paths() public static method

For example, in a queuing application, you can define a class type called 'job': Libraries::paths(array('job' => '{:library}\extensions\job\{:name}')); Then, any classes you add to the extensions/job directory in your application will be automatically detected when calling Libraries::locate('job'). Additionally, any matching classes in the extensions/job directory of any plugin or vendor library you add to your application will also be detected. Supposing you wanted to have the option of further organizing jobs by class type (some jobs are related to updating caches, others to sending notifications, etc.), you can specify multiple paths per class type, with varying levels of specificity: Libraries::paths(array('job' => array( '{:library}\extensions\job\{:class}\{:name}', '{:library}\extensions\job\{:name}' ))); This allows you to, for example, have two different classes called Cleanup. One may be located in app\extensions\job\Cleanup, while the other is in app\extensions\job\cache\Cleanup. Calling: Libraries::locate('job'); will find both classes, while Libraries::locate('job.cache'); will only find the second. You can also find individual jobs by name: Libraries::locate('job', 'Cleanup'); See Libraries::locate() for more information on using built-in and user-defined paths to look up classes. In addition to adding custom class types, paths() allows you to redefine the naming and organization of existing types. For example, if you wished to reference your model classes as app\models\PostModel instead of app\models\Post, you can do the following: Libraries::paths(array('models' => '{:library}\models\{:name}Model')); Note, however, that this is a destructive, not an additive operation, and will replace any existing paths defined for that type. If you wish to add a search path for an existing type, you must do the following: $existing = Libraries::paths('controllers'); Libraries::paths(array('controller' => array_merge( array('{:library}\extensions\controllers\{:name}Controller'), (array) $existing )));
See also: lithium\core\Libraries::locate()
See also: lithium\core\Libraries::$_paths
public static paths ( mixed $path = null ) : mixed
$path mixed If `$path` is a string, returns the path(s) associated with that path type, or `null` if no paths are defined for that type.
return mixed
 public function testPathTemplateWithGlobBrace()
     Libraries::paths(array('analysis' => array('{:library}\\analysis\\*{Docblock,Debugger}')));
     $analysis = list($docblock, $debugger) = Libraries::locate('analysis', null, array('recursive' => false, 'format' => false));
     $this->assertCount(2, $analysis);
     $this->assertPattern('/Docblock\\.php/', $docblock);
     $this->assertPattern('/Debugger\\.php/', $debugger);
  * Exercise initialization.
  * @return void
 public function _init()
     Libraries::paths(array('exercises' => '{:library}\\extensions\\exercises\\{:name}'));
     $exercises = Libraries::locate('exercises');
     foreach ($exercises as $exercise) {
         $this->_exercises[$this->exerciseName($exercise)] = $exercise;
 public function setUp()
     Libraries::paths(array('models' => '{:library}\\tests\\mocks\\data\\model\\{:name}Model'));
     $this->classes = array('response' => 'lithium\\tests\\mocks\\console\\MockResponse');
     $this->_backup['cwd'] = getcwd();
     $this->_backup['_SERVER'] = $_SERVER;
     $_SERVER['argv'] = array();
     $this->collection = $this->getCollection('li3_ensureindex\\tests\\mocks\\data\\model\\MockModel');
 public function testPathTemplate()
     $expected = array('{:app}/libraries/{:name}', '{:root}/libraries/{:name}');
     $result = Libraries::paths('libraries');
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
     $this->assertNull(Libraries::locate('authAdapter', 'Form'));
     $paths = Libraries::paths();
     $test = array('authAdapter' => array('lithium\\security\\auth\\adapter\\{:name}'));
     $this->assertEqual($paths + $test, Libraries::paths());
     $class = Libraries::locate('authAdapter', 'Form');
     $expected = 'lithium\\security\\auth\\adapter\\Form';
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $class);
 public function import()
     Libraries::paths(array('neons' => array('{:library}\\data\\{:class}\\{:name}.neon')));
     $libraries = Libraries::get(null, 'name');
     $data = array();
     $namespaces = true;
     foreach ($libraries as $library) {
         $files = Libraries::locate('neons', null, compact('namespaces', 'library'));
         if (!empty($files)) {
             $data[$library] = $files;
     return compact('data');

