  * Send a message to the configured slack channel
  * @param $message
  * @return null
 protected function send($message)
     $chan = is_null($this->channel) ? $this->config['slack']['channel'] : '#' . $this->channel;
     $settings = ['username' => $this->config['slack']['username'], 'channel' => $chan];
     $client = new Maknz\Slack\Client($this->config['slack']['endpoint'], $settings);
  * Check if slack is enabled, if so send the snapshot to the relevant
  * channel.
  * @param EventInterface $event
  * @throws EndPointNotSetException
 public function handle(EventInterface $event)
     if ($this->config['slack']['enabled']) {
         if (empty($this->config['slack']['endpoint'])) {
             throw new EndPointNotSetException("You must set the endpoint for your slack channel.");
         $client = new Client($this->config['slack']['endpoint'], $this->config['slack']['settings']);
  * Report or log an exception.
  * This is a great spot to send exceptions to Sentry, Bugsnag, etc.
  * @param  \Exception  $e
  * @return void
 public function report(Exception $e)
     if (true === env('SLACK_NOTIFY') && $e) {
         $settings = ['username' => env('SLACK_USERNAME'), 'channel' => env('SLACK_CHANNEL'), 'link_names' => true];
         $client = new Client(env('SLACK_WEBHOOKS'), $settings);
         $msgArr = ['From' => env('APP_ENV'), 'url' => Request::url(), 'Type' => get_class($e), 'ip' => Request::ip(), 'Username' => urlencode(Auth::check() ? Auth::user()->username : '******'), 'Message' => $e->getMessage(), 'File' => $e->getFile(), 'Line' => $e->getLine()];
         $client->send(urldecode(json_encode($msgArr, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)));
     return parent::report($e);
  * Send the message
  * @param $message
 protected function send($message)
     $this->client = null;
 public function doRun(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->input = $input;
     $this->output = $output;
     $archive = null;
     $fatalError = [];
     $errorJS = 0;
     $errorPHP = 0;
     $warningPHP = 0;
     $output->writeln('<fg=white;options=bold;bg=red>Code Quality Tool Note</fg=white;options=bold;bg=red>');
     $output->writeln('<info>Fetching files</info>');
     $files = $this->extractCommitedFiles();
     $output->writeln('<info>Running PHPLint</info>');
     $phpLint = $this->phpLint($files);
     if ($phpLint !== true) {
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf('<error>%s</error>', $phpLint['line']));
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf('<error>%s</error>', $phpLint['error']));
         $fatalError[] = $phpLint['error'];
         $errorPHP += count($phpLint['error']);
     if (!isset($this->config->run->phpcsfix) || $this->config->run->phpcsfix == 'true') {
         $output->writeln('<info>Checking code style</info>');
         $codeStyle = $this->codeStyle($files);
         if ($codeStyle !== true) {
             $this->output->writeln(sprintf('<error>%s</error>', $codeStyle));
     $output->writeln('<info>Checking code style with PHPCS</info>');
     $codeStylePsr = $this->codeStylePsr($files);
     if ($codeStylePsr !== true) {
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf('<error>%s</error>', $codeStylePsr));
         $pos = strpos($codeStylePsr, 'FOUND');
         $rest = substr($codeStylePsr, $pos, 100);
         $explode = explode(' ', $rest);
         $errorPHP += $explode[1];
         $warningPHP += $explode[4];
     $output->writeln('<info>Checking code style with PHPCS JS</info>');
     $codeStyleJS = $this->codeStyleJS($files);
     if ($codeStyleJS !== true) {
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf('<error>%s</error>', $codeStyleJS));
         $pos = strpos($codeStyleJS, 'FOUND');
         $rest = substr($codeStyleJS, $pos, 30);
         $explode = explode(' ', $rest);
         $errorJS = $explode[1];
     $output->writeln('<info>Checking code mess with PHPMD</info>');
     $phpmd = $this->phPmd($files);
     if ($phpmd !== true) {
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf('<error>%s</error>', $phpmd['file']));
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf('<error>%s</error>', $phpmd['errorOutput']));
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf('<error>%s</error>', $phpmd['error']));
         //count line erros
         $explode = array_filter(explode("\n", $phpmd['error']));
         $warningPHP += count($explode);
     if (!isset($this->config->run->phpunit) || $this->config->run->phpunit == 'true') {
         $output->writeln('<info>Running unit tests</info>');
         if (!$this->unitTests()) {
             throw new \Exception('Fix the f*****g unit tests!');
     $author = null;
     exec('git config --get user.name', $author);
     $message = 'Rating *A*. Good work!';
     if ($errorPHP >= 1 || $errorJS >= 1 || $warningPHP >= 1) {
         $message = 'Rating *B*. warnings (`' . $warningPHP . '` in PHP) errors (`' . $errorJS . '` in JS, `' . $errorPHP . '` in PHP)';
     if (count($fatalError) >= 1) {
         $message = 'Rating *C*. warnings (`' . $warningPHP . '` in PHP) errors (`' . $errorJS . '` in JS, `' . $errorPHP . '` in PHP)';
     if (preg_match("/(\\*B\\*)|(\\*C\\*)/", $message)) {
         $output->write('<question>There were some errors in the test, do you still want to commit? (Y/n)</question>: ');
         do {
             $cmdline = new Prompt();
             $return = strtoupper($cmdline->get());
             if ($return !== 'N' || $return !== 'Y') {
                 $output->write('<bg=red>Invalid response! Y for yes, N for no</>: ');
             if ($return === 'N') {
                 throw new \Exception("\n###### Commit Aborted! #######\n");
         } while ($return !== 'Y');
     $msgOut = str_replace('`', '', str_replace('*', '', $message));
     $output->writeln('<info>Commit ' . $author[0] . ':' . $msgOut . '</info>');
     if (isset($this->config->run->slack) && $this->config->run->slack == 'true' && isset($this->config->slackConfig)) {
         $settings = ['username' => strval($this->config->slackConfig->username), 'channel' => strval($this->config->slackConfig->channel), 'icon' => strval($this->config->slackConfig->icon)];
         $client = new Client(strval($this->config->slackConfig->url), $settings);
         $client->send('Commit *' . $author[0] . '*: ' . $message . '');
  * @param Release $release
  * @param string $channel
  * @param string $title
  * @param array $message
 protected function sendNotification(Release $release, $channel, $title, array $message)
     $message = $this->slack->createMessage()->to($channel)->attach($message + ['fallback' => $title, 'fields' => $this->describeCommitFields($release, $release->commit())]);
 protected function sendToSlack($message)