 public function write($sourceFilename, $outputTableName, $table)
     $csv = new CsvFile($sourceFilename);
     $header = [];
     foreach ($table['items'] as $item) {
         if ($item['type'] != 'IGNORE') {
             $header[] = $item['dbName'];
     while ($csv->current() != null) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < 1000 && $csv->current() != null; $i++) {
             $cols = [];
             foreach ($csv->current() as $col) {
                 $cols[] = "'" . $col . "'";
             $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO {$outputTableName} (%s) VALUES (%s)", implode(',', $header), implode(',', $cols));
             try {
                 $stmt = oci_parse($this->db, $sql);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 throw new UserException("Query failed: " . $e->getMessage(), $e, ['query' => $sql]);
 public function process(CsvFile $file, $file_name)
     foreach ($file as $row) {
         if ($row == $this->csvHeader or $this->rowIsEmpty($row)) {
         $row = $this->buildAssoc($row);
         $product = $this->catalogRepository->productExists($row['sku']);
         if ($product) {
         } else {
     echo "End of file: " . $file_name;
 public function export($query, $outputTable, $incremental = false, $primaryKey = null)
     $outFilename = tempnam("/tmp/ex-db", $outputTable) . ".csv";
     $csv = new CsvFile($outFilename);
     $this->logger->info("Exporting to " . $outputTable);
     try {
         $stmt = oci_parse($this->conn, $query);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new DbException("DB query failed: " . $e->getMessage(), $e);
     // write header and first line
     try {
         $resultRow = oci_fetch_assoc($stmt);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new DbException("DB query fetch failed: " . $e->getMessage(), $e);
     if (is_array($resultRow) && !empty($resultRow)) {
         if (isset($this->dbConfig['null'])) {
             $resultRow = $this->replaceNull($resultRow, $this->dbConfig['null']);
         $resultRow = str_replace('""', '"', $resultRow);
         // write the rest
         try {
             while ($resultRow = oci_fetch_assoc($stmt)) {
                 if (isset($this->dbConfig['null'])) {
                     $resultRow = $this->replaceNull($resultRow, $this->dbConfig['null']);
                 $resultRow = str_replace('""', '"', $resultRow);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new DbException("DB query fetch failed: " . $e->getMessage(), $e);
         if (!count($csv->getHeader())) {
             throw new ApplicationException("Trying to upload an empty file");
         $this->writeTable($csv, $outputTable, $incremental, $primaryKey);
     } else {
         $this->logger->warning("Query returned empty result. Nothing was imported.");
  * @param CsvFile $file
  * @param LoadOptions $options
  * @param $primaryIndex
  * @return bool
 public function loadFile(CsvFile $file, LoadOptions $options, $primaryIndex = null)
     $csvHeader = $file->getHeader();
     $params = ['body' => []];
     $iBulk = 1;
     foreach ($file as $i => $line) {
         // skip header
         if (!$i) {
         $lineData = array_combine($csvHeader, $line);
         if ($primaryIndex) {
             if (!array_key_exists($primaryIndex, $lineData)) {
                 $this->logger->error(sprintf("CSV error: Missing id column %s on line %s", $primaryIndex, $i + 1));
                 return false;
             $params['body'][] = ['index' => ['_index' => $options->getIndex(), '_type' => $options->getType(), '_id' => $lineData[$primaryIndex]]];
         } else {
             $params['body'][] = ['index' => ['_index' => $options->getIndex(), '_type' => $options->getType()]];
         $params['body'][] = $lineData;
         if ($i % $options->getBulkSize() == 0) {
