  * Upload the file.
  * @param Model   $model
  * @param Request $request
  * @return void
 private function uploadFileTest($model, Request $request)
     // Filter through all the uploaded files, only grabbing the files in our
     // Fillable, (we don't want any extra things)
     $valid_files = collect($request->allFiles())->filter(function ($file, $key) use($model) {
         return in_array($key, $model->getFillable());
     //  For each file process the upload.
     // Of course, if the collection of valid_files is empty, nothing will happen.
     $valid_files->each(function (\Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile $file, $key) use($model) {
         $ext = $file->guessExtension();
         $name = Warden::generateUUID() . '.' . $ext;
         $fs = new Filesystem();
         $fs->makeDirectory($file_path = storage_path('app/uploads'), 0755, true, true);
         $model->{$key} = $name;
         $file->move($file_path, $name);
 protected function mapApiRoutes()
     if (empty(config('kregel.warden.using.custom-routes'))) {