  * Update options data
  * @return run update query and no return value
 function put_options()
     $myFields = ['title' => 'site-title', 'desc' => 'site-desc', 'email' => 'site-email', 'url' => 'site-url', 'redirect' => 'site-redirect', 'register' => 'site-reg', 'permissions' => 'site-role'];
     foreach ($myFields as $field => $postName) {
         $qry = $this->sql()->table('options')->where('option_cat', 'options')->and('option_key', $field)->and('post_id', '#NULL')->and('user_id', '#NULL');
         $fieldExist = $qry->select()->num();
         // if exist more than 2 times remove all the properties
         if ($fieldExist > 1) {
             debug::true(T_("We find a problem and solve it!"));
             $fieldExist = 0;
         $value = utility::post($postName);
         if (!$value) {
             $value = '#""';
         $qry = $qry->set('option_cat', 'options')->set('option_status', 'enable')->set('option_key', $field)->set('option_value', $value);
         // if exist update field
         if ($fieldExist == 1) {
         } else {
     // exit();
     $this->commit(function () {
         debug::true(T_("Update Successfully"));
         // $this->redirector()->set_url($_module.'/edit='.$_postId);
     // if a query has error or any error occour in any part of codes, run roolback
     $this->rollback(function () {
         debug::title(T_("Transaction error") . ': ');
  * Update profile data
  * @return run update query and no return value
 function put_profile()
     $qry = $this->sql()->table('users')->where('id', $this->login('id'))->set('user_mobile', utility::post('mobile'))->set('user_email', utility::post('email'))->set('user_displayname', utility::post('displayname'));
     $this->commit(function () {
         debug::true(T_("Update Successfully"));
         // $this->redirector()->set_url($_module.'/edit='.$_postId);
     // if a query has error or any error occour in any part of codes, run roolback
     $this->rollback(function () {
         debug::title(T_("Transaction error") . ': ');
  * Update profile data
  * @return run update query and no return value
 function put_profile()
     // Check permission and if user can do this operation
     // allow to do it, else show related message in notify center
     $this->access('cp', 'posts', 'delete', 'notify');
     $qry = $this->sql()->table('users')->where('id', $this->login('id'))->set('user_mobile', utility::post('mobile'))->set('user_email', utility::post('email'))->set('user_displayname', utility::post('displayname'));
     $this->commit(function () {
         debug::true(T_("Update Successfully"));
         // $this->redirector()->set_url($_module.'/edit='.$_postId);
     // if a query has error or any error occour in any part of codes, run roolback
     $this->rollback(function () {
         debug::title(T_("Transaction error") . ': ');
  * [put_commit description]
  * @param  [type] $_qry [description]
  * @return [type]       [description]
 protected function put_commit($_qry)
     $_qry = $_qry->update();
     // var_dump($_qry); exit();
     // ======================================================
     // you can manage next event with one of these variables,
     // commit for successfull and rollback for failed
     // if query run without error means commit
     $this->commit(function () {
         debug::true(T_("Update Successfully"));
     // if a query has error or any error occour in any part of codes, run roolback
     $this->rollback(function () {
         debug::title(T_("Transaction Error") . ': ');
  * create a related query and run it
  * @param  [type] $_type [description]
  * @return [type]        [description]
 protected function qryPermission($_type)
     $newPerm = utility::post('pName');
     switch ($_type) {
         case 'add':
             if (!$newPerm) {
                 debug::warn(T_("First you must enter name of permission"));
             // check permission exist or not
             $qryExist = $this->qryCreator($_type);
             $qryExist = $qryExist->select()->num();
             // if exist show related message
             if ($qryExist) {
                 debug::warn(T_("This permission name exist!") . " " . T_("You can edit this permission"));
             // get last id in permissions
             $qryMaxID = $this->qryCreator();
             $qryMaxID = $qryMaxID->field('#max(option_key) as id')->select()->assoc('id');
             // permission id start from 2 because id 1 used for superuser
