 public static function bindAction($controller, $con, $appid, $openid, $params)
     $re = array("returncode" => "0000");
     try {
         $bindinfo = $params->get("auth");
         $bindinfo = explode(",", $bindinfo);
         $bind_uid = $bindinfo[0];
         $authkey = count($bindinfo) == 1 ? "" : DES::encrypt($bindinfo[1]);
         $app = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\App($controller->container);
         $appdata = $app->getappinfo(array("appid" => $appid));
         $cookie_key = self::$bind_type . "_" . $openid;
         $loginUrl = $appdata["authorization_url"];
         if (!empty($loginUrl)) {
             $authResult = Utils::do_get_request_cookie($loginUrl . "&" . http_build_query(array("uid" => $bind_uid, "upwd" => md5(DES::decrypt($authkey)))), null, null, $cookie_key);
             $authResult = json_decode($authResult, true);
             if (!isset($authResult["islogin"]) || $authResult["islogin"] != "1") {
                 return $controller->render("JustsyBaseBundle:AppCenter:h5bundle.html.twig", array('appid' => $appid, 'openid' => $openid, 'errormsg' => '绑定的帐号或密码不正确', 'ssomodule' => self::$bind_type . "Controller"));
         $app->setappbind(array("appid" => $appid, "openid" => $openid, "bind_type" => self::$bind_type, "bind_uid" => $bind_uid, "authkey" => $authkey));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $response = new Response($e->getMessage());
         $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
         return $response;
     return self::responseJson(json_encode($re));
 public static function userAuthAction($container, $request, $dbcon, $con_im, $login_account, $password, $comefrom)
     $login_account = strtolower($login_account);
     try {
         $Obj = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Login\UserProvider($container);
         $user = $Obj->loadUserByUsername($login_account, $comefrom);
         $logined = 1;
         $user2 = new UserSession($user->getusername(), $password, $user->getusername(), array("ROLE_USER"));
         $factory = $container->get("security.encoder_factory");
         $encoder = $factory->getEncoder($user2);
         $password_enc = $encoder->encodePassword($password, $user2->getSalt());
         /*$factory = $container->get('security.encoder_factory');
              $encoder = $factory->getEncoder($user);
              $password_enc = $encoder->encodePassword($password, $user->getSalt());	     
              $logined= 1;*/
         if ($user->getPassword() != $password_enc) {
             $u_staff = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\Staff($dbcon, $con_im, $user->getusername(), $container->get('logger'), $container);
             $user = $u_staff->getInfo(true);
             //$container->get("logger")->err("refresh cache data.....");
             $user = $Obj->loadUserByUsername($login_account, $comefrom);
             if ($user->getPassword() != $password_enc) {
                 $container->get("logger")->err($login_account . "==>" . $password . "=>" . $password_enc . "=>" . $user->getPassword());
                 $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$ERROFUSERORPWD;
                 $logined = null;
         if (!empty($logined)) {
             $user->comefrom = $comefrom;
             //$token = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken($user, $user->getPassword(), "secured_area", $user->getRoles());
             //$session = $request->getSession()->set('_security_'.'secured_area',  serialize($token));
             //$event = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Event\InteractiveLoginEvent($request, $token);
             //$container->get("event_dispatcher")->dispatch("security.interactive_login", $event);
             $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SUCCESS;
             $re["openid"] = $user->openid;
             $re["login_account"] = $user->getusername();
             $re["ldap_uid"] = $user->ldap_uid;
             $re["jid"] = $user->fafa_jid;
             $re["des"] = DES::encrypt($user->t_code);
     } catch (\Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UsernameNotFoundException $e) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$ERROFUSERORPWD;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
     return $re;
 public function saveAction()
     $reslt = array();
     $request = $this->get("request");
     $uid = isset($_SESSION["uid"]) ? $_SESSION["uid"] : "";
     if (empty($uid)) {
         $reslt["s"] = "0";
         $reslt["msg"] = "微博登录失败或超时,请重新通过微博登录!";
         $response = new Response(json_encode($reslt));
         $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
         return $response;
     $type = $request->get("bind_type");
     $login_account = $request->get("login_account");
     $pwd = $request->get("pwd");
     try {
         $staffMgr = new Staff($this->get('we_data_access'), null, $login_account, $this->get('logger'));
         $staffInfo = $staffMgr->getInfo();
         if (empty($staffInfo)) {
             $reslt["s"] = "0";
             $reslt["msg"] = "帐号[" . $login_account . "]不存在!";
         } else {
             $tcode = $staffInfo["t_code"];
             $p_code = DES::encrypt($pwd);
             if ($tcode != $p_code) {
                 $reslt["s"] = "0";
                 $reslt["msg"] = "帐号或密码不正确!";
             } else {
                 $accountbind = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\StaffAccountBind($this->get('we_data_access'), null, $this->get('logger'));
                 $r = $accountbind->Bind($type, "", $login_account, $uid);
                 $this->get('logger')->err($type . "," . $uid . "," . $login_account . "," . $uid);
                 $reslt["s"] = $r;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $reslt["s"] = "0";
         $reslt["msg"] = "绑定失败,请检查帐号是否填写正确!";
     $response = new Response(json_encode($reslt));
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
     return $response;
 public function saveAction()
     $request = $this->get("request");
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $da = $this->get("we_data_access");
     $new_id = \Justsy\BaseBundle\DataAccess\SysSeq::GetSeqNextValue($da, "we_sys_feedback", "id");
     $sql = "insert into we_sys_feedback (id,login_account,ip,feedback_con,feedback_date)values(?,?,?,?,now())";
     $da->ExecSQL($sql, array((string) $new_id, (string) $user->getUserName(), "", (string) $request->get("txt")));
     $sql = "select * from we_circle where network_domain='fafatime.com'";
     $ds = $da->GetData("tmp", $sql);
     $circle_id = $ds["tmp"]["rows"][0]["circle_id"];
     $txt = "用户反馈:" . $request->get("txt");
     $msgId = \Justsy\BaseBundle\DataAccess\SysSeq::GetSeqNextValue($da, "we_bulletin", "bulletin_id");
     $sql = "insert into we_bulletin(bulletin_id,circle_id,group_id,bulletin_date,bulletin_desc)values(?,?,?,now(),?)";
     $da->ExecSQL($sql, array((int) $msgId, (string) $circle_id, "ALL", $txt));
     $members = $this->notifyCircleMember($da, $circle_id);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($members); $i++) {
         $membersrow = $members[$i];
         if ($membersrow["login_account"] == $user->getUserName()) {
         $sql = "insert into we_notify(notify_type, msg_id,notify_staff)values('01',?,?)";