use lithium\core\Libraries;
$path = Libraries::get(true, 'path') . '/webroot/themes/default';
if (!is_dir($path)) {
    rename(Libraries::get(true, 'path') . '/views', $path . '/views');
$existing = Libraries::paths('helper');
Libraries::paths(array('helper' => array_merge(array('{:library}\\extensions\\helper\\{:class}\\{:name}', '{:library}\\template\\helper\\{:class}\\{:name}' => array('libraries' => 'li3_themes')), (array) $existing)));
require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/media.php';
require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/errors.php';
  * Loads entities and records from file-based structure
  * Trys to implement a similar method to load datasets not from database, but rather from
  * a file that holds all relevant model data and is laid into the filesystem of each library.
  * This allows for easy default-data to be loaded without using a database as backend.
  * Put your files into `{:library}\data\{:class}\{:name}.neon` and let the content be found
  * with loading just the id or slug of that file.
  * Attention: This feature is considered experimental and should be used with care. It might
  *            not work as expected. Also, not all features are implemented.
  * If nothing is found, it just returns null or an empty array to ensure a falsey value.
  * @param string|array $model fully namespaced model class, e.g. `radium\models\Contents`
  *                     can also be an array, in which case `key` and `source` must be given
  *                     according to the internal structure of `Model::meta()`.
  * @param string $type The find type, which is looked up in `Model::$_finders`. By default it
  *        accepts `all`, `first`, `list` and `count`. Later two are not implement, yet.
  * @param array $options Options for the query. By default, accepts:
  *        - `conditions`: The conditional query elements, e.g.
  *                 `'conditions' => array('published' => true)`
  *        - `fields`: The fields that should be retrieved. When set to `null`, defaults to
  *             all fields.
  *        - `order`: The order in which the data will be returned, e.g. `'order' => 'ASC'`.
  *        - `limit`: The maximum number of records to return.
  *        - `page`: For pagination of data.
  * @return mixed returns null or an empty array if nothing is found
  *               If `$type` is `first` returns null or the correct entity with given data
  *               If `$type` is `all` returns null or a DocumentSet object with loaded entities
 public static function find($model, $type, array $options = array())
     $defaults = array('conditions' => null, 'fields' => null);
     $options += $defaults;
     $paths = self::$_paths;
     $meta = is_array($model) ? $model : $model::meta();
     $locate = sprintf('neons.%s', $meta['source']);
     $data = Libraries::locate($locate, null, array('namespaces' => true));
     $files = new Collection(compact('data'));
     $files->each(function ($file) {
         return str_replace('\\', '/', $file) . 'neon';
     if (isset($conditions['slug'])) {
         $field = 'slug';
     if (isset($conditions[$meta['key']])) {
         $field = $meta['key'];
     if (!isset($field)) {
         $field = 'all';
         // var_dump($field);
         // return array();
     $value = $conditions[$field];
     switch (true) {
         case is_string($value):
             $pattern = sprintf('/%s/', $value);
         case isset($value['like']):
             $pattern = $value['like'];
     if (isset($pattern)) {
         $filter = function ($file) use($pattern) {
             return (bool) preg_match($pattern, $file);
     if (isset($filter)) {
         $files = $files->find($filter);
     if (isset($order)) {
         // TODO: add sort
     if ($type == 'count') {
         return count($files);
     if ($type == 'list') {
         // TODO: implement me
     if ($type == 'first' && count($files)) {
         $data = self::file($files->first());
         $data[$field] = $value;
         if ($model === 'radium\\models\\Configurations') {
             $data['value'] = Neon::encode($data['value']);
         return $model::create($data);
     // we found one (!) file with name 'all.neon', this is the entire set
     if ($type == 'all' && count($files) == 1 && substr($files->first(), -strlen('all.neon')) === 'all.neon') {
         $rows = self::file($files->first());
         $data = array();
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $data[] = $model::create($row);
         if (is_array($model)) {
             return new Collection(compact('data'));
         $model = $meta['class'];
         return new DocumentSet(compact('data', 'model'));
     if ($type == 'all' && count($files)) {
         $data = array();
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $current = self::file($file);
             if (is_array($model)) {
                 $filename = File::name($file);
                 $data[$filename] = $current;
             if ($model === 'radium\\models\\Configurations') {
                 $current['value'] = Neon::encode($current['value']);
             $data[] = $model::create($current);
         if (is_array($model)) {
             return new Collection(compact('data'));
         $model = $meta['class'];
         return new DocumentSet(compact('data', 'model'));
     return false;

