getContextPath() public method

Example: /sites/mysitecom/homepage/about@user-admin
public getContextPath ( ) : string
return string Node path with context information
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @param boolean $expand
  * @param array $children
  * @param boolean $hasChildNodes
  * @param boolean $matched
  * @return array
 public function collectTreeNodeData(NodeInterface $node, $expand = true, array $children = array(), $hasChildNodes = false, $matched = false)
     $isTimedPage = false;
     $now = new \DateTime();
     $now = $now->getTimestamp();
     $hiddenBeforeDateTime = $node->getHiddenBeforeDateTime();
     $hiddenAfterDateTime = $node->getHiddenAfterDateTime();
     if ($hiddenBeforeDateTime !== null && $hiddenBeforeDateTime->getTimestamp() > $now) {
         $isTimedPage = true;
     if ($hiddenAfterDateTime !== null) {
         $isTimedPage = true;
     $classes = array();
     if ($isTimedPage === true && $node->isHidden() === false) {
         array_push($classes, 'neos-timedVisibility');
     if ($node->isHidden() === true) {
         array_push($classes, 'neos-hidden');
     if ($node->isHiddenInIndex() === true) {
         array_push($classes, 'neos-hiddenInIndex');
     if ($matched) {
         array_push($classes, 'neos-matched');
     $uriBuilder = $this->controllerContext->getUriBuilder();
     $nodeType = $node->getNodeType();
     $nodeTypeConfiguration = $nodeType->getFullConfiguration();
     if ($node->getNodeType()->isOfType('Neos.Neos:Document')) {
         $uriForNode = $uriBuilder->reset()->setFormat('html')->setCreateAbsoluteUri(true)->uriFor('show', array('node' => $node), 'Frontend\\Node', 'Neos.Neos');
     } else {
         $uriForNode = '#';
     $label = $node->getLabel();
     $nodeTypeLabel = $node->getNodeType()->getLabel();
     $treeNode = array('key' => $node->getContextPath(), 'title' => $label, 'fullTitle' => $node->getProperty('title'), 'nodeTypeLabel' => $nodeTypeLabel, 'tooltip' => '', 'href' => $uriForNode, 'isFolder' => $hasChildNodes, 'isLazy' => $hasChildNodes && !$expand, 'nodeType' => $nodeType->getName(), 'isAutoCreated' => $node->isAutoCreated(), 'expand' => $expand, 'addClass' => implode(' ', $classes), 'name' => $node->getName(), 'iconClass' => isset($nodeTypeConfiguration['ui']) && isset($nodeTypeConfiguration['ui']['icon']) ? $nodeTypeConfiguration['ui']['icon'] : '', 'isHidden' => $node->isHidden());
     if ($hasChildNodes) {
         $treeNode['children'] = $children;
     return $treeNode;
  * Takes care of creating a redirect to properly render the collection the given node is in.
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @param string $typoScriptPath
  * @return string
 protected function redirectToRenderNode(NodeInterface $node, $typoScriptPath)
     $q = new FlowQuery(array($node));
     $closestContentCollection = $q->closest('[instanceof Neos.Neos:ContentCollection]')->get(0);
     $closestDocumentNode = $q->closest('[instanceof Neos.Neos:Document]')->get(0);
     $this->redirect('show', 'Frontend\\Node', 'Neos.Neos', ['node' => $closestDocumentNode, '__nodeContextPath' => $closestContentCollection->getContextPath(), '__affectedNodeContextPath' => $node->getContextPath(), '__typoScriptPath' => $typoScriptPath], 0, 303, 'html');
  * @param NodeInterface $source The node instance
  * @param string $targetType not used
  * @param array $subProperties not used
  * @param PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface $configuration
  * @return string The node context path
 public function convertFrom($source, $targetType = null, array $subProperties = array(), PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface $configuration = null)
     return $source->getContextPath();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function createRedirectsForPublishedNode(NodeInterface $node, Workspace $targetWorkspace)
     $nodeType = $node->getNodeType();
     if ($targetWorkspace->getName() !== 'live' || !$nodeType->isOfType('Neos.Neos:Document')) {
     $context = $this->contextFactory->create(['workspaceName' => 'live', 'invisibleContentShown' => true, 'dimensions' => $node->getContext()->getDimensions()]);
     $targetNode = $context->getNodeByIdentifier($node->getIdentifier());
     if ($targetNode === null) {
         // The page has been added
     $targetNodeUriPath = $this->buildUriPathForNodeContextPath($targetNode->getContextPath());
     if ($targetNodeUriPath === null) {
         throw new Exception('The target URI path of the node could not be resolved', 1451945358);
     $hosts = $this->getHostnames($node->getContext());
     // The page has been removed
     if ($node->isRemoved()) {
         $statusCode = (int) $this->defaultStatusCode['gone'];
         $this->redirectStorage->addRedirect($targetNodeUriPath, '', $statusCode, $hosts);
     // compare the "old" node URI to the new one
     $nodeUriPath = $this->buildUriPathForNodeContextPath($node->getContextPath());
     // use the same regexp than the ContentContextBar Ember View
     $nodeUriPath = preg_replace('/@[A-Za-z0-9;&,\\-_=]+/', '', $nodeUriPath);
     if ($nodeUriPath === null || $nodeUriPath === $targetNodeUriPath) {
         // The page node path has not been changed
     $statusCode = (int) $this->defaultStatusCode['redirect'];
     $this->redirectStorage->addRedirect($targetNodeUriPath, $nodeUriPath, $statusCode, $hosts);
     $q = new FlowQuery([$node]);
     foreach ($q->children('[instanceof Neos.Neos:Document]') as $childrenNode) {
         $this->createRedirectsForPublishedNode($childrenNode, $targetWorkspace);
  * Collects metadata attributes used to allow editing of the node in the Neos backend.
