  * Add a comment on GitHub.
  * @param   TrackerProject  $project      The project.
  * @param   integer         $issueNumber  The issue number.
  * @param   string          $comment      The comment to add.
  * @param   string          $userName     The username.
  * @param   DatabaseDriver  $database     The database driver object.
  * @return  Comment  The GitHub comment object
  * @throws \DomainException
  * @since  1.0
 public function addComment(TrackerProject $project, $issueNumber, $comment, $userName, DatabaseDriver $database)
     $data = new Comment();
     if ($project->gh_user && $project->gh_project) {
         $gitHubResponse = $this->gitHub->issues->comments->create($project->gh_user, $project->gh_project, $issueNumber, $comment);
         if (!isset($gitHubResponse->id)) {
             throw new \DomainException('Invalid response from GitHub');
         $data->created_at = $gitHubResponse->created_at;
         $data->opened_by = $gitHubResponse->user->login;
         $data->comment_id = $gitHubResponse->id;
         $data->text_raw = $gitHubResponse->body;
         $data->text = $this->gitHub->markdown->render($comment, 'gfm', $project->gh_user . '/' . $project->gh_project);
     } else {
         $date = new Date();
         $data->created_at = $date->format($database->getDateFormat());
         $data->opened_by = $userName;
         $data->comment_id = '???';
         $data->text_raw = $comment;
         $data->text = $this->gitHub->markdown->render($comment, 'markdown');
     (new ActivityModel($database))->addActivityEvent('comment', $data->created_at, $data->opened_by, $project->project_id, $issueNumber, $data->comment_id, $data->text, $data->text_raw);
     $data->activities_id = $database->insertid();
     $date = new Date($data->created_at);
     $data->created_at = $date->format('j M Y');
     return $data;
  * Get table columns.
  * @param string $table Table name.
  * @return  array Table columns with type.
 public function getColumns($table)
     if (empty(self::$columnCache[$table])) {
         self::$columnCache[$table] = $this->db->getTableColumns($table);
     return self::$columnCache[$table];
  * Method to get the list of database options.
  * This method produces a drop down list of available databases supported
  * by JDatabaseDriver classes that are also supported by the application.
  * @return  array    The field option objects.
  * @since   1.0
  * @see		Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver
 protected function getOptions()
     // This gets the connectors available in the platform and supported by the server.
     $available = DatabaseDriver::getConnectors();
      * This gets the list of database types supported by the application.
      * This should be entered in the form definition as a comma separated list.
      * If no supported databases are listed, it is assumed all available databases
      * are supported.
     $supported = $this->element['supported'];
     if (!empty($supported)) {
         $supported = explode(',', $supported);
         foreach ($supported as $support) {
             if (in_array($support, $available)) {
                 $options[$support] = Text::_(ucfirst($support));
     } else {
         foreach ($available as $support) {
             $options[$support] = Text::_(ucfirst($support));
     // This will come into play if an application is installed that requires
     // a database that is not available on the server.
     if (empty($options)) {
         $options[''] = Text::_('JNONE');
     return $options;
 public function register(Container $container)
     $container->alias("db", "Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver")->share("Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver", function () use($container) {
         $config = $container->get("config");
         return DatabaseDriver::getInstance((array) $config["database"]);
     }, true);
  * Registers the service provider with a DI container.
  * @param   Container  $container  The DI container.
  * @return  void
  * @since   1.0
 public function register(Container $container)
     $container->alias('db', 'Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver')->share('Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver', function (Container $container) {
         $config = $container->get('config');
         return DatabaseDriver::getInstance((array) $config['database']);
     }, true);
  * Process the main SQL file.
  * @return  $this
  * @since   1.0
  * @throws  \RuntimeException
  * @throws  \UnexpectedValueException
 private function processSql()
     // Install.
     $dbType = $this->getApplication()->get('database.driver');
     if ('mysqli' == $dbType) {
         $dbType = 'mysql';
     $fName = JPATH_ROOT . '/etc/' . $dbType . '.sql';
     if (false == file_exists($fName)) {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf(g11n3t('Install SQL file for %s not found.'), $dbType));
     $sql = file_get_contents($fName);
     if (false == $sql) {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException(g11n3t('SQL file corrupted.'));
     $this->out(sprintf(g11n3t('Creating tables from file %s'), realpath($fName)), false);
     foreach ($this->db->splitSql($sql) as $query) {
         $q = trim($this->db->replacePrefix($query));
         if ('' == trim($q)) {
         $this->out('.', false);
     return $this;
  * Parses the unit test results and records them into the database
  * @param   string  $package  Package name
  * @return  void
  * @since   1.0
  * @throws  \UnexpectedValueException
 private function recordResults($package)
     // Initialize variables.