use lithium\core\Libraries;
 * Register paths for mail template helpers.
$existing = Libraries::paths('helper');
Libraries::paths(array('helper' => array_merge(array('{:library}\\extensions\\helper\\{:class}\\{:name}', '{:library}\\template\\helper\\{:class}\\{:name}' => array('libraries' => 'li3_mailer')), (array) $existing)));
 * Add paths for delivery transport adapters from this library (plugin).
$existing = Libraries::paths('adapter');
$key = '{:library}\\{:namespace}\\{:class}\\adapter\\{:name}';
$existing[$key]['libraries'] = array_merge((array) $existing[$key]['libraries'], (array) 'li3_mailer');
Libraries::paths(array('adapter' => $existing));
 * Ensure the mail template resources path exists.
$path = Libraries::get(true, 'resources') . '/tmp/cache/mails';
if (!is_dir($path)) {
 * Load the file that configures the delivery system.
require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/delivery.php';
 * Lithium: the most rad php framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2010, Union of RAD (
 * @license The BSD License

use lithium\core\Libraries;

 * This adds the `'behavior'` type to the list of recognized class types. You can look up the
 * behaviors available to your application by running `Libraries::locate('behavior')`.
	'behavior' => array('{:library}\extensions\data\behavior\{:name}')

 public function testServiceLocateAll()
     $result = Libraries::locate('tests');
     $this->assertTrue(count($result) > 30);
     $expected = array('lithium\\template\\view\\adapter\\File', 'lithium\\template\\view\\adapter\\Simple');
     $result = Libraries::locate('adapter.template.view');
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
     $result = Libraries::locate('test.filter');
     $this->assertTrue(count($result) >= 4);
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('lithium\\test\\filter\\Affected', $result));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('lithium\\test\\filter\\Complexity', $result));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('lithium\\test\\filter\\Coverage', $result));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('lithium\\test\\filter\\Profiler', $result));
     foreach (Libraries::paths() as $type => $paths) {
         if (count($paths) <= 1 || $type == 'libraries') {
         $this->assertTrue(count(Libraries::locate($type)) > 1);

use lithium\core\Libraries;
Libraries::paths(array('resources' => array('{:library}\\controllers\\{:namespace}\\{:class}\\{:name}')));
Libraries::add("Mockery", array('path' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/libraries/mockery/library', 'prefix' => ''));

 * Lithium: the most rad php framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2011, Union of RAD (
 * @license The BSD License
use lithium\core\Libraries;
use lithium\g11n\Multibyte;
Libraries::paths(array('rules' => array('{:library}\\extensions\\qa\\rules\\{:class}\\{:name}', '{:library}\\qa\\rules\\{:class}\\{:name}' => array('libraries' => 'li3_quality'))));
Multibyte::config(array('li3_quality' => array('adapter' => 'Mbstring')));

use lithium\core\Libraries;
define('LI3_RESQUE_PATH', dirname(__DIR__));
define('LI3_RESQUE_LIB_PATH', LI3_RESQUE_PATH . '/libraries/Resque');
// load up third party lib
// Libraries::add('resque', array(
// 	'path' => LI3_RESQUE_LIB_PATH,
// 	'prefix' => false,
// 	'transform' => function($class, $config) {
// 		$class = str_replace("_", "/", $class);
// 		return "{$config['path']}/{$class}{$config['suffix']}";
// 	}
// ));
if (Libraries::paths('job') === null) {
    Libraries::paths(array('job' => '{:library}\\extensions\\job\\{:name}'));
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php')) {
    require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use lithium\core\Libraries;
// Adapters nested under security/access/adapters instead
// of under extensions until core has the paths changed.
Libraries::paths(array('adapter' => array_merge(Libraries::paths('adapter'), array('{:library}\\{:namespace}\\{:class}\\adapter\\{:name}'))));
  * @deprecated
 public function testPathTemplateWithGlobBrace()
     error_reporting(($original = error_reporting()) & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED);
     Libraries::paths(array('analysis' => array('{:library}\\analysis\\*{Docblock,Debugger}')));
     $analysis = list($docblock, $debugger) = Libraries::locate('analysis', null, array('recursive' => false, 'format' => false));
     $this->assertCount(2, $analysis);
     $this->assertPattern('/Docblock\\.php/', $docblock);
     $this->assertPattern('/Debugger\\.php/', $debugger);

 * Lithium: the most rad php framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2010, Union of RAD (
 * @license The BSD License
use lithium\core\Libraries;
 * This adds the `'behavior'` type to the list of recognized class types. You can look up the
 * behaviors available to your application by running `Libraries::locate('behavior')`.
Libraries::paths(['behavior' => ['{:library}\\data\\model\\behavior\\{:name}', '{:library}\\extensions\\data\\behavior\\{:name}']]);
 public function tearDown()