protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $questionHelper = $this->getHelper('question'); if (!is_dir($this->directory)) { $question = new ConfirmationQuestion(sprintf('Migration directory <info>%s</info> does not exist, dou you want to create it? [n] ', $this->directory), false); if (!$questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question)) { return; } Filesystem::createDirectory($this->directory); } if (!is_writable($this->directory)) { $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>Migration directory %s is not writable</error>', $this->directory)); return; } $date = new \DateTime('@' . time()); $date->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $class = 'Version' . $date->format('YmdHis'); $file = $class . '.php'; $tpl = ['###CLASS###' => $class, '###DATE###' => $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' UTC']; $code = strtr(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/MigrationTemplate.txt'), $tpl); $target = str_replace(['\\', '/'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->directory . '/' . $file); $question = new ConfirmationQuestion(sprintf('Generate migration <info>%s</info>? [y] ', $target), true); if (!$questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question)) { return; } if (false === file_put_contents($target, $code)) { $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>Failed to write migration %s to disk.</error>', $target)); return; } $output->writeln(sprintf(' Migration <info>%s</info> generated.', $target)); }
protected function setupDatabase(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { if ($this->manager === NULL) { $questionHelper = $this->getHelper('question'); $file = Filesystem::normalizePath($this->configFile); if (!is_file($file)) { $output->writeln(sprintf('Missing config file: <info>%s</info>', $this->configFile)); $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('Do you want to generate the config file? [n] ', false); if ($questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question)) { $tpl = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ConfigTemplate.txt'); $replacements = []; $question = new Question('Database DSN (PDO): ', ''); $dsn = $questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question); $question = new Question('DB username: '******''); $username = $questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question); $question = new Question('DB password: '******''); $password = $questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question); $replacements['###DSN###'] = var_export((string) $dsn, true); $replacements['###USERNAME###'] = var_export(trim($username) === '' ? NULL : $username, true); $replacements['###PASSWORD###'] = var_export(trim($password) === '' ? NULL : $password, true); $code = strtr($tpl, $replacements); Filesystem::writeFile($file, $code); $output->writeln(sprintf('Generated <info>%s</file> with this contents:', $file)); $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln($code); } return false; } $config = new Configuration($this->processConfigData(require $file)); $this->manager = new ConnectionManager($config->getConfig('ConnectionManager')); $this->migrationDirectories = $config->getConfig('Migration.MigrationManager.directories')->toArray(); } return true; }
public function getMediaType() { if ($this->info->isDir()) { return new MediaType('httpd/unix-directory'); } return new MediaType(Filesystem::guessMimeTypeFromFilename($this->info->getFilename())); }
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $file = $input->getArgument('file'); if (!preg_match("'^/|(?:[^:\\\\/]+://)|(?:[a-z]:[\\\\/])'i", $file)) { $file = $this->directory . '/resource/' . $file . '.html.xml'; } $file = Filesystem::normalizePath($file); $questionHelper = $this->getHelper('question'); $question = new ConfirmationQuestion(sprintf('Create view <info>%s</info>? [n] ', $file), false); if (!$questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question)) { return; } $xml = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xml->formatOutput = true; $root = $xml->appendChild($xml->createElementNS(ExpressViewParser::NS_EXPRESS, 'k:composition')); $root->appendChild($xml->createAttribute('extends')); $root->appendChild($xml->createAttribute('xmlns'))->appendChild($xml->createTextNode(ExpressViewParser::NS_XHTML)); $root->appendChild($xml->createTextNode("\n\n ")); $block = $root->appendChild($xml->createElementNS(ExpressViewParser::NS_EXPRESS, 'k:block')); $block->appendChild($xml->createAttribute('name'))->appendChild($xml->createTextNode('main')); $block->appendChild($xml->createTextNode("\n TODO: Create composition contents...\n ")); $root->appendChild($xml->createTextNode("\n\n")); Filesystem::writeFile($file, $xml->saveXML()); $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln(sprintf('CREATED: <info>%s</info>', $file)); }
