  * Register the service provider.
  * @return void
 public function register()
     SupportprogramsApplication::created(function ($supportprogram) {
         UserLog::create(['operation' => 'create', 'user_id' => user() ? user()->id : NULL, 'reference_key' => 'SupportprogramsApplication_supportprogram', 'reference_id' => $supportprogram->id]);
     SupportprogramsApplication::updated(function ($supportprogram) {
         UserLog::create(['operation' => 'update', 'user_id' => user() ? user()->id : NULL, 'reference_key' => 'SupportprogramsApplication_supportprogram', 'reference_id' => $supportprogram->id]);
     SupportprogramsApplication::deleted(function ($supportprogram) {
         UserLog::create(['operation' => 'delete', 'user_id' => user() ? user()->id : NULL, 'reference_key' => 'SupportprogramsApplication_supportprogram', 'reference_id' => $supportprogram->id]);
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     Permission::where('module', 'supportprograms')->delete();
     // $this->call("OthersTableSeeder");
     $permissions = [['name' => 'اضافة برنامج', 'slug' => 'create.supportprograms', 'module' => 'supportprograms'], ['name' => 'عرض البرامج', 'slug' => 'index.supportprograms', 'module' => 'supportprograms'], ['name' => 'تعديل برنامج', 'slug' => 'edit.supportprograms', 'module' => 'supportprograms'], ['name' => 'عرض برنامج', 'slug' => 'show.supportprograms', 'module' => 'supportprograms'], ['name' => 'حذف برنامج', 'slug' => 'delete.supportprograms', 'module' => 'supportprograms']];
     $programs = [['name' => 'اي شيء', 'comment' => 'رابط اي شيء', 'program_link' => 'http://google.com', 'guide_link' => 'http://google.com'], ['name' => 'اي شيء 2', 'comment' => 'رابط اي شيء 2', 'program_link' => 'http://google.com', 'guide_link' => 'http://google.com']];
     $users = User::all();
     foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
         $perm = Permission::create($permission);
         foreach ($users as $user) {
     foreach ($programs as $program) {
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $softwares = SupportprogramsApplication::all();
     return response()->json($softwares, 200, [], JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
  * delete all selected programs at once
  * @param  SupportprogramsApplication $SubProgModel Supportprograms model
  * @param  Request                    $req          CreateUserRequest $request we validate the data sent from the form in this class before we continue our logic
  * @return return to the program index view index.blade.php 
 public function deletebulk(SupportprogramsApplication $SubProgModel, Request $req)
     // if the table_records is empty we redirect to the support programs index
     if (!$req->has('table_records')) {
         return redirect()->route('supportprograms.index');
     // we delete all the programs with the ids $ids
     // we redirect to the support programs index view with a success message
     return redirect()->route('supportprograms.index')->with('success', trans('supportprograms::programs.delete_bulk_success'));