  * sets up what is displayed for each question on the edit quiz question listing
  * @param \mod_activequiz\activequiz_question $question
  * @param int                                 $qnum The question number we're currently on
  * @param int                                 $qcount The total number of questions
  * @return string
 protected function display_question_block($question, $qnum, $qcount)
     $return = '';
     $dragicon = new pix_icon('i/dragdrop', 'dragdrop');
     $return .= html_writer::div($this->output->render($dragicon), 'dragquestion');
     $return .= html_writer::div(print_question_icon($question->getQuestion()), 'icon');
     $namehtml = html_writer::start_tag('p');
     $namehtml .= $question->getQuestion()->name . '<br />';
     $namehtml .= get_string('points', 'activequiz') . ': ' . $question->getPoints();
     $namehtml .= html_writer::end_tag('p');
     $return .= html_writer::div($namehtml, 'name');
     $controlHTML = '';
     $spacericon = new pix_icon('spacer', 'space', null, array('class' => 'smallicon space'));
     $controlHTML .= html_writer::start_tag('noscript');
     if ($qnum > 1) {
         // if we're on a later question than the first one add the move up control
         $moveupurl = clone $this->pageurl;
         $moveupurl->param('action', 'moveup');
         $moveupurl->param('questionid', $question->getId());
         // add the rtqqid so that the question manager handles the translation
         $alt = get_string('questionmoveup', 'mod_activequiz', $qnum);
         $upicon = new pix_icon('t/up', $alt);
         $controlHTML .= html_writer::link($moveupurl, $this->output->render($upicon));
     } else {
         $controlHTML .= $this->output->render($spacericon);
     if ($qnum < $qcount) {
         // if we're not on the last question add the move down control
         $movedownurl = clone $this->pageurl;
         $movedownurl->param('action', 'movedown');
         $movedownurl->param('questionid', $question->getId());
         $alt = get_string('questionmovedown', 'mod_activequiz', $qnum);
         $downicon = new pix_icon('t/down', $alt);
         $controlHTML .= html_writer::link($movedownurl, $this->output->render($downicon));
     } else {
         $controlHTML .= $this->output->render($spacericon);
     $controlHTML .= html_writer::end_tag('noscript');
     // always add edit and delete icons
     $editurl = clone $this->pageurl;
     $editurl->param('action', 'editquestion');
     $editurl->param('rtqquestionid', $question->getId());
     $alt = get_string('questionedit', 'activequiz', $qnum);
     $deleteicon = new pix_icon('t/edit', $alt);
     $controlHTML .= html_writer::link($editurl, $this->output->render($deleteicon));
     $deleteurl = clone $this->pageurl;
     $deleteurl->param('action', 'deletequestion');
     $deleteurl->param('questionid', $question->getId());
     $alt = get_string('questiondelete', 'mod_activequiz', $qnum);
     $deleteicon = new pix_icon('t/delete', $alt);
     $controlHTML .= html_writer::link($deleteurl, $this->output->render($deleteicon));
     $return .= html_writer::div($controlHTML, 'controls');
     return $return;