public function __invoke(RoutingContextInterface $context) { $match = $context->getRouteMatch(); $identifier = (string) $match->getParameter('identifier'); $pipeline = $this->manager->findPipeline($identifier); $pipeHash = $pipeline->getHash(); $etag = new EntityTag($pipeHash); $ttl = $pipeline->getTtl(); $expires = new \DateTimeImmutable('@' . (time() + $ttl)); $response = $context->getRequest()->evaluatePreconditions($etag); if ($response !== NULL) { $response->setHeader('Cache-Control', sprintf('public, max-age=%u', $ttl)); $response->setHeader(new ExpiresHeader($expires)); return $response; } if (is_dir($this->cachePath)) { foreach (glob($this->cachePath . '/' . $identifier . '-*', GLOB_NOSORT) as $file) { @unlink($file); } } $response = new HttpResponse(); $response->setHeader('Content-Type', sprintf('%s; charset="%s"', $pipeline->getMediaType(), $pipeline->getEncoding())); $response->setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); $response->setHeader('Cache-Control', sprintf('public, max-age=%u', $ttl)); $response->setHeader('ETag', $etag); $response->setHeader(new ExpiresHeader($expires)); if (is_dir($this->cachePath)) { $file = $this->cachePath . '/' . $identifier . '-' . $pipeHash; Filesystem::writeFile($file, $pipeline->dump($this->publisher)); $response->setEntity(new FileEntity(new \SplFileInfo($file))); } else { $response->setEntity((string) $pipeline->dump($this->publisher)); } return $response; }
/** * Create an express view from the given XML view, will utilize the cache directory * to dump and load a template compiled into plain PHP code. * * @param ExpressViewRenderer $renderer * @param string $resource The resource to be compiled into a view. * @return string The fully-qualified name of the compiled view. * * @throws \RuntimeException When the given resource could not be found. */ public function createView(ExpressViewRenderer $renderer, $resource) { $resource = (string) $resource; if (!is_file($resource)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Express view not found: "%s"', $resource)); } $key = $this->createKey($resource); $typeName = $this->createTypeName($resource); if (class_exists($typeName, false)) { return $typeName; } $file = $this->cachePath . '/' . $key . '.php'; if (!is_file($file) || filemtime($file) < filemtime($resource)) { $time = microtime(true); try { $code = $this->parseView($renderer, file_get_contents($resource), $resource)->generateCode($key); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to parse express view "%s"', $resource), 0, $e); } Filesystem::writeFile($file, $code); $diff = sprintf('%.2f', microtime(true) - $time); if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->info('Compiled express view {view}, time spent {time} seconds', ['view' => $resource, 'time' => $diff]); } } require_once $file; if (!class_exists($typeName, false)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to load compiled express view "%s"', $resource)); } return $typeName; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processSource($contents, FileSource $source) { $file = $source->getFileInfo(); $contents = preg_replace_callback("'(\\Wurl\\s*\\()([^\\)]+)\\)'i", function (array $m) use($file) { $url = trim($m[2], '"\''); if (preg_match("'^[^:]+://.+'", $url)) { return $m[0]; } $base = dirname($file->getPathname()); $loc = $base . '/' . ltrim($url, '/\\'); $loc = preg_replace("'[^/]+/\\.\\./'", '', $loc); $params = []; if (false !== strpos($loc, '?')) { list($loc, $tmp) = explode('?', $loc, 2); parse_str($tmp, $params); } if ($this->publisher->isPublic($loc)) { return $m[1] . "'" . $this->publisher->getResourceUri($loc, $params) . "')"; } if (!is_file($loc)) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('Resource "%s" referenced by "%s" was not found', $loc, $file->getPathname())); } if (false === ($embed = @file_get_contents($loc))) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('Unable to load contents of resource "%s" embedded into "%s"', $loc, $file->getPathname())); } return sprintf("%s'data:%s;base64,%s')", $m[1], Filesystem::guessMimeTypeFromFilename($loc), base64_encode($embed)); }, $contents); return $contents; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function prepareMessage(HttpMessage $message) : HttpMessage { if (!