public function _init() {
			'flash_message' => array(
				'adapter' => '\lithium\tests\mocks\storage\session\adapter\MockPhp'
 * This configures your session storage. The Cookie storage adapter must be connected first, since
 * it intercepts any writes where the `'expires'` key is set in the options array.
use lithium\storage\Session;
use lithium\core\Libraries;
 * This ensures any other library (loaded first) applies its config
 * and it remains. Running Session::config(array(...)) again will
 * overwrite the original configuration.
 * Therefore, we get the current configuration and append it to
 * Lithium Bootstrap's default, which is a very common and basic
 * confiuration. This prevents each library from needing to set
 * a session configuration and gives a default that each library
 * can assume will be available.
 * Yes, it is a good idea for your libraries with special session
 * needs to use uniquely named configurations. It is also wise
 * to run the same type of append method as you see below in order
 * to ensure you are not overwriting any session configurations
 * set by other libraries that may have been loaded before yours.
$config = Session::config();
$config += array('cookie' => array('adapter' => 'Cookie'), 'default' => array('adapter' => 'Php'), 'flash_message' => array('adapter' => 'Php'));
// Allow the session configuration to be set in the Libraries::add() call for li3b_core.
$li3bCoreConfig = Libraries::get('li3b_core');
if (isset($li3bCoreConfig['session'])) {
    $config = $li3bCoreConfig['session'];
 public function testHmacStrategyOnNonExistKey()
     Session::config(array('primary' => array('adapter' => new Memory(), 'strategies' => array('Hmac' => array('secret' => 's3cr3t')))));
     Session::write('test', 'value');
     $result = Session::read('test');
     $expected = 'value';
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
 public function setUp()
     Session::config(array('default' => array('adapter' => 'Memory')));
 public function testEncryptStrategyWithPhpAdapter()
     $config = array('name' => 'encryptInt');
     Session::config(array($config['name'] => array('adapter' => 'Php', 'strategies' => array('Encrypt' => array('secret' => 's3cr3t')))));
     $key = 'test';
     $value = 'value';
     $this->assertTrue(Session::write($key, $value, $config));
     $this->assertEqual($value, Session::read($key, $config));
     $this->assertTrue(Session::delete($key, $config));
     $this->assertNull(Session::read($key, $config));
     $this->assertTrue(Session::write('foo', 'bar', $config));
     $this->assertEqual('bar', Session::read('foo', $config));
     $this->assertTrue(Session::write('foo', 'bar1', $config));
     $this->assertEqual('bar1', Session::read('foo', $config));
     $this->assertTrue(Session::write($key, $value, $config));
     $this->assertEqual($value, Session::read($key, $config));

 * Lithium: the most rad php framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2010, Union of RAD (
 * @license The BSD License
 * This configures your session storage. The Cookie storage adapter must be connected first, since
 * it intercepts any writes where the `'expires'` key is set in the options array.
use lithium\storage\Session;
Session::config(array('cookie' => array('adapter' => 'Cookie'), 'default' => array('adapter' => 'Php')));
 * Uncomment this to enable forms-based authentication. The configuration below will attempt to
 * authenticate users against a `User` model. In a controller, run
 * `Auth::check('default', $this->request)` to authenticate a user. This will check the POST data of
 * the request (`lithium\action\Request::$data`) to see if the fields match the `'fields'` key of
 * the configuration below. If successful, it will write the data returned from `User::first()` to
 * the session using the default session configuration. Once the session data is written, you can
 * call `Auth::check('default')` to check authentication status or retrieve the user's data from the
 * session. Call `Auth::clear('default')` to remove the user's authentication details from the
 * session. This effectively logs a user out of the system. To modify the form input that the
 * adapter accepts, or how the configured model is queried, or how the data is stored in the
 * session, see the `Form` adapter API or the `Auth` API, respectively.
 * @see lithium\security\auth\adapter\Form
 * @see lithium\action\Request::$data
 * @see lithium\security\Auth
 * Lithium: the most rad php framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2012, Union of RAD (
 * @license The BSD License
 * This configures your session storage. The Cookie storage adapter must be connected first, since
 * it intercepts any writes where the `'expires'` key is set in the options array.
 * The default name is based on the lithium app path. Remember, if your app is numeric or has
 * special characters you might want to use Inflector::slug() or set this manually.
use lithium\storage\Session;
$name = basename(LITHIUM_APP_PATH);
Session::config(array('cookie' => array('adapter' => 'Cookie', 'name' => $name), 'default' => array('adapter' => 'Php', '' => $name)));
 * Uncomment the lines below to enable forms-based authentication. This configuration will attempt
 * to authenticate users against a `Users` model. In a controller, run
 * `Auth::check('default', $this->request)` to authenticate a user. This will check the POST data of
 * the request (`lithium\action\Request::$data`) to see if the fields match the `'fields'` key of
 * the configuration below. If successful, it will write the data returned from `Users::first()` to
 * the session using the default session configuration.
 * Once the session data is written, you can call `Auth::check('default')` to check authentication
 * status or retrieve the user's data from the session. Call `Auth::clear('default')` to remove the
 * user's authentication details from the session. This effectively logs a user out of the system.
 * To modify the form input that the adapter accepts, or how the configured model is queried, or how
 * the data is stored in the session, see the `Form` adapter API or the `Auth` API, respectively.
 * @see lithium\security\auth\adapter\Form
 public function setUp()
     Session::config(array('test' => array('adapter' => 'Memory')));
     Auth::config(array('test' => array('adapter' => '\\lithium\\tests\\mocks\\security\\auth\\adapter\\MockAuthAdapter')));

