public function importdata(Request $request) { $results = null; // $results = $reader->get(); // // $ret = $results->toArray(); $file = $request->file('exelimport'); $request->file('exelimport')->move(storage_path() . '/public/import/', 'import.xlsx'); //$request->file('exelimport') // $results = Excel::load($request->file('exelimport'))->toArray(); $ret = Excel::filter('chunk')->load(storage_path('/public/import/import.xlsx'))->chunk(250, function ($results) { $data = array(); foreach ($results as $index => $value) { // $im_date_start = $value["change_saving_rate_date"]; $ret_data_start = str_replace("'", "", $im_date_start); $im_date_modify = $value["effective_date"]; $ret_data_modify = str_replace("'", "", $im_date_modify); // var_dump($ret_data_start); $date_start = new Date($ret_data_start); $date_modify = new Date($ret_data_modify); $EMP_ID = $value["emp_id"]; // $PERIOD = $value["period"]; $allquery = "SELECT COUNT(EMP_ID) AS total FROM TBL_USER_SAVING_RATE WHERE EMP_ID= '" . $EMP_ID . "' AND CHANGE_SAVING_RATE_DATE='" . $date_start . "'"; $all = DB::select(DB::raw($allquery)); $total = $all[0]->total; if ($total == 0) { array_push($data, array('EMP_ID' => $value["emp_id"], 'USER_SAVING_RATE' => $value["user_saving_rate"], 'CHANGE_SAVING_RATE_DATE' => $date_start, 'EFFECTIVE_DATE' => $date_modify, 'MODIFY_COUNT' => $value["modify_count"], 'MODIFY_BY' => $value["modify_by"])); } } DB::table('TBL_USER_SAVING_RATE')->insert($data); }); return response()->json(array('success' => true, 'html' => $ret)); }
/** * */ public function importData($url, $program_id, $feed_id, $custom_categorie) { $fileLocation = storage_path() . '/' . $program_id . '.' . $feed_id . '.csv'; $this->downloadAndSaveFeed($url, $fileLocation); $this->filterBestand($fileLocation); $chunkSize = Config::get('daisycon.chunksize', 500); Excel::filter('chunk')->load($fileLocation)->chunk($chunkSize, function ($results) use($program_id, $feed_id, $custom_categorie) { foreach ($results as $row) { /** * Lege values eruit filteren */ $arr = array_filter($row->toArray()); try { /** * Merge 'program_id' in gegevens uit XML */ $inserted_array = array_merge($arr, array('program_id' => $program_id, 'feed_id' => $feed_id, 'custom_categorie' => $custom_categorie)); Data::create($inserted_array); } catch (Exception $e) { dd($e->getMessage()); } } }); Data::where(function ($query) { $query->whereTitle('title')->orWhere('title', 'like', '#%'); })->delete(); Data::whereTemp(0)->update(array('temp' => 1)); \File::delete($fileLocation); }
/** * @param Request $request * @return View */ public function postImportContacts(Request $request) { $start = microtime(true); $authenticated_user = $request->user(); $creation_data = new CRUDResultData(); $file = Input::file('imported_contacts'); if (is_null($file)) { $extension = 'ERROR'; $creation_data->extra_info .= 'No file uploaded. '; } else { $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); } if ($extension == 'xls' or $extension == 'xlsx') { $php_excel = Excel::load($file->getPathname()); $worksheet = $php_excel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->toArray(); $validation_data = $this->validateExcel($worksheet); if ($validation_data->success == false) { $creation_data = $validation_data; } else { $creation_data->success = true; $creation_data->extra_info = $validation_data->extra_info; $this->insertFromExcel($worksheet, $authenticated_user); } } elseif ($extension == 'csv' or $extension == 'tsv') { } $creation_data->extra_info .= 'Time to finish: ' . round((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000, 3) . ' ms. '; $creation_data->extra_info .= 'Uploaded by: ' . $authenticated_user->name . ' - ' . $authenticated_user->email . '. '; $this->logImportResult($creation_data, $authenticated_user); return View('contacts/import_contact')->with('creation_data', $creation_data); }