         $da->ExecSQL($sql, array((int) $msgId, (string) (string) $user->getUserName()));
         $encode = $user->eno . "," . $user->fafa_jid . ",,,";
         $encode = "00442," . DES::encrypt($encode);
         $url = $this->container->getParameter("FAFA_REG_JID_URL");
     return new Response("1");
     //catch(\Exception $e)
     //    	return new Response("0");
 public function importEmployeeAction($network_domain)
     $request = $this->get("request");
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $userDomain = explode("@", $user->getUserName());
     $da = $this->get("we_data_access");
     $sql = "select 1 from we_public_domain where domain_name=?";
     $ds = $da->GetData("mt", $sql, array((string) $userDomain[1]));
     $mailType = count($ds["mt"]["rows"]) > 0 ? "0" : "1";
     try {
         $upfile = $request->files->get("filedata");
         $tmpPath = $upfile->getPathname();
         $oldName = $upfile->getClientOriginalName();
         $fixs = explode(".", strtolower($oldName));
         if (count($fixs) < 2) {
             $re = array('s' => 0, 'message' => "文件类型不正确");
         } else {
             $fixedType = $fixs[count($fixs) - 1];
             if ($fixedType != "xlsx" && $fixedType != "xls") {
                 $re = array('s' => 0, 'message' => "文件类型不正确");
             } else {
                 $newFileName = $user->openid . date('y-m-d-H-m-s') . "." . $fixedType;
                 if (move_uploaded_file($tmpPath, 'upload/' . $newFileName)) {
                     $da = $this->container->get('we_data_access');
                     $objReader = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($fixedType == "xlsx" ? 'Excel2007' : "Excel5");
                     //use excel2007 for 2007 format
                     $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/upload/' . $newFileName);
                     $objWorksheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
                     $highestRow = $objWorksheet->getHighestRow();
                     $highestColumn = $objWorksheet->getHighestColumn();
                     $highestColumnIndex = \PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($highestColumn);
                     $titleAry = array();
                     $account_index = 0;
                     $name_index = 0;
                     $mobile_index = 0;
                     $pwd_index = 0;
                     for ($row = 0; $row <= 1; $row++) {
                         for ($col = 0; $col < $highestColumnIndex; $col++) {
                             $titleAry[$col] = $objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row)->getValue();
                             if (strpos($titleAry[$col], "邮箱") !== false) {
                                 $account_index = $col;
                             } else {
                                 if (strpos($titleAry[$col], "姓名") !== false) {
                                     $name_index = $col;
                                 } else {
                                     if (strpos($titleAry[$col], "手机") !== false) {
                                         $mobile_index = $col;
                                     } else {
                                         if (strpos($titleAry[$col], "密码") !== false) {
                                             $pwd_index = $col;
                     $titleAry[] = "eno";
                     $err_list = array();
                     $da = $this->get("we_data_access");
                     $dm = $this->get("we_data_access_im");
                     for ($row = 2; $row <= $highestRow; $row++) {
                         $strs = array();
                         for ($col = 0; $col < $highestColumnIndex; $col++) {
                             $strs[$col] = trim((string) $objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row)->getValue());
                         $strs[] = $user->eno;
                         $name = $strs[$name_index];
                         if (empty($name)) {
                             $err_list[] = array("name" => "", "row" => $row, "msg" => "姓名不能为空");
                         if (strlen($name) == 1) {
                             $err_list[] = array("name" => "", "row" => $row, "msg" => "姓名不能少于2个字符");
                         $account = $strs[$account_index];
                         if (empty($account)) {
                             $err_list[] = array("name" => $name, "row" => $row, "msg" => "邮箱帐号不能为空");
                         if (!Utils::validateEmail($account)) {
                             $err_list[] = array("name" => $name, "row" => $row, "msg" => "邮箱帐号格式不正确");
                         $staffmgr = new Staff($da, $dm, $account);
                         if ($staffmgr->checkNickname($user->eno, $name) === true) {
                             $err_list[] = array("name" => "", "row" => $row, "msg" => "[" . $name . "]已经注册,请检查!");
                         //if($mailType=="1" && explode("@",$account)[1]!=$userDomain[1] )
                         //	 $err_list[]=array("name"=>$name,"row"=>($row),"msg"=>"不允许导入公共邮箱$account");
                         //   continue;
                         $mobile = $strs[$mobile_index];
                         if (!empty($mobile)) {
                             if (!Utils::validateMobile($mobile)) {
                                 $err_list[] = array("name" => $name, "row" => $row, "msg" => "手机号码格式不正确");
                         $isexist = $staffmgr->isExist($mobile);
                         if (!empty($isexist)) {
                             $err_list[] = array("name" => $name, "msg" => "邮箱或手机号已被使用");
                         $isImport = false;
                         try {
                             $isImport = $staffmgr->getImportInfo();
                         } catch (\Exception $err) {
                         try {
                             $staffmgr->importReg($titleAry, $strs);
                             $pwd = $strs[$pwd_index];
                             if (!empty($pwd)) {
                                 $sql = "select ename from we_enterprise where eno=?";
                                 $ds = $da->GetData("t", $sql, array((string) $user->eno));
                                 $active = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Controller\ActiveController();
                                 $active->doSave(array('account' => $account, 'realName' => $name, 'passWord' => $pwd, 'eno' => $user->eno, 'ename' => $ds["t"]["rows"][0]["ename"], 'isNew' => '0', 'mailtype' => "1", 'isSendMessage' => "N", 'import' => '1'));
                                 $staffmgr = new Staff($da, $dm, $account);
                                 $importData = $staffmgr->getImportInfo();
                             } else {
                                 if ($isImport === false) {
                                     $activeurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_empimport_setpass", array('account' => DES::encrypt($account)), true);
                                     $txt = $this->renderView('JustsyBaseBundle:Register:mail.html.twig', array('realName' => $user->nick_name, 'account' => $account, 'activeurl' => $activeurl));
                                     Utils::saveMail($da, $this->container->getParameter('mailer_user'), $account, "欢迎加入Wefafa企业协作网络", $txt);
