this->objectManager->get($className);
         try {
             $result = call_user_func_array([$instance, $methodName], Arrays::trimExplode(',', $arguments));
             if ($not === 'not') {
                 Assert::fail('Method should not be callable');
             return $result;
         } catch (AccessDeniedException $exception) {
             if ($not !== 'not') {
                 throw $exception;
  * A method which runs the task implemented by the plugin for the given command
  * @param string $controllerCommandName Name of the command in question, for example "repair"
  * @param ConsoleOutput $output An instance of ConsoleOutput which can be used for output or dialogues
  * @param NodeType $nodeType Only handle this node type (if specified)
  * @param string $workspaceName Only handle this workspace (if specified)
  * @param boolean $dryRun If TRUE, don't do any changes, just simulate what you would do
  * @param boolean $cleanup If FALSE, cleanup tasks are skipped
  * @param string $skip Skip the given check or checks (comma separated)
  * @param string $only Only execute the given check or checks (comma separated)
  * @return void
 public function invokeSubCommand($controllerCommandName, ConsoleOutput $output, NodeType $nodeType = null, $workspaceName = 'live', $dryRun = false, $cleanup = true, $skip = null, $only = null)
     $this->output = $output;
     $commandMethods = ['removeAbstractAndUndefinedNodes' => ['cleanup' => true], 'removeOrphanNodes' => ['cleanup' => true], 'removeDisallowedChildNodes' => ['cleanup' => true], 'removeUndefinedProperties' => ['cleanup' => true], 'removeBrokenEntityReferences' => ['cleanup' => true], 'removeNodesWithInvalidDimensions' => ['cleanup' => true], 'removeNodesWithInvalidWorkspace' => ['cleanup' => true], 'fixNodesWithInconsistentIdentifier' => ['cleanup' => false], 'createMissingChildNodes' => ['cleanup' => false], 'reorderChildNodes' => ['cleanup' => false], 'addMissingDefaultValues' => ['cleanup' => false], 'repairShadowNodes' => ['cleanup' => false]];
     $skipCommandNames = Arrays::trimExplode(',', $skip === null ? '' : $skip);
     $onlyCommandNames = Arrays::trimExplode(',', $only === null ? '' : $only);
     switch ($controllerCommandName) {
         case 'repair':
             foreach ($commandMethods as $commandMethodName => $commandMethodConfiguration) {
                 if (in_array($commandMethodName, $skipCommandNames)) {
                 if ($onlyCommandNames !== [] && !in_array($commandMethodName, $onlyCommandNames)) {
                 if (!$cleanup && $commandMethodConfiguration['cleanup']) {
                 $this->{$commandMethodName}($workspaceName, $dryRun, $nodeType);
  * @Given /^the following users exist:$/
 public function theFollowingUsersExist(TableNode $table)
     $rows = $table->getHash();
     /** @var UserService $userService */
     $userService = $this->objectManager->get(UserService::class);
     /** @var PartyRepository $partyRepository */
     $partyRepository = $this->objectManager->get(PartyRepository::class);
     /** @var AccountRepository $accountRepository */
     $accountRepository = $this->objectManager->get(AccountRepository::class);
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $roleIdentifiers = array_map(function ($role) {
             return 'Neos.Neos:' . $role;
         }, Arrays::trimExplode(',', $row['roles']));
         $userService->createUser($row['username'], $row['password'], $row['firstname'], $row['lastname'], $roleIdentifiers);
  * Import redirects from CSV file
  * This command is used to (re)import CSV files containing redirects.
  * The argument ``filename`` is the name of the file you uploaded to the root folder.
  * This operation requires the package ``league/csv``. Install it by running ``composer require league/csv``.
  * Structure per line is:
  * ``sourcePath``,``targetPath``,``statusCode``,``host`` (optional)
  * After a successful import a report will be shown. While `++` marks newly created redirects, `~~` marks already
  * existing redirect source paths along with the used status code and ``source``.
  * ``redirect:import`` will not delete pre-existing redirects. To do this run ``redirect:removeall`` before
  * the import. Be aware that this will also delete all automatically generated redirects.