public function updateIpExt() { $self = $this; Excel::selectSheets('全區')->load(__DIR__ . '/../../../../storage/excel/example/ip_ext.xls', $this->updateClosure()); Session::flash('success', '全部人員<b>Ip</b>以及<b>分機</b>更新完成'); return redirect('user'); }
public static function _loadXls($url) { $data = Excel::load($url, function ($reader) { return $reader->all(); }); return $data; }
public function importdata(Request $request) { $results = null; // $results = $reader->get(); // // $ret = $results->toArray(); $file = $request->file('exelimport'); $request->file('exelimport')->move(storage_path() . '/public/import/', 'import.xlsx'); //$request->file('exelimport') // $results = Excel::load($request->file('exelimport'))->toArray(); $ret = Excel::filter('chunk')->load(storage_path('/public/import/import.xlsx'))->chunk(250, function ($results) { foreach ($results as $index => $value) { // // $rest = substr("abcdef", -1); // returns "f" // $rest = substr("abcdef", -2); // returns "ef" // $rest = substr("abcdef", -3, 1); $im_date_start = $value["contribution_start_date"]; $ret_data_start = str_replace("'", "", $im_date_start); $im_date_end = $value["contribution_end_date"]; $ret_data_end = str_replace("'", "", $im_date_end); $im_date_modify = $value["contribution_modify_date"]; $ret_data_modify = str_replace("'", "", $im_date_modify); // var_dump($ret_data_start); // var_dump($ret_data_start); $date_start = new Date($ret_data_start); $date_end = new Date($ret_data_end); $date_modify = new Date($ret_data_modify); $update = array('EMP_ID' => $value["emp_id"], 'CONTRIBUTION_START_DATE' => $date_start, 'CONTRIBUTION_END_DATE' => $date_end, 'CONTRIBUTION_MODIFY_DATE' => $date_modify, 'CONTRIBUTION_RATE_OLD' => $value["contribution_rate_old"], 'CONTRIBUTION_RATE_NEW' => $value["contribution_rate_new"]); DB::table('TBL_EMPLOYEE_INFO')->where('EMP_ID', "=", $value["emp_id"])->update($update); } }); return response()->json(array('success' => true, 'html' => $ret)); }
public function excel(Request $request) { try { Log::info(Input::file('input_excel')); Excel::load($request->file('input_excel'), function ($reader) { $array = $reader->toArray(); Log::info($array); $banqueId = $this->gestSession->addBanqueByExcel($array[0]); Log::info("IdBanque1 " . $banqueId); $i = 1; while ($i < sizeof($array)) { Log::info($array); $titreIdGItem = $this->gestSession->addTitreGItemByExcel($array[$i]); Log::info("IdTitreGItem " . $titreIdGItem); $i++; while ($i < sizeof($array) && $array[$i]["label_item"] != null) { $this->gestSession->addItemByExcel($array[$i], $banqueId, $titreIdGItem); $i++; } } }); return Redirect::back(); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo "Format Incorrect"; } }
public function importdata(Request $request) { $results = null; // $results = $reader->get(); // // $ret = $results->toArray(); $file = $request->file('exelimport'); $request->file('exelimport')->move(storage_path() . '/public/import/', 'import.xlsx'); //$request->file('exelimport') // $results = Excel::load($request->file('exelimport'))->toArray(); $ret = Excel::filter('chunk')->load(storage_path('/public/import/import.xlsx'))->chunk(250, function ($results) { $data = array(); // $results = $reader->toArray(); foreach ($results as $index => $value) { $EMP_ID = $value["emp_id"]; // $PERIOD = $value["period"]; // $user = DB::table('TBL_MEMBER_BENEFITS')->where('EMP_ID', $EMP_ID)->where('PERIOD', $PERIOD)->count(); $allquery = "SELECT COUNT(EMP_ID) AS total FROM TBL_USER_BENEFICIARY WHERE EMP_ID= '" . $EMP_ID . "'"; $all = DB::select(DB::raw($allquery)); $total = $all[0]->total; $date = new Date(); // array_push($data,'asd','asda'); if ($total == 0) { array_push($data, array('EMP_ID' => $value["emp_id"], 'FULL_NAME' => $value["full_name"], 'FILE_NO' => $value["file_no"], 'FILE_PATH' => $value["file_path"], 'CREATE_DATE' => $value["create_date"], 'CREATE_BY' => $value["create_by"], 'FILE_NAME' => $value["file_name"])); } } // var_dump($data); DB::table('TBL_USER_BENEFICIARY')->insert($data); //DB::insert(DB::raw($insert)); }); return response()->json(array('success' => true, 'html' => $ret)); }