     $report = array();
     // Make sure the files exist.
     if (!file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/coverage/logs/clover.' . $package . '.xml')) {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The clover test report for the ' . $this->helper->getPackageDisplayName($package) . ' package is missing.');
     if (!file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/coverage/logs/junit.' . $package . '.xml')) {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The junit test report for the ' . $this->helper->getPackageDisplayName($package) . ' package is missing.');
     // Display update to console
     $this->app->out('Parsing test results for the ' . $this->helper->getPackageDisplayName($package) . ' package and recording to the database.');
     // Load the Clover XML file.
     $xml = simplexml_load_file(JPATH_ROOT . '/coverage/logs/clover.' . $package . '.xml');
     // Get the project metrics element.
     $metrics = $xml->project[0]->metrics[0];
     // Add the data to the report
     $report['total_lines'] = (int) $metrics['statements'];
     $report['lines_covered'] = (int) $metrics['coveredstatements'];
     // Load the JUnit XML file
     $xml = simplexml_load_file(JPATH_ROOT . '/coverage/logs/junit.' . $package . '.xml');
     // Get the project testsuite element.
     $metrics = $xml->testsuite[0];
     // Add the data to the report
     $report['assertions'] = (int) $metrics['assertions'];
     $report['tests'] = (int) $metrics['tests'];
     $report['failures'] = (int) $metrics['failures'];
     $report['errors'] = (int) $metrics['errors'];
     // Insert the report data into the database
     $this->db->setQuery($this->db->getQuery(true)->insert($this->db->quoteName('#__test_results'))->columns(array($this->db->quoteName('package_id'), $this->db->quoteName('tests'), $this->db->quoteName('assertions'), $this->db->quoteName('errors'), $this->db->quoteName('failures'), $this->db->quoteName('total_lines'), $this->db->quoteName('lines_covered')))->values((int) $this->packageId . ', ' . $this->db->quote($report['tests']) . ', ' . $this->db->quote($report['assertions']) . ', ' . $this->db->quote($report['errors']) . ', ' . $this->db->quote($report['failures']) . ', ' . $this->db->quote($report['total_lines']) . ', ' . $this->db->quote($report['lines_covered'])))->execute();
  * Process labels for adding into the issues table
  * @param   integer  $issueId  Issue ID to process
  * @return  array
  * @since   1.0
 protected function processLabels($issueId)
     try {
         $githubLabels = $this->github->issues->get($this->project->gh_user, $this->project->gh_project, $issueId)->labels;
     } catch (\DomainException $exception) {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf('Error parsing the labels for GitHub issue %s/%s #%d - %s', $this->project->gh_user, $this->project->gh_project, $issueId, $exception->getMessage()));
         return '';
     $appLabelIds = array();
     // Make sure the label is present in the database by pulling the ID, add it if it isn't
     $query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
     foreach ($githubLabels as $label) {
         $query->clear()->select($this->db->quoteName('label_id'))->from($this->db->quoteName('#__tracker_labels'))->where($this->db->quoteName('project_id') . ' = ' . (int) $this->project->project_id)->where($this->db->quoteName('name') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($label->name));
         $id = $this->db->loadResult();
         // If null, add the label
         if ($id === null) {
             $table = new LabelsTable($this->db);
             $data = array();
             $data['project_id'] = $this->project->project_id;
             $data['name'] = $label->name;
             $data['color'] = $label->color;
             try {
                 $id = $table->label_id;
             } catch (\RuntimeException $exception) {
                 $this->logger->error(sprintf('Error adding label %s for project %s/%s to the database: %s', $label->name, $this->project->gh_user, $this->project->gh_project, $exception->getMessage()));
         // Add the ID to the array
         $appLabelIds[] = $id;
     return $appLabelIds;
  * gc
  * @param string $past
  * @return  bool
 public function gc($past)
     $query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
     $query->delete($this->db->quoteName($this->options['table']))->where($this->db->quoteName($this->options['time_col']) . ' < ' . $this->db->quote((int) $past));
     // Remove expired sessions from the database.
     return (bool) $this->db->execute();
  * Retrieve the hashed password for the specified user.
  * @param   string  $username  Username to lookup.
  * @return  string|boolean  Hashed password on success or boolean false on failure.
  * @since   1.1.0
 protected function getHashedPassword($username)
     $password = $this->db->setQuery($this->db->getQuery(true)->select($this->dbOptions['password_column'])->from($this->dbOptions['database_table'])->where($this->dbOptions['username_column'] . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($username)))->loadResult();
     if (!$password) {
         return false;
     return $password;
  * Tests the \Joomla\Database\DatabaseQuery::__clone method properly clones an object.
