In essence subclasses will be data access objects ( This class serves as a base class for access to different type of persistence layers we might want to use to store the states for stateful entities. for example: relational (postgres/mysql) databases, nosql databases, php sessions, files, memory, mongodb, redis etc.. It also acts as a central place to store logic related to this persistance layer, which might be useful when you want to get statistics from the persistence layer and make it available to your application code. all data access logic should be centralized in a subclass of adapter logic such as: - history of all transitions (when did an entity for a statemachine transition?) - the retrieval of the definition of transitions - the retrieval of data (like state, rules and commands) to be able to check/execute them via a form (with input of machine and entity_id). see the persistence/Tooling interface. A specific type of persistence adapter can be coupled (via the AbstractFactory) to a specific implementation of a statemachine. This abstract Adapter class has no side effects (like database/file/session/memory writes etc). Subclasses will probably have side effects. Adapter is a base class that defines the algorithm outline for reading and writing a state. It implements hooks to allow subclasses to alter the base implementation. This class is a helper class for Context. Context delegates reading and writing states to this class and it's subclasses.
Author: Rolf Vreijdenberger
 public function toString()
     return parent::toString() . " [reader] " . $this->reader->toString() . " [writer] " . $this->writer->toString();