/** * */ public function import(Request $request) { Excel::filter('chunk')->load($request->only('file')['file'], 'UTF-8')->chunk(100, function ($language) { // Loop through all rows $language->each(function ($row) { $default = Locale::find(1); $locales = Locale::lists('id', 'name'); $langs = []; foreach ($row as $lang => $translation) { if (array_key_exists(ucfirst($lang), $locales->toArray())) { // if imported lang exist $ilang_id = $locales[ucfirst($lang)]; // if ($ilang_id == $default->id) { $langs[ucfirst($lang)]['translation'] = $translation; $langs[ucfirst($lang)]['id'] = $ilang_id; } else { $langs['child'][ucfirst($lang)]['translation'] = $translation; $langs['child'][ucfirst($lang)]['id'] = $ilang_id; } } } $new_trans = LocaleTranslation::firstOrNew(['locale_id' => $langs[$default->name]['id'], 'translation' => $langs[$default->name]['translation']]); $new_trans->save(); foreach ($langs['child'] as $cland => $ctrans) { $new_ctrans = LocaleTranslation::firstOrNew(['locale_id' => $ctrans['id'], 'translation_id' => $new_trans->id]); $new_ctrans->translation = $ctrans['translation']; $new_ctrans->save(); } }); }); return redirect()->route('admin.language.index')->withFlashSuccess('Imported'); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $requested = Input::get('request'); $message = ''; if ($requested == null || $requested == '' || $requested == 'showAll') { $users = $this->getActiveCompanyUsers(null); $keyword = ''; if (count($users) == 25) { $message = "There are more users than are currently displayed. Please use the search filter."; } return view('goalSettings.list', compact('users', 'keyword', 'message')); } elseif ($requested == 'excel') { $keyword = Input::get('keyword'); $users = $this->getActiveCompanyUsers($keyword); $data = array(array('Member Name', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'ANNUAL')); foreach ($users as $user) { array_push($data, array($user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name, $user->goalManagement->jan, $user->goalManagement->feb, $user->goalManagement->mar, $user->goalManagement->apr, $user->goalManagement->may, $user->goalManagement->jun, $user->goalManagement->jul, $user->goalManagement->aug, $user->goalManagement->sep, $user->goalManagement->oct, $user->goalManagement->nov, $user->goalManagement->dec, $user->goalManagement->annual)); } Excel::create('revenueGoalSettings', function ($excel) use($data) { $excel->sheet('Revenue Goal Settings', function ($sheet) use($data) { $sheet->fromArray($data); }); })->export('xlsx'); } else { $keyword = Input::get('keyword'); $users = $this->getActiveCompanyUsers($keyword); if (count($users) == 25) { $message = "There are more users than are currently displayed. Please use the search filter."; } return view('goalSettings.list', compact('users', 'keyword', 'message')); } }
