  * The $checking parameter tells if any Success output should be made or not.
  * Default : Visible. It's named $checking, because output shouldn't be made
  * while checking DB connection. So, if it's a call made while checking,
  * then the parameter $checking must be TRUE.
  * ----------
  * We don't have a step2 function because there is no Step 3
 public static function step1()
     if (!is_writable(L_DIR)) {
         ser("Error", "Lobby Directory is not Writable. Please set <blockquote>" . L_DIR . "</blockquote> directory's permission to writable.<cl/><a href='install.php?step=1' class='button'>Check Again</a>");
         return false;
     } elseif (\Lobby\FS::exists("/config.php")) {
         ser("config.php File Exists", "A config.php file already exitsts in <blockquote>" . L_DIR . "</blockquote> directory. Remove it and try again. <cl/><a href='install.php?step=1" . H::csrf('g') . "' class='button'>Check Again</a>");
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
  * The $checking parameter tells if any Success output should be made or not.
  * Default : Visible. It's named $checking, because output shouldn't be made
  * while checking DB connection. So, if it's a call made while checking,
  * then the parameter $checking must be TRUE.
  * ----------
  * We don't have a step2 function because there is no Step 3
 public static function step1()
     if (!is_writable(L_DIR)) {
         echo ser("Error", "Lobby Directory is not Writable. Please set <blockquote>" . L_DIR . "</blockquote> directory's permission to writable.<cl/><a href='install.php?step=1' class='btn'>Check Again</a>");
         return false;
     } else {
         if (FS::exists("/config.php")) {
             echo ser("config.php File Exists", "A config.php file already exitsts in <blockquote>" . L_DIR . "</blockquote> directory. Remove it and try again. <cl/><a href='" . self::u("admin/install.php?step=1" . \CSRF::getParam()) . "' class='btn'>Check Again</a>");
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;
文件: ajax.php 项目: LobbyOS/server

require "../../../../load.php";
$file = \Request::postParam('cx74e9c6a45', '');
$appID = \Request::postParam('s7c8csw91', '');
if ($file != "" && CSRF::check()) {
    if ($appID !== "") {
        $App = new \Lobby\Apps($appID);
        if ($App->exists && $App->enabled) {
            $AppClass = $App->run();
            $html = $AppClass->page("/ajax/{$file}");
            if ($html === "auto") {
                $html = $AppClass->inc("/src/ajax/{$file}");
            echo $html;
    } else {
        if (\Lobby\FS::exists($file)) {
            require_once \Lobby\FS::loc($file);
        } else {
            echo "fileNotFound";
文件: init.php 项目: LobbyOS/server

 * Add the <head> files if it's not the install page
if (!\Lobby::status("lobby.install")) {
     * Left Menu
    \Lobby\UI\Panel::addTopItem("lobbyHome", array("text" => "Home", "href" => L_URL, "position" => "left"));
    $adminArray = array("text" => "Admin", "href" => "/admin", "position" => "left");
    $adminArray["subItems"] = array("app_manager" => array("text" => "Apps", "href" => "/admin/apps.php"), "lobby_store" => array("text" => "Lobby Store", "href" => "/admin/lobby-store.php"), "about" => array("text" => "Settings", "href" => "/admin/settings.php"));
    \Lobby\UI\Panel::addTopItem("lobbyAdmin", $adminArray);
    if (\Lobby\FS::exists("/upgrade.lobby")) {
        require_once L_DIR . "/includes/src/Update.php";
        $l_info = json_decode(\Lobby\FS::get("/lobby.json"));
        if ($lobby_version != $l_info->version) {
            Lobby\DB::saveOption("lobby_latest_version", $l_info->version);
            Lobby\DB::saveOption("lobby_latest_version_release", $l_info->released);
if (\Lobby::status("lobby.admin")) {
     * Add Admin Pages' stylesheet, script
    \Assets::js("admin", "/admin/js/admin.js");
     * Add sidebar
文件: Update.php 项目: LobbyOS/server
 public static function finish_software_update($admin_previously_installed = false)
     FS::write("/upgrade.lobby", "1", "w");
     if ($admin_previously_installed) {
     $latest_version = DB::getOption("lobby_latest_version");
     self::log("Updated Lobby to version {$latest_version}");
      * Remove Depreciated Files
