public function renderSidebar() { if ($this->shouldNotDisplay()) { return; } startbox(); $event = Events::nextEvent(); if ($event['seatingPlan']) { echo '<p>The seating plan is now live! Pay, then choose your seat!</p><div style = "text-align: center">'; echo '<a href = "seatingplan.php?event=' . $event['id'] . '"><img src = "resources/images/seatingPlan.png" alt = "seating plan" /></a></div>'; } if (empty($event)) { echo '<p>No events planned!</p>'; } else { $diff = strtotime($event['dateIso']) - time(); $days = $diff /= 86400; $days = floor($days); echo '<p><a href = "viewEvent.php?id=' . $event['id'] . '">' . $event['name'] . '</a> starts in <strong>' . $days . '</strong> ' . Inflector::quantify('day', $days) . '. </p>'; } stopbox('Countdown!'); }
public static function nextEvent() { global $db; $sql = 'SELECT,,, e.duration, as venue, e.seatingPlan FROM events e, venues v WHERE date_add(, INTERVAL 24 HOUR) > now() AND e.venue = AND e.published = 1 ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 1'; $result = $db->query($sql); if ($result->numRows() == 0) { return null; } else { $nextEvent = $result->fetchRow(); $nextEvent['endDate'] = date_create($nextEvent['date']); $nextEvent['endDate']->modify('+' . $nextEvent['duration'] . ' hours'); $nextEvent['endDate'] = formatDt($nextEvent['endDate']); $nextEvent['dateIso'] = formatDtIso($nextEvent['date']); $nextEvent['dateUser'] = formatDtString($nextEvent['date']); $nextEvent['date'] = formatDtString($nextEvent['date']); // deprecated $diff = strtotime($nextEvent['dateIso']) - time(); $diff /= 86400; $diff = floor($diff); $nextEvent['countDays'] = $diff; $nextEvent['stringDays'] = Inflector::quantify('day', $nextEvent['countDays']); return $nextEvent; } }
/** * FIXME Some scientists say, this function is shit. Rewrite me to to be less * shit please. */ function breadcrumbs() { $crumbs = func_get_args(); $countCrumbs = count($crumbs); $crumbs2 = array(); $texts = array_values($crumbs); $links = array_keys($crumbs); for ($i = 0; $i < $countCrumbs; $i++) { if (is_numeric($links[$i])) { $links[$i] = $texts[$i]; } if (strpos($texts[$i], '.php')) { $texts[$i] = str_replace('.php', null, $texts[$i]); $texts[$i] = Inflector::humanize($texts[$i]); if (isset($links[$i + 1])) { $crumbs2[$links[$i]] = '<a href = "' . $links[$i] . '">' . $texts[$i] . '</a>'; } else { $crumbs2[$links[$i]] = $texts[$i]; } } else { $crumbs2[$links[$i]] = $texts[$i]; } } return implode(' » ', $crumbs2); }