                         } catch (\Exception $err) {
                             $err_list[] = array("name" => $name, "msg" => "导入失败:" . $err->getMessage());
                     $re = array('s' => 1, 'error_list' => $err_list);
                 } else {
                     $re = array('s' => 0, 'message' => "文件上传失败");
                 try {
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $re = array('s' => 0, 'message' => "导入失败");
     $response = new Response("<script>parent.import_callback(" . json_encode($re) . ")</script>");
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
     return $response;
 public function getTmpAuthCodeAction()
     $ts = time();
     $ts = DES::encrypt($ts);
     $response = new Response($ts);
     return $response;
         if ($b) {
             $da->ExecSQLs($sqls, $paras);
             return new Response("1");
         } else {
             return new Response("0");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $logger = $this->get('logger')->err($e);
         return new Response("0");
 public function applyCancelAction($groupid)
     $da = $this->get("we_data_access");
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $apply = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\ApplyMgr($da, null);
     $apply->SetGroupApplyInvalid($user->GetUserName(), $groupid);
     $re = array();
     $re["success"] = "1";
     $response = new Response(json_encode($re));
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
     return $response;
 public function applyJoinGroupAction()
     $da = $this->get("we_data_access");
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $group_id = $this->get('request')->request->get('group_id');
     $group_name = $this->get('request')->request->get('group_name');
     $create_staff = $this->get('request')->request->get('create_staff');
     $network_domain = $this->get('request')->request->get('network_domain');
     $ec = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\EnoParamManager($da, $this->get('logger'));
     if ($ec->IsBeyondJoinGroup($user->getUserName())) {
         return new Response("-2");
 public function appbizproxyurlAction(Request $request)
     $appid = $request->get("appid");
     $action = $request->get("action");
     $da = $this->get('we_data_access');
     if ($action == "download") {
         $sql = "select a.*,b.number from we_appcenter_apps a,we_micro_account b where a.appid=b.micro_source and a.appid=?";
         $ds = $da->GetData("t", $sql, array((string) $appid));
         $ds["t"]["rows"][0]["appkey"] = DES::encrypt($ds["t"]["rows"][0]["appkey"]);
         $appInfo = array('s' => 1, "data" => $ds["t"]["rows"][0]);
         $resp = new Response(json_encode($appInfo));
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
         return $resp;
     } else {
         $result = array("s" => 1);
         try {
             $sql = "select count(1) cnt from we_appcenter_apps a ";
             $ds = $da->GetData("t", $sql, array());
             $curuser = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
             $maxNo = $curuser->eno . ((int) $ds["t"]["rows"][0]["cnt"] + 1);
             $sql = "select a.* from we_appcenter_apps a where a.appid=?";
             $ds = $da->GetData("t", $sql, array((string) $appid));
             if ($ds && count($ds["t"]["rows"]) > 0) {
                 $appInfo = $ds["t"]["rows"][0];
                 $factory = $this->get('security.encoder_factory');
                 $dm = $this->get('doctrine.odm.mongodb.document_manager');
                 $account = strtolower("mapp" . $maxNo . "@" . $curuser->edomain);
                 if (strpos($account, ".") === false) {
                     $account = $account . ".com";
                 $MicroAccountMgr = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\MicroAccountMgr($da, $this->get('we_data_access_im'), $curuser, $this->get("logger"), $this->container);
                 $re = $MicroAccountMgr->register("", $account, $appInfo["appname"], "1", "1", "", "1", "", "1", $appInfo["appkey"], $appInfo["logo"], $appInfo["logo"], $appInfo["logo"], $factory, $dm, $appid);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $result = array("s" => 0, 'msg' => $e->getMessage());
         $resp = new Response(json_encode($result));
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
         return $resp;
 public function resetPwdSaveAction(Request $request)
     $da = $this->get('we_data_access');
     $login_account = $request->get('login_account');
     $pwd = $request->request->get('pwd');
     $id = $request->get('id');
     $t_code = DES::encrypt($pwd);
     $user = new UserSession($login_account, $pwd, $login_account, array("ROLE_USER"));
     $factory = $this->get("security.encoder_factory");
     $encoder = $factory->getEncoder($user);
     $pwd = $encoder->encodePassword($pwd, $user->getSalt());
     $sql = "update we_staff set password=?,t_code=? where login_account=?";
     $da->ExecSQL($sql, array((string) $pwd, (string) $t_code, (string) $login_account));
     $sql = "update we_retrieve_password set valid='0' where id=? and login_account=?";
     $da->ExecSQL($sql, array((string) $id, (string) $login_account));
     $da_im = $this->get('we_data_access_im');
     $pwd = $this->get('request')->request->get('pwd');
     $sql = "select fafa_jid from we_staff where login_account=?";
     $ds = $da->GetData('we_staff', $sql, array((string) $login_account));
     if ($ds && $ds['we_staff']['recordcount'] > 0) {
         $fafa_jid = $ds['we_staff']['rows'][0]['fafa_jid'];
         $sqls[] = "update im_employee set password=? where loginname=?";
         $sqls[] = "update users set password=? where username=?";
         $paras[] = array((string) $pwd, (string) $fafa_jid);
         $paras[] = array((string) $pwd, (string) $fafa_jid);
         $da_im->ExecSQLs($sqls, $paras);
     $result = array("succeed" => true, "url" => $this->generateUrl('root'));
     $response = new Response(json_encode($result));
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
     return $response;
 public function sendInvitationAction()
     $res = $this->getRequest();
     $im_sender = $this->container->getParameter('im_sender');
     $acts = $res->get('acts');
     $logger = $this->get('logger');
     $da = $this->get('we_data_access');
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $circleId = $res->get("circleId");
     $eno = $res->get('eno');
     $invMsg = $res->get('invMsg');
     $subject = $res->get('subject');
     $invRela = $res->get('invRela');
     $circleName = "";
     if (!empty($circleId)) {
         $circleMgr = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\CircleMgr($da, $this->get('we_data_access_im'), null);
         $circleObj = $circleMgr->Get($circleId);
         if ($circleObj == null && (empty($eno) || $eno == "-1")) {
             return new Response('1');
         $circleName = $circleObj["circle_name"];
     $invInfo = array('inv_send_acc' => $user->getUsername(), 'inv_recv_acc' => '', 'eno' => '', 'inv_rela' => $invRela, 'inv_title' => '', 'inv_content' => '', 'active_addr' => '');
     $photourl = $this->container->getParameter('FILE_WEBSERVER_URL');
     $staff_e = array();
     $staff_c = array();