             $qryMaxID += $qryMaxID == 0 ? 2 : 1;
             $qryAdd = $this->qryCreator();
             $qryAdd = $qryAdd->set('option_cat', 'permissions')->set('option_key', $qryMaxID)->set('option_value', $newPerm)->set('option_status', 'enable')->insert();
             $qryAdd = $qryAdd;
         case 'delete':
             $delParam = $this->childparam('delete');
             // if user pass child param, get this param and update status of permission
             if ($delParam) {
                 $qryDel = $this->qryCreator($_type, $delParam);
                 $qryDel = $qryDel->set('option_status', 'disable')->update();
         case 'edit':
             $editParam = $this->childparam('edit');
             if ($editParam) {
                 $permResult = \lib\utility\permission::permListFill(true);
                 $permResult = json_encode($permResult, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
                 $qryEdit = $this->qryCreator($_type, $editParam);
                 $qryEdit = $qryEdit->set('option_meta', $permResult)->update();
     $this->commit(function ($_type, $_permName) {
         switch ($_type) {
             case 'add':
                 debug::true(T_("Insert Successfully"));
                 $this->redirector()->set_url('permissions/' . $_permName);
             case 'delete':
                 debug::true(T_("Delete Successfully"));
             case 'edit':
                 debug::true(T_("Update Successfully"));
     }, $_type, $newPerm);
     // if a query has error or any error occour in any part of codes, run roolback
     $this->rollback(function () {
         debug::title(T_("Transaction error") . ': ');
  * Update options data
  * @return run update query and no return value
 function put_options()
     $newOptions = null;
     if (\lib\utility::post('reset') === 'reset' || \lib\utility::get('action') === 'reset') {
         $newOptions = $this->getDefault();
         \lib\debug::msg('direct', true);
     } else {
         $newOptions = $this->getOptions();
     foreach ($newOptions as $group => $record) {
         foreach ($record as $field => $value) {
             $meta = null;
             $status = 'enable';
             $qry = $this->sql()->table('options')->where('option_cat', 'option_' . $group)->and('option_key', $field)->and('post_id', '#NULL')->and('user_id', '#NULL');
             $fieldExist = $qry->select()->num();
             // if exist more than 2 times remove all the properties
             if ($fieldExist > 1) {
                 debug::true(T_("We find a problem and solve it!"));
                 $fieldExist = 0;
             // for array seperate it intro value and meta and encode it
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 // set meta values
                 if (isset($value['meta'])) {
                     // do something in config
                     if ($field === 'config') {
                     } elseif ($field === 'telegram') {
                     $meta = json_encode($value['meta'], JSON_FORCE_OBJECT | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
                     // $meta   = $value['meta'];
                 // set status if exist
                 if (array_key_exists('status', $value)) {
                     $status = $value['status'] ? 'enable' : 'disable';
                 // set value
                 if (array_key_exists('value', $value)) {
                     $value = $value['value'];
                 } else {
                     $value = null;
             // if value is empty set it empty
             if (!$value) {
                 $value = '#""';
             $qry = $qry->set('option_cat', 'option_' . $group)->set('option_status', $status)->set('option_key', $field)->set('option_value', $value);
             // if meta is not empty then add it to insert query
             if (isset($meta) && $meta !== '""') {
                 $qry = $qry->set('option_meta', $meta);
             // if exist update field
             if ($fieldExist == 1) {
                 // var_dump($qry->updateString());
             } else {
     $this->commit(function () {
         debug::true(T_("Update Successfully"));
         // $this->redirector()->set_url($_module.'/edit='.$_postId);
     // if a query has error or any error occour in any part of codes, run roolback
     $this->rollback(function () {
         debug::title(T_("Transaction error") . ': ');
  * this function set custom operator for each custom module in cp