     $deprecatedFilesInfoLoc = "/contents/update/removeFiles.php";
     if (FS::exists($deprecatedFilesInfoLoc)) {
         $files = FS::get($deprecatedFilesInfoLoc);
         $files = explode("\n", $files);
         if (count($files) !== 0) {
             $files = array_filter($files);
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 $fileLoc = L_DIR . "/{$file}";
                 if (file_exists($fileLoc) && $fileLoc != L_DIR) {
                     self::log("Removed Deprecated File: {$fileLoc}");
             copy(FS::loc($deprecatedFilesInfoLoc), FS::loc("{$deprecatedFilesInfoLoc}.txt"));
             self::log("Finished Removing Deprecated Files");
      * Database Update
     if (FS::exists("/update/sqlExecute.sql")) {
         self::log("Upgrading Lobby Database");
         $sqlCode = FS::get("/update/sqlExecute.sql");
         $sql = \Lobby\DB::prepare($sqlCode);
         if (!$sql->execute()) {
             echo ser("Error", "Database Update Couldn't be made. <a href='update.php'>Try again</a>");
         } else {
         self::log("Updated Lobby Database");
     self::log("Lobby is successfully Updated.");
文件: Apps.php 项目: LobbyOS/server
  * Get the manifest info of app as array
 private function setInfo()
     $manifest = FS::exists($this->dir . "/manifest.json") ? FS::get($this->dir . "/manifest.json") : false;
     if ($manifest) {
         $details = json_decode($manifest, true);
         $details = array_replace_recursive(self::$manifestConfig, $details);
          * Add extra info with the manifest info
         $details['id'] = $this->app;
         $details['dir'] = $this->dir;
         $details['url'] = Lobby::getURL() . "/app/{$this->app}";
         $details['srcURL'] = Lobby::getURL() . "/contents/apps/{$this->app}";
         $details['adminURL'] = Lobby::getURL() . "/admin/app/{$this->app}";
          * Prefer SVG over PNG
         $details['logo'] = $details['logo'] !== false ? FS::exists($this->dir . "/src/image/logo.svg") ? self::$appsURL . "/{$this->app}/src/image/logo.svg" : self::$appsURL . "/{$this->app}/src/image/logo.png" : Themes::getThemeURL() . "/src/main/image/app-logo.png";
         $details["latestVersion"] = isset(self::$appUpdates[$this->app]) ? self::$appUpdates[$this->app] : null;
         $details = \Hooks::applyFilters("app.manifest", $details);
          * Insert the info as a property
         $this->info = $details;
          * Whether app is enabled
         $this->enabled = in_array($this->app, self::getEnabledApps(), true);
         return $details;
     } else {
         return false;
 public static function finish_software_update($admin_previously_installed = false)
     if ($admin_previously_installed) {
     $latest_version = getOption("lobby_latest_version");
     \Lobby::log("Updated Lobby Software To version {$latest_version}");
     /* Remove Depreciated Files */
     if (\Lobby\FS::exists("/contents/update/removeFiles.php")) {
         $files = \Lobby\FS::get("/contents/update/removeFiles.php");
         $files = explode("\n", $files);
         if (count($files) != 0) {
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 // iterate files
                 $fileLoc = L_DIR . "/{$file}";
                 if (file_exists($fileLoc) && $fileLoc != L_DIR) {
                     $type = filetype($fileLoc);
                     if ($type == "file") {
                     } else {
                         if ($type == "dir") {
             \Lobby\FS::remove(L_DIR . "/contents/update/removeFiles.php");
             \Lobby::log("Removed Deprecated Files");
      * Database Update
     if (\Lobby\FS::exists("/update/sqlExecute.sql")) {
         \Lobby::log("Upgrading Lobby Database");
         $sqlCode = \Lobby\FS::get("/update/sqlExecute.sql");
         $sql = \Lobby\DB::prepare($sqlCode);
         if (!$sql->execute()) {
             ser("Error", "Database Update Couldn't be made. <a href='update.php'>Try again</a>");
         } else {
         \Lobby::log("Updated Lobby Database");
     $oldVer = getOption("lobby_version");
     saveOption("lobby_version", $latest_version);
     saveOption("lobby_version_release", getOption("lobby_latest_version_release"));
     \Lobby::log("Lobby is successfully Updated.");