$message->hasHeader('Content-Type')) { $message = $message->withHeader('Content-Type', Filesystem::guessMimeTypeFromFilename($this->file)); } return $message; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function generate($name, array $params = [], $style = self::ABSOLUTE_URI) { if ('/' !== substr($name, 0, 1)) { $match = $this->context->getRouteMatch(); if ($match !== NULL) { $name = rtrim('/' . implode('/', explode('/', $match->getRouteName())), '/') . '/' . $name; } } $name = Filesystem::normalizePath('/' . trim($name, '/')); if ($name === '/') { switch ($style) { case self::ABSOLUTE_PATH: return new UriInfo(rtrim('/' . $this->context->getRequest()->getPathBase(), '/') . '/'); case self::ABSOLUTE_URI: return new UriInfo(rtrim($this->context->getRequest()->getBaseUri(), '/') . '/'); case self::NETWORK_PATH: return new UriInfo(rtrim($this->context->getRequest()->getBaseUri()->setScheme(NULL), '/') . '/'); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid URI generation style: "%s"', $style)); } // Iterative route lookup: $router = $this->router; $info = NULL; foreach (explode('/', trim($name, '/')) as $step) { if ($info === NULL) { $info = $router->getRoute($step); } else { $info = $info->append($router->getRoute($step)); } $handler = $info->getHandler(); if ($handler instanceof DispatchableMountHandler) { break; } elseif ($handler instanceof MountHandler) { if (NULL !== ($router = $handler->getRouter())) { continue; } $router = $this->dispatcher->publishUntil(new LoadMountedRouterEvent($handler), function ($result) { return $result instanceof Router; }); if ($router === NULL) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('No router could be loaded for mount %s', get_class($handler))); } $handler->setRouter($router); } } $info = $this->resolveParams($info, $params); if ($style == self::ABSOLUTE_PATH) { return $info->prepend(rtrim('/' . $this->context->getRequest()->getPathBase(), '/')); } if ($style == self::ABSOLUTE_URI) { return $info->prepend(rtrim($this->context->getRequest()->getBaseUri(), '/')); } if ($style == self::NETWORK_PATH) { return $info->prepend(rtrim($this->context->getRequest()->getBaseUri()->setScheme(NULL), '/')); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid URI generation style: "%s"', $style)); }
public function __construct($filename, StreamInterface $stream, $mediaType = NULL) { if (!$stream->isReadable()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Input stream of file "%s" must be readable')); } $this->fileName = new UnicodeString($filename); $this->stream = $stream; $this->mediaType = $mediaType === NULL ? Filesystem::guessMimeTypeFromFilename($this->fileName) : new MediaType($mediaType); }
/** * Create HTTP file response. * * @param string $file Absolute path of the file to be transfered. * @param string $type Media type of the file (will be guessed from extension if not provided). * @param string $charset Charset to be supplied when media type is text format. */ public function __construct(string $file, string $type = null, string $charset = null) { $type = new ContentType($type ?? Filesystem::guessMimeTypeFromFilename($file)); if ($type->getMediaType()->isText()) { $type->setParam('charset', $charset ?? 'utf-8'); } parent::__construct(Http::OK, ['Content-Type' => (string) $type]); $this->body = new FileBody($file); $this->file = $file; }
public function prepare(HttpMessage $message) { parent::prepare($message); if (!$message->hasHeader('Content-Type')) { $message->setHeader('Content-Type', Filesystem::guessMimeTypeFromFilename($this->file->getPathname())); } if ($this->download) { $message->setHeader('Content-Disposition', sprintf('attachement; filename="%s"', str_replace(['\'', '"'], '', $this->file->getFilename()))); } }
public function loadType($typeName) { if (empty($this->typeMap[$typeName])) { return false; } $meta = $this->typeMap[$typeName]; $file = $this->cachePath . md5($meta[0]) . '.php'; if (!is_file($file) || filemtime($file) < $meta[1]) { Filesystem::writeFile($file, $this->instrumentFile($meta[0])); } require_once $file; return true; }
