 public function WriteMetaFLAC()
     // Create file with new comments
     $tempcommentsfilename = tempnam(Utils::getTempDirectory(), 'getID3');
     if (is_writable($tempcommentsfilename) && is_file($tempcommentsfilename) && ($fpcomments = fopen($tempcommentsfilename, 'wb'))) {
         foreach ($this->tag_data as $key => $value) {
             foreach ($value as $commentdata) {
                 fwrite($fpcomments, $this->CleanmetaflacName($key) . '=' . $commentdata . "\n");
     } else {
         $this->errors[] = 'failed to open temporary tags file, tags not written - fopen("' . $tempcommentsfilename . '", "wb")';
         return false;
     $oldignoreuserabort = ignore_user_abort(true);
     if (Utils::isWindows()) {
         if (file_exists(Utils::getHelperAppDirectory() . 'metaflac.exe')) {
             //$commandline = '"' . Utils::getHelperAppDirectory() . 'metaflac.exe" --no-utf8-convert --remove-all-tags --import-tags-from="' . $tempcommentsfilename . '" "' . str_replace('/', '\\', $this->filename) . '"';
             //  metaflac works fine if you copy-paste the above commandline into a command prompt,
             //  but refuses to work with `backtick` if there are "doublequotes" present around BOTH
             //  the metaflac pathname and the target filename. For whatever reason...??
             //  The solution is simply ensure that the metaflac pathname has no spaces,
             //  and therefore does not need to be quoted
             // On top of that, if error messages are not always captured properly under Windows
             // To at least see if there was a problem, compare file modification timestamps before and after writing
             $timestampbeforewriting = filemtime($this->filename);
             $commandline = Utils::getHelperAppDirectory() . 'metaflac.exe --no-utf8-convert --remove-all-tags --import-tags-from=' . escapeshellarg($tempcommentsfilename) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($this->filename) . ' 2>&1';
             $metaflacError = `{$commandline}`;
             if (empty($metaflacError)) {
                 if ($timestampbeforewriting == filemtime($this->filename)) {
                     $metaflacError = 'File modification timestamp has not changed - it looks like the tags were not written';
         } else {
             $metaflacError = 'metaflac.exe not found in ' . Utils::getHelperAppDirectory();
     } else {
         // It's simpler on *nix
         $commandline = 'metaflac --no-utf8-convert --remove-all-tags --import-tags-from=' . escapeshellarg($tempcommentsfilename) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($this->filename) . ' 2>&1';
         $metaflacError = `{$commandline}`;
     // Remove temporary comments file
     if (!empty($metaflacError)) {
         $this->errors[] = 'System call to metaflac failed with this message returned: ' . "\n\n" . $metaflacError;
         return false;
     return true;
 public function ParseRIFFdata(&$RIFFdata)
     $info =& $this->getid3->info;
     if ($RIFFdata) {
         $tempfile = tempnam(Utils::getTempDirectory(), 'getID3');
         $fp_temp = fopen($tempfile, 'wb');
         $RIFFdataLength = strlen($RIFFdata);
         $NewLengthString = Utils::LittleEndian2String($RIFFdataLength, 4);
         for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
             $RIFFdata[$i + 4] = $NewLengthString[$i];
         fwrite($fp_temp, $RIFFdata);
         $getid3_temp = new GetID3();
         $getid3_temp->info['filesize'] = $RIFFdataLength;
         $getid3_temp->info['filenamepath'] = $info['filenamepath'];
         $getid3_temp->info['tags'] = $info['tags'];
         $getid3_temp->info['warning'] = $info['warning'];
         $getid3_temp->info['error'] = $info['error'];
         $getid3_temp->info['comments'] = $info['comments'];
         $getid3_temp->info['audio'] = isset($info['audio']) ? $info['audio'] : array();
         $getid3_temp->info['video'] = isset($info['video']) ? $info['video'] : array();
         $getid3_riff = new Riff($getid3_temp);
         $info['riff'] = $getid3_temp->info['riff'];
         $info['warning'] = $getid3_temp->info['warning'];
         $info['error'] = $getid3_temp->info['error'];
         $info['tags'] = $getid3_temp->info['tags'];
         $info['comments'] = $getid3_temp->info['comments'];
         unset($getid3_riff, $getid3_temp);
     return false;
 public function RemoveReal()
     // File MUST be writeable - CHMOD(646) at least
     if (is_writeable($this->filename) && is_file($this->filename) && ($fp_source = fopen($this->filename, 'r+b'))) {
         // Initialize getID3 engine
         $getID3 = new GetID3();
         $OldThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($this->filename);
         if (empty($OldThisFileInfo['real']['chunks']) && !empty($OldThisFileInfo['real']['old_ra_header'])) {
             $this->errors[] = 'Cannot remove Real tags from old-style file format';
             return false;
         if (empty($OldThisFileInfo['real']['chunks'])) {
             $this->errors[] = 'Cannot remove Real tags because cannot find DATA chunk in file';
             return false;
         foreach ($OldThisFileInfo['real']['chunks'] as $chunknumber => $chunkarray) {
             $oldChunkInfo[$chunkarray['name']] = $chunkarray;
         if (empty($oldChunkInfo['CONT'])) {
             // no existing CONT chunk
             return true;
