/** * Publishes the draft version of product changes for each product code specified in the request, and changes the product publish state to "live". * * @return Promise - use $promise->then(sucessfn, errorfn). successFn is passed Mozu\Api\MozuResult. errorFn is passed Mozu\Api\ApiException */ public function publishDraftsAsync($publishScope) { $mozuClient = PublishingScopeClient::publishDraftsClient($this->dataViewMode, $publishScope); $mozuClient = $mozuClient->withContext($this->apiContext); return $mozuClient->executeAsync(); }
/** * Removes all details about a PublishSet from the product service. If the discardDrafts param is true, it also deletes the product drafts. * * @param bool $discardDrafts * @param string $publishSetCode * @return Promise - use $promise->then(sucessfn, errorfn). successFn is passed Mozu\Api\MozuResult. errorFn is passed Mozu\Api\ApiException */ public function deletePublishSetAsync($publishSetCode, $discardDrafts = null) { $mozuClient = PublishingScopeClient::deletePublishSetClient($publishSetCode, $discardDrafts); $mozuClient = $mozuClient->withContext($this->apiContext); return $mozuClient->executeAsync(); }