     $sql = "select c.login_account,c.nick_name,concat('" . $photourl . "',case trim(ifnull(c.photo_path,'')) when '' then null else c.photo_path end) as photo_path \nfrom we_staff c inner join we_circle_staff d on c.login_account=d.login_account where d.circle_id=(\nselect b.circle_id from we_staff a inner join we_circle b on a.eno=b.enterprise_no and a.login_account=?) limit 0,9";
     $ds = $da->GetData("staff", $sql, array((string) $user->getUsername()));
     if ($ds && $ds['staff']['recordcount'] > 0) {
         $staff_e = $ds['staff']['rows'];
     $sql = "select a.login_account,a.nick_name,concat('" . $photourl . "',case trim(ifnull(a.photo_path,'')) when '' then null else a.photo_path end) as photo_path \nfrom we_staff a inner join we_circle_staff b on a.login_account=b.login_account\nwhere a.eno=(select eno from we_staff where login_account=?) and b.circle_id=? limit 0,9";
     $ds = $da->GetData("staff", $sql, array((string) $user->getUsername(), (string) $circleId));
     if ($ds && $ds['staff']['recordcount'] > 0) {
         $staff_c = $ds['staff']['rows'];
     try {
         foreach ($acts as $key => $value) {
             $invacc = trim($value);
             $invInfo['inv_recv_acc'] = $invacc;
             if ($invacc == $user->getUsername()) {
             $sql = "select fafa_jid from we_staff where login_account=?";
             $ds = $da->GetData("we_staff", $sql, array((string) $invacc));
             $isReg = $ds && $ds['we_staff']['recordcount'] > 0;
             if (empty($eno) || $eno == "-1") {
                 if ($isReg) {
                     $encode = DES::encrypt("{$invacc},{$circleId}," . $user->getUsername());
                     $activeurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_invite_agreejoincircle", array('para' => $encode, 'eno' => 'c' . $circleId), true);
                     $rejectactiveurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_invite_refuse", array('para' => $encode, 'eno' => 'c' . $circleId), true);
                     $txt = $this->renderView('JustsyBaseBundle:Invite:circle_invitation_msg.html.twig', array("ename" => $user->ename, "nick_name" => $user->nick_name, "activeurl" => $activeurl, 'circle_name' => $circleName, 'invMsg' => $invMsg));
                     $invInfo['eno'] = "c{$circleId}";
                     if (empty($subject)) {
                         if ($circleId == "9999") {
                             $invInfo['inv_title'] = $user->nick_name . " 邀请您加入TA的人脉圈";
                         } else {
                             $invInfo['inv_title'] = $user->nick_name . " 邀请您加入圈子【" . Utils::makeCircleTipHTMLTag($circleId, $circleName) . "】";
                     } else {
                         $invInfo['inv_title'] = $subject;
                     $invInfo['inv_content'] = $invMsg;
                     $invInfo['active_addr'] = $activeurl;
                     InviteController::saveWeInvInfo($da, $invInfo);
                     $fafa_jid = $ds['we_staff']['rows'][0]['fafa_jid'];
                     if ($circleId == "9999") {
                         $message = Utils::makeHTMLElementTag('employee', $user->fafa_jid, $user->nick_name) . "邀请您加入TA的人脉圈";
                     } else {
                         $message = Utils::makeHTMLElementTag('employee', $user->fafa_jid, $user->nick_name) . "邀请您加入圈子【" . Utils::makeHTMLElementTag('circle', $circleObj["fafa_groupid"], $circleName) . "】";
                     $buttons = array();
                     $buttons[] = array("text" => "拒绝", "code" => "agree", "value" => "0", "link" => $rejectactiveurl);
                     $buttons[] = array("text" => "立即加入", "code" => "agree", "value" => "1", "link" => $activeurl);
                     Utils::sendImMessage($user->fafa_jid, $fafa_jid, "邀请加入圈子", $message, $this->container, "", Utils::makeBusButton($buttons), false, Utils::$systemmessage_code, "1");
                 } else {
                     $tmp = explode("@", $invacc);
                     $tmp = count($tmp) > 1 ? $tmp[1] : 'fafatime.com';
                     $sql = "select count(1) as cnt from we_public_domain where domain_name=?";
                     $ds = $da->GetData("we_public_domain", $sql, array((string) $tmp));
                     if ($ds && $ds['we_public_domain']['rows'][0]['cnt'] == 0) {
                         $sql = "select eno from we_enterprise where edomain=?";
                         $ds = $da->GetData("we_enterprise", $sql, array((string) $tmp));
                         if ($ds && $ds['we_enterprise']['recordcount'] > 0) {
                             //2.1.1企业已创建 帐号,圈子id,企业edomain des encode
                             $eno = $ds['we_enterprise']['rows'][0]['eno'];
                             $encode = DES::encrypt($user->getUsername() . ",{$circleId},{$eno}");
                             $eno = "";
                             $activeurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_active_inv_s1", array('account' => DES::encrypt($invacc), 'invacc' => $encode), true);
                             $staff_t = $staff_e;
                             $has_e = "1";
                         } else {
                             $sql = "insert into we_register (login_account,ename,credential_path,active_code,ip,email_type,first_reg_date,last_reg_date,register_date,state_id) " . "select ?,'','','" . strtoupper(substr(uniqid(), 3, 10)) . "','" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "','1',now(),now(),now(),'0' from dual " . "where not exists (select 1 from we_register where login_account=?)";
                             $para = array($invacc, $invacc);
                             $da->ExecSQL($sql, $para);
                             //发送邮件 帐号,圈子id,邀请发送者帐号,邀请人企业名 des encode
                             $encode = DES::encrypt("{$invacc},{$circleId}," . $user->getUserName() . "," . $user->ename);
                             $activeurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_active_reg_s1", array('account' => $encode), true);
                             $staff_t = array();
                             $has_e = "0";
                         //保存邀请信息 circleid保存到eno字段,以字母'c'开头
                         if ($circleId == "-1") {
                             $invInfo['eno'] = "-1";
                             $title = empty($subject) ? $user->nick_name . " 邀请您加入Wefafa企业协作网络" : $subject;
                             $txt = $this->renderView("JustsyBaseBundle:Invite:enterprise_invitation.html.twig", array("ename" => $user->ename, "realName" => $user->nick_name, "activeurl" => $activeurl, "invMsg" => $invMsg, "staff" => $staff_t, "has_e" => $has_e));
                         } else {
                             if ($invRela == "0") {
                                 $has_e = "1";
                                 $staff_t = $staff_e;
                             } else {
                                 $has_e = "0";
                                 $staff_t = array();
                             $invInfo['eno'] = "c{$circleId}";
                             $title = empty($subject) ? $user->nick_name . " 邀请您加入 " . Utils::makeCircleTipHTMLTag($circleId, $circleName) . " 协作网络" : $subject;
                             $txt = $this->renderView('JustsyBaseBundle:Invite:circle_invitation.html.twig', array("ename" => $user->ename, "nick_name" => $user->nick_name, "activeurl" => $activeurl, 'circle_name' => $circleName, 'invMsg' => $invMsg, "staff" => $staff_t, "has_e" => $has_e));