  * @param  [type] $_id [description]
  * @return [type]      [description]
 function cp_create_query($_id = null)
     if (!$_id) {
         $_id = $this->childparam('edit');
     $cpModule = $this->cpModule();
     $mymodule = $this->cpModule('raw');
     $qry = $this->sql();
     $datarow = array();
     $datarow['slug'] = utility::post('slug', 'filter');
     $datarow['parent'] = utility::post('parent');
     if (!$datarow['slug']) {
         $datarow['slug'] = utility\filter::slug(utility::post('title'));
     if ($datarow['parent']) {
         $datarow['url'] = $this->sql()->table('terms')->where('id', $datarow['parent'])->select()->assoc('term_url') . '/' . $datarow['slug'];
     } else {
         $datarow['parent'] = '#NULL';
         $datarow['url'] = $datarow['slug'];
     if ($cpModule['raw'] === 'bookcategories') {
         $datarow['url'] = 'book-index/' . preg_replace("#^(book-index\\/)+#", "", $datarow['url']);
     // var_dump($datarow['slug']);exit();
     if (utility::post('title')) {
         $qry = $qry->table('terms')->set('term_type', $cpModule['type'])->set('term_language', utility::post('language'))->set('term_title', utility::post('title'))->set('term_slug', $datarow['slug'])->set('term_desc', utility::post('desc'))->set('term_parent', $datarow['parent'])->set('term_url', $datarow['url']);
     } else {
         debug::error(T_("Please enter title!"));
         return false;
     $post_new_id = null;
     if ($_id) {
         // on edit
         $qry = $qry->where('id', $_id)->update();
         $post_new_id = $_id;
     } else {
         // on add
         $qry = $qry->insert();
         $post_new_id = $qry->LAST_INSERT_ID();
     // ======================================================
     // you can manage next event with one of these variables,
     // commit for successfull and rollback for failed
     // if query run without error means commit
     $this->commit(function ($_module, $_postId, $_edit = null) {
         if ($_edit) {
             debug::true(T_("Update Successfully"));
             // $this->redirector()->set_url($_module.'/edit='.$_postId);
         } else {
             debug::true(T_("Insert Successfully"));
             $this->redirector()->set_url($_module . '/add');
             // $this->redirector()->set_url($_module.'/edit='.$_postId);
     }, $mymodule, $post_new_id, $_id);
     // if a query has error or any error occour in any part of codes, run roolback
     $this->rollback(function () {
         debug::title(T_("Transaction error") . ': ');
  * this function set custom operator for each custom module in cp
  * @param  [type] $_id [description]
  * @return [type]      [description]
 function cp_create_query($_id = null, $_data = null)
     if (!$_id) {
         $_id = $this->childparam('edit');
     // set useful variables
     $cpModule = $this->cpModule();
     $qry = $this->sql()->table('posts');
     $datarow = null;
     $defaultCat = null;
     // if datarow is not sending from parameter give it form post
     if (!(is_array($_data) && $_data)) {
         $datarow = self::cp_getPosts($_id);
         $defaultCat = utility::post('cat');
     } else {
         // if default cat isset then
         if (isset($_data['defaultCat'])) {
             $defaultCat = $_data['defaultCat'];
         $datarow = $_data;
     // if don't set title return error
     if (!(isset($datarow['title']) && $datarow['title'])) {
         debug::warn(T_("Please enter title") . "!", 'title');
         return false;
     // set slug if is not set
     if (!$datarow['slug']) {
         $datarow['slug'] = utility\filter::slug($datarow['title']);
     // fix post language
     $datarow['language'] = substr($datarow['language'], 0, 2);
     // start generate post url
     $url_slug = $datarow['slug'];
     $url_body = null;
     $url_prefix = null;
     switch ($cpModule['raw']) {
         case 'pages':
         case 'books':
             // calc and set url
             if ($datarow['parent']) {
                 $url_body = $this->sql()->table('posts')->where('post_type', $cpModule['type'])->and('id', $datarow['parent'])->select()->assoc('post_url');
             } else {
                 $datarow['parent'] = '#NULL';
             if ($cpModule['raw'] === 'books') {
                 $url_prefix = 'book/';
             // only on edit
         // only on edit
         case 'attachments':
             // remove unuse fields like slug, url, data, status, ...
