    $root = Request::foundation()->getRootUrl();
    $environment = Request::detect_env($environments, $root);
| Set The Application Environment
| Once we have determined the application environment, we will set it on
| the global server array of the HttpFoundation request. This makes it
| available throughout the application, thought it is mainly only
| used to determine which configuration files to merge in.
if (isset($environment)) {
| Set The CLI Options Array
| If the current request is from the Artisan command-line interface, we
| will parse the command line arguments and options and set them the
| array of options in the $_SERVER global array for convenience.
if (defined('STDIN')) {
    $console = CLI\Command::options($_SERVER['argv']);
    list($arguments, $options) = $console;
    $options = array_change_key_case($options, CASE_UPPER);