 public function joinGroup(Group $group, GroupUser $model)
     if ($resp = $this->checkGroupWithUser($group, $model)) {
         return $resp;
     if (($result = $this->getGroupUserArray($model)) instanceof ApiResponse) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         if (Group::TYPE_CHATROOM == $group->type) {
             return new ApiResponse(Code::FAIL_GROUP_USER_ALREADY_MEMBER, 'you are one of them');
         } else {
             ConvertUtil::arrayToObject($result, $model, ['id', 'gid', 'uid', 'permission', 'create_time', 'status', 'remark']);
             switch ($model->status) {
                 case GroupUser::STATUS_REQUEST:
                     return new ApiResponse(Code::FAIL_GROUP_USER_ALREADY_REQUEST, 'you have requested');
                     // if user be invited, and want to join this group, make user member
                 // if user be invited, and want to join this group, make user member
                 case GroupUser::STATUS_INVITED:
                     return null;
                 case GroupUser::STATUS_AGREE:
                     return new ApiResponse(Code::FAIL_GROUP_USER_ALREADY_MEMBER, 'you are one of them');
                     // if i am refuse this guy, but he send again, get he the second chance
                 // if i am refuse this guy, but he send again, get he the second chance
                 case GroupUser::STATUS_REFUSED:
                     $model->status = GroupUser::STATUS_REQUEST;
                     if ($resp = $this->updateGroupUserStatus($model)) {
                         return $resp;
                     JegarnUtil::sendGroupRequestNotification($group->uid, $model->uid, $group->id, $group->name);
                     return null;
                     /*case GroupUser::STATUS_UNSUBSCRIBE:
                       case GroupUser::STATUS_BLACK:*/
                     return new ApiResponse(Code::FAIL_GROUP_USER_ALREADY_REFUSED, 'you have requested');
     } else {
         if (Group::TYPE_CHATROOM == $group->type) {
             $model->status = GroupUser::STATUS_AGREE;
             $model->permission = GroupUser::PERMISSION_NORMAL;
             if ($resp = $this->addGroupUser($group, $model)) {
                 return $resp;
             JegarnUtil::joinChatroom($group->id, $model->uid);
         } else {
             $model->status = GroupUser::STATUS_REQUEST;
             $model->permission = GroupUser::PERMISSION_NORMAL;
             if ($resp = $this->addGroupUser($group, $model)) {
                 return $resp;
             JegarnUtil::sendGroupRequestNotification($group->uid, $model->uid, $group->id, $group->name);
     return null;