public static function load() { /** * $module = array( * "id" => "The Module ID", * "location" => "The absolute location to module", * "url" => "URL to Module" * ) */ foreach (self::$mods as $module) { require_once "{$module["location"]}/Module.php"; $moduleIdentifier = "\\Lobby\\Module\\{$module['id']}"; if (isset($module["appID"])) { $App = new Apps($module["appID"]); new $moduleIdentifier(array($module["id"], $module["location"], $module["url"]), $App->getInstance()); } else { new $moduleIdentifier(array($module["id"], $module["location"], $module["url"])); } } }
/** * Get updates */ public static function check() { $url = self::$apiURL . "/lobby/updates"; $apps = Apps::getApps(); try { $response = \Requests::post($url, array(), self::makeData(array("apps" => implode(",", $apps))))->body; } catch (\Requests_Exception $error) { \Lobby::log("Checkup with server failed ({$url}) : {$error}"); $response = false; } if ($response) { $response = json_decode($response, true); if (is_array($response)) { DB::saveOption("lobby_latest_version", $response['version']); DB::saveOption("lobby_latest_version_release", $response['released']); DB::saveOption("lobby_latest_version_release_notes", $response['release_notes']); if (isset($response['apps']) && count($response['apps']) != 0) { $AppUpdates = array(); foreach ($response['apps'] as $appID => $version) { $App = new \Lobby\Apps($appID); if ($App->hasUpdate($version)) { $AppUpdates[$appID] = $version; } } DB::saveOption("app_updates", json_encode($AppUpdates)); } if (isset($response["notify"])) { foreach ($response["notify"]["items"] as $itemID => $item) { if (isset($item["href"])) { $item["href"] = \Lobby::u($item["href"]); } Panel::addNotifyItem("lobby_server_msg_" . $itemID, $item); } foreach ($response["notify"]["remove_items"] as $itemID) { Panel::removeNotifyItem("lobby_server_msg_" . $itemID); } } } } }
public static function init() { $apps = \Lobby\Apps::getApps(); foreach ($apps as $app => $null) { $module_name = 'apps/' . $app . '/module'; $loc = APPS_DIR . "/{$app}/module"; if (self::valid($module_name, $loc)) { self::$app_modules[$module_name] = $loc; } } self::$core_modules = self::dirModules("/includes/lib/modules"); self::$custom_modules = self::dirModules("/contents/modules"); self::$modules = array_merge(self::$core_modules, self::$custom_modules, self::$app_modules); }
public function appAdminSetup() { Router::route("/admin/app/[:appID]?/[**:page]?", function ($request) { $appID = $request->appID; $page = $request->page === null ? "/" : "/{$request->page}"; $App = new \Lobby\Apps($appID); if (!$App->exists) { ser(); return null; } Hooks::addFilter("admin.view.sidebar", function ($links) use($appID, $App) { $links["/admin/app/{$appID}"] = $App->info["name"]; return $links; }); Hooks::addFilter("app.manifest", function ($info) { $info["adminURL"] = L_URL . "/admin/app/" . $info["id"]; return $info; }); $class = $App->getInstance(); /** * Set the title */ Response::setTitle($App->info["name"]); $pageResponse = $class->page($page); if ($pageResponse === "auto") { if ($page === "/") { $page = "/index"; } $html = $class->inc("/src/page/admin{$page}.php"); if ($html) { Response::setPage($html); } else { ser(); } } else { if ($pageResponse === null) { ob_start(); echo ser("Error", "The app '<strong>{$AppID}</strong>' does not have an Admin Page. <a clear href='" . \Lobby::u("/app/{$AppID}") . "' class='btn green'>Go To App</a>"); $error = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); Response::setPage($error); } else { Response::setPage($pageResponse); } } }); }
/** * Get updates */ public static function check() { $apps = array_keys(\Lobby\Apps::getApps()); $response = \Lobby::loadURL(L_SERVER . "/updates", array("apps" => implode(",", $apps)), "POST"); if ($response) { $response = json_decode($response, true); if (is_array($response)) { saveOption("lobby_latest_version", $response['version']); saveOption("lobby_latest_version_release", $response['released']); if (isset($response['apps']) && count($response['apps']) != 0) { $AppUpdates = array(); foreach ($response['apps'] as $appID => $version) { $App = new \Lobby\Apps($appID); if ($App->info['version'] != $version) { $AppUpdates[$appID] = $version; } } saveOption("app_updates", json_encode($AppUpdates)); } } } }