public function process(DispatchRequest $dispatch) { if (!$dispatch->isMaster()) { return $dispatch->proceed(); } $request = $dispatch->getHttpRequest(); $path = $request->getPathInfo(); $m = NULL; if (!preg_match("'^_res/+(.+)\$'i", $path, $m)) { return $dispatch->proceed(); } $path = $m[1]; if ('app/' === substr($path, 0, 4)) { $resource = 'k2://app/' . substr($path, 4); } else { $parts = explode('/', $path, 2); if (count($parts) !== 2) { return new HttpResponse(Http::CODE_NOT_FOUND); } $resource = 'k2://' . $parts[0] . '/' . $parts[1]; } if (!is_file($resource)) { return new HttpResponse(Http::CODE_NOT_FOUND); } if (!$this->publisher->isPublic($resource)) { return new HttpResponse(Http::CODE_FORBIDDEN); } $response = new HttpResponse(); // Conditional caching: $etag = sprintf('"%x-%x"', filemtime($resource), filesize($resource)); $response->setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); $response->setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=7200'); $response->setHeader('ETag', $etag); $response->setHeader(new ExpiresHeader(new \DateTimeImmutable('@' . (time() + 7200)))); if ($etag === $request->getHeader('If-None-Match', '')) { $response->setStatus(Http::CODE_NOT_MODIFIED); return $response; } $mediaType = new MediaType(Filesystem::guessMimeTypeFromFilename($resource)); $response->setHeader('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff'); if ($mediaType->isType('text')) { $response->setHeader('Content-Type', $mediaType . '; charset="utf-8"'); } else { $response->setHeader('Content-Type', (string) $mediaType); } $response->setEntity(new FileEntity(new \SplFileInfo($resource))); return $response; }
protected function loadRouter(ResourceMountHandler $mount) { $ref = new \ReflectionClass($mount->getTypeName()); $cacheKey = md5($ref->name); $cacheFile = $this->cachePath . '/' . $cacheKey . '.dat'; if ($this->cached) { $mtime = filemtime($ref->getFileName()); // TODO: Cache check needs to consider class inheritance! if (is_file($cacheFile) && filemtime($cacheFile) > $mtime) { return new Router(@unserialize(file_get_contents($cacheFile))); } } $collector = new RouteCollector(); foreach ($ref->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $method) { if ($method->isAbstract() || $method->isStatic()) { continue; } if (false === ($comment = $method->getDocComment())) { continue; } $match = NULL; if (!preg_match("'@route\\(\\s*([^\\)]*)\\s*\\)'iu", $comment, $match)) { continue; } $anno = $match[1]; if (!preg_match("'(?:^|,)(?:\\s*value\\s*=\\s*)?\\s*\"(?P<pattern>[^\"]+)\"'iu", $anno, $match)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid route pattern in: %s', $anno)); } $pattern = $match['pattern']; $name = NULL; if (preg_match("'(?:^|,)\\s*name\\s*=\\s*\"(?P<name>[^\"]*)\"'iu", $anno, $match)) { $name = trim($match['name']); } if ($name === NULL) { $name = ltrim(preg_replace_callback("'[A-Z]+'", function (array $match) { return '-' . strtolower($match[0]); }, $method->name), '-'); } $collector->addRoute($name, $pattern, $ref->name, $method->name); } if ($this->cached) { Filesystem::writeFile($cacheFile, serialize($collector)); } return new Router($collector); }
public function getResource($resource) { $dir = Filesystem::normalizePath($this->directory); if ($resource === NULL || $resource === '') { return $dir . '/resource'; } $entry = Filesystem::normalizePath($this->directory . '/resource/' . ltrim($resource, '/\\')); if (!file_exists($entry)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Resource "%s" not found in komponent "%s"', $resource, $this->getKey())); } if ($entry == $dir) { return $entry; } if (0 !== strpos($entry, $dir . '/')) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Resource "%s" is not accessible by komponent "%s"', $resource, $this->getKey())); } return $entry; }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { if (NULL !== ($file = $input->getOption('file'))) { if (is_file($file) && !$input->getOption('overwrite')) { $output->writeln(sprintf('File <info>%s</info> already exists, use option <comment>-o</comment> to overwrite it.', $file)); return; } $fp = Filesystem::openWriteStream($file); foreach (explode("\n", trim($this->config)) as $line) { fwrite($fp, $line . "\n"); } fclose($fp); $output->writeln(sprintf('Config dumped to <info>%s</info>', $file)); } else { foreach (explode("\n", trim($this->config)) as $line) { $output->writeln($line); } } }