 * Lithium: the most rad php framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2010, Union of RAD (
 * @license The BSD License
namespace lithium\tests\integration\storage;

use lithium\storage\Session;
Session::config(array('test' => array('name' => 'test', 'adapter' => 'Php', 'cookie_lifetime' => 0)));
class SessionPhpTest extends \lithium\test\Unit
    public function testWriteReadDelete()
        $key = 'test';
        $value = 'value';
        Session::write($key, $value, array('name' => 'test'));
        $result = Session::read($key, array('name' => 'test'));
        $this->assertEqual($value, $result);
        $this->assertTrue(Session::delete($key, array('name' => 'test')));
        $result = Session::read($key, array('name' => 'test'));
文件: session.php 项目: EHER/chegamos

 * Lithium: the most rad php framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2010, Union of RAD (
 * @license The BSD License
 * This configures your session storage. The Cookie storage adapter must be connected first, since
 * it intercepts any writes where the `'expires'` key is set in the options array.
use lithium\storage\Session;
Session::config(array('cookie' => array('adapter' => 'Cookie')));
 * Uncomment this to enable forms-based authentication. The configuration below will attempt to
 * authenticate users against a `User` model. In a controller, run
 * `Auth::check('default', $this->request)` to authenticate a user. This will check the POST data of
 * the request (`lithium\action\Request::$data`) to see if the fields match the `'fields'` key of
 * the configuration below. If successful, it will write the data returned from `User::first()` to
 * the session using the default session configuration. Once the session data is written, you can
 * call `Auth::check('default')` to check authentication status or retrieve the user's data from the
 * session. Call `Auth::clear('default')` to remove the user's authentication details from the
 * session. This effectively logs a user out of the system. To modify the form input that the
 * adapter accepts, or how the configured model is queried, or how the data is stored in the
 * session, see the `Form` adapter API or the `Auth` API, respectively.
 * @see lithium\security\auth\adapter\Form
 * @see lithium\action\Request::$data
 * @see lithium\security\Auth
 public function testStrategies()
     Session::config(array('primary' => array('adapter' => new Memory(), 'filters' => array(), 'strategies' => array('lithium\\storage\\cache\\strategy\\Json'))));
     Session::write('test', array('foo' => 'bar'));
     $this->assertEqual(array('foo' => 'bar'), Session::read('test'));
     $this->assertTrue(Session::check('test', array('strategies' => false)));
     $result = Session::read('test', array('strategies' => false));
     $this->assertEqual('{"foo":"bar"}', $result);
     $result = Session::clear(array('strategies' => false));
     $this->assertFalse(Session::check('test', array('strategies' => false)));
 public function testConfigNoAdapters()
     Session::config(array('conditional' => array('adapter' => new SessionStorageConditional())));
     $this->assertTrue(Session::write('key', 'value'));
     $this->assertEqual(Session::read('key'), 'value');
     $this->assertFalse(Session::read('key', array('fail' => true)));
 public function testHmacStrategy()
     $key = 'test';
     $value = 'value';
     $name = 'hmac_test';
     Session::config(array('default' => array('adapter' => 'Cookie', 'strategies' => array('Hmac' => array('secret' => 'somesecretkey')), 'name' => $name)));
     $cache = $_COOKIE;
     $_COOKIE[$name]['injectedkey'] = 'hax0r';
     $this->expectException('/Possible data tampering - HMAC signature does not match data./');
     $result = Session::read($key, array('name' => 'hmac'));
     $_COOKIE = $cache;
 public function testEncryptedStrategy()
     $this->skipIf(!MockEncrypt::enabled(), 'The Mcrypt extension is not installed or enabled.');
     $key = 'foobar';
     $adapter = new Memory();
     Session::config(array('primary' => array('adapter' => $adapter, 'filters' => array(), 'strategies' => array('lithium\\tests\\mocks\\storage\\session\\strategy\\MockEncrypt' => array('secret' => $key)))));
     $value = array('foo' => 'bar');
     Session::write('test', $value);
     $this->assertEqual(array('foo' => 'bar'), Session::read('test'));
     $this->assertTrue(Session::check('test', array('strategies' => false)));
     $encrypted = Session::read('test', array('strategies' => false));
     $this->assertNotEqual($value, $encrypted);
     $result = Session::read('test');
     $this->assertEqual($value, $result);
     $result = Session::clear(array('strategies' => false));
     $this->assertFalse(Session::check('test', array('strategies' => false)));
     $savedData = array('test' => $value);
     $encrypt = new MockEncrypt(array('secret' => $key));
     $result = $encrypt->encrypt($savedData);
     $this->assertEqual($encrypted, $result);
     $result = $encrypt->decrypt($encrypted);
     $this->assertEqual($savedData, $result);
 * Lithium: the most rad php framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2011, Union of RAD (
 * @license The BSD License
 * This configures your session storage. The Cookie storage adapter must be connected first, since