             $this->logger->info(sprintf("Write %s batch %d to %s start", $options->getType(), $iBulk, $options->getIndex()));
             $responses = $this->client->bulk($params);
             $this->logger->info(sprintf("Write %s batch %d to %s took %d ms", $options->getType(), $iBulk, $options->getIndex(), $responses['took']));
             $params = ['body' => []];
             if ($responses['errors'] !== false) {
                 if (!empty($responses['items'])) {
                     foreach ($responses['items'] as $itemResult) {
                         if (!empty($itemResult['index']['error'])) {
                             if (is_array($itemResult['index']['error'])) {
                                 $this->logger->error(sprintf("ES error: %s", $this->getErrorMessageFromErrorField($itemResult['index']['error'])));
                             } else {
                                 $this->logger->error(sprintf("ES error: %s", $itemResult['index']['error']));
                             return false;
                 return false;
     if (!empty($params['body'])) {
         $this->logger->info(sprintf("Write %s batch %d to %s start", $options->getType(), $iBulk, $options->getIndex()));
         $responses = $this->client->bulk($params);
         $this->logger->info(sprintf("Write %s batch %d to %s took %d ms", $options->getType(), $iBulk, $options->getIndex(), $responses['took']));
         if ($responses['errors'] !== false) {
             if (!empty($responses['items'])) {
                 foreach ($responses['items'] as $itemResult) {
                     if (!empty($itemResult['index']['error'])) {
                         if (is_array($itemResult['index']['error'])) {
                             $this->logger->error(sprintf("ES error: %s", $this->getErrorMessageFromErrorField($itemResult['index']['error'])));
                         } else {
                             $this->logger->error(sprintf("ES error: %s", $itemResult['index']['error']));
                         return false;
             return false;
     return true;
 public function testRowTooLongShouldThrowException()
     $csvFile = new CsvFile(__DIR__ . "/_data/csv-import/very-long-row.csv");
     $this->setExpectedException("Keboola\\Db\\Import\\Exception", '', \Keboola\Db\Import\Exception::ROW_SIZE_TOO_LARGE);
     $this->import->import('very-long-row', $csvFile->getHeader(), [$csvFile]);
 public function queue_import_csv($filename)
     if (!is_file($filename)) {
         return array('error' => "You have not provided a existing backup to restore.");
     $csv = new \Keboola\Csv\CsvFile($filename);
     $head = $csv->getHeader();
     if (!isset($head[2])) {
         $csv = new \Keboola\Csv\CsvFile($filename, ';');
         $head = $csv->getHeader();
     } else {
         if (isset($head[0]) and stristr($head[0], ';')) {
             $csv = new \Keboola\Csv\CsvFile($filename, ';');
             $head = $csv->getHeader();
     if (empty($head) or empty($csv)) {
         return array('error' => "CSV file cannot be parsed properly.");
     $rows = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($csv as $row) {
         if ($i > 0) {
             $r = array();
             if (is_array($row)) {
                 foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
                     if (isset($head[$k])) {
                         $row[$head[$k]] = $v;
                         $new_k = strtolower($head[$k]);
                         $new_k = str_replace(' ', '_', $new_k);
                         $new_k = str_replace('__', '_', $new_k);
                         // $new_k = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/", "", $new_k);
                         $new_k = rtrim($new_k, '_');
                         $r[$new_k] = $v;
