$out = $s->nextMatch();
assert($out === array(0 => 'digit', 1 => 4));
assert($s->match() === '4');
assert($s->matchPos() === 4);
assert($s->pos() === 5);
// this is the final match
$out = $s->nextMatch();
assert($out === array(0 => 'digit', 1 => 5));
assert($s->match() === '5');
assert($s->matchPos() === 5);
assert($s->pos() === 6);
$out = $s->nextMatch();
assert($out === null);
$s->string('01 23;45');
$out = $s->getNext(array('/\\d+/', '/\\s+/'));
assert($out === array(0 => 0, 1 => array(0 => '01')));
$out = $s->getNext(array('/\\d+/', '/\\s+/'));
assert($out === array(0 => 2, 1 => array(0 => ' ')));
$out = $s->getNext(array('/\\d+/', '/\\s+/'));
assert($out === array(0 => 3, 1 => array(0 => '23')));
// note we've skipped over the ;
$out = $s->getNext(array('/\\d+/', '/\\s+/'));
assert($out === array(0 => 6, 1 => array(0 => '45')));
$out = $s->getNext(array('/\\d+/', '/\\s+/'));
assert($out === array(0 => -1, 1 => null));