public function testExtractController() { $catalogue = $this->extract('Controller.php'); $fileSourceFactory = $this->getFileSourceFactory(); $fixtureSplInfo = new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__ . '/Fixture/Controller.php'); $expected = new MessageCatalogue(); $message = new Message('text.foo_bar'); $message->setDesc('Foo bar'); $message->addSource($fileSourceFactory->create($fixtureSplInfo, 45)); $expected->add($message); $message = new Message('text.sign_up_successful'); $message->setDesc('Welcome %name%! Thanks for signing up.'); $message->addSource($fileSourceFactory->create($fixtureSplInfo, 52)); $expected->add($message); $message = new Message('button.archive'); $message->setDesc('Archive Message'); $message->setMeaning('The verb (to archive), describes an action'); $message->addSource($fileSourceFactory->create($fixtureSplInfo, 59)); $expected->add($message); $message = new Message('text.irrelevant_doc_comment', 'baz'); $message->addSource($fileSourceFactory->create($fixtureSplInfo, 71)); $expected->add($message); $message = new Message('text.array_method_call'); $message->addSource($fileSourceFactory->create($fixtureSplInfo, 76)); $expected->add($message); $message = new Message('text.var.assign'); $message->setDesc('The var %foo% should be assigned.'); $message->addSource($fileSourceFactory->create($fixtureSplInfo, 82)); $expected->add($message); $this->assertEquals($expected, $catalogue); }
public function extract() { $catalogue = new MessageCatalogue(); $collection = $this->router instanceof I18nRouter ? $this->router->getOriginalRouteCollection() : $this->router->getRouteCollection(); foreach ($collection->all() as $name => $route) { if ($this->routeExclusionStrategy->shouldExcludeRoute($name, $route)) { continue; } /////////////////////////////////////// // Begin customizations $meaning = "Route Controller and method: " . $route->getDefault('_controller'); // set a default value // prefix with zikula module url if requested if ($route->hasDefault('_zkModule')) { $zkNoBundlePrefix = $route->getOption('zkNoBundlePrefix'); if (!isset($zkNoBundlePrefix) || !$zkNoBundlePrefix) { $meaning = "This is a route from the " . $route->getDefault('_zkModule') . "Bundle and will include a translated prefix."; } } // End customizations /////////////////////////////////////// $message = new Message($name, $this->domain); $message->setDesc($route->getPath()); if (isset($meaning)) { $message->setMeaning($meaning); } $catalogue->add($message); } return $catalogue; }
public function testExtractController() { $catalogue = $this->extract('Controller.php'); $path = __DIR__ . '/Fixture/Controller.php'; $expected = new MessageCatalogue(); $message = new Message('text.foo_bar'); $message->setDesc('Foo bar'); $message->addSource(new FileSource($path, 45)); $expected->add($message); $message = new Message('text.sign_up_successful'); $message->setDesc('Welcome %name%! Thanks for signing up.'); $message->addSource(new FileSource($path, 52)); $expected->add($message); $message = new Message('button.archive'); $message->setDesc('Archive Message'); $message->setMeaning('The verb (to archive), describes an action'); $message->addSource(new FileSource($path, 59)); $expected->add($message); $message = new Message('text.irrelevant_doc_comment', 'baz'); $message->addSource(new FileSource($path, 71)); $expected->add($message); $message = new Message('text.array_method_call'); $message->addSource(new FileSource($path, 76)); $expected->add($message); $this->assertEquals($expected, $catalogue); }
public function testDumpStructureWithMetadata() { $catalogue = new MessageCatalogue(); $catalogue->setLocale('en'); $message = new Message(''); $message->setDesc('Foo'); $catalogue->add($message); $message = new Message(''); $message->setMeaning('Bar'); $catalogue->add($message); $message = new Message('foo.baz'); $catalogue->add($message); $this->assertEquals($this->getOutput('structure_with_metadata'), $this->dump($catalogue, 'messages')); }
public function testMerge() { $message = new Message('foo'); $message->setDesc('foo'); $message->setMeaning('foo'); $message->addSource($s1 = $this->getMock('JMS\\TranslationBundle\\Model\\SourceInterface')); $message2 = new Message('foo'); $message2->setDesc('bar'); $message2->addSource($s2 = $this->getMock('JMS\\TranslationBundle\\Model\\SourceInterface')); $message->merge($message2); $this->assertEquals('bar', $message->getDesc()); $this->assertEquals('foo', $message->getMeaning()); $this->assertSame(array($s1, $s2), $message->getSources()); }
