/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store($gallery_id) { $input = \Input::all(); $validation = new \Itestense\LaravelPhotogallery\Validators\Photo(); if ($validation->passes()) { $filename = str_random(10) . time() . "." . \Input::file('path')->getClientOriginalExtension(); $destination = public_path() . \Config::get('upload_dir') . "/"; $upload = \Input::file('path')->move($destination, $filename); $img = \Image::make($destination . $filename); $formats = \Config::get('laravel-photogallery::formats'); foreach ($formats as $name => $format) { $img->resize($format['w'], $format['h'], function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); $img->save($destination . $name . '/' . $filename, $format['q']); } if ($upload == false) { return \Redirect::to('gallery.photo.create')->withInput()->withErrors($validation->errors)->with('message', 'Errori'); } $photo = new Photo(); $photo->name = \Input::get('name'); $photo->description = \Input::get('description'); $photo->path = $filename; $photo->save(); $g = Gallery::findOrFail(1); $photo->galleries()->attach($g); //return \Redirect::route("gallery.photo.show", array('id' => $photo->id)); } else { return \Redirect::route('gallery.photo.create')->withInput()->withErrors($validation->errors)->with('message', \Lang::get('gallery::gallery.errors')); } }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $gallery = Gallery::findOrFail($id); //$photos = $gallery->photos(); This is the right one //This is for debugging $photos = Photo::all(); return \View::make('laravel-photogallery::galleries.edit', ['gallery' => $gallery, 'photos' => $photos])->nest('form', 'laravel-photogallery::forms.create-photoingallery', ['gallery' => $gallery, 'photos' => $photos]); }
public function search($key) { $photos = Photo::where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$key}%")->get(); return \View::make('laravel-photogallery::photos.search', ['photos' => $photos, 'key' => $key]); }