/** * Tmp action - run the temporarily firewall * * @package las * @version 1.0 */ public function tmpAction() { if ($task = Tasks::findFirst('status=' . Tasks::ACTIVE . ' AND when="@tmp"')) { $firewall = $task->getFirewall(); if ($firewall) { if ($firewall->status == Firewalls::RELOAD) { // Display notice flash $this->tag->setTitle(__('Notice')); $this->view->setVar('title', __('Notice')); $this->flashSession->notice($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Notice') . '!</strong> ' . __("The :name firewall was scheduled to reload.", [':name' => '<i>' . $firewall->name . '</i>'])); } elseif ($firewall->status == Firewalls::COMPILED) { $this->tag->setTitle(__('Turn on the temporary access')); $this->view->pick('msg'); // Reload at real time or trigger reload if ($this->las['general']['realTime'] && $this->las['general']['rootPassword']) { try { // Try to run command as root Las::cmd('php ' . ROOT_PATH . '/private/index.php firewall display ' . $firewall->id . ' | sh', true); $this->tag->setTitle(__('Success')); $this->view->setVar('title', __('Success')); $this->flashSession->success($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Success') . '!</strong> ' . __("The :name firewall was reloaded.", [':name' => '<i>' . $firewall->name . '</i>'])); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors = ['error' => get_class($e) . '[' . $e->getCode() . ']: ' . $e->getMessage(), 'info' => $e->getFile() . '[' . $e->getLine() . ']', 'debug' => "Trace: \n" . $e->getTraceAsString() . "\n"]; \Las\Bootstrap::log($errors); // Display warning flash $this->tag->setTitle(__('Warning')); $this->view->setVar('title', __('Warning')); $this->flashSession->warning($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Warning') . '!</strong> ' . __("Something is wrong!")); } } else { // Trigger reload - update firewall's status $firewall->status = Firewalls::RELOAD; $firewall->update(); // Display notice flash $this->tag->setTitle(__('Notice')); $this->view->setVar('title', __('Notice')); $this->flashSession->notice($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Notice') . '!</strong> ' . __("The :name firewall was scheduled to reload.", [':name' => '<i>' . $firewall->name . '</i>'])); } } } else { $this->response->redirect(null); } } else { parent::notFoundAction(); } }
/** * Write method - add/edit the task * * @package las * @version 1.0 * * @param string $method type of method: create/update * @return mixed */ public function write($method = 'create') { $validation = new Extension\Validation(); $validation->setDefaultMessages(['TogetherWith' => 'Field :field must occur together with :with', 'TogetherWithOr' => 'Field :field must occur together with one of: :with', 'TogetherWithout' => 'Field :field must not occur together with :with']); $validation->add('name', new Validator\PresenceOf()); $validation->add('name', new Validator\StringLength(['max' => 32])); $validation->add('when', new Validator\PresenceOf()); $validation->add('when', new Validator\StringLength(['max' => 64])); $validation->add('type', new Validator\PresenceOf()); $validation->add('type', new Validator\InclusionIn(['domain' => Tasks::type()])); if ($this->request->getPost('type', 'int') == Tasks::FIREWALL) { $validation->add('type', new Extension\Together(['with' => ['firewall']])); } $validation->add('firewall', new Extension\Together(['with' => ['type' => Tasks::FIREWALL], 'allowEmpty' => true])); $validation->add('firewall', new Validator\InclusionIn(['domain' => Arr::from_model($this->firewalls, null, 'id'), 'allowEmpty' => true])); $validation->add('next', new Validator\Regex(['pattern' => '/\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}/', 'message' => 'Required format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm', 'allowEmpty' => true])); $validation->add('description', new Validator\StringLength(['max' => 1024])); $validation->add('status', new Validator\InclusionIn(['domain' => Tasks::status()])); $validation->setLabels(['name' => __('Name'), 'when' => __('When'), 'type' => __('Type'), 'firewall' => __('Firewall'), 'next' => __('Next'), 'description' => __('Description'), 'status' => __('Status')]); $messages = $validation->validate($_POST); // Return messages if validation not pass if (count($messages)) { return $validation->getMessages(); } else { $this->name = $this->request->getPost('name', 'string'); $this->when = $this->request->getPost('when', 'string'); $this->type = $this->request->getPost('type', 'int'); $this->firewall_id = $this->request->getPost('firewall', 'int', 0, true); $this->next = strtotime($this->request->getPost('next', 'string')); $this->description = $this->request->getPost('description', 'string'); $this->status = $this->request->getPost('status', 'int'); $this->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Try to write the record if ($this->{$method}() === true) { return $this; } else { \Las\Bootstrap::log($this->getMessages()); return $this->getMessages(); } } }
/** * Tmp Action - for running temporarily tasks * * @package las * @version 1.0 */ public function tmpAction() { // Only first ACTIVE task is running at temporarily if ($task = Tasks::findFirst('status=' . Tasks::ACTIVE . ' AND when="@tmp"')) { $this->dispatcher->forward(['task' => 'firewall', 'action' => 'display', 'params' => [$task->firewall_id]]); } }
/** * Edit action - edit the task * * @package las * @version 1.0 */ public function editAction() { // Get id from url params and check if record exist $params = $this->router->getParams(); if (isset($params[0]) && ($task = Tasks::findFirst($params[0]))) { $firewalls = Firewalls::find(); if (!count($firewalls)) { $this->flashSession->notice($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Notice') . '!</strong> ' . __("Please add the firewall first") . ': ' . $this->tag->linkTo('admin/firewalls/add', __('Add'))); } // Set title, pick view and send variables $this->tag->setTitle(__('Tasks') . ' / ' . __('Edit')); $this->view->pick('tasks/write'); $this->view->setVars(['type' => Tasks::type(true), 'status' => Tasks::status(true), 'firewalls' => $firewalls]); // Check if the form has been sent if ($this->request->isPost() === true && $this->request->hasPost('submit')) { $task->__set('firewalls', $firewalls); $valid = $task->write('update'); // Check if data are valid if ($valid instanceof Tasks) { $this->flashSession->success($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Success') . '!</strong> ' . __("The data has been saved.")); } else { $this->view->setVar('errors', $valid); $this->flashSession->warning($this->tag->linkTo(['#', 'class' => 'close', 'title' => __("Close"), '×']) . '<strong>' . __('Warning') . '!</strong> ' . __("Please correct the errors.")); } } else { $diff = ['firewall' => $task->firewall_id, 'next' => $task->next ? date('Y-m-d H:i', $task->next) : null]; // Values to fill out the form $this->tag->setDefaults(array_merge(get_object_vars($task), $diff)); } } else { parent::notFoundAction(); } }