         $BeforeOffset = $oldChunkInfo['CONT']['offset'];
         $AfterOffset = $oldChunkInfo['CONT']['offset'] + $oldChunkInfo['CONT']['length'];
         if ($tempfilename = tempnam(Utils::getTempDirectory(), 'getID3')) {
             if (is_writable($tempfilename) && is_file($tempfilename) && ($fp_temp = fopen($tempfilename, 'wb'))) {
                 fwrite($fp_temp, fread($fp_source, $BeforeOffset));
                 fseek($fp_source, $AfterOffset);
                 while ($buffer = fread($fp_source, $this->fread_buffer_size)) {
                     fwrite($fp_temp, $buffer, strlen($buffer));
                 if (copy($tempfilename, $this->filename)) {
                     return true;
                 $this->errors[] = 'FAILED: copy(' . $tempfilename . ', ' . $this->filename . ')';
             } else {
                 $this->errors[] = 'Could not fopen("' . $tempfilename . '", "wb")';
         return false;
     $this->errors[] = 'Could not fopen("' . $this->filename . '", "r+b")';
     return false;
文件: La.php 项目: noxian/WP-Filebase
 public function Analyze()
     $info =& $this->getid3->info;
     $offset = 0;
     $rawdata = $this->fread($this->getid3->fread_buffer_size());
     switch (substr($rawdata, $offset, 4)) {
         case 'LA02':
         case 'LA03':
         case 'LA04':
             $info['fileformat'] = 'la';
             $info['audio']['dataformat'] = 'la';
             $info['audio']['lossless'] = true;
             $info['la']['version_major'] = (int) substr($rawdata, $offset + 2, 1);
             $info['la']['version_minor'] = (int) substr($rawdata, $offset + 3, 1);
             $info['la']['version'] = (double) $info['la']['version_major'] + $info['la']['version_minor'] / 10;
             $offset += 4;
             $info['la']['uncompressed_size'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 4));
             $offset += 4;
             if ($info['la']['uncompressed_size'] == 0) {
                 $info['error'][] = 'Corrupt LA file: uncompressed_size == zero';
                 return false;
             $WAVEchunk = substr($rawdata, $offset, 4);
             if ($WAVEchunk !== 'WAVE') {
                 $info['error'][] = 'Expected "WAVE" (' . Utils::PrintHexBytes('WAVE') . ') at offset ' . $offset . ', found "' . $WAVEchunk . '" (' . Utils::PrintHexBytes($WAVEchunk) . ') instead.';
                 return false;
             $offset += 4;
             $info['la']['fmt_size'] = 24;
             if ($info['la']['version'] >= 0.3) {
                 $info['la']['fmt_size'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 4));
                 $info['la']['header_size'] = 49 + $info['la']['fmt_size'] - 24;
                 $offset += 4;
             } else {
                 // version 0.2 didn't support additional data blocks
                 $info['la']['header_size'] = 41;
             $fmt_chunk = substr($rawdata, $offset, 4);
             if ($fmt_chunk !== 'fmt ') {
                 $info['error'][] = 'Expected "fmt " (' . Utils::PrintHexBytes('fmt ') . ') at offset ' . $offset . ', found "' . $fmt_chunk . '" (' . Utils::PrintHexBytes($fmt_chunk) . ') instead.';
                 return false;
             $offset += 4;
             $fmt_size = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 4));
             $offset += 4;
             $info['la']['raw']['format'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 2));
             $offset += 2;
             $info['la']['channels'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 2));
             $offset += 2;
             if ($info['la']['channels'] == 0) {
                 $info['error'][] = 'Corrupt LA file: channels == zero';
                 return false;
             $info['la']['sample_rate'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 4));
             $offset += 4;
             if ($info['la']['sample_rate'] == 0) {
                 $info['error'][] = 'Corrupt LA file: sample_rate == zero';
                 return false;
             $info['la']['bytes_per_second'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 4));
             $offset += 4;
             $info['la']['bytes_per_sample'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 2));
             $offset += 2;
             $info['la']['bits_per_sample'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 2));
             $offset += 2;
             $info['la']['samples'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 4));
             $offset += 4;
             $info['la']['raw']['flags'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 1));
             $offset += 1;
             $info['la']['flags']['seekable'] = (bool) ($info['la']['raw']['flags'] & 0x1);
             if ($info['la']['version'] >= 0.4) {
                 $info['la']['flags']['high_compression'] = (bool) ($info['la']['raw']['flags'] & 0x2);
             $info['la']['original_crc'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 4));
             $offset += 4;
             // mikeØbevin*de
             // Basically, the blocksize/seekevery are 61440/19 in La0.4 and 73728/16
             // in earlier versions. A seekpoint is added every blocksize * seekevery
             // samples, so 4 * int(totalSamples / (blockSize * seekEvery)) should
             // give the number of bytes used for the seekpoints. Of course, if seeking
             // is disabled, there are no seekpoints stored.