                         $invInfo['inv_title'] = $title;
                         $invInfo['inv_content'] = $txt;
                         $invInfo['active_addr'] = $activeurl;
                         InviteController::saveWeInvInfo($da, $invInfo);
                         $title = empty($subject) ? $user->nick_name . " 邀请您加入 " . $circleName . " 协作网络" : $subject;
                         Utils::saveMail($da, $user->getUsername(), $invacc, $title, $txt, $invInfo['eno']);
                     } else {
                         if ($invRela == "0") {
                             $eno = $user->eno;
                             $encode = DES::encrypt($user->getUsername() . ",{$circleId},{$eno}");
                             $eno = "";
                             $activeurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_active_inv_s1", array('account' => DES::encrypt($invacc), 'invacc' => $encode), true);
                             $txt = $this->renderView('JustsyBaseBundle:Invite:circle_invitation.html.twig', array("ename" => $user->ename, "nick_name" => $user->nick_name, "activeurl" => $activeurl, 'circle_name' => $circleName, 'invMsg' => $invMsg, "staff" => $staff_c, "has_e" => "1"));
                             //保存邀请信息 circleid保存到eno字段,以字母'c'开头
                             $invInfo['eno'] = "c{$circleId}";
                             $invInfo['inv_title'] = empty($subject) ? $user->nick_name . " 邀请您加入 " . Utils::makeCircleTipHTMLTag($circleId, $circleName) . " 协作网络" : $subject;
                             $invInfo['inv_content'] = $txt;
                             $invInfo['active_addr'] = $activeurl;
                             InviteController::saveWeInvInfo($da, $invInfo);
                             $invInfo['inv_title'] = empty($subject) ? $user->nick_name . " 邀请您加入 " . $circleName . " 协作网络" : $subject;
                             Utils::saveMail($da, $user->getUsername(), $invacc, $invInfo['inv_title'], $txt, $invInfo['eno']);
                         } else {
                             $sql = "insert into we_register (login_account,ename,credential_path,active_code,ip,email_type,first_reg_date,last_reg_date,register_date,state_id) " . "select ?,'','','" . strtoupper(substr(uniqid(), 3, 10)) . "','" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "','0',now(),now(),now(),'2' from dual " . "where not exists (select 1 from we_register where login_account=?)";
                             $para = array($invacc, $invacc);
                             $da->ExecSQL($sql, $para);
                             //发送邮件 帐号,圈子id,邀请发送者帐号,邀请人企业名 des encode
                             $encode = DES::encrypt("{$invacc},{$circleId}," . $user->getUserName() . "," . $user->ename);
                             $activeurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_active_reg_s1", array('account' => $encode), true);
                             if ($circleId == "-1") {
                                 $invInfo['eno'] = "-1";
                                 $circleName = "Wefafa企业";
                                 $title = empty($subject) ? $user->nick_name . " 邀请您加入" . $circleName . "协作网络" : $subject;
                                 $txt = $this->renderView("JustsyBaseBundle:Invite:enterprise_invitation.html.twig", array("ename" => $user->ename, "realName" => $user->nick_name, "activeurl" => $activeurl, "invMsg" => $invMsg, "staff" => array()));
                             } else {
                                 $invInfo['eno'] = "c{$circleId}";
                                 $title = empty($subject) ? $user->nick_name . " 邀请您加入 " . Utils::makeCircleTipHTMLTag($circleId, $circleName) . " 协作网络" : $subject;
                                 $txt = $this->renderView('JustsyBaseBundle:Invite:circle_invitation.html.twig', array("ename" => $user->ename, "nick_name" => $user->nick_name, "activeurl" => $activeurl, 'circle_name' => $circleName, 'invMsg' => $invMsg, "staff" => array()));
                             $invInfo['inv_title'] = $title;
                             $invInfo['inv_content'] = $txt;
                             $invInfo['active_addr'] = $activeurl;
                             InviteController::saveWeInvInfo($da, $invInfo);
                             $invInfo['inv_title'] = empty($subject) ? $user->nick_name . " 邀请您加入 " . $circleName . " 协作网络" : $subject;
                             Utils::saveMail($da, $user->getUsername(), $invacc, $title, $txt, $invInfo['eno']);
             } else {
                 if (!$isReg) {
                     $activeurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_active_inv_s1", array('account' => DES::encrypt($invacc), 'invacc' => DES::encrypt($user->getUsername())), true);
                     $txt = $this->renderView("JustsyBaseBundle:Invite:enterprise_invitation.html.twig", array("ename" => $user->ename, "realName" => $user->nick_name, "activeurl" => $activeurl, "invMsg" => $invMsg, "staff" => $staff_e, "has_e" => "1"));
                     $invInfo['eno'] = $eno;
                     $invInfo['inv_title'] = empty($subject) ? "您的同事 " . $user->nick_name . " 邀请您加入Wefafa企业协作网络" : $subject;
                     $invInfo['inv_content'] = $txt;
                     $invInfo['active_addr'] = $activeurl;
                     InviteController::saveWeInvInfo($da, $invInfo);
                     Utils::saveMail($da, $user->getUsername(), $invacc, $invInfo['inv_title'], $txt, $invInfo['eno']);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return new Response('0');
     return new Response('1');
 public function invitedmemebersAction()
     $re = array("returncode" => ReturnCode::$SUCCESS);
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $group_id = $request->get("group_id");
     $circle_id = $request->get("circle_id");
     $group_name = $request->get("group_name");
     $fafa_groupid = $request->get('fafa_groupid');
     $invitedmemebers = $request->get("invitedmemebers");
     $im_sender = $this->container->getParameter('im_sender');
     $da = $this->get('we_data_access');
     try {
         if (empty($circle_id) || empty($group_id) || empty($fafa_groupid) || empty($invitedmemebers)) {
             $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
             $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
             $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
             return $response;
         $invs = explode(";", $invitedmemebers);
         $title = "邀请加入群组";
         $groupStaffs = array();
         $sql = "select login_account from we_group_staff where group_id=?";
         $ds = $da->GetData("group_staffs", $sql, array($group_id));
         if ($ds && $ds["group_staffs"]["recordcount"] > 0) {
             foreach ($ds["group_staffs"]["rows"] as &$row) {
                 $groupStaffs[] = $row['login_account'];
         foreach ($invs as $key => $value) {
             if (empty($value)) {
             if (count($groupStaffs) > 0 && in_array($value, $groupStaffs)) {
             $encode = DES::encrypt("{$group_id},{$value},{$circle_id}," . $fafa_groupid);
             $activeurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_group_invjoin", array('para' => $encode), true);
             $txt = $this->renderView("JustsyBaseBundle:Group:message.html.twig", array("ename" => $user->ename, "realName" => $user->nick_name, "activeurl" => $activeurl, 'gname' => $group_name));
