  * module=menuwrite
  * @param object $menu
  * @return string
 public function render($menu)
     // form
     $form = Html::create('form', array('id' => 'setup_frm', 'class' => 'setup_frm', 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'action' => 'index.php/index/model/menuwrite/save', 'onsubmit' => 'doFormSubmit', 'ajax' => true));
     $fieldset = $form->add('fieldset', array('title' => '{LNG_Menu details}'));
     $groups = $fieldset->add('groups-table', array('label' => '{LNG_Language}', 'id' => 'language', 'comment' => '{LNG_Select the language of this item (Select the first Is present in every language)}'));
     // language
     $groups->add('select', array('id' => 'language', 'labelClass' => 'g-input icon-language', 'itemClass' => 'width', 'options' => ArrayTool::replace(array('' => '{LNG_all languages}'), Language::installedLanguage()), 'value' => empty($menu->id) ? '' : $menu->language));
     $groups->add('a', array('id' => 'copy_menu', 'class' => 'button icon-copy copy', 'title' => '{LNG_Copy this item to the selected language}'));
     // menu_text
     $fieldset->add('text', array('id' => 'menu_text', 'labelClass' => 'g-input icon-menus', 'itemClass' => 'item', 'label' => '{LNG_Text}', 'comment' => '{LNG_Text displayed on the menu}', 'maxlength' => 100, 'value' => $menu->menu_text));
     // menu_tooltip
     $fieldset->add('text', array('id' => 'menu_tooltip', 'labelClass' => 'g-input icon-edit', 'itemClass' => 'item', 'label' => '{LNG_Tooltip}', 'comment' => '{LNG_Message when mouse over the menu}', 'maxlength' => 100, 'value' => $menu->menu_tooltip));
     // accesskey
     $fieldset->add('text', array('id' => 'accesskey', 'labelClass' => 'g-input icon-keyboard', 'itemClass' => 'item', 'label' => '{LNG_Accesskey}', 'comment' => '{LNG_Enter lowercase English letters or numbers to be used as a shortcut to this menu. (Sub-menus do not support the shortcut menu. Do not duplicate keys of the system shortcut)}', 'value' => $menu->accesskey));
     $fieldset = $form->add('fieldset', array('title' => '{LNG_Installation and position of the menu}'));
     // alias
     $fieldset->add('text', array('id' => 'alias', 'labelClass' => 'g-input icon-edit', 'itemClass' => 'item', 'label' => '{LNG_Alias}', 'comment' => '{LNG_The name of the menu (the default is the name of the module is installed)}', 'value' => $menu->alias));
     // parent
     $fieldset->add('select', array('id' => 'parent', 'labelClass' => 'g-input icon-config', 'itemClass' => 'item', 'label' => '{LNG_Menu position}', 'comment' => '{LNG_Select the menu position. The menu will be displayed on the website at the selected position. (Based on templates you are using)}', 'options' => Language::find('MENU_PARENTS', array('MAINMENU' => 'Main menu')), 'value' => $menu->parent));
     // type
     if ($menu->menu_order == 1) {
         $m = 0;
     } elseif ($menu->level == 0) {
         $m = 1;
     } elseif ($menu->level == 1) {
         $m = 2;
     } else {
         $m = 3;
     $fieldset->add('select', array('id' => 'type', 'labelClass' => 'g-input icon-config', 'itemClass' => 'item', 'label' => '{LNG_Menu type}', 'comment' => '{LNG_Select the type of menu}', 'options' => Language::get('MENU_TYPES'), 'value' => $m));
     // menu_order
     $fieldset->add('select', array('id' => 'menu_order', 'labelClass' => 'g-input icon-config', 'itemClass' => 'item', 'label' => '{LNG_Menu order}', 'size' => 8, 'comment' => '{LNG_The sequence of the desired menu. The menu will be displayed next from the selected item}'));
     // published
     $fieldset->add('select', array('id' => 'published', 'labelClass' => 'g-input icon-published1', 'itemClass' => 'item', 'label' => '{LNG_Status}', 'comment' => '{LNG_Publish this item}', 'options' => Language::get('MENU_PUBLISHEDS'), 'value' => $menu->published));
     $fieldset = $form->add('fieldset', array('id' => 'menu_action', 'title' => '{LNG_Action when click on menu}'));
     // action
     if ($menu->menu_url != '') {
         $m = 2;