static function csvToRespondents($file, $project_id) { $respondents = Excel::load($file, function ($reader) { $reader->toArray(); }); $respondents = $respondents->parsed; $count = null; foreach ($respondents as $respondent) { $count++; $new = Respondent::create(['first_name' => $respondent->first_name, 'last_name' => $respondent->last_name, 'gender' => $respondent->gender, 'dob' => $respondent->dob, 'project_id' => $project_id]); if (isset($respondent->email) && $respondent->email != null) { $email = RespondentEmail::firstOrCreate(['project_id' => $project_id, 'address' => $respondent->email]); $email->type = $respondent->type; $email->save(); $new->emails()->save($email); } if (isset($respondent->phone) && $respondent->phone != null) { $ph_num = Uploader::cleanPhoneNumber($respondent->phone); $phone = RespondentPhone::firstOrCreate(['project_id' => $project_id, 'number' => $ph_num]); $phone->type = $respondent->phone_type; $phone->save(); $new->phones()->save($phone); } if (isset($respondent->email) && $respondent->email != null) { $address = RespondentAddress::firstOrCreate(['project_id' => $project_id, 'street_number' => $respondent->street_number, 'street_name' => $respondent->street_name, 'apt' => $respondent->apt, 'city' => $respondent->city, 'state' => $respondent->state, 'zip' => $respondent->zip, 'type' => $respondent->address_type]); $new->addresses()->save($address); } } return $count; }
public function importdata(Request $request) { $results = null; // $results = $reader->get(); // // $ret = $results->toArray(); $file = $request->file('exelimport'); $request->file('exelimport')->move(storage_path() . '/public/import/', 'import.xlsx'); //$request->file('exelimport') // $results = Excel::load($request->file('exelimport'))->toArray(); $ret = Excel::filter('chunk')->load(storage_path('/public/import/import.xlsx'))->chunk(250, function ($results) { $data = array(); // $results = $reader->toArray(); foreach ($results as $index => $value) { $EMP_ID = $value["emp_id"]; $PERIOD = $value["period"]; // $user = DB::table('TBL_MEMBER_BENEFITS')->where('EMP_ID', $EMP_ID)->where('PERIOD', $PERIOD)->count(); $allquery = "SELECT COUNT(EMP_ID) AS total FROM TBL_MEMBER_BENEFITS WHERE EMP_ID= '" . $EMP_ID . "' AND (PERIOD='" . $PERIOD . "' OR PERIOD IS NULL)"; $all = DB::select(DB::raw($allquery)); $total = $all[0]->total; // array_push($data,'asd','asda'); if ($total == 0) { array_push($data, array('EMP_ID' => $value["emp_id"], 'FULL_NAME' => $value["full_name"], 'PATH_CODE' => $value["path_code"], 'DEP_CODE' => $value["dep_code"], 'DIV_CODE' => $value["div_code"], 'SEC_CODE' => $value["sec_code"], 'PATH_NAME' => $value["path_name"], 'DEP_NAME' => $value["dep_name"], 'DIV_NAME' => $value["div_name"], 'SEC_NAME' => $value["sec_name"], 'HIRE_DATE' => $value["hire_date"], 'END_DATE' => $value["end_date"], 'POSITION_CODE' => $value["position_code"], 'POSITION_NAME' => $value["position_name"], 'JOB_LINE' => $value["job_line"], 'LEVEL_CODE' => $value["level_code"], 'EXE_NAME' => $value["exe_name"], 'EXE1_NAME' => $value["exe1_name"], 'AGE_YEAR' => $value["age_year"], 'AGE_DAY' => $value["age_day"], 'JOB_YEAR' => $value["job_year"], 'JOB_DAY' => $value["job_day"], 'EMPLOYER_CONTRIBUTION_1' => $value["employer_contribution_1"], 'EMPLOYER_EARNING_2' => $value["employer_earning_2"], 'MEMBER_CONTRIBUTION_3' => $value["member_contribution_3"], 'MEMBER_EARNING_4' => $value["member_earning_4"], 'TAX_1' => $value["tax_1"], 'TAX_12' => $value["tax_12"], 'TAX_124' => $value["tax_124"], 'TAX_1234' => $value["tax_1234"], 'GRATUITY' => $value["gratuity"], 'GRATUITY_TAX' => $value["gratuity_tax"], 'RECORD_DATE' => $value["record_date"], 'PERIOD' => $value["period"])); } } // var_dump($data); DB::table('TBL_MEMBER_BENEFITS')->insert($data); //DB::insert(DB::raw($insert)); }); return response()->json(array('success' => true, 'html' => $ret)); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function export($report) { $data = null; $title = null; if ($report == '1') { $data = session()->get('funciones'); $title = 'Funciones'; } if ($report == '2') { $data = session()->get('paises'); $title = 'Paises'; } if ($report == '3') { $data = session()->get('sedes'); $title = 'Sedes'; } if ($report == '4') { $data = session()->get('programas'); $title = 'Programas'; } if ($report == '5') { $data = session()->get('festivales'); $title = 'Festivales'; } $fechaIni = $data[0]['Fecha inicial']; $fechaFin = $data[0]['Fecha final']; Excel::create('Reporte DocumentaQro ' . $title . ' de ' . $fechaIni . ' hasta ' . $fechaFin, function ($excel) use($data) { $excel->sheet('Export', function ($sheet) use($data) { $sheet->fromArray($data); }); })->export('xls'); }