  * @param string $filename CSV file path
  * @return void
 public function importCommand($filename)
     $hasErrors = false;
     if (!class_exists(Reader::class)) {
     if (!is_readable($filename)) {
         $this->outputLine('<error>Sorry, but the file "%s" is not readable or does not exist...</error>', [$filename]);
     $this->outputLine('<b>Import redirects from "%s"</b>', [$filename]);
     $reader = Reader::createFromPath($filename);
     $counter = 0;
     foreach ($reader as $index => $row) {
         $skipped = false;
         list($sourceUriPath, $targetUriPath, $statusCode, $hosts) = $row;
         $hosts = Arrays::trimExplode('|', $hosts);
         if ($hosts === []) {
             $hosts = [null];
         $forcePersist = false;
         foreach ($hosts as $key => $host) {
             $host = trim($host);
             $host = $host === '' ? null : $host;
             $redirect = $this->redirectStorage->getOneBySourceUriPathAndHost($sourceUriPath, $host);
             $isSame = $this->isSame($sourceUriPath, $targetUriPath, $host, $statusCode, $redirect);
             if ($redirect !== null && $isSame === false) {
                 $this->outputRedirectLine('<info>--</info>', $redirect);
                 $this->redirectStorage->removeOneBySourceUriPathAndHost($sourceUriPath, $host);
                 $forcePersist = true;
             } elseif ($isSame === true) {
                 $this->outputRedirectLine('<comment>~~</comment>', $redirect);
                 $skipped = true;
         if ($skipped === true && $hosts === []) {
         if ($forcePersist) {
         try {
             $redirects = $this->redirectStorage->addRedirect($sourceUriPath, $targetUriPath, $statusCode, $hosts);
             /** @var Redirect $redirect */
             foreach ($redirects as $redirect) {
                 $this->outputRedirectLine('<info>++</info>', $redirect);
                 $messageArguments = [$redirect->getSourceUriPath(), $redirect->getTargetUriPath(), $redirect->getStatusCode(), $redirect->getHost() ?: 'all host'];
                 $this->logger->log(vsprintf('Redirect import success, sourceUriPath=%s, targetUriPath=%s, statusCode=%d, hosts=%s', $messageArguments), LOG_ERR);
         } catch (Exception $exception) {
             $messageArguments = [$sourceUriPath, $targetUriPath, $statusCode, $hosts ? json_encode($hosts) : 'all host'];
             $this->outputLine('   <error>!!</error> %s => %s <comment>(%d)</comment> - %s', $messageArguments);
             $this->outputLine('      Message: %s', [$exception->getMessage()]);
             $this->logger->log(vsprintf('Redirect import error, sourceUriPath=%s, targetUriPath=%s, statusCode=%d, hosts=%s', $messageArguments), LOG_ERR);
             $hasErrors = true;
         if ($counter % 50 === 0) {
     if ($hasErrors === true) {
         $this->outputLine('   <error>!!</error> some errors appeared during import, please check the log or the CLI output.');
  * @param array $humanReadableContextProperties
  * @param boolean $addDimensionDefaults
  * @return \Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service\Context
  * @throws Exception
 protected function getContextForProperties(array $humanReadableContextProperties, $addDimensionDefaults = false)
     if ($this->isolated === true) {
         $this->callStepInSubProcess(__METHOD__, sprintf(' %s %s %s %s', 'string', escapeshellarg($humanReadableContextProperties), 'integer', escapeshellarg($addDimensionDefaults)));
     } else {
         /** @var \Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service\ContextFactoryInterface $contextFactory */
         $contextFactory = $this->getObjectManager()->get(\Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service\ContextFactoryInterface::class);
         $contextProperties = array();
         if (isset($humanReadableContextProperties['Language'])) {
             $contextProperties['dimensions']['language'] = Arrays::trimExplode(',', $humanReadableContextProperties['Language']);
         if (isset($humanReadableContextProperties['Workspace'])) {
             $contextProperties['workspaceName'] = $humanReadableContextProperties['Workspace'];
         } else {
         if (isset($humanReadableContextProperties['Hidden'])) {
             $contextProperties['hidden'] = $humanReadableContextProperties['Hidden'];
         foreach ($humanReadableContextProperties as $propertyName => $propertyValue) {
             // Set flexible dimensions from features
             if (strpos($propertyName, 'Dimension: ') === 0) {
                 $contextProperties['dimensions'][substr($propertyName, strlen('Dimension: '))] = Arrays::trimExplode(',', $propertyValue);
             // FIXME We lack a good API to manipulate dimension values explicitly or assign multiple values, so we are doing this via target dimension values
             if (strpos($propertyName, 'Target dimension: ') === 0) {
                 if ($propertyValue === '') {
                     $propertyValue = null;
                 $contextProperties['targetDimensions'][substr($propertyName, strlen('Target dimension: '))] = $propertyValue;
         if ($addDimensionDefaults) {
             $contentDimensionRepository = $this->getObjectManager()->get(\Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Repository\ContentDimensionRepository::class);
             $availableDimensions = $contentDimensionRepository->findAll();
             foreach ($availableDimensions as $dimension) {
                 if (isset($contextProperties['dimensions'][$dimension->getIdentifier()]) && !in_array($dimension->getDefault(), $contextProperties['dimensions'][$dimension->getIdentifier()])) {