             if ($info['la']['version'] >= 0.4) {
                 $info['la']['blocksize'] = 61440;
                 $info['la']['seekevery'] = 19;
             } else {
                 $info['la']['blocksize'] = 73728;
                 $info['la']['seekevery'] = 16;
             $info['la']['seekpoint_count'] = 0;
             if ($info['la']['flags']['seekable']) {
                 $info['la']['seekpoint_count'] = floor($info['la']['samples'] / ($info['la']['blocksize'] * $info['la']['seekevery']));
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $info['la']['seekpoint_count']; $i++) {
                     $info['la']['seekpoints'][] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 4));
                     $offset += 4;
             if ($info['la']['version'] >= 0.3) {
                 // Following the main header information, the program outputs all of the
                 // seekpoints. Following these is what I called the 'footer start',
                 // i.e. the position immediately after the La audio data is finished.
                 $info['la']['footerstart'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, $offset, 4));
                 $offset += 4;
                 if ($info['la']['footerstart'] > $info['filesize']) {
                     $info['warning'][] = 'FooterStart value points to offset ' . $info['la']['footerstart'] . ' which is beyond end-of-file (' . $info['filesize'] . ')';
                     $info['la']['footerstart'] = $info['filesize'];
             } else {
                 // La v0.2 didn't have FooterStart value
                 $info['la']['footerstart'] = $info['avdataend'];
             if ($info['la']['footerstart'] < $info['avdataend']) {
                 if ($RIFFtempfilename = tempnam(Utils::getTempDirectory(), 'id3')) {
                     if ($RIFF_fp = fopen($RIFFtempfilename, 'w+b')) {
                         $RIFFdata = 'WAVE';
                         if ($info['la']['version'] == 0.2) {
                             $RIFFdata .= substr($rawdata, 12, 24);
                         } else {
                             $RIFFdata .= substr($rawdata, 16, 24);
                         if ($info['la']['footerstart'] < $info['avdataend']) {
                             $RIFFdata .= $this->fread($info['avdataend'] - $info['la']['footerstart']);
                         $RIFFdata = 'RIFF' . Utils::LittleEndian2String(strlen($RIFFdata), 4, false) . $RIFFdata;
                         fwrite($RIFF_fp, $RIFFdata, strlen($RIFFdata));
                         $getid3_temp = new GetID3();
                         $getid3_riff = new Riff($getid3_temp);
                         if (empty($getid3_temp->info['error'])) {
                             $info['riff'] = $getid3_temp->info['riff'];
                         } else {
                             $info['warning'][] = 'Error parsing RIFF portion of La file: ' . implode($getid3_temp->info['error']);
                         unset($getid3_temp, $getid3_riff);
             // $info['avdataoffset'] should be zero to begin with, but just in case it's not, include the addition anyway
             $info['avdataend'] = $info['avdataoffset'] + $info['la']['footerstart'];
             $info['avdataoffset'] = $info['avdataoffset'] + $offset;
             $info['la']['compression_ratio'] = (double) (($info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset']) / $info['la']['uncompressed_size']);
             $info['playtime_seconds'] = (double) ($info['la']['samples'] / $info['la']['sample_rate']) / $info['la']['channels'];
             if ($info['playtime_seconds'] == 0) {
                 $info['error'][] = 'Corrupt LA file: playtime_seconds == zero';
                 return false;
             $info['audio']['bitrate'] = ($info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset']) * 8 / $info['playtime_seconds'];
             //$info['audio']['codec']              = $info['la']['codec'];
             $info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] = $info['la']['bits_per_sample'];
             if (substr($rawdata, $offset, 2) == 'LA') {
                 $info['error'][] = 'This version of getID3() [' . $this->getid3->version() . '] does not support LA version ' . substr($rawdata, $offset + 2, 1) . '.' . substr($rawdata, $offset + 3, 1) . ' which this appears to be - check http://getid3.sourceforge.net for updates.';
             } else {
                 $info['error'][] = 'Not a LA (Lossless-Audio) file';
             return false;
     $info['audio']['channels'] = $info['la']['channels'];
     $info['audio']['sample_rate'] = (int) $info['la']['sample_rate'];
     $info['audio']['encoder'] = 'LA v' . $info['la']['version'];
     return true;