public function execute()
     // Check permissions
     if (!\Current_User::allow('intern', 'create_internship')) {
         \NQ::simple('intern', NotifyUI::ERROR, 'You do not have permission to create new internships.');
     // Get a list of any missing input the user didn't fill in
     $missingFieldList = $this->checkForMissingInput();
     // If there are missing fields, redirect to the add internship interface
     if (!empty($missingFieldList)) {
     // Check that the student Id looks valid
     $studentId = $_POST['studentId'];
     // Get the term
     // TODO Double check that this is reasonable
     $term = $_POST['term'];
     // Create the student object
     $student = StudentProviderFactory::getProvider()->getStudent($studentId, $term);
     // Get the department ojbect
     $departmentId = preg_replace("/^_/", '', $_POST['department']);
     // Remove leading underscore in department id
     $department = DepartmentFactory::getDepartmentById($departmentId);
     if (!$department instanceof Department) {
         throw new \Exception('Could not load department.');
     // Create and save the agency object
     $agency = new Agency($_POST['agency']);
     // Get the location
     $location = $_POST['location'];
     if ($location == 'international') {
         $state = null;
         $country = $_POST['country'];
     } else {
         $state = $_POST['state'];
         $country = null;
     // Create a new internship object
     $intern = new Internship($student, $term, $location, $state, $country, $department, $agency);
     // Save it!!
     $t = \Intern\WorkflowTransitionFactory::getTransitionByName('Intern\\WorkflowTransition\\CreationTransition');
     $workflow = new \Intern\WorkflowController($intern, $t);
     // Show a success notice and redirect to the edit page
     \NQ::simple('intern', \Intern\UI\NotifyUI::SUCCESS, "Created internship for {$intern->getFullName()}");
     return \PHPWS_Core::reroute('index.php?module=intern&action=ShowInternship&internship_id=' . $intern->getId());