             $rows[] = $r;
     $content_items = $rows;
     $content_items = $this->map_array($rows);
     return $this->batch_save($content_items);
 public function testInvalidManifestImport()
     $s3bucket = getenv(self::AWS_S3_BUCKET_ENV);
     $initialFile = new \Keboola\Csv\CsvFile(__DIR__ . "/_data/csv-import/tw_accounts.csv");
     $importFile = new \Keboola\Csv\CsvFile("s3://{$s3bucket}/02_tw_accounts.csv.invalid.manifest");
     $import = $this->getImport('manifest');
     try {
         $import->import('accounts-3', $initialFile->getHeader(), [$importFile]);
         $this->fail('Manifest should not be uploaded');
     } catch (\Keboola\Db\Import\Exception $e) {
         $this->assertEquals(\Keboola\Db\Import\Exception::MANDATORY_FILE_NOT_FOUND, $e->getCode());
 public function tables()
     $expectedEscaping = [];
     $file = new \Keboola\Csv\CsvFile(__DIR__ . '/_data/csv-import/escaping/standard-with-enclosures.csv');
     foreach ($file as $row) {
         $expectedEscaping[] = $row;
     $escapingHeader = array_shift($expectedEscaping);
     // remove header
     $expectedEscaping = array_values($expectedEscaping);
     $expectedAccounts = [];
     $file = new \Keboola\Csv\CsvFile(__DIR__ . '/_data/csv-import/tw_accounts.csv');
     foreach ($file as $row) {
         $expectedAccounts[] = $row;
     $accountsHeader = array_shift($expectedAccounts);
     // remove header
     $expectedAccounts = array_values($expectedAccounts);
     $file = new \Keboola\Csv\CsvFile(__DIR__ . '/_data/csv-import/tw_accounts.changedColumnsOrder.csv');
     $accountChangedColumnsOrderHeader = $file->getHeader();
     $s3bucket = getenv(self::AWS_S3_BUCKET_ENV);
     return [[[new CsvFile("s3://{$s3bucket}/empty.manifest")], $escapingHeader, [], 'out.csv_2Cols', 'manifest'], [[new CsvFile("s3://{$s3bucket}/standard-with-enclosures.csv")], $escapingHeader, $expectedEscaping, 'out.csv_2Cols'], [[new CsvFile("s3://{$s3bucket}/gzipped-standard-with-enclosures.csv.gz")], $escapingHeader, $expectedEscaping, 'out.csv_2Cols'], [[new CsvFile("s3://{$s3bucket}/standard-with-enclosures.tabs.csv", "\t")], $escapingHeader, $expectedEscaping, 'out.csv_2Cols'], [[new CsvFile("s3://{$s3bucket}/raw.rs.csv", "\t", '', '\\')], $escapingHeader, $expectedEscaping, 'out.csv_2Cols'], [[new CsvFile("s3://{$s3bucket}/tw_accounts.changedColumnsOrder.csv")], $accountChangedColumnsOrderHeader, $expectedAccounts, 'accounts'], [[new CsvFile("s3://{$s3bucket}/tw_accounts.csv")], $accountsHeader, $expectedAccounts, 'accounts'], [[new CsvFile("s3://{$s3bucket}/01_tw_accounts.csv.manifest")], $accountsHeader, $expectedAccounts, 'accounts', 'manifest'], [[new CsvFile("s3://{$s3bucket}/03_tw_accounts.csv.gzip.manifest")], $accountsHeader, $expectedAccounts, 'accounts', 'manifest'], [['schemaName' => $this->sourceSchemaName, 'tableName' => 'out.csv_2Cols'], $escapingHeader, [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']], 'out.csv_2Cols', 'copy'], [['schemaName' => $this->sourceSchemaName, 'tableName' => 'types'], $escapingHeader, [['c', '1'], ['d', '0']], 'types', 'copy'], [[new CsvFile("s3://{$s3bucket}/reserved-words.csv")], ['column', 'table'], [['table', 'column']], 'table', 'csv'], [[new CsvFile("s3://{$s3bucket}/with-ts.csv")], ['col1', 'col2', '_timestamp'], [['a', 'b', '2014-11-10 13:12:06'], ['c', 'd', '2014-11-10 14:12:06']], 'out.csv_2Cols'], [[new CsvFile("s3://{$s3bucket}/standard-with-enclosures.csv")], $escapingHeader, $expectedEscaping, 'out.no_timestamp_table', 'csv', ['useTimestamp' => false]]];
  * @param string $inputFile Input CSV file with table data.
  * @param bool $calculateDeltas Set to true to add timeDelta column
  * @param string $idColumn Name of column with primary key.
  * @param string $sortColumn Name of column by which data are sorted.