     } elseif ($menu->index_id == 0) {
         $m = 0;
     } else {
         $m = 1;
     $fieldset->add('select', array('id' => 'action', 'labelClass' => 'g-input icon-config', 'itemClass' => 'item', 'label' => '{LNG_When choosing the menu}', 'comment' => '{LNG_Choose how to proceed. When you click on the menu}', 'options' => Language::get('MENU_ACTIONS'), 'value' => $m));
     // index_id
     $fieldset->add('select', array('id' => 'index_id', 'labelClass' => 'g-input icon-modules', 'itemClass' => 'item action 1', 'label' => '{LNG_installed module}', 'comment' => '{LNG_Choose the page you want to open when you click a menu item from a list of web pages or modules already installed}', 'optgroup' => \Index\Menuwrite\Model::getModules(), 'value' => $menu->owner . '_' . $menu->index_id));
     // menu_url
     $fieldset->add('text', array('id' => 'menu_url', 'labelClass' => 'g-input icon-world', 'itemClass' => 'item action 2', 'label' => '{LNG_URL}', 'comment' => '{LNG_Links for this item, which will open this page when click on it}', 'value' => str_replace(array('{', '}'), array('{', '}'), $menu->menu_url)));
     // menu_target
     $fieldset->add('select', array('id' => 'menu_target', 'labelClass' => 'g-input icon-forward', 'itemClass' => 'item action 1 2', 'label' => '{LNG_The opening page of links}', 'comment' => '{LNG_Determine how to turn the page when a link is clicked}', 'options' => Language::get('MENU_TARGET'), 'value' => $menu->menu_target));
     $fieldset = $form->add('fieldset', array('class' => 'submit'));
     // submit
     $fieldset->add('submit', array('class' => 'button ok large', 'value' => '{LNG_Save}'));
     // id
     $fieldset->add('hidden', array('id' => 'id', 'value' => $menu->id));
     return $form->render();
  * module=menus
  * @return string
 public function render()
     // menu ที่เลือก default คือ MAINMENU
     $parent = self::$request->get('parent')->toString();
     $installed_menus = Language::find('MENU_PARENTS', array('MAINMENU' => 'Main menu'));
     $menus = array_keys($installed_menus);
     $parent = in_array($parent, $menus) ? $parent : reset($menus);
     $this->toplvl = -1;
     // Uri
     $uri = self::$request->getUri();
     // ตารางรายการเมนู
     $table = new DataTable(array('model' => 'Index\\Menus\\Model', 'onRow' => array($this, 'onRow'), 'hideColumns' => array('id', 'index_id', 'level', 'menu_url', 'ilanguage'), 'dragColumn' => 4, 'action' => 'index.php/index/model/menus/action', 'actionCallback' => 'indexActionCallback', 'actionConfirm' => 'confirmAction', 'headers' => array('menu_text' => array('text' => '{LNG_Menu}'), 'move_left' => array('text' => ''), 'move_right' => array('text' => ''), 'alias' => array('text' => '{LNG_Alias}'), 'published' => array('text' => '{LNG_Status}', 'class' => 'center'), 'language' => array('text' => '{LNG_Language}', 'class' => 'center'), 'menu_tooltip' => array('text' => '{LNG_Tooltip}'), 'accesskey' => array('text' => '{LNG_Accesskey}', 'class' => 'center'), 'module' => array('text' => '{LNG_Link}/{LNG_Module}')), 'cols' => array('published' => array('class' => 'center'), 'language' => array('class' => 'center'), 'accesskey' => array('class' => 'center')), 'buttons' => array('edit' => array('class' => 'icon-edit button green', 'href' => $uri->createBackUri(array('module' => 'menuwrite', 'id' => ':id')), 'text' => '{LNG_Edit}'), 'delete' => array('class' => 'icon-delete button red', 'id' => ':id', 'text' => '{LNG_Delete}')), 'addNew' => array('class' => 'button green icon-plus', 'href' => $uri->createBackUri(array('module' => 'menuwrite', 'id' => '0')), 'text' => '{LNG_Add New} {LNG_Menu}'), 'filters' => array('parent' => array('name' => 'parent', 'text' => '{LNG_Choose}', 'options' => $installed_menus, 'value' => $parent))));
     return $table->render();
  * Generated from @assert ('not found', 'default') [==] 'default'.
  * @covers Kotchasan\Language::find
 public function testFind2()
     $this->assertEquals('default', \Kotchasan\Language::find('not found', 'default'));