public function testExtractWithSimpleTestFixtures() { $expected = array(); $basePath = __DIR__ . '/Fixture/SimpleTest/'; $fileSourceFactory = new FileSourceFactory('faux'); // Controller $message = new Message(''); $message->addSource($fileSourceFactory->create(new \SplFileInfo($basePath . 'Controller/DefaultController.php'), 27)); $message->setDesc('Foo'); $expected[''] = $message; // Form Model $expected[''] = new Message(''); $expected[''] = new Message(''); // Templates foreach (array('php', 'twig') as $engine) { $message = new Message($engine . '.foo'); $message->addSource($fileSourceFactory->create(new \SplFileInfo($basePath . 'Resources/views/' . $engine . '_template.html.' . $engine), 1)); $expected[$engine . '.foo'] = $message; $message = new Message($engine . '.bar'); $message->setDesc('Bar'); $message->addSource($fileSourceFactory->create(new \SplFileInfo($basePath . 'Resources/views/' . $engine . '_template.html.' . $engine), 3)); $expected[$engine . '.bar'] = $message; $message = new Message($engine . '.baz'); $message->setMeaning('Baz'); $message->addSource($fileSourceFactory->create(new \SplFileInfo($basePath . 'Resources/views/' . $engine . '_template.html.' . $engine), 5)); $expected[$engine . '.baz'] = $message; $message = new Message($engine . '.foo_bar'); $message->setDesc('Foo'); $message->setMeaning('Bar'); $message->addSource($fileSourceFactory->create(new \SplFileInfo($basePath . 'Resources/views/' . $engine . '_template.html.' . $engine), 7)); $expected[$engine . '.foo_bar'] = $message; } // File with global namespace. $message = new Message(''); $message->addSource($fileSourceFactory->create(new \SplFileInfo($basePath . 'GlobalNamespace.php'), 27)); $message->setDesc('Bar'); $expected[''] = $message; $actual = $this->extract(__DIR__ . '/Fixture/SimpleTest')->getDomain('messages')->all(); asort($expected); asort($actual); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); }
public function testExtractEdit() { $expected = new MessageCatalogue(); $path = __DIR__ . '/Fixture/edit.html.twig'; $message = new Message('header.edit_profile'); $message->addSource(new FileSource($path, 10)); $expected->add($message); $message = new Message("text.archive"); $message->setDesc('Archive'); $message->setMeaning('The verb'); $message->addSource(new FileSource($path, 13)); $expected->add($message); $message = new Message('button.edit_profile'); $message->addSource(new FileSource($path, 16)); $expected->add($message); $message = new Message('link.cancel_profile'); $message->setDesc('Back to Profile'); $message->addSource(new FileSource($path, 17)); $expected->add($message); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->extract('edit.html.twig')); }
public function enterNode(\PHPParser_Node $node) { if (!$node instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Expr_MethodCall || !is_string($node->name) || 'trans' !== strtolower($node->name) && 'transchoice' !== strtolower($node->name)) { $this->previousNode = $node; return; } $ignore = false; $desc = $meaning = null; if (null !== ($docComment = $this->getDocCommentForNode($node))) { foreach ($this->docParser->parse($docComment, 'file ' . $this->file . ' near line ' . $node->getLine()) as $annot) { if ($annot instanceof Ignore) { $ignore = true; } else { if ($annot instanceof Desc) { $desc = $annot->text; } else { if ($annot instanceof Meaning) { $meaning = $annot->text; } } } } } if ($ignore) { return; } if (!$node->args[0]->value instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Scalar_String) { $message = sprintf('Can only extract the translation id from a scalar string, but got "%s". Please refactor your code to make it extractable, or add the doc comment /** @Ignore */ to this code element (in %s on line %d).', get_class($node->args[0]->value), $this->file, $node->args[0]->value->getLine()); if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->err($message); return; } throw new RuntimeException($message); } $id = $node->args[0]->value->value; $index = 'trans' === strtolower($node->name) ? 2 : 3; if (isset($node->args[$index])) { if (!$node->args[$index]->value instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Scalar_String) { $message = sprintf('Can only extract the translation domain from a scalar string, but got "%s". Please refactor your code to make it extractable, or add the doc comment /** @Ignore */ to this code element (in %s on line %d).', get_class($node->args[0]->value), $this->file, $node->args[0]->value->getLine()); if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->err($message); return; } throw new RuntimeException($message); } $domain = $node->args[$index]->value->value; } else { $domain = 'messages'; } $message = new Message($id, $domain); $message->setDesc($desc); $message->setMeaning($meaning); $message->addSource(new FileSource((string) $this->file, $node->getLine())); $this->catalogue->add($message); }
/** * @param Node $node */ public function enterNode(Node $node) { if (!$node instanceof Node\Stmt\Throw_ || !$node->expr instanceof Node\Expr\New_) { $this->previousNode = $node; return; } $exceptionClass = $node->expr->class->parts[0]; if (!in_array(strtolower($exceptionClass), array_map('strtolower', $this->exceptionsToExtractFrom))) { $this->previousNode = $node; return; } $node = $node->expr; $ignore = false; $desc = $meaning = null; if (null !== ($docComment = $this->getDocCommentForNode($node))) { if ($docComment instanceof Doc) { $docComment = $docComment->getText(); } foreach ($this->docParser->parse($docComment, 'file ' . $this->file . ' near line ' . $node->getLine()) as $annot) { if ($annot instanceof Ignore) { $ignore = true; } elseif ($annot instanceof Desc) { $desc = $annot->text; } elseif ($annot instanceof Meaning) { $meaning = $annot->text; } } } if (!$node->args[0]->value instanceof String_) { if ($ignore) { return; } $message = sprintf('Can only extract the translation id from a scalar string, but got "%s". Please refactor your code to make it extractable, or add the doc comment /** @Ignore */ to this code element (in %s on line %d).', get_class($node->args[0]->value), $this->file, $node->args[0]->value->getLine()); if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->error($message); return; } throw new RuntimeException($message); } $id = $node->args[0]->value->value; $message = new Message($id, $this->defaultDomain); $message->setDesc($desc); $message->setMeaning($meaning); $message->addSource($this->fileSourceFactory->create($this->file, $node->getLine())); $this->catalogue->add($message); }