             // commented row not deleted and check
             // unset($datarow['title']);
             // unset($datarow['content']);
             // unset($datarow['url']);
             // unset($datarow['status']);
             // unset($datarow['user_id']);
             if (!$defaultCat) {
                 $defaultCat = 'file';
             $url_body = $defaultCat;
             // // read post meta and rewrite it
             // $datarow['meta'] = $this->sql()->table('posts')
             // 		->where('post_type', 'attachment')->and('id', $_id)
             // 		->select()->assoc('post_meta');
             // $datarow['meta'] = json_decode($datarow['meta'], true);
             // $datarow['meta']['slug'] = $datarow['slug'];
             // $datarow['meta'] = json_encode($datarow['meta']);
         case 'socialnetwork':
             $datarow['slug'] = 'social' . md5(time());
             $url_slug = $datarow['slug'];
             $url_prefix = 'social/';
             $datarow['status'] = 'draft';
             // all other type of post
         // all other type of post
         case 'polls':
             $url_body = $defaultCat;
             if (!$url_body) {
                 // calc and set url
                 $url_body = $this->sql()->table('terms')->where('id', 1)->select()->assoc('term_url');
             if ($cpModule['raw'] === 'polls') {
                 $datarow['type'] = 'poll_sarshomar';
     // generate posturl
     $datarow['url'] = self::sp_generateUrl($url_slug, $url_body, $url_prefix);
     // if in edit get this record data
     if ($_id) {
         $record = $this->sql()->table('posts')->where('id', $_id)->select()->assoc();
         $record_meta = $this->sql()->table('options')->where('post_id', $_id)->order('id', 'asc')->select()->allassoc();
         // fill options value like posts field
         foreach ($record_meta as $key => $value) {
             $record[$record_meta[$key]['option_key']] = $record_meta[$key]['option_value'];
     $changed = false;
     // set values if exist
     foreach ($datarow as $key => $value) {
         $key = $key === 'user_id' ? 'user_id' : 'post_' . $key;
         if ($_id) {
             // check with old data and if change then set it
             if ($record[$key] !== $value) {
                 $qry = $qry->set($key, $value);
                 $changed = true;
         } elseif ($value) {
             $qry = $qry->set($key, $value);
     $post_new_id = $_id;
     if ($_id) {
         // on edit
         if ($changed) {
             $qry = $qry->where('id', $_id)->update();
     } else {
         // on add
         $qry = $qry->insert();
         $post_new_id = $qry->LAST_INSERT_ID();
     if ($post_new_id === 0 || !$post_new_id) {
     // if publish post share it on twitter and save in options
     // before share check db for share before
     // if on add or in edit and staus exist and status !== 400
     // then if status == publish and changed from old position
     // $post_status = isset($record['post_status'])? $record['post_status']: null;
     // $post_type   = isset($record['post_type'])? $record['post_type'] : null;
     // $post_type = ($post_type) ? $post_type : $cpModule['type'];
     // if($datarow['status'] === 'publish' && $datarow['status'] !== $post_status && $post_type === 'post')
     // {
     // 	$url_main = $this->url('MainProtocol'). '://'.$this->url('MainSite');
     // 	if(!(isset($record['twitter']['status']) && $record['twitter']['status'] === 400 ))
     // 	{
     // 		$mytwitte = $datarow['title'] . ' '. $url_main.'/'.$datarow['url'];
     // 		$twitte_result = \lib\utility\socialNetwork::twitter($mytwitte);
     // 		if(isset($twitte_result) && isset($twitte_result['status']))
     // 		{
     // 			$twitte_result = json_encode($twitte_result);
     // 			$qry_twitter = $this->sql()->table('options')
     // 				->set('post_id',      $post_new_id)
     // 				->set('option_cat',   'post'. $post_new_id. '_SocialNetwork')
     // 				->set('option_key',   'twitter')
     // 				->set('option_value', $twitte_result);
     // 			// $qry_twitter = $qry_twitter->insertString();
     // 			$qry_twitter = $qry_twitter->insert();
     // 		}
     // 	}
     // 	$telegram = \lib\utility\socialNetwork::telegram($datarow['title'] . "\n". $url_main.'/'.$datarow['url']);
     // 	$facebook_content = html_entity_decode($datarow['content']);
     // 	$facebook_content = preg_replace("/<\/p>/", "\n", $facebook_content);
     // 	$facebook_content = preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/", "", $facebook_content);
     // 	$facebook_content = preg_replace("/^[\s\n\r\t]+/", "", $facebook_content);
     // 	$facebook_url = $url_main.'/'.$datarow['url'];
     // 	$result_fb = \lib\utility\socialNetwork::facebook($facebook_url, $facebook_content);
     // 		if(isset($result_fb))
     // 		{
     // 			// $result_fb = json_encode($result_fb);
     // 			$qry_facebook = $this->sql()->table('options')
     // 				->set('post_id',        $post_new_id)
     // 				->set('option_cat',   'post'. $post_new_id. '_SocialNetwork')
     // 				->set('option_key',   'facebook')
     // 				->set('option_value', $result_fb);