             $msgId = SysSeq::GetSeqNextValue($da, "we_message", "msg_id");
             $sql = "insert into we_message(msg_id,sender,recver,title,content,send_date)values(?,?,?,?,?,now())";
             $da->ExecSQL($sql, array((int) $msgId, (string) $user->getUserName(), (string) $value, "邀请加入群组", $txt));
             $fafa_jid = Utils::getJidByAccount($da, $value);
             $message = Utils::makeHTMLElementTag('employee', $user->fafa_jid, $user->nick_name) . "邀请您加入群组【" . Utils::makeHTMLElementTag('group', $fafa_groupid, $group_name) . "】";
             $buttons = array();
             $buttons[] = array("text" => "拒绝", "code" => "agree", "value" => "0");
             $buttons[] = array("text" => "立即加入", "code" => "agree", "value" => "1");
             Utils::sendImMessage($im_sender, $fafa_jid, $title, $message, $this->container, $activeurl . "?invite_user="******"1");
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SUCCESS;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
     $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
     return $response;
 public function invitedmemebersAction()
     $re = array("returncode" => ReturnCode::$SUCCESS);
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $circle_id = $request->get("circle_id");
     $invitedmemebers = $request->get("invitedmemebers");
     $da = $this->get('we_data_access');
     $da_im = $this->get('we_data_access_im');
     try {
         if (empty($invitedmemebers) || empty($circle_id)) {
             $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
             $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
             $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
             return $response;
         $circlename = "";
         $fafa_groupid = "";
         $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
         $invInfo = array('inv_send_acc' => $user->getUsername(), 'inv_recv_acc' => '', 'eno' => '', 'inv_rela' => '', 'inv_title' => '', 'inv_content' => '', 'active_addr' => '');
         $invitedmemebersLst = explode(";", $invitedmemebers);
         $circleStaffs = array();
         $sql = "select login_account from we_circle_staff where circle_id=?";
         $ds = $da->GetData("circle_staffs", $sql, array($circle_id));
         if ($ds && $ds["circle_staffs"]["recordcount"] > 0) {
             foreach ($ds["circle_staffs"]["rows"] as &$row) {
                 $circleStaffs[] = $row['login_account'];
         $sql = "select circle_name,fafa_groupid from we_circle where circle_id=?";
         $ds = $da->GetData("circle", $sql, array($circle_id));
         if ($ds && $ds["circle"]["recordcount"] > 0) {
             $circlename = $ds["circle"]["rows"][0]['circle_name'];
             $fafa_groupid = $ds["circle"]["rows"][0]['fafa_groupid'];
         foreach ($invitedmemebersLst as $key => $value) {
             $invacc = trim($value);
             if (empty($invacc)) {
             $invInfo['inv_recv_acc'] = $invacc;
             $sql = "select eno,fafa_jid from we_staff where login_account=?";
             $ds = $da->GetData("we_staff", $sql, array((string) $invacc));
             if ($ds && $ds['we_staff']['recordcount'] > 0) {
                 if (count($circleStaffs) > 0 && in_array($invacc, $circleStaffs)) {
                 $encode = DES::encrypt("{$invacc},{$circle_id}," . $user->getUsername());
                 $activeurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_invite_agreejoincircle", array('para' => $encode, 'eno' => 'c' . $circle_id), true);
                 $rejectactiveurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_invite_refuse", array('para' => $encode, 'eno' => 'c' . $circle_id), true);
                 $txt = $this->renderView('JustsyBaseBundle:Invite:circle_invitation_msg.html.twig', array("ename" => $user->ename, "nick_name" => $user->nick_name, "activeurl" => $activeurl, 'circle_name' => $circlename, 'invMsg' => '', 'staff' => array()));
                 $invInfo['eno'] = "c{$circle_id}";
                 $invInfo['inv_title'] = "邀请您加入圈子【" . Utils::makeCircleTipHTMLTag($circle_id, $circlename) . "】";
                 $invInfo['inv_content'] = '';
                 $invInfo['active_addr'] = $activeurl;
                 InviteController::saveWeInvInfo($da, $invInfo);
                 $fafa_jid = $ds['we_staff']['rows'][0]['fafa_jid'];
                 $message = Utils::makeHTMLElementTag('employee', $user->fafa_jid, $user->nick_name) . "邀请您加入圈子【" . Utils::makeHTMLElementTag('circle', $fafa_groupid, $circlename) . "】";
                 $buttons = array();
                 $buttons[] = array("text" => "拒绝", "code" => "agree", "value" => "0", "link" => $rejectactiveurl);
                 $buttons[] = array("text" => "立即加入", "code" => "agree", "value" => "1", "link" => $activeurl);
                 Utils::sendImMessage($im_sender, $fafa_jid, "邀请加入圈子", $message, $this->container, "", Utils::makeBusButton($buttons), false, Utils::$systemmessage_code);
             } else {
                 $tmp = explode("@", $invacc);
                 $tmp = count($tmp) > 1 ? $tmp[1] : 'fafatime.com';
                 $sql = "select count(1) as cnt from we_public_domain where domain_name=?";
                 $ds = $da->GetData("we_public_domain", $sql, array((string) $tmp));
                 if ($ds && $ds['we_public_domain']['rows'][0]['cnt'] == 0) {
                     $sql = "select eno from we_enterprise where edomain=?";
                     $ds = $da->GetData("we_enterprise", $sql, array((string) $tmp));
                     if ($ds && $ds['we_enterprise']['recordcount'] > 0) {
                         //2.1.1企业已创建 帐号,圈子id,企业edomain des encode
                         $eno = $ds['we_enterprise']['rows'][0]['eno'];
                         $encode = DES::encrypt($user->getUsername() . ",{$circle_id},{$eno}");
                         $activeurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_active_inv_s1", array('account' => DES::encrypt($invacc), 'invacc' => $encode), true);
                     } else {
                         $sql = "insert into we_register (login_account,ename,credential_path,active_code,ip,email_type,first_reg_date,last_reg_date,register_date,state_id)" . " values (?,?,?,?,?,?,now(),now(),now(),'0')";
                         $para = array($invacc, '', '', strtoupper(substr(uniqid(), 3, 10)), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '1');
                         $da->ExecSQL($sql, $para);
                         //发送邮件 帐号,圈子id,邀请发送者帐号,邀请人企业名 des encode
                         $encode = DES::encrypt("{$invacc},{$circle_id}," . $user->getUserName() . "," . $user->ename);
                         $activeurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_active_reg_s1", array('account' => $encode), true);
                     //保存邀请信息 circleid保存到eno字段,以字母'c'开头
                     $invInfo['eno'] = "c{$circle_id}";
                     $title = $user->nick_name . " 邀请您加入 " . Utils::makeCircleTipHTMLTag($circle_id, $circlename) . " 协作网络";
                     $txt = $this->renderView('JustsyBaseBundle:Invite:circle_invitation.html.twig', array("ename" => $user->ename, "nick_name" => $user->nick_name, "activeurl" => $activeurl, 'circle_name' => $circlename, 'invMsg' => '', 'staff' => array()));
