
use Maslosoft\Ilmatar\Components\Controller;
use Maslosoft\Ilmatar\Widgets\Form\ActiveForm;
use Maslosoft\Zamm\Capture;
use Maslosoft\Zamm\Helpers\Wrapper;
use Maslosoft\Zamm\Namer;
use Maslosoft\Zamm\ShortNamer;
use Maslosoft\Zamm\Source;
/* @var $this Controller */
/* @var $form ActiveForm */
$n = new ShortNamer(Wrapper::class);

Wrapper is a helper, which is returned by various Zamm tools, this ensures proper
formatting, by adding HTML `pre` tag for HTML formatting, or triple ` ` ` for Markdown syntax.

There is also inline wrapper, to wrap inline snippets: class names, method names etc. 
This wraps text with `code` tag for HTML, or single ` ` ` for Markdown.

Both can be used by adding <?php 
echo $n->html->md;
 or <?php 
echo $n->md->md;
 indicator to selected Zamm method calls.
Alternativelly this can be invoked by appending method calls, respectivelly <?php 
echo $n->html()->md;

use Maslosoft\Ilmatar\Components\Controller;
use Maslosoft\Ilmatar\Widgets\Form\ActiveForm;
use Maslosoft\Mangan\Events\Event;
use Maslosoft\Zamm\DocBlock;
use Maslosoft\Zamm\ShortNamer;
/* @var $this Controller */
/* @var $form ActiveForm */
$doc = new DocBlock(Event::class);
$n = new ShortNamer(Event::class);

# Events

Events can be attached to model instance, or by class name.

## Function <?php 
echo $n->on()->md;
echo $doc->method('on');

## Function <?php 
echo $n->off()->md;
echo $doc->method('off');

## Function <?php 
echo $n->trigger()->md;
echo $doc->method('trigger');