/** * @param string $sourceContentType * @param string $targetContentType * @param array $expectedResult * * @dataProvider getPreProcessorsDataProvider */ public function testProcess($sourceContentType, $targetContentType, array $expectedResult) { $this->processorChain->expects($this->any())->method('getOrigContentType')->willReturn($sourceContentType); $this->processorChain->expects($this->any())->method('getTargetContentType')->willReturn($targetContentType); $processorMaps = []; foreach ($expectedResult as $processor) { $processorMock = $this->getMock($processor, ['process'], [], '', false); $processorMock->expects($this->any())->method('process')->with($this->processorChain); $processorMaps[] = [$processor, $processorMock]; } $this->objectManager->expects(static::atLeastOnce())->method('get')->willReturnMap($processorMaps); $this->processorPool->process($this->processorChain); }
/** * Perform necessary preprocessing and materialization when the specified asset is requested * * Returns an array of two elements: * - directory code where the file is supposed to be found * - relative path to the file * * Automatically caches the obtained successful results or returns false if source file was not found * * @param LocalInterface $asset * @return array|bool */ private function preProcess(LocalInterface $asset) { $sourceFile = $this->findSourceFile($asset); if ($sourceFile !== false) { $path = $this->rootDir->getRelativePath($sourceFile); } else { // No original file, the resulting file may be generated by a pre-processor $path = false; } $cacheId = $path . ':' . $asset->getPath(); $cached = $this->cache->load($cacheId); if ($cached) { return unserialize($cached); } $chain = $this->createChain($asset, $path); $this->preProcessorPool->process($chain); $chain->assertValid(); $dirCode = DirectoryList::ROOT; if ($chain->isChanged()) { $dirCode = DirectoryList::VAR_DIR; $path = DirectoryList::TMP_MATERIALIZATION_DIR . '/source/' . $chain->getTargetAssetPath(); $this->varDir->writeFile($path, $chain->getContent()); } $result = [$dirCode, $path]; $this->cache->save(serialize($result), $cacheId); return $result; }
/** * Perform necessary preprocessing and materialization when the specified asset is requested * * Returns an array of two elements: * - directory code where the file is supposed to be found * - relative path to the file * * Automatically caches the obtained successful results or returns false if source file was not found * * @param LocalInterface $asset * @return array|bool */ private function preProcess(LocalInterface $asset) { $sourceFile = $this->findSourceFile($asset); $dirCode = DirectoryList::ROOT; $path = $this->rootDir->getRelativePath($sourceFile); $cacheId = $path . ':' . $asset->getPath(); $cached = $this->cache->load($cacheId); if ($cached) { return unserialize($cached); } $origContent = $path ? $this->rootDir->readFile($path) : ''; $origContentType = $this->getContentType($path) ?: $asset->getContentType(); $chain = $this->chainFactory->create( [ 'asset' => $asset, 'origContent' => $origContent, 'origContentType' => $origContentType, 'origAssetPath' => $path ] ); $this->preProcessorPool->process($chain); $chain->assertValid(); if ($chain->isChanged()) { $dirCode = DirectoryList::VAR_DIR; $path = DirectoryList::TMP_MATERIALIZATION_DIR . '/source/' . $chain->getTargetAssetPath(); $this->varDir->writeFile($path, $chain->getContent()); } $result = [$dirCode, $path]; $this->cache->save(serialize($result), $cacheId); return $result; }
/** * Perform necessary preprocessing and materialization when the specified asset is requested * * Returns an array of two elements: * - directory where the file is supposed to be found * - relative path to the file * * returns false if source file was not found * * @param LocalInterface $asset * @return array|bool */ private function preProcess(LocalInterface $asset) { $sourceFile = $this->findSourceFile($asset); $dir = $this->rootDir->getAbsolutePath(); $path = ''; if ($sourceFile) { $path = basename($sourceFile); $dir = dirname($sourceFile); } $chain = $this->createChain($asset, $dir, $path); $this->preProcessorPool->process($chain); $chain->assertValid(); if ($chain->isChanged()) { $dir = $this->varDir->getAbsolutePath(); $path = DirectoryList::TMP_MATERIALIZATION_DIR . '/source/' . $chain->getTargetAssetPath(); $this->varDir->writeFile($path, $chain->getContent()); } if (empty($path)) { $result = false; } else { $result = [$dir, $path]; } return $result; }
/** * Perform necessary preprocessing and materialization when the specified asset is requested * * Returns an array of two elements: * - directory code where the file is supposed to be found * - relative path to the file * * returns false if source file was not found * * @param LocalInterface $asset * @return array|bool */ private function preProcess(LocalInterface $asset) { $sourceFile = $this->findSourceFile($asset); $path = $this->rootDir->getRelativePath($sourceFile); $chain = $this->createChain($asset, $path); $this->preProcessorPool->process($chain); $chain->assertValid(); $dirCode = DirectoryList::ROOT; if ($chain->isChanged()) { $dirCode = DirectoryList::VAR_DIR; $path = DirectoryList::TMP_MATERIALIZATION_DIR . '/source/' . $chain->getTargetAssetPath(); $this->varDir->writeFile($path, $chain->getContent()); } $result = [$dirCode, $path]; return $result; }
/** * Run test for process method (exception) * * @expectedException \UnexpectedValueException * @expectedExceptionMessage "stdClass" has to implement the PreProcessorInterface. */ public function testProcessBadInterface() { $preprocessors = [self::CONTENT_TYPE => ['test' => [Pool::PREPROCESSOR_CLASS => 'stdClass']]]; $pool = new Pool($this->objectManagerMock, $this->sorterMock, self::DEFAULT_PREPROCESSOR, $preprocessors); $this->sorterMock->expects(self::once())->method('sort')->with($preprocessors[self::CONTENT_TYPE])->willReturn($preprocessors[self::CONTENT_TYPE]); $chainMock = $this->getChainMock(self::CONTENT_TYPE); $this->objectManagerMock->expects(self::once())->method('get')->with('stdClass')->willReturn(new \stdClass()); $pool->process($chainMock); }