publishNode() public method

If the given node is a Document or has ContentCollection child nodes, these nodes are published as well.
public publishNode ( Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeInterface $node, Workspace $targetWorkspace = null ) : void
$node Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeInterface
$targetWorkspace Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\Workspace If not set the base workspace is assumed to be the publishing target
return void
  * Publish changes of a workspace
  * This command publishes all modified, created or deleted nodes in the specified workspace to its base workspace.
  * If a target workspace is specified, the content is published to that workspace instead.
  * @param string $workspace Name of the workspace containing the changes to publish, for example "user-john"
  * @param string $targetWorkspace If specified, the content will be published to this workspace instead of the base workspace
  * @param boolean $verbose If enabled, some information about individual nodes will be displayed
  * @param boolean $dryRun If set, only displays which nodes would be published, no real changes are committed
  * @return void
 public function publishCommand($workspace, $targetWorkspace = null, $verbose = false, $dryRun = false)
     $workspaceName = $workspace;
     $workspace = $this->workspaceRepository->findOneByName($workspaceName);
     if (!$workspace instanceof Workspace) {
         $this->outputLine('Workspace "%s" does not exist', [$workspaceName]);
     if ($targetWorkspace === null) {
         $targetWorkspace = $workspace->getBaseWorkspace();
         $targetWorkspaceName = $targetWorkspace->getName();
     } else {
         $targetWorkspaceName = $targetWorkspace;
         $targetWorkspace = $this->workspaceRepository->findOneByName($targetWorkspaceName);
         if (!$targetWorkspace instanceof Workspace) {
             $this->outputLine('Target workspace "%s" does not exist', [$targetWorkspaceName]);
         $possibleTargetWorkspaceNames = [];
         $baseWorkspace = $workspace->getBaseWorkspace();
         while ($targetWorkspace !== $baseWorkspace) {
             if ($baseWorkspace === null) {
                 $this->outputLine('The target workspace must be a base workspace of "%s".', [$targetWorkspaceName]);
                 if (count($possibleTargetWorkspaceNames) > 1) {
                     $this->outputLine('For "%s" possible target workspaces currently are: %s', [$workspaceName, implode(', ', $possibleTargetWorkspaceNames)]);
                 } else {
                     $this->outputLine('For "%s" the only possible target workspace currently is "%s".', [$workspaceName, reset($possibleTargetWorkspaceNames)]);
             $possibleTargetWorkspaceNames[] = $baseWorkspace->getName();
             $baseWorkspace = $baseWorkspace->getBaseWorkspace();
     try {
         $nodes = $this->publishingService->getUnpublishedNodes($workspace);
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         $this->outputLine('An error occurred while fetching unpublished nodes from workspace %s, publish aborted.', [$workspaceName]);
     $this->outputLine('The workspace %s contains %u unpublished nodes.', [$workspaceName, count($nodes)]);
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         /** @var NodeInterface $node */
         if ($verbose) {
             $this->outputLine('    ' . $node->getPath());
         if (!$dryRun) {
             $this->publishingService->publishNode($node, $targetWorkspace);
     if (!$dryRun) {
         $this->outputLine('Published all nodes in workspace %s to workspace %s', [$workspaceName, $targetWorkspaceName]);
  * @test
 public function publishNodePublishesTheNodeAndItsChildNodeCollectionsIfTheNodeTypeHasChildNodes()
     $mockNode = $this->getMockBuilder(NodeInterface::class)->getMock();
     $mockChildNode = $this->getMockBuilder(NodeInterface::class)->getMock();
     $mockNodeType = $this->getMockBuilder(NodeType::class)->disableOriginalConstructor()->setMethods(array('hasConfiguration', 'isOfType'))->getMock();
     $mockTargetWorkspace = $this->getMockBuilder(Workspace::class)->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $this->mockWorkspace->expects($this->atLeastOnce())->method('publishNodes')->with(array($mockNode, $mockChildNode), $mockTargetWorkspace);
     $this->publishingService->publishNode($mockNode, $mockTargetWorkspace);
  * Publishes or discards the given nodes
  * @param array $nodes <\Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeInterface> $nodes
  * @param string $action
  * @param Workspace $selectedWorkspace
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws \Neos\Flow\Property\Exception
  * @throws \Neos\Flow\Security\Exception
 public function publishOrDiscardNodesAction(array $nodes, $action, Workspace $selectedWorkspace = null)
     $propertyMappingConfiguration = $this->propertyMappingConfigurationBuilder->build();
     $propertyMappingConfiguration->setTypeConverterOption(NodeConverter::class, NodeConverter::REMOVED_CONTENT_SHOWN, true);
     foreach ($nodes as $key => $node) {
         $nodes[$key] = $this->propertyMapper->convert($node, NodeInterface::class, $propertyMappingConfiguration);
     switch ($action) {
         case 'publish':
             foreach ($nodes as $node) {
             $this->addFlashMessage($this->translator->translateById('workspaces.selectedChangesHaveBeenPublished', [], null, null, 'Modules', 'Neos.Neos'));
         case 'discard':
             $this->addFlashMessage($this->translator->translateById('workspaces.selectedChangesHaveBeenDiscarded', [], null, null, 'Modules', 'Neos.Neos'));
             throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid action "' . htmlspecialchars($action) . '" given.', 1346167441);
     $this->redirect('show', null, null, ['workspace' => $selectedWorkspace]);
  * Publishes the given node to the specified targetWorkspace
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @param string $targetWorkspaceName
  * @return void
 public function publishNodeAction(NodeInterface $node, $targetWorkspaceName = null)
     $targetWorkspace = $targetWorkspaceName !== null ? $this->workspaceRepository->findOneByName($targetWorkspaceName) : null;
     $this->publishingService->publishNode($node, $targetWorkspace);
     $this->throwStatus(204, 'Node published', '');