load() public method

Load migration script from specific directory.
public load ( $directory )
 public function testMigrationByDiff()
     $this->conn->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users');
     $this->conn->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test');
     $this->conn->query('CREATE TABLE users (account VARCHAR(128) UNIQUE)');
     if (!file_exists('tests/migrations_testing')) {
     $generator = new MigrationGenerator(Console::getInstance()->getLogger(), 'tests/migrations_testing');
     ok(class_exists('TestApp\\Model\\UserSchema', true));
     $finder = new SchemaFinder();
     list($class, $path) = $generator->generateWithDiff('DiffMigration', $this->getDriverType(), ["users" => new TestApp\Model\UserSchema()], '20120101');
     require_once $path;
     $userSchema = new TestApp\Model\UserSchema;
     $column = $userSchema->getColumn('account');
     // run migration
     $runner = new MigrationRunner($this->logger, $this->getDriverType());
     $runner->resetMigrationId($this->conn, $this->queryDriver);
     // XXX: PHPUnit can't run this test in separated unit test since
     // there is a bug of serializing the global array, this assertion will get 5 instead of the expected 1.
     $scripts = $runner->loadMigrationScripts();
     // $this->assertCount(1, $scripts);
     // $this->expectOutputRegex('#DiffMigration_1325347200#');
     $runner->runUpgrade($this->conn, $this->queryDriver, [$class]);
     # echo file_get_contents($path);
     $this->conn->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users');
 public function testRunner()
     $connm = LazyRecord\ConnectionManager::getInstance();
     $connm->addDataSource('default', array('dsn' => 'sqlite::memory:'));
     $runner = new LazyRecord\Migration\MigrationRunner('default');
 public function execute()
     $dsId = $this->getCurrentDataSourceId();
     $runner = new MigrationRunner($dsId);
     $runner->load($this->options->{'script-dir'} ?: 'db/migrations');
     $this->logger->info('Running migration scripts to downgrade...');
 public function execute()
     $dsId = $this->getCurrentDataSourceId();
     $runner = new MigrationRunner($dsId);
     $scripts = $runner->getUpgradeScripts($dsId);
     $count = count($scripts);
     $this->logger->info("Found " . $count . ($count > 1 ? ' migration scripts' : ' migration script') . ' to be executed.');
     foreach ($scripts as $script) {
         $this->logger->info('- ' . $script, 1);
 public function execute()
     $dsId = $this->getCurrentDataSourceId();
     $connectionManager = ConnectionManager::getInstance();
     $conn = $connectionManager->getConnection($dsId);
     $driver = $connectionManager->getQueryDriver($dsId);
     $runner = new MigrationRunner($this->logger, $dsId);
     $runner->load($this->options->{'script-dir'} ?: 'db/migrations');
     $scripts = $runner->getUpgradeScripts($conn, $driver);
     $count = count($scripts);
     $this->logger->info('Found ' . $count . ($count > 1 ? ' migration scripts' : ' migration script') . ' to be executed.');
     foreach ($scripts as $script) {
         $this->logger->info('- ' . $script, 1);
 public function testMigrationByDiff()
     $connectionManager = ConnectionManager::getInstance();
     $connectionManager->addDataSource('default', array('driver' => 'mysql', 'dsn' => @$_ENV['DB_MYSQL_DSN'], 'user' => @$_ENV['DB_MYSQL_USER'], 'pass' => @$_ENV['DB_MYSQL_PASS']));
     $pdo = $connectionManager->getConnection('default');
     $pdo->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users');
     $pdo->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test');
     $pdo->query('CREATE TABLE users (account VARCHAR(128) UNIQUE)');
     if (!file_exists('tests/migrations_testing')) {
     $generator = new MigrationGenerator(Console::getInstance()->getLogger(), 'tests/migrations_testing');
     ok(class_exists('TestApp\\Model\\UserSchema', true));
     $finder = new SchemaFinder();
     list($class, $path) = $generator->generateWithDiff('DiffMigration', 'default', [new TestApp\Model\UserSchema()], '20120101');
     require_once $path;
     $userSchema = new TestApp\Model\UserSchema;
     $column = $userSchema->getColumn('account');
     // run migration
     $runner = new MigrationRunner('default');
     // XXX: PHPUnit can't run this test in separated unit test since
     // there is a bug of serializing the global array, this assertion will get 5 instead of the expected 1.
     $scripts = $runner->getMigrationScripts();
     // $this->assertCount(1, $scripts);
     // $this->expectOutputRegex('#DiffMigration_1325347200#');
     # echo file_get_contents($path);
     $pdo->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users');
 public function execute()
     $connection = $this->getCurrentConnection();
     $driver = $this->getCurrentQueryDriver();
     if ($this->options->backup) {
         if (!$driver instanceof PDOMySQLDriver) {
             $this->logger->error('backup is only supported for MySQL');
             return false;
         $this->logger->info('Backing up database...');
         $backup = new MySQLBackup();
         if ($dbname = $backup->incrementalBackup($connection)) {
             $this->logger->info("Backup at {$dbname}");
     $dsId = $this->getCurrentDataSourceId();
     $runner = new MigrationRunner($this->logger, $dsId);
     $runner->load($this->options->{'script-dir'} ?: 'db/migrations');
     $this->logger->info("Performing downgrade over data source: {$dsId}...");
     $runner->runDowngrade($connection, $driver);