?> ">No, I'm Not</a> <?php exit; } else { if ($action == "enable") { if ($App->enableApp()) { sss("Enabled", "App has been enabled."); } else { ser("Error", "The App couldn't be enabled. Try again.", false); } } } } } $Apps = \Lobby\Apps::getApps(); if (count($Apps) == 0) { ser("No Enabled Apps", "Lobby didn't find any apps that has been enabled", false); } if (count($Apps) != 0) { ?> <table style="width: 100%;margin-top:5px"> <thead> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td>Version</td> <td>Description</td> <td>Actions</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody>
/** * Save App Data */ public static function saveData($appID, $key, $value = "") { if (self::$installed && \Lobby\Apps::exists($appID) && $key != "") { $sql = self::$dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(`name`) FROM `" . self::$prefix . "data` WHERE `name` = ? AND `app`=?"); $sql->execute(array($key, $appID)); if ($sql->fetchColumn() != 0) { $sql = self::$dbh->prepare("UPDATE `" . self::$prefix . "data` SET `value` = ?, `updated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE `name` = ? AND `app` = ?"); $sql->execute(array($value, $key, $appID)); return true; } else { $sql = self::$dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO `" . self::$prefix . "data` (`app`, `name`, `value`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)"); return $sql->execute(array($appID, $key, $value)); } } else { return false; } }
<?php /** * Get installed apps and make the tiles on dashboard */ $apps = \Lobby\Apps::getEnabledApps(); if (count($apps) == 0) { echo ser("No Apps", "You haven't enabled or installed any apps. <br/>Get great Apps from " . \Lobby::l("/admin/lobby-store.php", "Lobby Store")); } else { $dashboard_items = array("apps" => array()); foreach ($apps as $app => $null) { $App = new \Lobby\Apps($app); $data = $App->info; $dashboard_items["apps"][$app] = $data; } \Lobby\UI\Themes::loadDashboard($dashboard_items); }
?> <script> window.tmp = {}; window.lobbyExtra = { url: "<?php echo L_URL; ?> ", csrfToken: "<?php echo CSRF::get(); ?> ", sysInfo: { os: "<?php echo \Lobby::getSysInfo("os"); ?> " } }; <?php if (\Lobby\Apps::isAppRunning()) { echo 'window.lobbyExtra["app"] = { id: "' . \Lobby\Apps::getInfo("id") . '", url: "' . \Lobby\Apps::getInfo("url") . '", src: "' . \Lobby\Apps::getInfo("srcURL") . '" };'; } ?> </script> <?php });
*/ $GLOBALS['non_percent'] = 1; $downloaded = FS::normalizeSize($downloaded); sendStatusToLobby("download_status", "Downloaded {$downloaded}"); } /** * Show Install message when download is completed */ if ($percent == 100 && !isset($GLOBALS['install-msg-printed'])) { $GLOBALS['install-msg-printed'] = 1; $downloaded = FS::normalizeSize($downloaded); sendStatusToLobby("download_status", "Downloaded 100% of {$downloaded}"); sleep(2); sendStatusToLobby("install_status", "Installing <b>{$appID}</b>..."); sleep(2); } } }; try { /** * Update::app() will only return TRUE if download is completed */ if (Update::app($appID)) { $App = new Apps($appID); $App->enableApp(); sendStatusToLobby("install_finished", "Installed <b>{$appID}</b>.<cl/><a href='" . $App->info["url"] . "' class='btn green'>Open App</a>"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { sendStatusToLobby("error", $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Make a URL from Lobby Base Path. * Eg: /hello to */ public static function u($path = null, $relative = false) { if (self::$cli) { return null; } /** * The $path var is changed during the process * So, original path is stored separately */ $origPath = $path; /** * The return URL */ $url = $path; /** * Prettyify $path */ if ($path !== null) { $path = ltrim($path, "/"); $parts = parse_url($path); /** * Make host along with port: * */ if (isset($parts['host'])) { $urlHost = $parts['host'] . (isset($parts['port']) ? ":{$parts['port']}" : ""); } else { $urlHost = null; } } /** * If no path, give the current page URL */ if ($path == null) { $pageURL = 'http'; if (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") { $pageURL .= "s"; } $pageURL .= "://"; $requestURI = $relative === false ? Request::getRequestURI() : $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; if (isset($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]) && $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") { $pageURL .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . ":" . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] . $requestURI; } else { $pageURL .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $requestURI; } $url = $pageURL; } else { if ($path === self::$url) { $url = self::$url; } else { if (!preg_match("/http/", $path) || $urlHost !== self::$host) { /** * If $origPath is a relative URI */ if ($urlHost == null) { $url = self::$url . "/{$path}"; } else { if (Apps::isAppRunning()) { $url = Apps::getRunningInstance()->u($origPath); } } } } } return $url; }