  * @return  void
  * @since   1.0
 public function test__clone_object()
     $baseElement = $this->dbo->getQuery(true);
     $baseElement->testObject = new \stdClass();
     $cloneElement = clone $baseElement;
     $this->assertThat(TestHelper::getValue($baseElement, 'db'), $this->identicalTo(TestHelper::getValue($cloneElement, 'db')), 'The cloned $db variable should be identical after cloning.');
     $this->assertFalse($baseElement === $cloneElement);
     $this->assertFalse($baseElement->testObject === $cloneElement->testObject);
  * Registers the service provider with a DI container.
  * @param   Container  $container  The DI container.
  * @return  void
  * @since   1.0
 public function register(Container $container)
     $container->alias('db', DatabaseDriver::class)->share(DatabaseDriver::class, function (Container $container) {
         $config = $container->get('config');
         $db = DatabaseDriver::getInstance((array) $config->get('database'));
         return $db;
     }, true);
  * Database object constructor
  * @param   array  $options  List of options used to configure the connection
  * @since	1.0
 public function __construct($options)
     $options['host'] = isset($options['host']) ? $options['host'] : 'localhost';
     $options['user'] = isset($options['user']) ? $options['user'] : '';
     $options['password'] = isset($options['password']) ? $options['password'] : '';
     $options['database'] = isset($options['database']) ? $options['database'] : '';
     $options['port'] = isset($options['port']) ? $options['port'] : null;
     // Finalize initialization
  * This method is called before the first test of this test class is run.
  * An example DSN would be: dbname=//localhost:1521/joomla_ut;charset=AL32UTF8;user=utuser;pass=ut1234
  * @return  void
  * @since   1.0
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     // First let's look to see if we have a DSN defined or in the environment variables.
     } else {
     // First let's trim the oci: part off the front of the DSN if it exists.
     if (strpos($dsn, 'oci:') === 0) {
         $dsn = substr($dsn, 4);
     // Split the DSN into its parts over semicolons.
     $parts = explode(';', $dsn);
     // Parse each part and populate the options array.
     foreach ($parts as $part) {
         list($k, $v) = explode('=', $part, 2);
         switch ($k) {
             case 'charset':
                 self::$options['charset'] = $v;
             case 'dbname':
                 $components = parse_url($v);
                 self::$options['host'] = $components['host'];
                 self::$options['port'] = $components['port'];
                 self::$options['database'] = ltrim($components['path'], '/');
             case 'user':
                 self::$options['user'] = $v;
             case 'pass':
                 self::$options['password'] = $v;
             case 'dbschema':
                 self::$options['schema'] = $v;
             case 'prefix':
                 self::$options['prefix'] = $v;
     // Ensure some defaults.
     self::$options['charset'] = isset(self::$options['charset']) ? self::$options['charset'] : 'AL32UTF8';
     self::$options['port'] = isset(self::$options['port']) ? self::$options['port'] : 1521;
     try {
         // Attempt to instantiate the driver.
         self::$driver = DatabaseDriver::getInstance(self::$options);
     } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
         self::$driver = null;
     // If for some reason an exception object was returned set our database object to null.
     if (self::$driver instanceof \Exception) {
         self::$driver = null;
  * Constructor.
  * @param   array  $options  List of options used to configure the connection
  * @since   1.0
 public function __construct($options)
     // Get some basic values from the options.
     $options['host'] = isset($options['host']) ? $options['host'] : 'localhost';
     $options['user'] = isset($options['user']) ? $options['user'] : '';
     $options['password'] = isset($options['password']) ? $options['password'] : '';
     $options['database'] = isset($options['database']) ? $options['database'] : '';
     $options['select'] = isset($options['select']) ? (bool) $options['select'] : true;
     // Finalize initialisation
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function register(Container $container)
     $container->set('Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver', function () use($container) {
         $config = $container->get('config');
         $options = array('driver' => $config->get('database.driver'), 'host' => $config->get('database.host'), 'user' => $config->get('database.user'), 'password' => $config->get('database.password'), 'database' => $config->get('database.name'), 'prefix' => $config->get('database.prefix'));
         $db = DatabaseDriver::getInstance($options);
         $db->setDebug($config->get('debug.database', false));
         return $db;
     }, true, true);
     // Alias the database
     $container->alias('db', 'Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver');
  * Get the columns from database table.
  * @return mixed An array of the field names, or false if an error occurs.
