  * Loads a resource.
  * @param mixed $resource The resource
  * @param string|null $type The resource type or null if unknown
  * @throws \Exception If something went wrong
 public function load($resource, $type = null)
     $path = $this->locator->locate($resource);
     $bounceParser = new XmlContextParser($path, $this->customNamespaces);
     $bounceContext = $bounceParser->getContext();
 protected function _parseXmlFile($xmlFilePath)
     //Do we have caching enabled?
     if (function_exists("apc_fetch")) {
         if ($this->_log->isDebugEnabled()) {
             $this->_log->debug("APC caching is ENABLED");
         //Do we have a cache entry for this file path?
         $cacheKey = "bouncexml~{$xmlFilePath}";
         $cacheContentSerialized = apc_fetch($cacheKey);
         //Cache Content structure is:
         // array(
         //   "xmlFiles" => array(
         //      "/absolute/path/to/parent.xml" => array(
         //          "dev" => 5, //Device number from the underlying O/S
         //          "ino" => 1234567, //Inode number of the file on the device
         //          "mtime" => 124124681274 //Last modified time
         //      ),
         //      "/absolute/path/to/child1.xml" => array(
         //          "dev" => 5,
         //          "ino" => 345346364,
         //          "mtime" => 124124681274
         //      ),
         //      "/absolute/path/to/child2.xml" => array(
         //          "dev" => 5,
         //          "ino" => 345346364,
         //          "mtime" => 124124681274
         //      ),
         //   ),
         //   "context" => Config_Context
         // )
         if ($cacheContentSerialized) {
             if ($this->_log->isDebugEnabled()) {
                 $this->_log->debug("Found cached version on {$xmlFilePath}");
             $cacheContent = unserialize($cacheContentSerialized);
             //Look at all the files from the cache content array to see
             //if any of them are different
             $filesToCheck = $cacheContent["xmlFiles"];
             $cacheUpToDate = true;
             //Be positive ...
             foreach ($filesToCheck as $fileName => $cachedStatInfo) {
                 //Stat the filename
                 $onDiskStatInfo = $this->_getStatInfo($fileName);
                 if ($onDiskStatInfo["mtime"] != $cachedStatInfo["mtime"] || $onDiskStatInfo["ino"] != $cachedStatInfo["ino"] || $onDiskStatInfo["dev"] != $cachedStatInfo["dev"]) {
                     $cacheUpToDate = false;
                     if ($this->_log->isDebugEnabled()) {
                         $this->_log->debug("Cache out of date: {$fileName} has stat: " . print_r($onDiskStatInfo, true) . " but cached " . print_r($cachedStatInfo, true));
             if ($cacheUpToDate) {
                 //Yes, so update the list of processed files for completeness, and
                 //return the cached context
                 /*foreach ($filesToCheck as $fileName => $cachedStatInfo) {
                       $this->_processedFiles[$fileName] = $cacheContent["context"];
                 //TODO We can't update this any more since it's a map of child contexts, which we don't have
                 if ($this->_log->isDebugEnabled()) {
                     $this->_log->debug("Cache is up to date. Returning cached context");
                 return $cacheContent["context"];
         if ($this->_log->isDebugEnabled()) {
             $this->_log->debug("Cache item not found or invalid for {$xmlFilePath}. Reloading ...");
         //If we get here, we're basically not up to date one way or another
         //so load up the context, and cache it.
         $context = parent::_parseXmlFile($xmlFilePath);
         //Now create the cache structure. NOTE! It's possible that for a
         //nested content structure we're going to include files from the
         //processed list that had been processed *BEFORE* we loaded this
         //particular XML file. However, we can't tell which ones might
         //also be dependencies of this child file, and using another
         //XmlApplicationContext instance is impractical as it means exposing
         //way more of the internals as public variables purely for the purposes
         //of the caching system.
         $cacheContent = array("xmlFiles" => array(), "context" => $context);
         foreach (array_keys($this->_processedFiles) as $fileName) {
             $cacheContent["xmlFiles"][$fileName] = $this->_getStatInfo($fileName);
         $cacheContentStr = serialize($cacheContent);
         apc_store($cacheKey, $cacheContentStr);
         if ($this->_log->isDebugEnabled()) {
             $this->_log->debug("Cache item added for {$xmlFilePath}");
         //Return it
         return $context;
     } else {
         $this->_log->warn("APC caching is DISABLED");
         //No caching possible, so revert to the normal method of
         //reading from the filesystem all the time
         return parent::_parseXmlFile($xmlFilePath);