} } else { ?> <h2>Apps</h2> <p>Manage <b>installed apps</b>. You can find and install more Apps from <a href="<?php echo L_URL; ?> /admin/lobby-store.php">Lobby Store</a>.</p> <?php $apps = Apps::getApps(); if (empty($apps)) { echo ser("No Apps", "You haven't installed any apps. <br/>Get great Apps from " . \Lobby::l("/admin/lobby-store.php", "Lobby Store")); } else { echo '<div class="apps row">'; foreach ($apps as $app) { $App = new Apps($app); ?> <div class="app col s12 m6 l4"> <div class="app-inner card row"> <div class="lpane col s4 m5 l5"> <a href="<?php echo \Lobby::u("/admin/apps.php?app={$app}"); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo $App->info["logo"]; ?> " /> </a> </div> <div class="rpane col s8 m6 l7">
public function init() { $appID = $this->app->getData("appID"); $this->appAdminSetup(); if ($appID === null) { return null; } $App = new Apps($appID); $App->run(); Hooks::addAction("router.finish", function () { /** * Route App Pages (/app/{appname}/{page}) to according apps */ Router::route("/?[*:page]?", function ($request) { $appID = Apps::getInfo("id"); $page = $request->page === null ? "/" : "/{$request->page}"; if (substr($page, 0, 6) == "/admin") { return false; } else { $App = new \Lobby\Apps($appID); $class = $App->getInstance(); /** * Set the title */ Response::setTitle($App->info["name"]); $pageResponse = $class->page($page); if ($pageResponse === "auto") { if ($page === "/") { $page = "/index"; } $html = $class->inc("/src/page{$page}.php"); if ($html) { Response::setPage($html); } else { ser(); } } else { if ($pageResponse === null) { ser(); } else { Response::setPage($pageResponse); } } } }); }); Router::route("/app/[:appID]?/[**:page]?", function ($request) { if ($request->appID === "admin") { Response::redirect("admin/app/admin/{$page}" . $request->page); } ser(); }); /** * Disable FilePicker Module */ if (\Lobby\Modules::exists("filepicker")) { \Lobby\Modules::disableModule("filepicker"); } Router::route("/includes/lib/modules?/[**:page]?", function ($request) { ser(); }); \Lobby\UI\Panel::addTopItem('indiModule', array("text" => "<img src='" . $this->app->srcURL . "/src/image/logo.svg' />", "href" => "/admin/app/indi", "position" => "left", "subItems" => array("appAdmin" => array("text" => "App Admin", "href" => "/admin/app/{$appID}"), "configIndi" => array("text" => "Configure Indi", "href" => "/admin/app/indi")))); }
/** * Print the <head> tag */ public static function head($title = "") { header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if ($title != "") { self::setTitle($title); } if (Assets::issetJS('jquery')) { /** * Load jQuery, jQuery UI, Lobby Main, App separately without async */ $url = L_URL . "/includes/serve-assets.php?type=js&assets=" . implode(",", array(Assets::getJS('jquery'), Assets::getJS('jqueryui'), Assets::getJS('main'), Assets::issetJS('app') ? Assets::getJS('app') : "")); echo "<script src='{$url}'></script>"; Assets::removeJS("jquery"); Assets::removeJS("jqueryui"); Assets::removeJS("main"); } $jsURLParams = array("THEME_URL" => Themes::getThemeURL()); if (Apps::isAppRunning()) { $jsURLParams["APP_URL"] = urlencode(Apps::getInfo("url")); $jsURLParams["APP_SRC"] = urlencode(Apps::getInfo("srcURL")); } $jsURL = Assets::getServeURL("js", $jsURLParams); echo "<script>lobby.load_script_url = '" . $jsURL . "';</script>"; $cssServeParams = array("THEME_URL" => THEME_URL); /** * CSS Files */ if (Apps::isAppRunning()) { $cssServeParams["APP_URL"] = urlencode(Apps::getInfo("url")); $cssServeParams["APP_SRC"] = urlencode(Apps::getInfo("srcURL")); } echo Assets::getServeLinkTag($cssServeParams); echo "<link href='" . L_URL . "/favicon.ico' sizes='16x16 32x32 64x64' rel='shortcut icon' />"; /* Title */ echo "<title>" . self::$title . "</title>"; }