/** * Execute the job. * * @return void */ public function handle() { $order_id = $this->order->id; // try { //解析文件 录入数据库 Excel::filter('chunk')->selectSheets('Sheet1')->load(public_path($this->order->sub_file))->chunk(300, function ($results) use($order_id) { foreach ($results as $row) { if ($row['序号'] != null) { $subOrder = new SubOrder(); $subOrder->order_id = $order_id; $subOrder->excel_id = (int) $row['序号']; $subOrder->fw_number = $row['国外运单号']; $subOrder->name = $row['姓名']; $subOrder->mobile = $row['电话']; $subOrder->address = $row['地址']; $subOrder->zip_code = $row['邮编']; $subOrder->weight = $row['重量']; $subOrder->id_number = $row['身份证号']; try { $subOrder->save(); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return array('success' => false, 'errors' => array($exception->getMessage())); } //存入订单产品 $product = new OrderProduct(); $product->sub_order_id = $subOrder->id; $product->name = $row['品名']; $product->count = $row['数量']; try { $product->save(); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return array('success' => false, 'errors' => array($exception->getMessage())); } } else { //存入子订单 $subOrder = SubOrder::where('excel_id', (int) $row['子序号'])->where('order_id', $order_id)->first(); //TODO 检查子订单是否存在 //存入订单产品 $product = new OrderProduct(); $product->sub_order_id = $subOrder['id']; $product->name = $row['品名']; $product->count = $row['数量']; try { $product->save(); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return array('success' => false, 'errors' => array($exception->getMessage())); } } } }); } catch (\Exception $e) { return array('success' => false, 'errors' => array($e->getMessage())); } //文件解析成功 更新子订单数量 //获取分单数量 $sub_total = SubOrder::where('order_id', $this->order->id)->count(); $this->order->sub_total = $sub_total; $this->order->save(); }
public function importdata(Request $request) { $results = null; $type = $request->input('type'); $retdate = Excel::load($request->file('exelimport'), function ($reader) use($type) { $results = $reader->get(); $ret = $results->toArray(); // var_dump($ret); foreach ($ret as $index => $value) { $EMP_ID = $value["emp_id"]; $PLAN_ID = $value["plan_id"]; $EQUITY_RATE = $value["equity_rate"]; $DEBT_RATE = $value["debt_rate"]; $MODIFY_DATE = $value["modify_date"]; $EFFECTIVE_DATE = $value["effective_date"]; $MODIFY_COUNT = $value["modify_count"]; $MODIFY_COUNT_TIMESTAMP = $value["modify_count_timestamp"]; $MODIFY_BY = $value["modify_by"]; $insert = "INSERT INTO TBL_USER_FUND_CHOOSE (PLAN_ID,EMP_ID,EQUITY_RATE,DEBT_RATE,MODIFY_DATE,EFFECTIVE_DATE,MODIFY_COUNT,MODIFY_COUNT_TIMESTAMP,MODIFY_BY) VALUES(" . $PLAN_ID . ",'" . $EMP_ID . "'," . $EQUITY_RATE . "," . $DEBT_RATE . ",'" . $MODIFY_DATE . "','" . $EFFECTIVE_DATE . "'," . $MODIFY_COUNT . ",'" . $MODIFY_COUNT_TIMESTAMP . "','" . $MODIFY_BY . "')"; DB::insert(DB::raw($insert)); } $staturet = true; $data = "ok"; }); return response()->json(array('success' => true, 'html' => $retdate)); }
