  * Display path player
  * @param  \Innova\PathBundle\Entity\Path\Path $path
  * @return array
  * @Route(
  *      "/{id}",
  *      name     = "innova_path_player_wizard",
  *      defaults = { "stepId" = null },
  *      options  = { "expose" = true }
  * )
  * @Template("InnovaPathBundle:Wizard:player.html.twig")
 public function displayAction(Path $path)
     // Check User credentials
     $this->pathManager->checkAccess('OPEN', $path);
     $resourceIcons = $this->om->getRepository('ClarolineCoreBundle:Resource\\ResourceIcon')->findByIsShortcut(false);
     return array('_resource' => $path, 'userProgression' => $this->pathManager->getUserProgression($path), 'resourceIcons' => $resourceIcons, 'editEnabled' => $this->pathManager->isAllow('EDIT', $path));
  * @DI\Observe("widget_innova_path_widget_configuration")
  * @param ConfigureWidgetEvent $event
 public function onConfigure(ConfigureWidgetEvent $event)
     $instance = $event->getInstance();
     $config = $this->pathManager->getWidgetConfig($instance);
     $form = $this->formFactory->create('innova_path_widget_config', $config);
     $content = $this->twig->render('InnovaPathBundle:Widget:config.html.twig', ['form' => $form->createView(), 'instance' => $instance, 'tags' => $this->tagManager->getPlatformTags()]);
  * Display dashboard for path of users.
  * @Route(
  *     "/userpath/{id}",
  *     name         = "innova_path_manage_results",
  *     requirements = {"id" = "\d+"},
  *     options      = {"expose" = true}
  * )
  * @Method("GET")
  * @ParamConverter("path", class="InnovaPathBundle:Path\Path", options={"id" = "id"})
  * @Template("InnovaPathBundle::manageResults.html.twig")
 public function displayStepUnlockAction(Path $path)
     //prevent direct access
     $this->pathManager->checkAccess('EDIT', $path);
     $data = [];
     $workspace = $path->getWorkspace();
     //retrieve users having access to the WS
     //TODO Optimize
     $users = $this->om->getRepository('ClarolineCoreBundle:User')->findUsersByWorkspace($workspace);
     $userdata = [];
     //for all users in the WS
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         //get their progression
         $userdata[] = ['user' => $user, 'progression' => $this->pathManager->getUserProgression($path, $user), 'locked' => $this->pathManager->getPathLockedProgression($path)];
     $data = ['path' => $path, 'userdata' => $userdata];
     return ['_resource' => $path, 'workspace' => $workspace, 'data' => $data];
  * Publish path
  * Create all needed resources for path to be played
  * @Route(
  *     "/publish/{id}",
  *     name         = "innova_path_publish",
  *     requirements = {"id" = "\d+"},
  *     options      = {"expose" = true}
  * )
  * @Method("PUT")
 public function publishAction(Path $path)
     $this->pathManager->checkAccess('EDIT', $path);
     $response = array();
     try {
         // Publish success
         $response['status'] = 'OK';
         $response['messages'] = array();
         $response['data'] = json_decode($path->getStructure());
         // Send updated data
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // Error
         $response['status'] = 'ERROR';
         $response['messages'] = array($e->getMessage());
         $response['data'] = null;
     return new JsonResponse($response);
  * @param WidgetInstance $widgetInstance
  * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
  * @throws \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AccessDeniedException
  * @return array
  * @Route(
  *      "/widget/config/{widgetInstance}",
  *      name= "innova_path_widget_config"
  * )
  * @Method("POST")
  * @Template("InnovaPathBundle:Widget:config.html.twig")
 public function updateWidgetAction(WidgetInstance $widgetInstance, Request $request)
     // User can not edit the Widget
     if (!$this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('edit', $widgetInstance)) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException();
     $config = $this->pathManager->getWidgetConfig($widgetInstance);
     if (null === $config) {
         $config = new PathWidgetConfig();
     $form = $this->formFactory->create('innova_path_widget_config', $config);
     if ($form->isValid()) {
         // Remove tags
         $tagsToRemove = $form->get('removeTags')->getData();
         if (!empty($tagsToRemove)) {
             // Search the Tag by ID
             $existingTags = $config->getTags()->toArray();
             $toRemoveArray = array_filter($existingTags, function ($entry) use($tagsToRemove) {
                 return in_array($entry->getId(), $tagsToRemove);
             foreach ($toRemoveArray as $toRemove) {
         // Add tags
         $tags = $form->get('tags')->getData();
         if (!empty($tags)) {
             // Ge the list of Tags from data String
             $tags = explode(',', $tags);
             $uniqueTags = array();
             foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                 $value = trim($tag);
                 if (!empty($value)) {
                     $uniqueTags[strtolower($value)] = $value;
             foreach ($uniqueTags as $tagName) {
                 $tagObject = $this->tagManager->getOnePlatformTagByName($tagName);
                 if (!empty($tagObject)) {
         return new Response('success', 204);
     return array('form' => $form->createView(), 'instance' => $widgetInstance, 'tags' => $this->tagManager->getPlatformTags());
  * Save Path
  * @param Path $path
  * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse
  * @Route(
  *      "/{id}",
  *      name    = "innova_path_editor_wizard_save",
  *      options = { "expose" = true }
  * )
  * @Method("PUT")
 public function saveAction(Path $path, Request $request)
     $this->pathManager->checkAccess('EDIT', $path);
     // Create form
     $form = $this->formFactory->create('innova_path', $path, array('method' => 'PUT', 'csrf_protection' => false));
     $response = array();
     // Try to process data
     if ($form->isValid()) {
         // Form is valid => create or update the path
         // Validation OK
         $response['status'] = 'OK';
         $response['messages'] = array();
         $response['data'] = $path->getStructure();
     } else {
         // Validation Error
         $response['status'] = 'ERROR_VALIDATION';
         $response['messages'] = $this->getFormErrors($form);
         $response['data'] = null;
     return new JsonResponse($response);
  * Display path player.
  * @param \Innova\PathBundle\Entity\Path\Path $path
  * @return array
  * @Route(
  *      "/{id}",
  *      name     = "innova_path_player_wizard",
  *      options  = { "expose" = true }
  * )
  * @Template("InnovaPathBundle:Wizard:player.html.twig")
 public function displayAction(Path $path)
     // Check User credentials
     $this->pathManager->checkAccess('OPEN', $path);
     return ['_resource' => $path, 'workspace' => $path->getWorkspace(), 'userProgression' => $this->pathManager->getUserProgression($path), 'editEnabled' => $this->pathManager->isAllow('EDIT', $path), 'totalProgression' => $this->userProgressionManager->calculateUserProgressionInPath($path)];