/** * @return AssetInfo */ public function getAssetInfo() { $assetInfo = new AssetInfo(); $assetInfo->setPath($this->getSrc()); $assetInfo->setPriority($this->getPriority()); $assetInfo->setAllowCompression($this->getCompression()); $assetInfo->setContentType($this->getType()); $assetInfo->setContent($this->getContent()); return $assetInfo; }
/** * @param array $definition */ protected function injectAsset($definition) { $assetInfo = new AssetInfo(); if (isset($definition['path'])) { $assetInfo->setPath($definition['path']); $assetInfo->setOriginalPath($definition['path']); } if (isset($definition['content'])) { $assetInfo->setContent($definition['content']); } if (isset($definition['contentType'])) { $assetInfo->setContentType($definition['contentType']); } if (isset($definition['priority'])) { $assetInfo->setPriority($definition['priority'] + 0); } foreach ($this->handleAsset($assetInfo) as $asset) { if (isset($definition['position']) && 'bottom' === strtolower($definition['position'])) { //instead of position use $asset->getPosition(); if (!$this->hasAsset($asset, $this->assetsInfoBottom)) { $this->assetsInfoBottom[$asset->getPriority()][] = $asset; } } else { if (!$this->hasAsset($asset)) { $this->assetsInfo[$asset->getPriority()][] = $asset; } } } }
public function compileFile(AssetInfo $assetInfo) { $assetPath = $assetInfo->getPath(); $localPath = $this->getAssetPath($assetPath); if (!file_exists($localPath)) { return null; } $publicPath = $this->getPublicAssetPath($assetPath); $targetPath = 'cache/scss/' . substr($publicPath, 0, strrpos($publicPath, '.')); if ('.css' !== substr($targetPath, -4)) { $targetPath .= '.css'; } $needsCompilation = true; $sourceMTime = filemtime($localPath); $dir = dirname($localPath); if ($this->filesystem->has('web/' . $targetPath)) { $fh = $this->filesystem->handle('web/' . $targetPath); if ($fh) { $firstLine = fgets($fh); $info = substr($firstLine, strlen('/* compiled at '), -3); $spacePosition = strpos($info, ' '); $lastSourceMTime = 0; $dependencies = []; if ($spacePosition > 0) { $lastSourceMTime = (int) substr($info, 0, $spacePosition); $dependencies = trim(substr($info, $spacePosition + 1)); if ($dependencies) { $dependencies = explode(',', trim(substr($info, $spacePosition + 1))); } else { $dependencies = []; } } else { //old format without dependencies $lastSourceMTime = (int) $info; } $needsCompilation = $lastSourceMTime !== $sourceMTime; if (!$needsCompilation) { //check dependencies foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) { list($path, $depLastMTime) = explode(':', $dependency); $depLastMTime = (int) $depLastMTime; if (!file_exists($dir . '/' . $path)) { //depended file does not exist anymore, so we need to recompile $needsCompilation = true; break; } $depSourceMTime = filemtime($dir . '/' . $path); if ($depLastMTime !== $depSourceMTime) { $needsCompilation = true; break; } } } } } if ($needsCompilation) { //resolve all dependencies $dependencies = []; $this->resolveDependencies($localPath, $dependencies); $processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(); $processBuilder->setInput(file_get_contents($localPath))->add('sass')->add('--scss')->add('--no-cache')->add('--unix-newlines')->add('--load-path')->add(dirname($localPath))->add($localPath)->enableOutput(); $process = $processBuilder->getProcess(); $process->start(); while ($process->isRunning()) { } if (127 === $process->getExitCode()) { throw new \RuntimeException('sass binary not found. Please install sass first and make its in $PATH. ' . $process->getExitCodeText()); } if (0 !== $process->getExitCode()) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Error during scss compilation of %s:\n%s\n%s\n%s", $assetPath, $process->getExitCodeText(), $process->getErrorOutput(), $process->getOutput())); } $compiled = $process->getOutput(); $compiled = $this->replaceRelativePaths($publicPath, $targetPath, $compiled); $dependencies = implode(',', $dependencies); $info = "{$sourceMTime} {$dependencies}"; $compiled = "/* compiled at {$info} */\n" . $compiled; $this->filesystem->write('web/' . $targetPath, $compiled); } $assetInfo = new AssetInfo(); $assetInfo->setPath($targetPath); $assetInfo->setContentType('text/css'); return $assetInfo; }