$stream->next('{'); $actual = $stream->nextMatchingBracket(); expect($actual)->toBe('{ { } }'); }); it("bails out nicely if there's no further tags", function () { $stream = new TokenStream(['source' => '']); $actual = $stream->nextMatchingBracket(); expect($actual)->toBe(null); }); it("bails out nicely if the current tags is not an open tags", function () { $stream = new TokenStream(['source' => '<?php ?>']); $actual = $stream->nextMatchingBracket(); expect($actual)->toBe(null); }); it("cancels the lookup if there's no closing tags", function () { $stream = new TokenStream(['source' => '<?php { { } ?>']); $stream->next('{'); $actual = $stream->nextMatchingBracket(); expect($actual)->toBe(null); expect($stream->getValue())->toBe('{'); }); }); describe("->prev()", function () { it("moves prev", function () { $key = $this->stream->key(); $this->stream->next(); $this->stream->prev(); expect($key)->not->toBe($this->stream->current()); }); it("gets the previous token value", function () { $this->stream->seek(1);