/** * Run a build (it's suppose the image exist in docker * * @param Job $job Build to run * @param string|array $command Command to use when run the build (null, by default, will use the command registered to the image) * * @return integer The exit code of the command run inside (0 = success, otherwise it has failed) */ public function run(Job $job, $command) { if (is_string($command)) { $command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', $command]; } $image = $this->docker->getImageManager()->find($job->getName()); $hostConfig = new HostConfig(); $config = new ContainerConfig(); $config->setCmd($command); $config->setImage($image->getId()); $config->setHostConfig($hostConfig); $config->setLabels(new \ArrayObject(['com.jolici.container=true'])); $config->setAttachStderr(true); $config->setAttachStdout(true); $links = []; foreach ($job->getServices() as $service) { if ($service->getContainer()) { $serviceContainer = $this->docker->getContainerManager()->find($service->getContainer()); $links[] = sprintf('%s:%s', $serviceContainer->getName(), $service->getName()); } } $hostConfig->setLinks($links); $containerCreateResult = $this->docker->getContainerManager()->create($config); $attachStream = $this->docker->getContainerManager()->attach($containerCreateResult->getId(), ['stream' => true, 'stdout' => true, 'stderr' => true], ContainerManager::FETCH_STREAM); $attachStream->onStdout($this->logger->getRunStdoutCallback()); $attachStream->onStderr($this->logger->getRunStderrCallback()); $this->docker->getContainerManager()->start($containerCreateResult->getId()); $attachStream->wait(); $containerWait = $this->docker->getContainerManager()->wait($containerCreateResult->getId()); return $containerWait->getStatusCode(); }
/** * Run a build (it's suppose the image exist in docker * * @param Job $build Build to run * @param string|array $command Command to use when run the build (null, by default, will use the command registered to the image) * * @return integer The exit code of the command run inside (0 = success, otherwise it has failed) */ public function run(Job $build, $command = null) { $image = $this->docker->getImageManager()->find($build->getRepository(), $build->getTag()); $config = array('HostConfig' => array('Links' => array())); foreach ($build->getServices() as $service) { if ($service->getContainer()) { $config['HostConfig']['Links'][] = sprintf('%s:%s', $service->getContainer()->getRuntimeInformations()['Name'], $service->getName()); } } $container = new DockerContainer($config); if (is_string($command)) { $command = array('/bin/bash', '-c', $command); } if (is_array($command)) { $container->setCmd($command); } $container->setImage($image); $this->docker->getContainerManager()->run($container, $this->logger->getRunCallback(), array(), false, $this->timeout); return $container->getExitCode(); }