require '../vendor/autoload.php';
$config = (require 'config.php');
| Create Bullhorn Instnace
$bullhorn = new Bullhorn($config['bullhorn']['wsdl'], $config['bullhorn']['params'], $config['bullhorn']['username'], $config['bullhorn']['password'], $config['bullhorn']['apiKey']);
| Find Candidate by ID
| Once you have an id (often as a result of the query method),
| you can retrieve details using the find method.
| The first parameter must be a valid entity as defined by the
| Bullhorn API. Check the appropriate documentation for the
| API version you are using.
| http://developer.bullhorn.com/documentation
$candidate = $bullhorn->find('Candidate', 294415);
| Print Candidate
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
$config = (require 'config.php');
| Create Bullhorn Instnace
$bullhorn = new Bullhorn($config['bullhorn']['wsdl'], $config['bullhorn']['params'], $config['bullhorn']['username'], $config['bullhorn']['password'], $config['bullhorn']['apiKey']);
| Find Job Order by ID
| Once you have an id (often as a result of the query method),
| you can retrieve details using the find method.
| The first parameter must be a valid entity as defined by the
| Bullhorn API. Check the appropriate documentation for the
| API version you are using.
| http://developer.bullhorn.com/documentation
$candidate = $bullhorn->find('JobOrder', 6046);
| Print Candidate