  * @param string $parentColumn Name of column with parent Id
  * @param string $outDirectory Directory in which the output file will be stored.
  * @throws DBALException
 public function process($inputFile, $calculateDeltas, $idColumn, $sortColumn, $parentColumn, $outDirectory)
     $dataTypes = [$idColumn => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'', $parentColumn => 'VARCHAR(255)', $sortColumn => 'VARCHAR(255)'];
     $csv = new CsvFile($inputFile);
     $header = $csv->getHeader();
     $tableDefinition = $this->getTableDefinition('source', $dataTypes, $idColumn, $header);
     $this->db->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `source`');
     $this->db->query('DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `out.source`');
     $this->db->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `out.source`');
     $this->db->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tmp.Fill`');
     $loadQuery = '
         LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE \'' . str_replace('\\', '/', $inputFile) . '\'
         INTO TABLE `source`
         ESCAPED BY \'\'
         IGNORE 1 LINES;';
     // Alter columns
     $query = 'ALTER TABLE `source`
         CHANGE `' . $idColumn . '` `id` VARCHAR(255),
         CHANGE `' . $parentColumn . '` `parent` VARCHAR(255),
         CHANGE `' . $sortColumn . '` `sort` VARCHAR(255),
         ADD COLUMN `__root` VARCHAR(255),
         ADD COLUMN `__depth` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
         ADD COLUMN `__tmpRoot` VARCHAR(255) NULL,
         ADD COLUMN `__position` VARCHAR(2000) NULL,
         ADD COLUMN `__position_relative` INT(11) NULL,
         ADD COLUMN `__position_depth` INT(11) NULL;';
     if ($calculateDeltas) {
         $query = '
             ALTER TABLE `source`
             ADD COLUMN `__timestamp` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;';
         $query = '
             UPDATE `source`
             SET `__timestamp` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`sort`);';
     // Create indexes
     $query = 'ALTER TABLE `source`
         ADD KEY(`id`),
         ADD KEY(`parent`),
         ADD KEY(`id`, `parent`),
         ADD KEY(`sort`),
         ADD KEY(`__depth`),
         ADD KEY(`__position_depth`),
         ADD KEY(`__tmpRoot`)';
     // Detect Orphans (items with missing parents) and set them to null.
     $this->db->executeUpdate('UPDATE `source` t1
         LEFT JOIN `source` t2 ON t1.`parent` = t2.`id`
         SET t1.`parent` = NULL
         WHERE t1.`parent` IS NOT NULL AND t2.`id` IS NULL;');
     // Clean self referencing items
     $this->db->query('UPDATE `source`
         SET `parent` = NULL
         WHERE `parent` = `id`;');
     // Set roots items where no parent is available
     $this->db->executeUpdate('UPDATE `source`
         SET `__root` = `id`
         WHERE `parent` IS NULL;');
     // Set temporary root for all items (their direct parent) - tmpRoot will bubble up to real root.
     $this->db->query('UPDATE `source`
         SET `__tmpRoot` = `parent`
         WHERE `parent` IS NOT NULL;');
     // Recursion - while there are any __tmpRoot items increase depth and set tmpRoot a level up
     $depth = 0;
     while ($this->db->executeUpdate('UPDATE `source`
         SET `__root` = `__tmpRoot`
         WHERE `__tmpRoot` IS NOT NULL;') > 0) {
         $this->db->query('UPDATE `source` t1
             JOIN `source` t2 ON t1.`__tmpRoot` = t2.`id`
                 t1.`__tmpRoot` = t2.`parent`,
                 t1.`__depth` = t1.`__depth` + 1
     // Table for creating position
     $this->db->query('CREATE TABLE `tmp.Fill` (
             `id` VARCHAR(255),
             `__position` VARCHAR(2000),
             `__position_depth` INT(11),
     /* Create positions:
            For each level of depth there will be an increasing number like 00001 - easy to sort alphanumerically
            E.g. Record with depth level = 0 will get a 01234, a child item of this will be appended to it's parents
            position number, eg 01234 + 00001 => 0123400001
            All lower depths are padded with zeros at the end, so the parent will look like 0123400000.