  * @since   1.0
  * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
 public function getFields()
     static $cache = null;
     if ($cache === null) {
         // Lookup the fields for this table only once.
         $fields = $this->db->getTableColumns($this->tableName, false);
         if (empty($fields)) {
             throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('No columns found for %s table', $this->tableName));
         $cache = $fields;
     return $cache;
  * Garbage collect stale sessions from the SessionHandler backend.
  * @param   integer  $lifetime  The maximum age of a session.
  * @return  boolean  True on success, false otherwise.
  * @since   1.0
 public function gc($lifetime = 1440)
     // Determine the timestamp threshold with which to purge old sessions.
     $past = time() - $lifetime;
     try {
         $query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
         $query->delete($this->db->quoteName('#__session'))->where($this->db->quoteName('time') . ' < ' . $this->db->quote((int) $past));
         // Remove expired sessions from the database.
         return (bool) $this->db->execute();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;
  * Do delete action, this method should be override by sub class.
  * @param mixed $conditions Where conditions, you can use array or Compare object.
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return  boolean Will be always true.
 protected function doDelete(array $conditions)
     $query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
     // Conditions.
     QueryHelper::buildWheres($query, $conditions);
     try {
         $result = (bool) $this->db->setQuery($query)->execute();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return $result;
  * Registers the service provider with a DI container.
  * @param   Container  $container  The DI container.
  * @return  Container  Returns itself to support chaining.
  * @since   1.0
 public function register(Container $container)
     $container->set('Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver', function () use($container) {
         $app = $container->get('app');
         $options = array('driver' => $app->get('database.driver'), 'host' => $app->get('database.host'), 'user' => $app->get('database.user'), 'password' => $app->get('database.password'), 'database' => $app->get('database.name'), 'prefix' => $app->get('database.prefix'));
         $db = DatabaseDriver::getInstance($options);
         $db->setDebug($app->get('debug.database', false));
         $logger = new Logger('JTracker-Database');
         $logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler($app->get('debug.log-path', JPATH_ROOT) . '/database.log', Logger::ERROR));
         $logger->pushProcessor(new WebProcessor());
         return $db;
     }, true, true);
     // Alias the database
     $container->alias('db', 'Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver');
  * This method is called before the first test of this test class is run.
  * An example DSN would be: host=localhost;port=5432;dbname=joomla_ut;user=utuser;pass=ut1234
  * @return  void
  * @since   1.0
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     // First let's look to see if we have a DSN defined or in the environment variables.
     if (defined('JTEST_DATABASE_PGSQL_DSN') || getenv('JTEST_DATABASE_PGSQL_DSN')) {
     } else {
     // First let's trim the pgsql: part off the front of the DSN if it exists.
     if (strpos($dsn, 'pgsql:') === 0) {
         $dsn = substr($dsn, 6);
     // Split the DSN into its parts over semicolons.
     $parts = explode(';', $dsn);
     // Parse each part and populate the options array.
     foreach ($parts as $part) {
         list($k, $v) = explode('=', $part, 2);
         switch ($k) {
             case 'host':
                 self::$options['host'] = $v;
             case 'port':
                 self::$options['port'] = $v;
             case 'dbname':
                 self::$options['database'] = $v;
             case 'user':
                 self::$options['user'] = $v;
             case 'pass':
                 self::$options['password'] = $v;
     try {
         // Attempt to instantiate the driver.
         self::$driver = DatabaseDriver::getInstance(self::$options);
     } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
         self::$driver = null;
     // If for some reason an exception object was returned set our database object to null.
     if (self::$driver instanceof \Exception) {
         self::$driver = null;
  * Merges the incoming structure definition with the existing structure.
  * @return  void
  * @note    Currently only supports XML format.
  * @since   1.0
  * @throws  \RuntimeException on error.
 public function mergeStructure()
     $tables = $this->db->getTableList();
     if ($this->from instanceof \SimpleXMLElement) {
         $xml = $this->from;
     } else {
         $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement($this->from);
     // Get all the table definitions.
     $xmlTables = $xml->xpath('database/table_structure');
     foreach ($xmlTables as $table) {
         // Convert the magic prefix into the real table name.
         $tableName = $this->getRealTableName((string) $table['name']);
         if (in_array($tableName, $tables)) {
             // The table already exists. Now check if there is any difference.
             if ($queries = $this->getAlterTableql($xml->database->table_structure)) {
                 // Run the queries to upgrade the data structure.
                 foreach ($queries as $query) {
                     $this->db->setQuery((string) $query);
                     try {
                     } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
                         $this->db->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Fail: ' . $this->db->getQuery());
                         throw $e;
                     $this->db->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Pass: '******'Fail: ' . $this->db->getQuery());
                 throw $e;
             $this->db->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Pass: ' . $this->db->getQuery());
  * This method is called before the first test of this test class is run.