  * @param array $attributes
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @return array
 protected function addGenericEditingMetadata(array $attributes, NodeInterface $node)
     $attributes['typeof'] = 'typo3:' . $node->getNodeType()->getName();
     $attributes['about'] = $node->getContextPath();
     $attributes['data-node-_identifier'] = $node->getIdentifier();
     $attributes['data-node-__workspace-name'] = $node->getWorkspace()->getName();
     $attributes['data-node-__label'] = $node->getLabel();
     if ($node->getNodeType()->isOfType('Neos.Neos:ContentCollection')) {
         $attributes['rel'] = 'typo3:content-collection';
     // these properties are needed together with the current NodeType to evaluate Node Type Constraints
     // TODO: this can probably be greatly cleaned up once we do not use CreateJS or VIE anymore.
     if ($node->getParent()) {
         $attributes['data-node-__parent-node-type'] = $node->getParent()->getNodeType()->getName();
     if ($node->isAutoCreated()) {
         $attributes['data-node-_name'] = $node->getName();
         $attributes['data-node-_is-autocreated'] = 'true';
     if ($node->getParent() && $node->getParent()->isAutoCreated()) {
         $attributes['data-node-_parent-is-autocreated'] = 'true';
         // we shall only add these properties if the parent is actually auto-created; as the Node-Type-Switcher in the UI relies on that.
         $attributes['data-node-__parent-node-name'] = $node->getParent()->getName();
         $attributes['data-node-__grandparent-node-type'] = $node->getParent()->getParent()->getNodeType()->getName();
     return $attributes;
  * Resolves the request path, also known as route path, identifying the given node.
  * A path is built, based on the uri path segment properties of the parents of and the given node itself.
  * If content dimensions are configured, the first path segment will the identifiers of the dimension
  * values according to the current context.
  * @param NodeInterface $node The node where the generated path should lead to
  * @return string The relative route path, possibly prefixed with a segment for identifying the current content dimension values
 protected function resolveRoutePathForNode(NodeInterface $node)
     $workspaceName = $node->getContext()->getWorkspaceName();
     $nodeContextPath = $node->getContextPath();
     $nodeContextPathSuffix = $workspaceName !== 'live' ? substr($nodeContextPath, strpos($nodeContextPath, '@')) : '';
     $currentNodeIsSiteNode = $node->getParentPath() === SiteService::SITES_ROOT_PATH;
     $dimensionsUriSegment = $this->getUriSegmentForDimensions($node->getContext()->getDimensions(), $currentNodeIsSiteNode);
     $requestPath = $this->getRequestPathByNode($node);
     return trim($dimensionsUriSegment . $requestPath, '/') . $nodeContextPathSuffix;
  * @param NodeInterface $movedNode
  * @param NodeInterface $referenceNode
  * @param integer $moveOperation
 public function beforeNodeMove(NodeInterface $movedNode, NodeInterface $referenceNode, $moveOperation)
     if (!$this->eventEmittingService->isEnabled()) {
     $this->currentlyMoving += 1;
     /* @var $nodeEvent NodeEvent */
     $nodeEvent = $this->eventEmittingService->emit(self::NODE_MOVE, array('referenceNode' => $referenceNode->getContextPath(), 'moveOperation' => $moveOperation), NodeEvent::class);
  * Set the "context node" this operation was working on.
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @return void
 public function setNode(NodeInterface $node)
     $this->nodeIdentifier = $node->getIdentifier();
     $this->workspaceName = $node->getContext()->getWorkspaceName();
     $this->dimension = $node->getContext()->getDimensions();
     $context = $node->getContext();
     if ($context instanceof ContentContext && $context->getCurrentSite() !== null) {
         $siteIdentifier = $this->persistenceManager->getIdentifierByObject($context->getCurrentSite());
     } else {
         $siteIdentifier = null;
     $this->data = Arrays::arrayMergeRecursiveOverrule($this->data, array('nodeContextPath' => $node->getContextPath(), 'nodeLabel' => $node->getLabel(), 'nodeType' => $node->getNodeType()->getName(), 'site' => $siteIdentifier));
     $node = self::getClosestAggregateNode($node);
     if ($node !== null) {
         $this->documentNodeIdentifier = $node->getIdentifier();
         $this->data = Arrays::arrayMergeRecursiveOverrule($this->data, array('documentNodeContextPath' => $node->getContextPath(), 'documentNodeLabel' => $node->getLabel(), 'documentNodeType' => $node->getNodeType()->getName()));
  * This method generates the Uri through the joinPoint with
  * temporary overriding the used node
  * @param ActionRequest $request
  * @param JoinPointInterface $joinPoint The current join point
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @return string $uri
 public function generateUriForNode(ActionRequest $request, JoinPointInterface $joinPoint, NodeInterface $node)
     // store original node path to restore it after generating the uri
     $originalNodePath = $request->getMainRequest()->getArgument('node');
     // generate the uri for the given node
     $request->getMainRequest()->setArgument('node', $node->getContextPath());
     $result = $joinPoint->getAdviceChain()->proceed($joinPoint);
     // restore the original node path
     $request->getMainRequest()->setArgument('node', $originalNodePath);
     return $result;