            Then this is sorted and inserted in a new table with and will get simple +1 increments.
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $depth; $i++) {
         // How long is the number of items in source table, used for numeric padding
         $this->db->query('SELECT @base := LENGTH(COUNT(*)) FROM `source`;');
         $this->db->query('SELECT @increment := 0;');
         $this->db->query('SELECT @depth := ' . $i . ';');
         $this->db->query('TRUNCATE `tmp.Fill`;');
         $this->db->query('INSERT INTO `tmp.Fill`
                     IFNULL(parent.`__position`, \'\'),
                     LPAD(@increment := @increment+1, @base, 0)
                 ) AS `__position`,
                 @increment AS `__position_depth`
             FROM `source` t
             LEFT JOIN `source` parent ON t.`parent` = parent.`id`
             WHERE t.`__depth` = @depth
             ORDER BY t.`sort` ASC;');
         $this->db->query('UPDATE `source` t
             JOIN `tmp.Fill` f USING(`id`)
             SET t.`__position` = f.`__position`,
                 t.`__position_depth` = f.`__position_depth`
     $this->db->query('SELECT @increment := 0;');
     $this->db->query('TRUNCATE `tmp.Fill`;');
     // Flatten the position numbers
     $this->db->query('INSERT INTO `tmp.Fill`
             @increment := @increment+1 AS `__position`,
             0 AS `__position_depth`
         FROM `source` t
         ORDER BY t.`__position` ASC;');
     // And then back to source table
     $this->db->executeUpdate('UPDATE `source` t
         JOIN `tmp.Fill` f USING(`id`)
         SET t.`__position` = f.`__position`
     // Relative position
     $this->db->query('SELECT @increment := 0;');
     $this->db->query('TRUNCATE `tmp.Fill`;');
     $this->db->query('INSERT INTO `tmp.Fill`
         SELECT s.`id`, CAST(s.__position - r.__position AS SIGNED) AS `__position`, 0 AS `__position_depth`
         FROM `source` s
         LEFT JOIN `source` r ON s.`__root` = r.`id`;');
     $this->db->query('UPDATE `source` t
         JOIN `tmp.Fill` f USING(`id`)
         SET t.`__position_relative` = f.`__position`;');
     if ($calculateDeltas) {
         $this->db->query('ALTER TABLE source
                 ADD INDEX `root_depth` (`__root`, `__depth`),
                 ADD INDEX `root_relpos` (`__root`, `__position_relative`),
                 ADD INDEX `root_depth_pos` (`__root`, `__depth`, `__position_depth`)
         $this->db->query('CREATE VIEW `out.source` AS
                 source.`id` AS `' . $idColumn . '`,
                 source.`__root` AS `root`,
                 source.`__position` AS `position`,
                 source.`__position_relative` AS `position_relative`,
                 source.`__depth` AS `depth`,
                 IF(source.`__timestamp` - root.`__timestamp` < 0, 0, source.`__timestamp` - root.`__timestamp`)
                     AS `time_delta_runsum`,
                     (source.`__timestamp` - previous.`__timestamp`),
                     (source.`__timestamp` - previous_2.`__timestamp`),
                     (source.`__timestamp` - previous_3.`__timestamp`),
                 ) AS `time_delta`
                 `source` source
                 LEFT JOIN `source` root USE INDEX(`root_depth`)
                     ON source.`__root` = root.`__root` AND root.`__depth` = 0
                 # Same level, direct previous
                 LEFT JOIN `source` previous USE INDEX(`root_relpos`)
                     ON source.`__root`= previous.`__root` AND
                         previous.`__depth` = source.`__depth` AND
                         previous.`__position_relative` = source.`__position_relative` - 1
                 # One level up, direct previous
                 LEFT JOIN `source` previous_2 USE INDEX(`root_relpos`)
                     ON source.`__root`= previous_2.`__root` AND