                     $invInfo['inv_title'] = $title;
                     $invInfo['inv_content'] = $txt;
                     $invInfo['active_addr'] = $activeurl;
                     InviteController::saveWeInvInfo($da, $invInfo);
                     Utils::saveMail($da, $user->getUsername(), $invacc, $title, $txt, $invInfo['eno']);
                 } else {
                     $sql = "insert into we_register (login_account,ename,credential_path,active_code,ip,email_type,first_reg_date,last_reg_date,register_date,state_id) " . "select ?,'','','" . strtoupper(substr(uniqid(), 3, 10)) . "','" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "','0',now(),now(),now(),'2' from dual " . "where not exists (select 1 from we_register where login_account=?)";
                     $para = array($invacc, $invacc);
                     $da->ExecSQL($sql, $para);
                     //发送邮件 帐号,圈子id,邀请发送者帐号,邀请人企业名 des encode
                     $encode = DES::encrypt("{$invacc},{$circle_id}," . $user->getUserName() . "," . $user->ename);
                     $activeurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_active_reg_s1", array('account' => $encode), true);
                     $invInfo['eno'] = "c{$circle_id}";
                     $title = $user->nick_name . " 邀请您加入 " . Utils::makeCircleTipHTMLTag($circle_id, $circlename) . " 协作网络";
                     $txt = $this->renderView('JustsyBaseBundle:Invite:circle_invitation.html.twig', array("ename" => $user->ename, "nick_name" => $user->nick_name, "activeurl" => $activeurl, 'circle_name' => $circlename, 'invMsg' => '', 'staff' => array()));
                     $invInfo['inv_title'] = $title;
                     $invInfo['inv_content'] = $txt;
                     $invInfo['active_addr'] = $activeurl;
                     InviteController::saveWeInvInfo($da, $invInfo);
                     Utils::saveMail($da, $user->getUsername(), $invacc, $title, $txt, $invInfo['eno']);
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SUCCESS;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
     $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
     return $response;
 public function resetMicroPwdAction($network_domain)
     $re = array('s' => 1, 'm' => '');
     try {
         $conn = $this->get('we_data_access');
         $conn_im = $this->get('we_data_access_im');
         $userinfo = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
         $getRequest = $this->getRequest();
         $micro_account = $getRequest->get("micro_account");
         $newpwd = $getRequest->get("newpwd");
         $factory = $this->get('security.encoder_factory');
         $encoder = $factory->getEncoder($userinfo);
         $t_code = DES::encrypt($newpwd);
         $micro_password = $encoder->encodePassword($newpwd, $micro_account);
         $sql = "update we_staff set password=? where login_account=?";
         $params = array($micro_password, $micro_account);
         $conn->ExecSQL($sql, $params);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $re['s'] = 0;
         $re['m'] = '重设密码失败';
     $response = new Response(json_encode($re));
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
     return $response;
 public static function userAuthAction($container, $request, $dbcon, $con_im, $login_account, $password, $comefrom)
     $login_account = strtolower($login_account);
     try {
         $password = strtoupper(md5($password));
         $staff = new Staff($dbcon, $con_im, strtolower($login_account));
         $user = $staff->getInfo();
         if ($user == null || $user["state_id"] != "1") {
             $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$ERROFUSERORPWD;
             return $re;
         $login_account = $user["login_account"];
         $Obj = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Login\UserProvider($container);
         $factory = $container->get('security.encoder_factory');
         //程序判断到这种情况 时,需要进行内部自动更改密码操作,之前的临时数据即为用户新密码
         if ($user["password"] == $user["t_code"]) {
             $tmpPass = DES::encrypt($password);
             if ($tmpPass != $user["t_code"]) {
                 $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$ERROFUSERORPWD;
             $staff->changepassword($login_account, $password, $factory);
         $user = new UserSession($login_account, $password, $login_account, array("ROLE_USER"));
         $encoder = $factory->getEncoder($user);
         $password_enc = $encoder->encodePassword($password, $login_account);
         $user = $Obj->loadUserByUsername($login_account, $comefrom);
         $logined = 1;
         if ($user->getPassword() != $password_enc) {
             $u_staff = new Staff($dbcon, $con_im, $user->getusername(), $container->get('logger'));
             $user = $u_staff->getInfo(true);
             //$container->get("logger")->err("refresh cache data.....");
             $user = $Obj->loadUserByUsername($login_account, $comefrom);
             if ($user->getPassword() != $password_enc) {
                 $container->get("logger")->err($login_account . "==>" . $password . "=>" . $password_enc . "=>" . $user->getPassword());
                 $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$ERROFUSERORPWD;
                 $logined = null;
         if (!empty($logined)) {
             $token = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken($user, $user->getPassword(), "secured_area", $user->getRoles());
             $session = $request->getSession()->set('_security_' . 'secured_area', serialize($token));
             $event = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Event\InteractiveLoginEvent($request, $token);
             $container->get("event_dispatcher")->dispatch("security.interactive_login", $event);
             $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SUCCESS;
             $re["openid"] = $user->openid;
             $re["login_account"] = $login_account;
             $re["ldap_uid"] = $user->ldap_uid;
             $re["jid"] = $user->fafa_jid;
             $re["des"] = $user->t_code;
     } catch (\Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UsernameNotFoundException $e) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$ERROFUSERORPWD;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
     return $re;
 public function updatepassword($parameter)
     $re = array();
     $user = $parameter["user"];
     $factory = $this->container->get('security.encoder_factory');
     $encoder = $factory->getEncoder($user);
     $oldpwd = $parameter['txtoldpwd'];
     $pwd = $parameter["txtnewpwd"];
     if (empty($oldpwd)) {
         return Utils::WrapResultError("原密码不能为空");
     if (empty($pwd)) {
         return Utils::WrapResultError("新密码不能为空");
     $da = $this->conn;
     $da_im = $this->conn_im;
     $Jid = $user->fafa_jid;
     $eno = $user->eno;
     $OldPass = $user->getPassword();
     $Old_t_code = $user->t_code;
     $oldpwd = $encoder->encodePassword($oldpwd, $user->getSalt());
     if ($oldpwd != $OldPass) {
         return Utils::WrapResultError("原密码不正确");
     $t_code = DES::encrypt($pwd);
     $sql = "update we_staff set password=?,t_code=? where login_account=?";
     $paras[0] = $encoder->encodePassword($pwd, $user->getSalt());
     $paras[1] = $t_code;
     $paras[2] = $user->getUsername();
     try {