 * it intercepts any writes where the `'expires'` key is set in the options array.
use lithium\storage\Session;
use lithium\security\Auth;
use lithium\core\Libraries;
$name = basename(LITHIUM_APP_PATH);
Session::config(array('default' => array('adapter' => 'Php', '' => 'PHPSESSID', 'session.save_handler' => 'memcached', 'session.save_path' => 'localhost:11211')));
 * Uncomment the lines below to enable forms-based authentication. This configuration will attempt
 * to authenticate users against a `Users` model. In a controller, run
 * `Auth::check('default', $this->request)` to authenticate a user. This will check the POST data of
 * the request (`lithium\action\Request::$data`) to see if the fields match the `'fields'` key of
 * the configuration below. If successful, it will write the data returned from `Users::first()` to
 * the session using the default session configuration.
 * Once the session data is written, you can call `Auth::check('default')` to check authentication
 * status or retrieve the user's data from the session. Call `Auth::clear('default')` to remove the
 * user's authentication details from the session. This effectively logs a user out of the system.
 * To modify the form input that the adapter accepts, or how the configured model is queried, or how
 * the data is stored in the session, see the `Form` adapter API or the `Auth` API, respectively.
 * @see lithium\security\auth\adapter\Form
 public function testStrategiesPhpAdapter()
     Session::config(array('strategy' => array('adapter' => 'Php', 'strategies' => array('Hmac' => array('secret' => 'somesecretkey')))));
     $key = 'test';
     $value = 'value';
     Session::write($key, $value, array('name' => 'strategy'));
     $result = Session::read($key, array('name' => 'strategy'));
     $this->assertEqual($value, $result);
     $this->assertTrue(Session::delete($key, array('name' => 'strategy')));
     $result = Session::read($key, array('name' => 'strategy'));
     Session::write($key, $value, array('name' => 'strategy'));
     $result = Session::read($key, array('name' => 'strategy'));
     $this->assertEqual($value, $result);
     $cache = $_SESSION;
     $_SESSION['injectedkey'] = 'hax0r';
     $this->expectException('/Possible data tampering - HMAC signature does not match data./');
     $result = Session::read($key, array('name' => 'strategy'));
     $_SESSION = $cache;
 public function testEncryptStrategyWithPhpAdapter()
     $this->skipIf(PHP_SAPI === 'cli', 'No PHP session support in cli SAPI.');
     $this->skipIf(!extension_loaded('mcrypt'), 'The `mcrypt` extension is not loaded.');
     $config = array('name' => 'encryptInt');
     Session::config(array($config['name'] => array('adapter' => 'Php', 'strategies' => array('Encrypt' => array('secret' => 's3cr3t')))));
     $key = 'test';
     $value = 'value';
     $this->assertTrue(Session::write($key, $value, $config));
     $this->assertEqual($value, Session::read($key, $config));
     $this->assertTrue(Session::delete($key, $config));
     $this->assertNull(Session::read($key, $config));
     $this->assertTrue(Session::write('foo', 'bar', $config));
     $this->assertEqual('bar', Session::read('foo', $config));
     $this->assertTrue(Session::write('foo', 'bar1', $config));
     $this->assertEqual('bar1', Session::read('foo', $config));
     $this->assertTrue(Session::write($key, $value, $config));
     $this->assertEqual($value, Session::read($key, $config));
 * This file contains configurations for connecting to external caching resources, as well as
 * default caching rules for various systems within your application
require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/cache.php';
 * This file contains your application's globalization rules, including inflections,
 * transliterations, localized validation, and how localized text should be loaded. Uncomment this
 * line if you plan to globalize your site.
// require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/g11n.php';
 * This file contains configurations for handling different content types within the framework,
 * including converting data to and from different formats, and handling static media assets.
// require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/media.php';
 * This file configures console filters and settings, specifically output behavior and coloring.
// require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/console.php';
 * This file contains filters for the test suite to bypass having a controller and render test
 * templates directly through the test dispatcher.
require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/test.php';
 * This configures your session storage. The Cookie storage adapter must be connected first, since
 * it intercepts any writes where the `'expires'` key is set in the options array.
use lithium\storage\Session;
Session::config(array('cookie' => array('adapter' => 'Cookie', 'expire' => '+2 days'), 'default' => array('adapter' => 'Php')));
 public function setUp()
     Session::config(array('default' => array('adapter' => '\\lithium\\tests\\mocks\\storage\\session\\adapter\\MockPhp')));
 * Lithium: the most rad php framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2010, Union of RAD (
 * @license The BSD License