  * @return  void
  * @since   1.0
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     // We always want the default database test case to use an SQLite memory database.
     $options = array('driver' => 'sqlite', 'database' => ':memory:', 'prefix' => 'jos_');
     try {
         // Attempt to instantiate the driver.
         self::$driver = DatabaseDriver::getInstance($options);
         // Create a new PDO instance for an SQLite memory database and load the test schema into it.
         $pdo = new \PDO('sqlite::memory:');
         $pdo->exec(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/Schema/ddl.sql'));
         // Set the PDO instance to the driver using reflection whizbangery.
         TestHelper::setValue(self::$driver, 'connection', $pdo);
     } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
         self::$driver = null;
     // If for some reason an exception object was returned set our database object to null.
     if (self::$driver instanceof \Exception) {
         self::$driver = null;
  * getFilterFields
  * @param int $prefixFirst
  * @return  array
 public function getSelectFields($prefixFirst = self::COLS_WITH_FIRST)
     $fields = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($this->tables as $alias => $table) {
         $columns = DatabaseFactory::getCommand()->getColumns($table['name']);
         foreach ($columns as $column => $var) {
             if ($i === 0) {
                 if ($prefixFirst & self::COLS_WITH_FIRST) {
                     $fields[] = $this->db->quoteName("{$alias}.{$column}", $column);
                 if ($prefixFirst & self::COLS_PREFIX_WITH_FIRST) {
                     $fields[] = $this->db->quoteName("{$alias}.{$column}", "{$alias}_{$column}");
             } else {
                 $fields[] = $this->db->quoteName("{$alias}.{$column}", "{$alias}_{$column}");
     return $fields;
  * Process the main SQL file.
  * @return  $this
  * @since   1.0
  * @throws  \RuntimeException
  * @throws  \UnexpectedValueException
 private function processSql()
     $fName = JPATH_ROOT . '/etc/schema.sql';
     if (!file_exists($fName)) {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Install SQL file not found.');
     $sql = file_get_contents($fName);
     if (!$sql) {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unable to read SQL file.');
     $this->app->out(sprintf('Creating tables from file %s', realpath($fName)), false);
     foreach ($this->db->splitSql($sql) as $query) {
         $q = trim($this->db->replacePrefix($query));
         if (trim($q) == '') {
         $this->app->out('.', false);
     return $this;
  * Get the database prefix.
  * @return  string
  * @since   1.0
 public function getPrefix()
     return $this->database->getPrefix();
  * Sets the SQL statement string for later execution.
  * @param   DatabaseQuery|string  $query   The SQL statement to set either as a DatabaseQuery object or a string.
  * @param   integer               $offset  The affected row offset to set.
  * @param   integer               $limit   The maximum affected rows to set.
  * @return  PostgresqlDriver  This object to support method chaining.
  * @since   __DEPLOY_VERSION__
 public function setQuery($query, $offset = null, $limit = null)
     if (is_string($query)) {
         // Allows taking advantage of bound variables in a direct query:
         $query = $this->getQuery(true)->setQuery($query);
     if ($query instanceof LimitableInterface && !is_null($offset) && !is_null($limit)) {
         $query->setLimit($limit, $offset);
     $sql = $this->replacePrefix((string) $query);
     $this->prepared = pg_prepare($this->connection, $this->queryName . $this->getCount(), $sql);
     // Store reference to the DatabaseQuery instance
     return parent::setQuery($query, $offset, $limit);
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
  * @return void
 protected function setUp()
     $this->instance = \Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver::getInstance(array('driver' => 'nosql', 'database' => 'europa', 'prefix' => '&'));
  * Return Database Object
  * @param $driver
  * @param $host
  * @param $user
  * @param $password
  * @param $database
  * @param string $prefix
  * @param bool $select
  * @return DatabaseDriver
 public function getDbo($driver, $host, $user, $password, $database, $prefix = '', $select = true)
     static $db;
     if (!$db) {
         // Build the connection options array.
         $options = array('driver' => $driver, 'host' => $host, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $password, 'database' => $database, 'prefix' => $prefix, 'select' => $select);
         // Get a database object.
         $db = DatabaseDriver::getInstance($options);
     return $db;
  * loadToData
  * @param mixed  $query
  * @param string $dataClass
  * @return  mixed
 protected function loadToData($query, $dataClass = 'Windwalker\\Data\\Data')
     $data = $this->db->setQuery($query)->loadObject($dataClass);
     return $data;