public function create(Configuration $config) { $cachePath = $config->getString('cachePath', NULL); $createFolder = $config->getBoolean('createFolder', false); if ($cachePath !== NULL) { if (!is_dir($cachePath)) { if (!$createFolder) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Cache directory not found: "%s"', $cachePath)); } $cachePath = Filesystem::createDirectory($cachePath); } if (!is_readable($cachePath)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Cache directory not readable: "%s"', $cachePath)); } if (!is_writable($cachePath)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Cache directory not writable: "%s"', $cachePath)); } } return new ExpressViewFactory($cachePath, $this->logger); }
/** * Check if the HTTP request matches a public file and server it as needed. * * @param HttpRequest $request * @param NextMiddleware $next * @return HttpResponse */ public function __invoke(HttpRequest $request, NextMiddleware $next) : \Generator { static $methods = [Http::HEAD, Http::GET]; if (!\in_array($request->getMethod(), $methods, true)) { return yield from $next($request); } $path = '/' . \trim($request->getRequestTarget(), '/'); if ($this->basePath !== '/') { if (0 !== \strpos($path, $this->basePath)) { return yield from $next($request); } $path = \substr($path, \strlen($this->basePath) - 1); } $file = Filesystem::normalizePath($this->directory . \substr($path, 1)); if (0 !== \strpos($file, $this->directory)) { return yield from $next($request); } if (!(yield LoopConfig::currentFilesystem()->isFile($file))) { return yield from $next($request); } return $this->createResponse($request, $file); }
public function getContainerParams() { $params = parent::getContainerParams(); $params[''] = Filesystem::createDirectory($this->directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data'); foreach ($this->testLoader->findRules() as $rule) { $params = array_merge($params, (array) $rule->loadContainerParams()); } return array_merge($params, (array) $this->testLoader->loadContainerParams()); }
/** * Compiles scoped proxy types and saves them on the filesystem. * * @param ContainerBuilder $builder * @param string $proxyCachePath * @param array<stribg> $additionalProxies * @return string */ protected function compileScopedProxies(ContainerBuilder $builder, $proxyCachePath, array $additionalProxies = []) { $code = "\t\tpublic function loadScopedProxy(\$typeName) {\n"; $code .= "\t\tswitch(\$typeName) {\n"; $proxyTypes = []; foreach ($builder->getProxyBindings() as $binding) { $ref = new \ReflectionClass($binding->getTypeName()); $proxyTypes[$ref->name] = $ref; } foreach ($additionalProxies as $add) { $ref = new \ReflectionClass($add); $proxyTypes[$ref->name] = $ref; } foreach ($proxyTypes as $ref) { $parent = $ref; $mtime = filemtime($ref->getFileName()); while ($parent = $ref->getParentClass()) { $mtime = max($mtime, filemtime($parent->getFileName())); } $file = $proxyCachePath . '/' . md5(strtolower($ref->name)) . '.php'; $create = !is_file($file) || filemtime($file) < $mtime; if ($create) { $proxyCode = '<?php' . "\n\n" . $this->proxyGenerator->generateProxyCode($ref); Filesystem::writeFile($file, $proxyCode); } $code .= "\t\t\tcase " . var_export($ref->name, true) . ":\n"; $code .= "\t\t\t\trequire_once " . var_export($file, true) . ";\n"; $code .= "\t\t\t\treturn \$typeName . '__scoped';\n"; $code .= "\t\t\t\tbreak;\n"; } $code .= "\t\t}\n"; $code .= "\t\treturn parent::loadScopedProxy(\$typeName);\n"; $code .= "\t\t}\n\n"; return $code; }
/** * Create a new unit config. * * @param string $file Config file. * @param int $priority Loading priority. * @param string $unitName Unit name (should be identical to the root namespace of your package). */ public function __construct(string $file, int $priority = 0, string $unitName = '') { $this->file = Filesystem::normalizePath($file); $this->priority = $priority; $this->unitName = $unitName; }
public function render(ViewModelInterface $model, $onlyEntity = false) { $m = NULL; if (!preg_match("'.+\\.([a-z0-9]+)\\.xml\$'i", $model->getResource(), $m)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to determine output format of view "%s"', $model->getResource())); } $typeName = $this->factory->createView($this, $model->getResource()); $view = new $typeName($this->factory, $this); $response = new HttpResponse(); $format = strtolower($m[1]); $out = $view->render(new OutputBuffer(), $model, ['@format' => $format, '@response' => $response]); if ($onlyEntity) { return (string) $out; } if (!$response->hasHeader('Content-Type')) { $type = new MediaType(Filesystem::guessMimeTypeFromFilename($format)); if ($type->isText()) { $response->setHeader('Content-Type', $type . '; charset="utf-8"'); } else { $response->setHeader('Content-Type', $type); } if ($type->is('*/xml')) { $out = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n" . $out; } } return $response->setEntity(ltrim($out)); }
