private function startHttpMock() { echo "Starting http mock server on {$this->config['host']}:{$this->config['port']}" . PHP_EOL; $this->server = new Server($this->config['port'], $this->config['host']); $this->server->start(); $this->setUpDependencyInjection(); }
public function setUp() { $this->matches = new MatcherFactory(); $this->builder = new MockBuilder($this->matches, new ExtractorFactory()); $this->server = new Server(HTTP_MOCK_PORT, HTTP_MOCK_HOST); $this->server->start(); $this->server->clean(); }
/** * Gets the mocked HTTP server. * * Initializes the server if it was not used before. * By default it responds to any POST requests to /invalidate with 200 OK, * additional behavior can be added in further steps. * * @return Server * The mocked HTTP server. */ protected function getServer() { if (!$this->server) { $this->server = new Server($this->mockServerPort, 'localhost'); $this->server->start(); // Accept any POSTS. $mock = new MockBuilder(new MatcherFactory(), new ExtractorFactory()); $mock->when()->pathIs('/invalidate')->methodIs('POST')->then()->statusCode(200); $this->server->setUp($mock->flushExpectations()); } return $this->server; }
public function __construct($port, $host, $basePath) { $server = new Server($port, $host); $server->start(); $this->services['server'] = $server; $this->basePath = $basePath; }
public static function setUpBeforeClass() { static::$server1 = new Server(HTTP_MOCK_PORT, HTTP_MOCK_HOST); static::$server1->start(); }