         $da->ExecSQL($sql, $paras);
         try {
             $jid = $user->fafa_jid;
             $sqls_im = array("update im_employee set password=? where loginname=?");
             $paras_im = array(array((string) $t_code, (string) $jid));
             $sqls_im[] = "update users set password=? where username=?";
             $paras_im[] = array((string) $t_code, (string) $jid);
             $da_im->ExecSQLs($sqls_im, $paras_im);
             return Utils::WrapResultOK(true);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $sql = "update we_staff set password=?,t_code=? where login_account=?";
             $paras[0] = $OldPass;
             $paras[1] = $Old_t_code;
             $paras[2] = $user->getUsername();
             $da->ExecSQL($sql, $paras);
             return Utils::WrapResultError("同步密码出错");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return Utils::WrapResultError("系统出错");
 public function updatepasswordAction()
     $re = array();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $factory = $this->get('security.encoder_factory');
     $encoder = $factory->getEncoder($user);
     $oldpwd = $request->get('txtoldpwd');
     $pwd = $request->get("txtnewpwd");
     if (empty($oldpwd)) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
         $re["msg"] = "原始密码不能为空";
         $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
         $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
         return $response;
     if (empty($pwd)) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
         $re["msg"] = "新密码不能为空";
         $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
         $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
         return $response;
     $da = $this->get("we_data_access");
     $table = $da->GetData("staff", "select eno, password, fafa_jid,t_code from we_staff where login_account=?", array((string) $user->getUsername()));
     $Jid = $table["staff"]["rows"][0]["fafa_jid"];
     $eno = $table["staff"]["rows"][0]["eno"];
     $OldPass = $table["staff"]["rows"][0]["password"];
     $Old_t_code = $table["staff"]["rows"][0]["t_code"];
     $oldpwd = $encoder->encodePassword($oldpwd, $user->getSalt());
     if ($oldpwd != $OldPass) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
         $re["msg"] = "原始密码不正确";
         $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
         $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
         return $response;
     $sql = "update we_staff set password=?,t_code=? where login_account=?";
     $paras[0] = $encoder->encodePassword($pwd, $user->getSalt());
     $paras[1] = DES::encrypt($pwd);
     $paras[2] = $user->getUsername();
     try {
         $da->ExecSQL($sql, $paras);
         try {
             $sql_im = "update users set password=? where username=?";
             $para_im = array();
             $para_im[] = (string) $pwd;
             $para_im[] = (string) $user->fafa_jid;
             $da_im = $this->get('we_data_access_im');
             $da_im->ExecSQL($sql_im, $para_im);
             $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SUCCESS;
             $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
             $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
             return $response;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $sql = "update we_staff set password=?,t_code=? where login_account=?";
             $paras[0] = $OldPass;
             $paras[1] = $Old_t_code;
             $paras[2] = $user->getUsername();
             $da->ExecSQL($sql, $paras);
             $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
             $re["msg"] = "同步密码出错";
             $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
             $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
             return $response;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
         $re["msg"] = "系统出错";
         $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
         $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
         return $response;
 public function applyJoinAction()
     $da = $this->get("we_data_access");
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $circleId = $this->get('request')->request->get('circleId');
     $apply = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\ApplyMgr($da, null);
     $sql = "select count(1) as cnt from we_circle_staff where circle_id=? and login_account=?";
     $ds = $da->GetData('we_circle_staff', $sql, array((string) $circleId, (string) $user->getUserName()));
     if (!$ds || $ds['we_circle_staff']['recordcount'] == 0) {
         return new Response("-1");
     $ec = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\EnoParamManager($da, $this->get('logger'));
     if ($ec->IsBeyondJoinCircle($user->getUserName())) {
         return new Response("-2");
     if ($ec->IsBeyondCircleMembers($circleId)) {
         return new Response("-3");
     $result = $apply->ApplyJoinCircle($user->getUsername(), $circleId, "");
     if ($result == 0 || $result == 99999) {
         return new Response((string) $result);
     $circleObj = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\CircleMgr($da, null, $circleId);
     $circle = $circleObj->Get();
     if ($circle == null) {
         return new Response("0");
     $createStaff = $circle["create_staff"];
     $circleName = $circle["circle_name"];
     //para 圈子ID,申请人帐号,申请人姓名,圈子名称 DES加密
     $para = DES::encrypt($circleId . "," . $user->getUserName() . "," . $user->nick_name . "," . $circleName);
     $addurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_publicpage_agreejoincircle", array('para' => $para), true);
     $refuseurl = $this->generateUrl("JustsyBaseBundle_circle_refusejoincircle", array(), true);
     $txt = $this->renderView("JustsyBaseBundle:Circle:mail_apply_join.html.twig", array("ename" => $user->ename, "realName" => $user->nick_name, "account" => DES::encrypt($user->getUserName()), "activeurl" => $addurl, "circlename" => $circleName, "refuseurl" => $refuseurl, "para" => $para));
     $sqls = array();
     $paras = array();
     $msgId = SysSeq::GetSeqNextValue($da, "we_message", "msg_id");
     $sqls[] = "insert into we_message(msg_id,sender,recver,send_date,title,content)values(?,?,?,now(),?,?)";
     //$sqls[] = "insert into we_notify(notify_type, msg_id,notify_staff)values('01',?,?)";
     $paras[] = array((int) $msgId, (string) $user->getUserName(), (string) $createStaff, "申请加入圈子", $txt);
     //$paras[] = array((int)$msgId,(string)$createStaff);
     $da->ExecSQLs($sqls, $paras);
     Utils::saveMail($da, $user->getUsername(), $createStaff, "申请加入圈子", $txt, $circleId);
     $im_sender = $this->container->getParameter('im_sender');
     $fafa_jid = $circle["fafa_jid"];
     $message = Utils::makeHTMLElementTag('employee', $user->fafa_jid, $user->nick_name) . "申请加入您的圈子【" . $circleName . "】";
     $buttons = array();
     $buttons[] = array("text" => "拒绝", "code" => "agree", "value" => "0", "link" => $refuseurl . "?para=" . $para);
     $buttons[] = array("text" => "同意", "code" => "agree", "value" => "1", "link" => $addurl);
     Utils::sendImMessage($im_sender, $fafa_jid, "申请加入圈子", $message, $this->container, "", Utils::makeBusButton($buttons), false, Utils::$systemmessage_code);
     return new Response("1");