protected function buildResource(ContainerBuilder $builder) { $builder->bind(ResourcePublisherInterface::class)->scoped(new Singleton())->to(function (KernelInterface $kernel) { if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') { return new DomainResourcePublisher('//'); } $env = $kernel->getEnvironment(); return new DomainResourcePublisher(sprintf('//%s%s/', $env->getHost(), rtrim('/' . $env->getBaseUri()->getPath()))); })->initialize(function (ResourcePublisherInterface $publisher, KernelInterface $kernel) { foreach ($kernel->getConfiguration()->getConfig('KoolKode.Http.Komponent.Resource.blacklist') as $pattern) { $publisher->addBlacklistPattern($pattern); } }); $builder->bind(ResourceDeliveryMiddleware::class)->marked(new Middleware(PHP_INT_MAX - 1000)); $builder->bind(PipelineManagerInterface::class)->scoped(new ApplicationScoped())->to(PipelineManager::class); $builder->bind(PipelineController::class)->marked(new Dispatchable('/_pipeline/{identifier}-{hash}', '_pipeline'))->initialize(function (PipelineController $controller, Configuration $config) { $dir = $config->get('cachePath', NULL); if ($dir !== NULL) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { Filesystem::createDirectory($dir); } $controller->setCachePath($dir); } }); $builder->bind(ResourceExpressionExtension::class)->marked(new ExpressionExtension()); }
/** * Create the DI container instance. * * @param ScopeLoader $scopes * @return ContainerInterface */ protected function createContainer(ContainerModuleLoader $loader, ScopeLoader $scopes) { $contextCachePath = $this->cacheDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->contextName; $cacheFile = $contextCachePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'container.php'; $containerTypeName = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\CompiledContainer'; $proxyPath = Filesystem::createDirectory($contextCachePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'scoped'); $scopedProxies = []; foreach ($scopes as $scope) { foreach ($scope->getProxyTypeNames() as $typeName) { $scopedProxies[] = $typeName; } } if (!is_file($cacheFile) || $this->cache->isModified()) { $builder = $this->createContainerBuilder(); foreach ($this->komponents as $komponent) { $komponent->build($builder); } foreach ($loader as $module) { $module->build($builder); } $this->build($builder); if ($this->isInstrumentationEnabled()) { $manager = $this->getManifest(); } else { $manager = new ReflectionTypeInfoManager(); } $compiler = new ContainerCompiler($manager, $containerTypeName); $code = $compiler->compile($builder, $proxyPath, $scopedProxies); Filesystem::writeFile($cacheFile, $code); } require_once $cacheFile; return new $containerTypeName($this->getContainerParams()); }
public static function locateFileSync(string $path, array $paths) : string { if ('k1://' === \substr($path, 0, 5)) { $normalized = \substr($path, 5); } else { $normalized = $path; $path = 'k1://' . $path; } $normalized = Filesystem::normalizePath($normalized); if (0 === \strpos($normalized, 'app/')) { $package = 'app'; $sub = \substr($normalized, 4); } else { $m = null; if (!\preg_match("'^([^/\\.]+/[^/\\.]+)/(.+)\$'", $normalized, $m)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(\sprintf('Invalid resource location: "%s" (%s)', $path, $normalized)); } $package = $m[1]; $sub = $m[2]; } if (empty($paths[$package])) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(\sprintf('Provider not loaded: "%s"', $package)); } foreach ($paths[$package] as $base) { $file = $base . '/' . $sub; if (\is_file($file)) { return $file; } } throw new ResourceNotFoundException(\sprintf('Resource not found: "%s"', $path)); }
public function syncInstrumentation() { if (!$this->needsCheck && array_key_exists('instrumentor.hash', $this->cached) && array_key_exists('instrumentor.mtime', $this->cached)) { $this->dump['instrumentor.hash'] = $this->cached['instrumentor.hash']; $this->dump['instrumentor.mtime'] = $this->cached['instrumentor.mtime']; return; } $loader = $this->kernel->getInstrumentors(); $hash = $loader->getHash(); $min = $loader->getLastModified(); $this->dump['instrumentor.hash'] = $hash; $this->dump['instrumentor.mtime'] = $min; if (array_key_exists('instrumentor.hash', $this->cached) && $hash === $this->cached['instrumentor.hash']) { if (array_key_exists('instrumentor.mtime', $this->cached) && $min === $this->cached['instrumentor.mtime']) { return; } } $this->instrumentationModified = true; $nameBlacklistRegex = $loader->getBlacklistedPatternsRegex(); $manifest = $this->getManifest(); $manifest->beginTransaction(); try { $result = []; // Supertype-based blacklist filtering. $blackTypes = []; foreach ($loader->getBlacklistedTypes() as $type) { $blackTypes[strtolower($type)] = true; } foreach ($manifest->findSubtypes(array_keys($blackTypes)) as $type) { $blackTypes[$type] = true; } foreach ($loader as $instrumentor) { foreach ($instrumentor->getSelectors($manifest) as $query) { $result = array_merge($result, $manifest->executeQuery($query, $min)); } } foreach (array_keys($result) as $k) { if (isset($blackTypes[strtolower($k)]) || preg_match($nameBlacklistRegex, $k)) { unset($result[$k]); } } $ifile = $this->kernel->getCacheDirectory() . '/' . $this->contextName . '/instrument.php'; Filesystem::writeFile($ifile, '<?php return ' . var_export($result, true) . ';'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $manifest->rollBack(); throw $e; } $manifest->commit(); }
public function createResource(ResourceInterface $parent, $name, StreamInterface $stream) { $id = $this->storeResource($parent, $name); $size = 0; $md5 = NULL; $this->storeResourceContents($id, $stream, $size, $md5); $this->conn->insert('#__webdav_file', ['resource_id' => $id, 'size' => $size, 'md5' => new StringStream(hex2bin($md5)), 'media_type' => Filesystem::guessMimeTypeFromFilename($name)]); return $this->getByIdentifier($id); }
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $renderers = $this->view->getRenderers(function ($renderer) { return $renderer instanceof ExpressViewRenderer; }); if (empty($renderers)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Express view renderer not found')); } $dir = $input->getOption('dir'); if ($dir === NULL) { $dir = 'resource/schema'; } if (!preg_match("'^/|(?:[^:\\\\/]+://)|(?:[a-z]:[\\\\/])'i", $dir)) { $dir = $this->directory . '/' . $dir; } $dir = Filesystem::normalizePath($dir); if (!is_dir($dir)) { $questionHelper = $this->getHelper('question'); $question = new ConfirmationQuestion(sprintf('Schema directory <info>%s</info> does not exist, dou you want to create it? [n] ', $dir), false); if (!$questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question)) { return; } Filesystem::createDirectory($dir); } $renderer = array_pop($renderers); $namespace = $input->getArgument('namespace'); $catalogFile = $dir . '/catalog.xml'; $xml = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $xml->formatOutput = true; if (is_file($catalogFile)) { $xml->load($catalogFile); $catalogElement = $xml->documentElement; } else { $catalogElement = $xml->appendChild($xml->createElementNS(self::NS_CATALOG, 'c:catalog')); $catalogElement->appendChild($xml->createAttribute('prefer'))->appendChild($xml->createTextNode('public')); } $xpath = new \DOMXPath($xml); $xpath->registerNamespace('c', self::NS_CATALOG); $count = 0; $skipped = 0; foreach ($renderer->generateXmlSchemaBuilders() as $builder) { if (!$builder instanceof HelperXmlSchemaBuilder) { continue; } $ns = $builder->getNamespace(); if ($namespace != $ns) { continue; } $code = (string) $builder; $file = sprintf('%s/%s.xsd', $dir, str_replace(':', '-', $ns)); if (!is_file($file) || md5_file($file) !== md5($code)) { $count++; Filesystem::writeFile($file, $code); $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>%s</info>', basename($file))); $output->writeln(sprintf(' Generated XML-Schema for namespace <comment>%s</comment>.', $ns)); } else { $skipped++; } $found = false; foreach ($xpath->query("/c:catalog/c:uri[@name='" . $ns . "']") as $el) { $found = $el ? true : false; } if (!$found) { $uriElement = $catalogElement->appendChild($xml->createElementNS(self::NS_CATALOG, 'c:uri')); $uriElement->appendChild($xml->createAttribute('name'))->appendChild($xml->createTextNode($ns)); $uriElement->appendChild($xml->createAttribute('uri'))->appendChild($xml->createTextNode(str_replace(':', '-', $ns) . '.xsd')); } } $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln(sprintf('Created <info>%u</info> schema files in directory <comment>%s</comment>', $count, $dir)); Filesystem::writeFile($catalogFile, $xml->saveXML()); }
/** * Create a new unit that loads DI container object configuration from the given file. * * @param string $file DI container object config file. * @param int $priority Loading priority. */ public function __construct(string $file, int $priority = 0) { $this->file = Filesystem::normalizePath($file); $this->priority = $priority; }