/** * @param string $id * @param string $source * @param null|string $domain * @param null|string $desc * @param null|string $meaning */ private function addToCatalogue($id, $source, $domain = null, $desc = null, $meaning = null) { if (null === $domain) { $message = new Message($id); } else { $message = new Message($id, $domain); } $message->addSource($source); if ($desc) { $message->setDesc($desc); } if ($meaning) { $message->setMeaning($meaning); } $this->catalogue->add($message); }
public function enterNode(\PHPParser_Node $node) { /** * determine domain from namespace of files. * Finder appears to start with root level files so Namespace is correct for remaining files */ if ($node instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Stmt_Namespace) { if (isset($node->name)) { if (array_key_exists($node->name->toString(), $this->bundles)) { $this->domain = strtolower($this->bundles[$node->name->toString()]); } return; } else { foreach ($node->stmts as $node) { $this->enterNode($node); } return; } } if (!$node instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Expr_MethodCall || !is_string($node->name) || !in_array(strtolower($node->name), $this->methodNames)) { $this->previousNode = $node; return; } $ignore = false; $desc = $meaning = null; if (null !== ($docComment = $this->getDocCommentForNode($node))) { foreach ($this->docParser->parse($docComment, 'file ' . $this->file . ' near line ' . $node->getLine()) as $annot) { if ($annot instanceof Ignore) { $ignore = true; } else { if ($annot instanceof Desc) { $desc = $annot->text; } else { if ($annot instanceof Meaning) { $meaning = $annot->text; } } } } } if (!$node->args[0]->value instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Scalar_String) { if ($ignore) { return; } $message = sprintf('Can only extract the translation id from a scalar string, but got "%s". Please refactor your code to make it extractable, or add the doc comment /** @Ignore */ to this code element (in %s on line %d).', get_class($node->args[0]->value), $this->file, $node->args[0]->value->getLine()); if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->err($message); return; } throw new RuntimeException($message); } $id = $node->args[0]->value->value; if (in_array(strtolower($node->name), array('_n', '_fn'), true)) { // concatenate pluralized strings from zikula functions $id = $node->args[0]->value->value . '|' . $node->args[1]->value->value; } // determine location of domain $domainIndex = array_search(strtolower($node->name), $this->methodNames); if (isset($node->args[$domainIndex])) { if (!$node->args[$domainIndex]->value instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Scalar_String) { if ($ignore) { return; } $message = sprintf('Can only extract the translation domain from a scalar string, but got "%s". Please refactor your code to make it extractable, or add the doc comment /** @Ignore */ to this code element (in %s on line %d).', get_class($node->args[0]->value), $this->file, $node->args[0]->value->getLine()); if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->err($message); return; } throw new RuntimeException($message); } $domain = $node->args[$domainIndex]->value->value; } else { $domain = !empty($this->domain) ? $this->domain : 'messages'; } $message = new Message($id, $domain); $message->setDesc($desc); $message->setMeaning($meaning); $message->addSource(new FileSource((string) $this->file, $node->getLine())); $this->catalogue->add($message); }
private function parseItem($item) { // get doc comment $ignore = false; $desc = $meaning = null; if ($docComment = $item->value->getDocComment()) { foreach ($this->docParser->parse($docComment, 'file ' . $this->file . ' near line ' . $item->value->getLine()) as $annot) { if ($annot instanceof Ignore) { $ignore = true; } else { if ($annot instanceof Desc) { $desc = $annot->text; } else { if ($annot instanceof Meaning) { $meaning = $annot->text; } } } } } if (!$item->value instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Scalar_String) { if ($ignore) { return; } $message = sprintf('Unable to extract translation id for form label from non-string values, but got "%s" in %s on line %d. Please refactor your code to pass a string, or add "/** @Ignore */".', get_class($item->value), $this->file, $item->value->getLine()); if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->err($message); return; } throw new RuntimeException($message); } $message = new Message($item->value->value); $message->addSource(new FileSource((string) $this->file, $item->value->getLine())); if ($desc) { $message->setDesc($desc); } if ($meaning) { $message->setMeaning($meaning); } $this->catalogue->add($message); }