public function exportOneSheet($collection, array $columns, $title, $filename, $format = 'xls', $creator = '', $company = '') { $rows = []; $rows[] = array_values($columns); foreach ($collection as $item) { $row = []; foreach ($columns as $attribute => $title) { $pos = strpos($attribute, '.'); if ($pos !== false) { $right = $attribute; while ($pos !== false) { $left = substr($right, 0, $pos); $right = substr($right, $pos + 1); $pos = strpos($right, '.'); $relation = $item->{$left}; } $row[] = $relation->{$right}; } else { $row[] = $item->{$attribute}; } } $rows[] = $row; } return \Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel::create($filename, function ($excel) use($rows, $title, $creator, $company) { $excel->setTitle($title); $excel->setCreator($creator)->setCompany($company); $excel->sheet($title, function ($sheet) use($rows) { $sheet->fromArray($rows, null, 'A1', true, false); }); })->download($format); }
private function insertArticles($filename) { $i = 0; $filename = 'storage/app/' . $filename; Excel::load($filename, function ($reader) use($i) { $results = $reader->get(); foreach ($results as $article) { $NoEstaEnLaBD = is_null(Article::where('product_code', $article['codigo'])->first()); if ($NoEstaEnLaBD) { // si el articulo _NO_ se encuentra en la base de datos if (is_null($article['serializable'])) { $serializable = 0; } else { $serializable = $article['serializable']; } $a = Article::create(['product_code' => $article['codigo'], 'unit' => $article['ub'], 'name' => $article['descripcion'], 'barcode' => $article['barcode'], 'fav' => $article['fav'], 'serializable' => $serializable, 'active' => $article['activo']]); $i++; } else { // si el codigo se encuentra en la base de datos } } }); // Fin del Excel::load return $i; }
public function importdata(Request $request) { $results = null; // $results = $reader->get(); // // $ret = $results->toArray(); $file = $request->file('exelimport'); $request->file('exelimport')->move(storage_path() . '/public/import/', 'import.xlsx'); //$request->file('exelimport') // $results = Excel::load($request->file('exelimport'))->toArray(); $ret = Excel::filter('chunk')->load(storage_path('/public/import/import.xlsx'))->chunk(250, function ($results) { $data = array(); // $results = $reader->toArray(); foreach ($results as $index => $value) { // $EMP_ID = $value["emp_id"]; // $PERIOD = $value["period"]; // $user = DB::table('TBL_MEMBER_BENEFITS')->where('EMP_ID', $EMP_ID)->where('PERIOD', $PERIOD)->count(); // $allquery = "SELECT COUNT(EMP_ID) AS total FROM TBL_MEMBER_BENEFITS WHERE EMP_ID= '".$EMP_ID."' AND (PERIOD='".$PERIOD."' OR PERIOD IS NULL)"; // $all = DB::select(DB::raw($allquery)); // $total = $all[0]->total; $date = new Date(); // array_push($data,'asd','asda'); // if ($total == 0) { array_push($data, array('EMP_ID' => $value["emp_id"], 'INVESTMENT_PLAN' => $value["investment_plan"], 'EQUITY' => $value["equity"], 'DEBT' => $value["debt"], 'EQUITY_FUNDS' => $value["equity_funds"], 'BOND_FUNDS' => $value["bond_funds"], 'INVESTMENT_MONEY' => $value["investment_money"], 'REFERENCE_DATE' => $value["reference_date"], 'MEMBER_STATUS' => $value["member_status"], 'CREATE_DATE' => $date)); // } } // var_dump($data); DB::table('TBL_INFORMATION_FROM_ASSET')->insert($data); //DB::insert(DB::raw($insert)); }); return response()->json(array('success' => true, 'html' => $ret)); }
/** * Generates exported excel files * * @return excel file */ public static function exportFileTest($reportArray = array(), $filename = 'Filenaname_here') { Excel::create($filename, function ($excel) use($reportArray) { $excel->sheet('Sheetname', function ($sheet) use($reportArray) { $sheet->fromArray($reportArray, null, 'A1', false, false); }); })->export('xls'); }
public function export() { Excel::create('Personal', function ($excel) { $excel->sheet('Sheetname', function ($sheet) { $sheet->fromArray($this->final); }); })->export('xls'); }
