public function getAuthenticatedUserInfo() { $auth = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('library_backoffice_auth'); $userDomain = new \DDD\Domain\User\User(); if (!$auth->getIdentity()) { return false; } $userInfo = $auth->getIdentity(); $userDomain->setId($userInfo->id); $userDomain->setFirstname($userInfo->firstname); $userDomain->setLastname($userInfo->lastname); $userDomain->setEmail($userInfo->email); $userDomain->setCity_id($userInfo->cityId); $userDomain->setCountry_id($userInfo->countryId); $userDomain->setAvatar($userInfo->avatar); $userInfoArray = ['id' => $userDomain->getId(), 'firstname' => $userDomain->getFirstname(), 'lastname' => $userDomain->getLastname(), 'email' => $userDomain->getEmail(), 'cityId' => $userDomain->getCity_id(), 'countryId' => $userDomain->getCountry_id()]; $incidentPermission = $auth->hasRole(Roles::ROLE_MOBILE_INCIDENT_REPORT) ? true : false; $warehousePermission = $auth->hasRole(Roles::ROLE_MOBILE_ASSET_MANAGER) ? true : false; $userInfoArray['permissions']['warehouse'] = $warehousePermission; $userInfoArray['permissions']['incident'] = $incidentPermission; $userInfoArray['profileUrl'] = 'https:' . Helper::getUserAvatar($userDomain, 'big'); return $userInfoArray; }
/** * @api {get} API_DOMAIN/ginosi-link/users User List * @apiVersion 1.0.0 * @apiName GetUser * @apiGroup User * * @apiDescription This method returns the list of all users * * @apiHeader {String} Content-Type application/json * @apiHeader {String} Authorization Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN * * @apiSuccess {Int} id The unique identification of the user * @apiSuccess {String} firstname The first name of the user * @apiSuccess {String} lastname The last name of the user * @apiSuccess {String} avatar The profile picture of the user * * @apiSuccessExample {json} Sample Response: * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * [ * { * "id": "12", * "firstname": "App", * "lastname": "User", * "avatar": "" * } * ] * * @param array $params * @return \Zend\Db\ResultSet\ResultSet */ public function fetchAll($params = array()) { try { $auth = $this->serviceLocator->get('library_backoffice_auth'); $requestHandler = $this->serviceLocator->get('Service\\RequestHandler'); $userManagerDao = new \DDD\Dao\User\UserManager($this->serviceLocator, 'ArrayObject'); $countryId = $auth->getIdentity()->countryId; $usersInfo = $userManagerDao->getUserByCountry($countryId, ['id', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'avatar']); $usersInfoArray = []; foreach ($usersInfo as $userInfo) { $userInfo['avatar'] = 'https:' . Helper::getUserAvatar($userInfo, 'big'); $usersInfoArray[] = $userInfo; } return $usersInfoArray; } catch (\Exception $e) { return $requestHandler->handleException($e); } }