/** * Returns the code needed to display a node in a TeamSpeak 3 viewer. * * @param \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Node\AbstractNode $node * @param array $siblings * @return string */ public function fetchObject(\ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Node\AbstractNode $node, array $siblings = array()) { $this->currObj = $node; $this->currSib = $siblings; $args = array($this->getPrefix(), $this->getCorpusIcon(), $this->getCorpusName()); return \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\String::factory($this->pattern)->arg($args); }
/** * Uses given parameters and returns a prepared ServerQuery command. * * @param string $cmd * @param array $params * @return string */ public function prepare($cmd, array $params = array()) { $args = array(); $cells = array(); foreach ($params as $ident => $value) { $ident = is_numeric($ident) ? "" : strtolower($ident) . \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\TeamSpeak3::SEPARATOR_PAIR; if (is_array($value)) { $value = array_values($value); for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) { if ($value[$i] === null) { continue; } elseif ($value[$i] === FALSE) { $value[$i] = 0x0; } elseif ($value[$i] === TRUE) { $value[$i] = 0x1; } elseif ($value[$i] instanceof \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Node\AbstractNode) { $value[$i] = $value[$i]->getId(); } $cells[$i][] = $ident . \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\String::factory($value[$i])->escape(); //->toUtf8(); } } else { if ($value === null) { continue; } elseif ($value === FALSE) { $value = 0x0; } elseif ($value === TRUE) { $value = 0x1; } elseif ($value instanceof \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Node\AbstractNode) { $value = $value->getId(); } $args[] = $ident . \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\String::factory($value)->escape(); //->toUtf8(); } } foreach (array_keys($cells) as $ident) { $cells[$ident] = implode(\ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\TeamSpeak3::SEPARATOR_CELL, $cells[$ident]); } if (count($args)) { $cmd .= " " . implode(\ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\TeamSpeak3::SEPARATOR_CELL, $args); } if (count($cells)) { $cmd .= " " . implode(\ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\TeamSpeak3::SEPARATOR_LIST, $cells); } return trim($cmd); }
/** * Returns the adapter type. * * @return string */ public function getAdapterType() { if ($this->adapter instanceof \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Adapter\AbstractAdapter) { $string = \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\String::factory(get_class($this->adapter)); return $string->substr($string->findLast("\\"))->replace(array("\\", " "), "")->toString(); } return "Unknown"; }
/** * Reads a single line of data from the stream. * * @param string $token * @throws Exception * @return \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\String */ public function readLine($token = "\n", $useCR = false) { $this->connect(); $line = \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\String::factory(""); while (!$line->endsWith($token) && !($useCR && $line->endsWith("\r"))) { $this->waitForReadyRead(); $data = @fgets($this->stream, 4096); \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\Signal::getInstance()->emit(strtolower($this->getAdapterType()) . "DataRead", $data); if ($data === FALSE) { if ($line->count()) { $line->append($token); } else { throw new Exception("connection to server '" . $this->config["host"] . ":" . $this->config["port"] . "' lost"); } } else { $line->append($data); } } return $line->trim(); }
/** * Sets a single value in the current ServerQuery connection info. * * @param string $ident * @param mixed $value * @return mixed */ public function whoamiSet($ident, $value = null) { $this->whoami(); $this->whoami[$ident] = is_numeric($value) ? intval($value) : \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\String::factory($value); }
/** * Deploys snapshot data on the selected virtual server. If no virtual server is selected (ID 0), * the data will be used to create a new virtual server from scratch. * * @param string $data * @param string $mode * @return void */ public function snapshotDeploy($data, $mode = \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\TeamSpeak3::SNAPSHOT_STRING) { switch ($mode) { case \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\TeamSpeak3::SNAPSHOT_BASE64: $data = \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\String::fromBase64($data); break; case \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\TeamSpeak3::SNAPSHOT_HEXDEC: $data = \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\String::fromHex($data); break; default: $data = \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\String::factory($data); break; } $this->request("serversnapshotdeploy " . $data); }
/** * Returns all information available on this node. If $convert is enabled, some property * values will be converted to human-readable values. * * @param boolean $extend * @param boolean $convert * @return array */ public function getInfo($extend = TRUE, $convert = FALSE) { if ($extend) { $this->fetchNodeInfo(); } if ($convert) { $info = $this->nodeInfo; foreach ($info as $key => $val) { $key = \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\String::factory($key); if ($key->contains("_bytes_")) { $info[$key->toString()] = \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\Convert::bytes($val); } elseif ($key->contains("_bandwidth_")) { $info[$key->toString()] = \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\Convert::bytes($val) . "/s"; } elseif ($key->contains("_packets_")) { $info[$key->toString()] = number_format($val, null, null, "."); } elseif ($key->contains("_packetloss_")) { $info[$key->toString()] = sprintf("%01.2f", floatval($val->toString()) * 100) . "%"; } elseif ($key->endsWith("_uptime")) { $info[$key->toString()] = \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\Convert::seconds($val); } elseif ($key->endsWith("_version")) { $info[$key->toString()] = \ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Helper\Convert::version($val); } elseif ($key->endsWith("_icon_id")) { $info[$key->toString()] = $this->iconGetName($key)->filterDigits(); } } return $info; } return $this->nodeInfo; }