  * Verify that the given layout matches that expected.
  * @param array $expectedlayout as for $layout in {@link create_test_quiz()}.
  * @param \mod_quiz\structure $structure the structure to test.
 protected function assert_quiz_layout($expectedlayout, \mod_quiz\structure $structure)
     $sections = $structure->get_sections();
     $slot = 1;
     foreach ($expectedlayout as $item) {
         if (is_string($item)) {
             list($heading, $shuffle) = $this->parse_section_name($item);
             $section = array_shift($sections);
             if ($slot > 1 && $section->heading == '' && $section->firstslot == 1) {
                 // The array $expectedlayout did not contain default first quiz section, so skip over it.
                 $section = array_shift($sections);
             $this->assertEquals($slot, $section->firstslot);
             $this->assertEquals($heading, $section->heading);
             $this->assertEquals($shuffle, $section->shufflequestions);
         } else {
             list($name, $page, $qtype) = $item;
             $question = $structure->get_question_in_slot($slot);
             $this->assertEquals($name, $question->name);
             $this->assertEquals($slot, $question->slot, 'Slot number wrong for question ' . $name);
             $this->assertEquals($qtype, $question->qtype, 'Question type wrong for question ' . $name);
             $this->assertEquals($page, $question->page, 'Page number wrong for question ' . $name);
             $slot += 1;
     if ($slot - 1 != count($structure->get_slots())) {
         $this->fail('The quiz contains more slots than expected.');
     if (!empty($sections)) {
         $section = array_shift($sections);
         if ($section->heading != '' || $section->firstslot != 1) {
             $this->fail('Unexpected section (' . $section->heading . ') found in the quiz.');
  * Renders html to display a random question the link to edit the configuration
  * and also to see that category in the question bank.
  * @param structure $structure object containing the structure of the quiz.
  * @param int $slot which slot we are outputting.
  * @param \moodle_url $pageurl the canonical URL of this page.
  * @return string HTML to output.
 public function random_question(structure $structure, $slot, $pageurl)
     $question = $structure->get_question_in_slot($slot);
     $editurl = new \moodle_url('/question/question.php', array('returnurl' => $pageurl->out_as_local_url(), 'cmid' => $structure->get_cmid(), 'id' => $question->id));
     $temp = clone $question;
     $temp->questiontext = '';
     $instancename = quiz_question_tostring($temp);
     $configuretitle = get_string('configurerandomquestion', 'quiz');
     $qtype = \question_bank::get_qtype($question->qtype, false);
     $namestr = $qtype->local_name();
     $icon = $this->pix_icon('icon', $namestr, $qtype->plugin_name(), array('title' => $namestr, 'class' => 'icon activityicon', 'alt' => ' ', 'role' => 'presentation'));
     $editicon = $this->pix_icon('t/edit', $configuretitle, 'moodle', array('title' => ''));
     // If this is a random question, display a link to show the questions
     // selected from in the question bank.
     $qbankurl = new \moodle_url('/question/edit.php', array('cmid' => $structure->get_cmid(), 'cat' => $question->category . ',' . $question->contextid, 'recurse' => !empty($question->questiontext)));
     $qbanklink = ' ' . \html_writer::link($qbankurl, get_string('seequestions', 'quiz'), array('class' => 'mod_quiz_random_qbank_link'));
     return html_writer::link($editurl, $icon . $editicon, array('title' => $configuretitle)) . ' ' . $instancename . ' ' . $qbanklink;
  * HTML for a page, with ids stripped, so it can be used as a javascript template.
  * @param structure $structure object containing the structure of the quiz.
  * @param \stdClass $quiz the quiz settings.
  * @return string HTML for a new icon
 protected function add_page_icon_template(structure $structure, $quiz)
     if (!$structure->has_questions()) {
         return '';
     $question = $structure->get_question_in_slot(1);
     $html = $this->page_split_join_button($quiz, $question, true);
     return str_replace('&slot=1&', '&slot=%%SLOT%%&', $html);
  * Verify that the given layout matches that expected.
  * @param array $expectedlayout
  * @param \mod_quiz\structure $structure
 protected function assert_quiz_layout($expectedlayout, \mod_quiz\structure $structure)
     $slotnumber = 0;
     foreach ($expectedlayout as $slotid => $page) {
         $slotnumber += 1;
         $this->assertEquals($slotid, $structure->get_question_in_slot($slotnumber)->slotid, 'Wrong question in slot ' . $slotnumber);
         $this->assertEquals($page, $structure->get_question_in_slot($slotnumber)->page, 'Wrong page number for slot ' . $slotnumber);