getProvider() public static method

public static getProvider ( string $type, string $accessToken ) : LibCloud\Compute\ComputeInterface
$type string provider name
$accessToken string api token
return LibCloud\Compute\ComputeInterface
 public function setUp()
     $this->provider = ComputeFactory::getProvider('rackspace', 'testuser:some_api_key');
     # parent test case needs this before addMockSubscriber is called
     $this->client = $this->provider->getClient();
     # initial call to getService will perform authentication
// to clone we must provide Node, size (plan in linode) and location (datacenter in linode). optional parameter is paymentterm = 1, 12 or 24
$sizes = $provider->listSizes();
// list linode plans
$locations = $provider->listLocations();
// list linode datacenters
$clonedNode = $provider->cloneNode($node, new ParameterBag(['size' => $sizes[0], 'location' => $locations[0]]));
// to create we must provide size (plan in linode) and location (datacenter in linode). optional parameter is paymentterm = 1, 12 or 24
$createdNode = $provider->createNode(new ParameterBag(['size' => $sizes[0], 'location' => $locations[0]]));
// update
// linode node update method supports next parameters
// for example
$provider->updateNode($node, new ParameterBag(['Label' => 'new-node-label']));
 * Rackspace
$provider = ComputeFactory::getProvider('rackspace', 'some_username:some_api_key');
// get all nodes
$nodes = $provider->listNodes();
// we can get one node by providing nodeId to listNodes() method
$node = $provider->listNodes('123-123');
// we can perform next actions with Node
// create Node - we must provide a name, size (flavor in rackspace) and image
$sizes = $provider->listSizes();
// list rackspace flavors
$locations = $provider->listLocations();
// list rackspace regions
$images = $provider->listImages();
// list rackspace images

use LibCloud\Compute\ComputeFactory;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../common.php';
$apiKey = getenv('LIBCLOUD_LINODE_APIKEY');
echo "APIKEY: " . $apiKey . "\n";
 * Linode
$provider = ComputeFactory::getProvider('linode', $apiKey);
// list digitalocean regions
$images = $provider->listImages();
// list digitalocean images
$createdNode = $provider->createNode(new ParameterBag(['size' => $sizes[0], 'location' => $locations[0], 'image' => $images[0]]));
// resize. parameters Node and new size
$provider->resizeNode($createdNode, $sizes[1]);
// update
// digital ocean api has a few more methods to work with Node
$provider->updateNode($node, new ParameterBag(['action' => 'rename', 'name' => 'new-droplet-label']));
$provider->updateNode($node, new ParameterBag(['action' => 'passwordReset']));
$provider->updateNode($node, new ParameterBag(['action' => 'enableBackups']));
$provider->updateNode($node, new ParameterBag(['action' => 'disableBackups']));
$provider->updateNode($node, new ParameterBag(['action' => 'enableIpv6']));
$provider->updateNode($node, new ParameterBag(['action' => 'enablePrivateNetworking']));
 * Linode
$provider = ComputeFactory::getProvider('linode', '');
$node = $provider->listNodes(123123);
// to clone we must provide Node, size (plan in linode) and location (datacenter in linode). optional parameter is paymentterm = 1, 12 or 24
$sizes = $provider->listSizes();
// list linode plans
$locations = $provider->listLocations();
// list linode datacenters
$clonedNode = $provider->cloneNode($node, new ParameterBag(['size' => $sizes[0], 'location' => $locations[0]]));
// to create we must provide size (plan in linode) and location (datacenter in linode). optional parameter is paymentterm = 1, 12 or 24
$createdNode = $provider->createNode(new ParameterBag(['size' => $sizes[0], 'location' => $locations[0]]));
// update
// linode node update method supports next parameters
// for example
$provider->updateNode($node, new ParameterBag(['Label' => 'new-node-label']));

use LibCloud\Compute\ComputeFactory;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../common.php';
 * Digital Ocean
$provider = ComputeFactory::getProvider('digital_ocean', '');
// get all nodes
$nodes = $provider->listNodes();
// we can get one node by providing nodeId to listNodes() method
$node = $provider->listNodes(123123);
// we can perform next actions with Node
// clone method not supported by digital ocean api
// create Node we must provide size (size in digitalocean),
// location (region in digitalocean) and image (image in digitalocean)
$sizes = $provider->listSizes();
// list digitalocean sizes
$locations = $provider->listLocations();
// list digitalocean regions
$images = $provider->listImages();
// list digitalocean images
$createdNode = $provider->createNode(new ParameterBag(['size' => $sizes[0], 'location' => $locations[0], 'image' => $images[0]]));