                     $contextProperties['dimensions'][$dimension->getIdentifier()][] = $dimension->getDefault();
         $contextProperties['invisibleContentShown'] = true;
         return $contextFactory->create($contextProperties);
  * @param QueryInterface $query
  * @param $nodeTypeFilter
  * @return array
 protected function getNodeTypeFilterConstraints(QueryInterface $query, $nodeTypeFilter)
     $includeNodeTypeConstraints = [];
     $excludeNodeTypeConstraints = [];
     $nodeTypeFilterParts = Arrays::trimExplode(',', $nodeTypeFilter);
     foreach ($nodeTypeFilterParts as $nodeTypeFilterPart) {
         $nodeTypeFilterPart = trim($nodeTypeFilterPart);
         if (strpos($nodeTypeFilterPart, '!') === 0) {
             $negate = true;
             $nodeTypeFilterPart = substr($nodeTypeFilterPart, 1);
         } else {
             $negate = false;
         $nodeTypeFilterPartSubTypes = array_merge([$nodeTypeFilterPart], $this->nodeTypeManager->getSubNodeTypes($nodeTypeFilterPart, false));
         foreach ($nodeTypeFilterPartSubTypes as $nodeTypeFilterPartSubType) {
             if ($negate === true) {
                 $excludeNodeTypeConstraints[] = $query->logicalNot($query->equals('nodeType', $nodeTypeFilterPartSubType));
             } else {
                 $includeNodeTypeConstraints[] = $query->equals('nodeType', $nodeTypeFilterPartSubType);
     $constraints = $excludeNodeTypeConstraints;
     if (count($includeNodeTypeConstraints) > 0) {
         $constraints[] = $query->logicalOr($includeNodeTypeConstraints);
     return $constraints;
  * @When /^I create the following accounts:$/
 public function iCreateTheFollowingAccounts(TableNode $table)
     foreach ($table->getHash() as $row) {
         $user = $this->getObjectManager()->get(UserService::class)->createUser($row['User'], $row['Password'], $row['First Name'], $row['Last Name'], Arrays::trimExplode(',', $row['Roles']));
  * Shows a list of all defined privilege targets and the effective permissions
  * @param string $privilegeType The privilege type ("entity", "method" or the FQN of a class implementing PrivilegeInterface)
  * @param string $roles A comma separated list of role identifiers. Shows policy for an unauthenticated user when left empty.
 public function showEffectivePolicyCommand($privilegeType, $roles = '')
     $systemRoleIdentifiers = ['Neos.Flow:Everybody', 'Neos.Flow:Anonymous', 'Neos.Flow:AuthenticatedUser'];
     if (strpos($privilegeType, '\\') === false) {
         $privilegeType = sprintf('\\Neos\\Flow\\Security\\Authorization\\Privilege\\%s\\%sPrivilegeInterface', ucfirst($privilegeType), ucfirst($privilegeType));
     if (!class_exists($privilegeType) && !interface_exists($privilegeType)) {
         $this->outputLine('The privilege type "%s" was not defined.', [$privilegeType]);
     if (!is_subclass_of($privilegeType, PrivilegeInterface::class)) {
         $this->outputLine('"%s" does not refer to a valid Privilege', [$privilegeType]);
     $requestedRoles = [];
     foreach (Arrays::trimExplode(',', $roles) as $roleIdentifier) {
         try {
             if (in_array($roleIdentifier, $systemRoleIdentifiers)) {
             $currentRole = $this->policyService->getRole($roleIdentifier);
             $requestedRoles[$roleIdentifier] = $currentRole;
             foreach ($currentRole->getAllParentRoles() as $currentParentRole) {
                 if (!in_array($currentParentRole, $requestedRoles)) {
                     $requestedRoles[$currentParentRole->getIdentifier()] = $currentParentRole;
         } catch (NoSuchRoleException $exception) {
             $this->outputLine('The role %s was not defined.', [$roleIdentifier]);
     if (count($requestedRoles) > 0) {
         $requestedRoles['Neos.Flow:AuthenticatedUser'] = $this->policyService->getRole('Neos.Flow:AuthenticatedUser');
     } else {
         $requestedRoles['Neos.Flow:Anonymous'] = $this->policyService->getRole('Neos.Flow:Anonymous');
     $requestedRoles['Neos.Flow:Everybody'] = $this->policyService->getRole('Neos.Flow:Everybody');
     $this->outputLine('Effective Permissions for the roles <b>%s</b> ', [implode(', ', $requestedRoles)]);
     $this->outputLine(str_repeat('-', $this->output->getMaximumLineLength()));
     $definedPrivileges = $this->policyService->getAllPrivilegesByType($privilegeType);
     $permissions = [];
     /** @var PrivilegeInterface $definedPrivilege */
     foreach ($definedPrivileges as $definedPrivilege) {
         $accessGrants = 0;
         $accessDenies = 0;
         $permission = 'ABSTAIN';
         /** @var Role $requestedRole */
         foreach ($requestedRoles as $requestedRole) {
             $privilegeType = $requestedRole->getPrivilegeForTarget($definedPrivilege->getPrivilegeTarget()->getIdentifier());
             if ($privilegeType === null) {
             if ($privilegeType->isGranted()) {
             } elseif ($privilegeType->isDenied()) {
         if ($accessDenies > 0) {
             $permission = '<error>DENY</error>';
         if ($accessGrants > 0 && $accessDenies === 0) {
             $permission = '<success>GRANT</success>';
         $permissions[$definedPrivilege->getPrivilegeTarget()->getIdentifier()] = $permission;
     foreach ($permissions as $privilegeTargetIdentifier => $permission) {
         $formattedPrivilegeTargetIdentifier = wordwrap($privilegeTargetIdentifier, $this->output->getMaximumLineLength() - 10, PHP_EOL . str_repeat(' ', 10), true);
         $this->outputLine('%-70s %s', [$formattedPrivilegeTargetIdentifier, $permission]);