/** * @param $date * @param $subscriptions * @return mixed */ private function exportToExcel($date, $subscriptions) { return Excel::create('InscricoesParlamentoJuvenil-' . $date, function ($excel) use($subscriptions) { $excel->sheet('Inscricoes', function ($sheet) use($subscriptions) { $sheet->fromArray($subscriptions); }); })->download('xls'); }
protected function genCreditCardDealReport($filename) { $self = $this; return Excel::create($filename, function ($excel) use($self) { $formatArr = ['J' => '@', 'K' => '@', 'L' => '@', 'M' => '@', 'N' => '@', 'O' => '@', 'P' => '@', 'Q' => '@', 'R' => '@', 'S' => '@', 'T' => '@', 'U' => '@', 'V' => '0', 'B' => '@', 'H' => '@', 'F' => '0', 'G' => '0']; ExcelHelper::genBasicSheet($excel, '表格', $formatArr, 'V', $self->getCreditCardDealQuery(), $self->genCreditCardDealHead()); }); }
public function exportar() { Excel::create('Usuarios', function ($excel) { $excel->sheet('Usuarios', function ($sheet) { $usuarios = \JLcourier\Entities\User::all(); $sheet->fromArray($usuarios); }); })->export('xls'); }
public function datapeserta_excel() { $datapeserta = DataPeserta::all(); Excel::create('datapeserta', function ($excel) use($datapeserta) { $excel->sheet('Sheet 1', function ($sheet) use($datapeserta) { $sheet->fromArray($datapeserta); }); })->export('xls'); }
public function download(Request $request) { $products = $this->productRepo->search($request)->get(); Excel::create('Productos', function ($excel) use($products) { $excel->sheet('Listado', function ($sheet) use($products) { $sheet->loadView('products.partials.table', compact('products')); }); })->export('xls'); }
public function exportar() { Excel::create('Ordenes', function ($excel) { $excel->sheet('Ordenes', function ($sheet) { $ordenes = \JLcourier\Entities\Cliente::join('orden_servicios', '', '=', 'orden_servicios.cliente_id')->select('orden_servicios.fecha_inicio', 'orden_servicios.nro_orden', 'nombre', 'orden_servicios.tipo', 'orden_servicios.tiempo', 'orden_servicios.estado')->get(); $sheet->fromArray($ordenes); }); })->export('xls'); }
public function excel() { $qdn = Info::all(); Excel::create('QDN', function ($excel) use($qdn) { $excel->sheet($this->yearNow(), function ($sheet) use($qdn) { $sheet->fromArray($qdn); }); })->download('csv'); }
public function gestionesRealizadasExport(Request $request) { Excel::create('Gestiones Realizadas', function ($excel) { $excel->sheet('Gestiones', function ($sheet) { $tweets = Tweet::all(); $sheet->fromArray($tweets, null, 'A1', false, false); }); })->export('csv'); }
public function import() { Excel::load('public/books.csv', function ($reader) { foreach ($reader->get() as $book) { Renglon::create(['descrip_renglon' => $book->id_tipo_, 'id_marca' => $book->unidad_medida, 'id_modelo' => $book->cantidad, 'unidad_medida' => $book->unidad_medida, 'cantidad' => $book->cantidad, 'existencia_minima' => $book->existencia_minima, 'foto_producto' => $book->foto_producto, 'cod_usua' => $book->cod_usua]); } }); return Renglon::all(); }
/** * Create or update a note * * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse */ public function index(Request $request) { $linehaul = $request->input('linehaul', null); $postalCode = $request->input('postalcode', null); $fresh = $request->input('fresh', false); $dummy = $request->input('dummy', false); //Damn strings if ($fresh == 'false') { $fresh = false; } if ($fresh) { $postalCodes = $this->getPostalCodes($linehaul, $postalCode); } else { $postalCodes = Cache::remember('postal_codes', 24 * 60, function () use($linehaul, $postalCode) { return $this->getPostalCodes($linehaul, $postalCode); }); } if (!$dummy) { return Excel::create('PostalCodes' . Carbon::now()->toDateString(), function ($excel) use($postalCodes) { $excel->sheet('postalcodes', function ($sheet) use($postalCodes) { $sheet->fromArray($postalCodes); }); })->download('xls'); } return 'DB UPDATED'; }