     // 			// $qry_facebook = $qry_facebook->insertString();
     // 			$qry_facebook = $qry_facebook->insert();
     // 		}
     // }
     // add tags to terms table
     $mycats = utility::post('categories');
     // if(!$mycats)
     // 	$mycats = [1];
     $mytags = utility::post('tags');
     $mytags = explode(',', $mytags);
     foreach ($mytags as $key => $value) {
         $value = trim($value, " ");
         $value = trim($value, "'");
         if ($value) {
             $mytags[$key] = $value;
         } else {
     // --------------------------------------------------- check new tag and cats with old one on edit
     if ($_id) {
         $myterms_del = null;
         // get old tags and diff of it with new one by title of tags
         $old_tags = $this->sp_term_list('tag', false);
         $tags_diff = array_diff($old_tags, $mytags);
         if (count($tags_diff) > 0) {
             // get the list of tags id
             $tags_id = $this->cp_tag_id($tags_diff);
             $myterms_del = $tags_id;
         // get old cats and diff of it with new one by id
         if ($cpModule['raw'] === 'attachments') {
             $old_cats = $this->sp_term_list('filecat', false);
             if (!is_array($mycats)) {
                 $mycats = null;
         } elseif ($cpModule['raw'] === 'books') {
             $old_cats = $this->sp_term_list('bookcat', false);
             if (!is_array($mycats)) {
                 $mycats = null;
         } else {
             $old_cats = $this->sp_term_list('cat', false);
             if (!is_array($mycats)) {
                 $mycats = [1];
         if (is_array($old_cats) && count($old_cats) && is_array($mycats) && count($mycats)) {
             $cats_diff = array_diff($old_cats, $mycats);
         } elseif (is_array($mycats) && count($mycats)) {
             $cats_diff = $mycats;
         } else {
             $cats_diff = $old_cats;
         if (is_array($cats_diff) && count($cats_diff) > 0) {
             $cats_diff = implode(",", $cats_diff);
             if ($myterms_del) {
                 $myterms_del .= ',';
             $myterms_del .= $cats_diff;
         // delete deleted tags and cats together in one query
         if ($myterms_del) {
             $qry_term_del = $this->sql()->table('termusages')->where('termusage_id', $post_new_id);
             if (count(explode(',', $myterms_del)) === 1) {
                 $qry_term_del = $qry_term_del->and('term_id', '=', $myterms_del)->delete();
             } else {
                 $qry_term_del = $qry_term_del->and('term_id', 'in', "(" . $myterms_del . ")")->delete();
     // ------------------------------------------------- if user enter new tag
     $tags_id = array();
     if (count($mytags) > 0) {
         $qry_tag = $this->sql()->table('terms');
         // add each tag to sql syntax
         foreach ($mytags as $value) {
             if ($value) {
                 $qry_tag = $qry_tag->set('term_type', 'tag')->set('term_title', $value)->set('term_slug', $value)->set('term_url', $value);
         // get the list of tags id
         $tags_id = $this->cp_tag_id($mytags, false);
         if (!is_array($tags_id)) {
             $tags_id = array();
     // add selected tag to term usages table
     // on pages dont need cats and only add tags
     if ($cpModule['raw'] === 'pages') {
         $myterms = $tags_id;
     } elseif (is_array($mycats) && count($mycats)) {
         $myterms = array_merge($tags_id, $mycats);
     } else {
         $myterms = $tags_id;
     // ---------------------------------------------- set termusage table
     // if terms exist go to foreach
     if (isset($myterms) && count($myterms) > 0) {
         $qry_tagusages = $this->sql()->table('termusages');
         foreach ($myterms as $value) {
             $qry_tagusages = $qry_tagusages->set('term_id', $value)->set('termusage_id', $post_new_id)->set('termusage_foreign', 'posts');
     // update post url
     // $post_url = utility::post('slug', 'filter');
     // $this->sql()->table('posts')->set('post_url', $post_url)
     // ->where('id', $post_new_id)->update();
     // ======================================================
     // you can manage next event with one of these variables,
     // commit for successfull and rollback for failed
     // if query run without error means commit
     if ($cpModule['raw'] == 'socialnetwork') {
         $twitte_result = \lib\utility\socialNetwork::telegram($datarow['content']);
     $this->commit(function ($_postId, $_edit = null) {
         $_module = $this->cpModule('raw');
         // if we are on create poll add into options table
         if ($_module === 'polls') {
         if ($_edit) {
             debug::true(T_("Update Successfully"));
             $this->redirector()->set_url($_module . '/edit=' . $_postId);
         } else {
             debug::true(T_("Insert Successfully"));
             $this->redirector()->set_url($_module . '/edit=' . $_postId);
     }, $post_new_id, $_id);
     // if a query has error or any error occour in any part of codes, run roolback
     $this->rollback(function () {
         debug::title(T_("Transaction error") . ': ');