public static function getInteractionDocumentation()
     $documentation['@attributes'] = QtiDoc::defaultCommonInteractionAttributeRow();
     $documentation = array_replace_recursive($documentation, ['@notes' => "\n                The element 'gapMatchInteraction' map to our 'clozeassociation' question.\n                Read the documentation: <a href=''>\n      </a>\n                <br /><br />\n                Currently support `exactMatch` and `map_response` validation.\n            ", '@attributes' => ['shuffle' => QtiDoc::none('No support for `shuffle` on `clozeassociation`')], 'prompt' => QtiDoc::support('We map this to our question `stimulus`.'), 'gapText' => ['@attributes' => ['id' => QtiDoc::none(), 'class' => QtiDoc::none(), 'xmllang' => QtiDoc::none(), 'label' => QtiDoc::none(), 'identifier' => QtiDoc::support(), 'fixed' => QtiDoc::none(), 'templateIdentifier' => QtiDoc::none(), 'showHide' => QtiDoc::none(), 'matchGroup' => QtiDoc::none(), 'matchMax' => QtiDoc::none('This is ignored, `clozeassociation` can only match to a maximum of 0 response'), 'matchMin' => QtiDoc::none('This is ignored, `clozeassociation` allow zero responses')], 'printedVariable' => QtiDoc::none(), 'textRun' => QtiDoc::support()], 'gapImg' => ['@attributes' => ['id' => QtiDoc::none(), 'class' => QtiDoc::none(), 'xmllang' => QtiDoc::none(), 'label' => QtiDoc::none(), 'identifier' => QtiDoc::support(), 'fixed' => QtiDoc::none(), 'templateIdentifier' => QtiDoc::none(), 'showHide' => QtiDoc::none(), 'matchGroup' => QtiDoc::none(), 'matchMax' => QtiDoc::none('This is ignored, `clozeassociation` can only match to a maximum of 0 response'), 'matchMin' => QtiDoc::none('This is ignored, `clozeassociation` allow zero responses'), 'objectLabel' => QtiDoc::none()], 'object' => QtiDoc::support()]]);
     $documentation = array_merge($documentation, QtiDoc::defaultBlockStaticRow());
     return $documentation;
 public static function getInteractionDocumentation()
     $documentation['@attributes'] = QtiDoc::defaultCommonInteractionAttributeRow();
     $documentation = array_replace_recursive($documentation, ['@notes' => "\n                The element 'orderInteraction' map to our 'orderlist' question.\n                Read the documentation: <a href=''>\n      </a>.\n                <br/><br/>\n                We currently only support validation template `match_correct` for this interaction.\n            ", '@attributes' => ['shuffle' => QtiDoc::none('This feature is not supported'), 'minChoices' => QtiDoc::none(), 'maxChoices' => QtiDoc::none(), 'orientation' => QtiDoc::none()], 'prompt' => QtiDoc::support(), 'simpleChoice' => ['@attributes' => ['identifier' => QtiDoc::support(), 'fixed' => QtiDoc::none(), 'showHide' => QtiDoc::none(), 'templateIdentifier' => QtiDoc::none()]]]);
     $documentation = array_merge($documentation, QtiDoc::defaultBlockStaticRow());
     return $documentation;
 public static function getInteractionDocumentation()
     $documentation['@attributes'] = QtiDoc::defaultCommonInteractionAttributeRow();
     $documentation = array_replace_recursive($documentation, ['@notes' => "\n                The element 'hottextInteraction' map to our 'tokenhighlight' question.\n                Read the documentation: <a href=''>\n      </a>\n                <br /><br />\n                Currently support `exactMatch` and `map_response` validation.\n            ", '@attributes' => ['maxChoices' => QtiDoc::support('This map to `max_selection`'), 'minChoices' => QtiDoc::none('By default this would be zero since we allow no response.')], 'prompt' => QtiDoc::support('We map this to our question `stimulus`.')]);
     $documentation = array_merge($documentation, QtiDoc::defaultBlockStaticRow());
     return $documentation;