                         previous_2.`__depth` = source.`__depth` - 1 AND
                         previous_2.`__position_relative` = source.`__position_relative` - 1
                 # No direct previous, finding closest previous on the same level
                 LEFT JOIN `source` previous_3 USE INDEX(`root_depth_pos`)
                     ON source.`__root`= previous_3.`__root` AND
                         previous_3.`__depth` = source.`__depth` AND
                         previous_3.`__position_depth` = source.`__position_depth` - 1
     } else {
         $this->db->query('CREATE VIEW `out.source` AS
                 `id` AS `' . $idColumn . '`,
                 `__root` AS `root`,
                 `__position` AS `position`,
                 `__position_relative` AS `position_relative`,
                 `__depth` AS `depth`
     // Export Data
     $outFile = $outDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'destination.csv';
     $command = 'mysql -u ' . $this->db->getUsername() . ' -p' . $this->db->getPassword() . ' -h ' . $this->db->getHost() . ' ' . $this->db->getDatabase() . ' --default-character-set=UTF8 --batch --execute ' . escapeshellarg('SELECT * FROM `out.source`;') . ' --quick | sed \'s/\\t/,/g\' > ' . $outFile;
     $process = new Process($command);
     if ($process->getExitCode() != 0) {
         $error = $process->getErrorOutput();
         if (!$error) {
             $error = $process->getOutput();
         throw new DBALException('MySQL export error: ' . $error);
 protected function writeTable(CsvFile $csv, $outputTable, $incremental, $primaryKey)
     try {
         $tableNameArr = explode('.', $outputTable);
         $bucketId = $tableNameArr[0] . "." . $tableNameArr[1];
         $tableName = $tableNameArr[2];
     } catch (ContextErrorException $e) {
         throw new UserException("Wrong output table name.", $e);
     if (!count($csv->getHeader())) {
         throw new ApplicationException("Trying to upload an empty file");
     try {
         if (!$this->storageApi->bucketExists($bucketId)) {
             $bucketArr = explode('.', $bucketId);
             $this->storageApi->createBucket(str_replace('c-', '', $bucketArr[1]), SapiClient::STAGE_IN, 'DB Extractor data bucket');
         if (!$this->storageApi->tableExists($outputTable)) {
             $this->storageApi->createTableAsync($bucketId, $tableName, $csv, array('primaryKey' => $primaryKey));
         } else {
             // handle unexpected temporary errors like "unable to fork()"
             $success = false;
             $exception = null;
             for ($i = 0; $i < 2 && !$success; $i++) {
                 try {
                     $this->storageApi->writeTableAsync($outputTable, $csv, array('incremental' => $incremental));
                     $success = true;
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     $exception = $e;
                     $this->logger->warning("Error writing to SAPI", ['exception' => $exception]);
             if (!$success) {
                 throw $exception;
     } catch (ClientException $e) {
         if ($e->getCode() < 500) {
             throw new UserException($e->getMessage(), $e);
         } else {
             throw new ApplicationException($e->getMessage(), $e);
     $this->logger->info("Table " . $tableName . " imported to Storage API");
 public function testEmptyHeader()
     $csvFile = new CsvFile(__DIR__ . '/_data/test-input.empty.csv', ',', '"');
     $this->assertEquals(array(), $csvFile->getHeader());
  * @dataProvider validCsvFiles
  * @param $fileName
 public function testRead($fileName, $delimiter)
     $csvFile = new \Keboola\Csv\CsvFile(__DIR__ . '/_data/' . $fileName, $delimiter, '"');
     $expected = array("id", "idAccount", "date", "totalFollowers", "followers", "totalStatuses", "statuses", "kloutScore", "timestamp");
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $csvFile->getHeader());