 * This configures your session storage. The Cookie storage adapter must be connected first, since
 * it intercepts any writes where the `'expires'` key is set in the options array.
use lithium\storage\Session;

	'default' => array('adapter' => 'Php')

 * Uncomment the lines below to enable forms-based authentication. This configuration will attempt
 * to authenticate users against a `Users` model. In a controller, run
 * `Auth::check('default', $this->request)` to authenticate a user. This will check the POST data of
 * the request (`lithium\action\Request::$data`) to see if the fields match the `'fields'` key of
 * the configuration below. If successful, it will write the data returned from `Users::first()` to
 * the session using the default session configuration.
 * Once the session data is written, you can call `Auth::check('default')` to check authentication
 * status or retrieve the user's data from the session. Call `Auth::clear('default')` to remove the
 * user's authentication details from the session. This effectively logs a user out of the system.
 * To modify the form input that the adapter accepts, or how the configured model is queried, or how
 * the data is stored in the session, see the `Form` adapter API or the `Auth` API, respectively.
 * Lithium: the most rad php framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2013, Union of RAD (
 * @license The BSD License
 * This configures your session storage. The Cookie storage adapter must be connected first, since
 * it intercepts any writes where the `'expires'` key is set in the options array.
 * The default name is based on the lithium app path. Remember, if your app is numeric or has
 * special characters you might want to use Inflector::slug() or set this manually.
use lithium\storage\Session;
use lithium\security\Auth;
$name = basename(LITHIUM_APP_PATH);
Session::config(array('default' => array('adapter' => 'Php', '' => $name)));
Auth::config(array('member' => array('adapter' => 'Form', 'model' => 'Users', 'fields' => array('username', 'password'), 'filters' => array('password' => array('lithium\\util\\String', 'hash')), 'validators' => array('password' => false))));
 * Uncomment the lines below to enable forms-based authentication. This configuration will attempt
 * to authenticate users against a `Users` model. In a controller, run
 * `Auth::check('default', $this->request)` to authenticate a user. This will check the POST data of
 * the request (`lithium\action\Request::$data`) to see if the fields match the `'fields'` key of
 * the configuration below. If successful, it will write the data returned from `Users::first()` to
 * the session using the default session configuration.
 * Once the session data is written, you can call `Auth::check('default')` to check authentication
 * status or retrieve the user's data from the session. Call `Auth::clear('default')` to remove the
 * user's authentication details from the session. This effectively logs a user out of the system.
 * To modify the form input that the adapter accepts, or how the configured model is queried, or how
 * the data is stored in the session, see the `Form` adapter API or the `Auth` API, respectively.
 public function setUp()
     Session::config(array('test' => array('adapter' => 'Memory')));
     Auth::config(array('test' => array('adapter' => $this->_classes['mockAuthAdapter'])));

use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
use lithium\storage\Session;
 * Set the token header in the response.
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $response = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    $configs = Session::config();
    foreach ($configs as $name => $config) {
        if ($config['adapter'] == 'Token') {
            $header = $config['header'];
    if (isset($header)) {
        $response->headers($header, Session::key($name));
    return $response;